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Private/Closed The Daycare Service

Snow sighed "fun is when me and you go do something together "she smiled at him.

Flaffy sighed then she laid beside him "why are you staring at them...The glaseon "

Aria sighed "ok bye "she smiled

Eevee walked in the barn and she laid down beside Amsthyst and zoura
Upon realizing that the Pokémon were, indeed doing next to nothing other than going on dates that were (to his knowledge) out of their… egg groups, was it? Pfft, not like he cared. It was still more interesting than listening to Flaaffy, however. Flying on top of the roof, he waited for anything interesting at all to happen.
"Ok, can you be more descriptive? You know like, types of fun?" The Riolu asked. "And stop Smiling. It's weird. You keep Smiling all day." The Riolu asked.

"Well, the Glaceon double crossed me. And the Riolu. I've never seen a shiny Riolu in this Ranch. We have Riolu eggs, but they shouldent be hatching yet. I think he's a outsider. And I also think he's plotting something." Midnight said.

Diamond walked In in the three. "Hey Amethyst, are they being good?" Diamond asked. The Espeon nodded, in a yes response. Diamond sighed. "Ok, I'll see you later then." Diamond sighed.
Snow nodded "ok well like hanging out together or exploing the woods or even just taking a walk together" she told him.

"oh so she is bad and shes mean?"she asked then she looked at them as well "and she looks like the riolu is her new boyfriend"

Eevee snuggled up to Amethyst "so warm.."
"So, then I guess I was having fun, with my Clan. Hmm, then do You want to go to the woods then?" Riolu asked."I find it 'Fun'." Riolu sighed.

"Yea, I guess you could say that. "Midnight sighed. So she double crossed, me, now I'm pretty mad. Good thing that's over, and I have you." Midnight smiled, as he closed his eyes.

Amethyst blushed, as the Eevee snuggled up to her. She smiled, then looked back to the Zorua. He was snuggled up also. Amethyst smiled, as she fell asleep.
Snow nodded "sure i like the woods"

Flaffy laid beside him "aww thanks..yeah she seems mean " She said as she snuggled up to him "your kind of amazing and im happy with you"

Eevee smiled then she fell asleep as well
"Yes! The woods! Let us go!" The Riolu smiled. "Maybe I'll find my tribe? Maybe I can run against out leader, then become the new leader!" The Riolu grunted, and he thought.

Midnight Blushed. It was spring, and it was pretty hot outside. Midnight started sweating, as her wool, contacted. "Ngh. It's all hot!" Midnight sighed. He lied down. "Thanks." He smiled.

Amethyst smiled, as the two kids fell asleep next to her. "Heh, I'm like a Mom!" She smiled. She layed down, and fell aspeep.
"Yay, You lead the way "Snow told him

Flaffy sighed "sorry i forget that its hot today"she smiled at him

Eevee yawned then she looked up at Amethyst and she said "yeah a good mom too"she had said that in a low voice
"Then Follow me!" He yelled. He started running, stoping every few seconds to check on Snow. He turned the corner to see something he dreaded. It was his leader, along with the other 2 Riolu. They were eating Frozen foods, re stolen from. The Mart. "He gasped."

"Heh, it's OK. At least I'm not cold. He joked. Midnight knew that it wD going to be summer soon, and it meant more work for them. They would have to shave all the Mareep, multiple times, due to how fast thier wool grew. They also would be taking in more orders, for trainers who wanted to enjoy summer. Midnight sighed, as he enjoyed his moment now.

Amethyst blushed. "B-But, Im not your mom! Snow is! I think? I think I'm more of a aunt, or cousin." Amethyst thought.
Snow followed him then she saw them "ahh not them.."she shivered in fear "im an ice type so one hit and im dead" she hide behide him.

Flaffy smiled "yay...So midnight why do you hate that Glaseon so much ..did she do something really bad?" she asked before she gave him a nuzzel

Eevee smiled "aunt..your my aunt i think...i wish zoura...could stay i like him ..hes cool"
"My Clan! I found them! Yes! Now we can get revenge on that Stupid Espeon, for ruining our Plan!" The Riolu planned, evilly. He appeared. "Hello Lucario!" He bowed.

Hearing the words come out of the Flaffy's mouth, made Midnight blush. "Um, Well, Uh. I'd rather not talk about It. It's really embarrassing." Midnight blushed more. The Nuzzle wasnt too much, but it did sting him. It only felt like a little pinch though.

Amethyst gasped. She whispered in the Eevee's ear. "You Like Him!" She smiled. Amethyst was supposed to be the bigger Mon, yet couldn't resist, asking her the question.
Snow saw him and she drooped "i should have known "she watched from afar.

Flaffy smiled "well ok Midnight "she patted his head "hey wanna go in the fields and play?" she asked him

Eevee Turned as red as a flareon "what..No.....maybe"she drooped "is that bad?" she asked
The Locario grunted. "Why are you here!" He growled. "I left you for a reason, it was because of you that we failed our attempt, luckily these two are much stronger, as they finished the mission thierselfs!" The Lucario smiled, kicking the Riolu into a tree. "If you prove valuable, we will let you join us. If not, then you will become sacrificed!" The Lucario grunted. Riolu pointed to a tree. The Lucario sensed it. "Grab her!" He yelled. Two Riolu ran over and grabbed he by the ears. The Lucario smiled.

"Uh, you go ahead! I'm gonna stay here for awhile. I just need some thinking time! You know, what I mean right?" Midnight asked.

"What!!!! NoNoNoNoNo! Thats good! Everyone feels it!" Amethyst blushed, after realizing, that she was teaching a 2 day old old about love. "She sighed. "It's complicated." She smiled.
Snow growled and she used Blizzard and she froze the two Weakling "alright you wanna fight "she stepped out and she looked at the lucario

Flaffy nodded "yes i understand "she runs off to play

Eevee sighed "thanks..but he will leave when his trainer comes.."she drooped.. "i dont know what to do"
The Lucario growled. He used Extreme Speed, running behind her. He grabbed her by the neck. "Finish her off! Use Force Palm! She's week, it will do the trick!" The Lucario smiled. "The Riolu prepared a Force Palm. "For You! Master!" He yelled, charging at Snow.

"Ok, Thanks again!" Midnight smiled. He grunted, as he walked back to the barn. He saw the three laying down. "Um, I'm here to get the Zorua." Midnight asked. Amethyst sighed. "We're talking about something here!" She yelled. "So?" Midnight sighed. He grabbed the sleeping Zorua l, and placed him on his back.
Snow used Blizzard and Its started to snow and the two pokemon beside her started to feel extremely cold "grr nobody messes with me" Ice Spikes started to pop out of the ground almost everywhere.

Eevee cried "no plz can he plz stay"she droops then she runs after him then an ice spike pops up infront of midnight
The Riolu was thrown in the air. And fainted. "Grrrrrrrrr! If you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself!" Hi grunted. He grabbed his palm, and used Force Palm on Snow. "You're all useless, and weak!" Lucario sighed, dropping the Glaceon and running off.

Midnight was lanched In the air. He broke a hole in the barn roof, drolli g Zorua in the Process. Midnight landed somewhere j in the forest. He landed, close to Snow. "What the F*** was that!" Midnight sighed, fainting. Amethyst gasped. "Please tell me you did that!" Amethyst smiled. Zorua didn't seem to wake up.
Eevee drooped "no that was mom.."she ran to Zorua "wake up little buddy"she gave it CPR

Snow fainted and she started to bleed at the place where the lucraio hit her

Eevee gasped "mom is in trobable "she cried as she tried to help Zorua
Amethyst smiled. "Oh, That's still OK then!" Amethyst smiled. She watched the Eevee give Zorua CPR. She began to nosebleed. "oMG! Who even taught you this!" Amethyst yelled. Amethyst ignored the third thing she said. "Ok, so you know how to give CPR, and you have a feeling Snow is in trouble?! I'm sorry I can't believe you now." Amethyst sighed. Zorua woke up coughing. "What happened l, while I was Sleeping?" The Zorua asked.
Eevee laughed "sorry i was just guessing if mom was in trouble and i didnt know that would work ..i had just saw a human do it and it worked ....so i wanted to try it "she sighed "nvm.." she drooped then she looked at zorua "Oh it started to snow...and then you got hit by a ice spike .." she drooped

Snow woke up and she saw Roulu and midnight "aww what do i do"she grabbed Riolu and then she dragged Midnight back to the ranch
"Haha, we need to teach you more inappropriate things!" Amethyst laughed. Zorua shrugged. "Ehh, OK?"

Midnight woke up, to be dragged by Snow. He got up, what happened!? All I remember is getting hit by an Ice Spike, then fainting!" Midnight sighed. He looked up, it was snowing. "But its the Middle of Spring?" Midnight questioned. He shook off the Snow, and frowned, at the uncoucious Riolu. "He sighed. "Imma go now." Midnight frowned, and started walking.
Snow ran after him "i was attacked ...and almost killed "she drooped "i caused it to snow "she hugged him "im sorry...im such an dummy "she cries

Eevee smiled "like what?"she asked then she looked at zorua "hey Zor wanna stay here in the ranch "she asked him with a cute look in her eyes
Midnight felt guilty, but he was too mad. "It's the middle of Spring, it's snowing, you almost killed me with an Ice Spike. What happens next I get assassinated!" Midnight sighed. Just leave him here! I'm going to the barn." Midnight sighed. We broke free of Snow's hug, and contined walking.

"Well First we have you watch " Amethyst stopped. "Well talk more in maybe 25 years." Amethyst sighed. She stared walking out of the barn, to walk back in. "Ugh, I'll leave when it's not showing" Amethyst sighed.
Snow growled "Lucraio! "she made the snow and the ice spikes disappear and then they all reappeared where lucraio was "your ruined everything" she laid beside her friend "hey Riolu plz wake up "she gave him air and she did CPR

Eevee sighed "ok Aunt "She looked at zorua waiting for his answer "so do wanna stay here?"
"You, I don't got time for this!" He sighed. He blasted the Ice with Aura Sphere. He fled. Midnight watched. "He sighed." So are you giving him air, or blood." Midnight sighed, watching the Bleeding Glaceon give CPR. Riolu woke up, punching Snow on accident.

Zorua sighed. "I don't have a choice do I" he frowned. He lied down, waiting for the snow to pass. I hste winter!" He frowned.
Snow's nose was now bleeding "oww..."she cried due to her pain "can someone heal me.."

Eevee sighed "Zorua you have a choice ..if you dont thats you" she smiled
"I don't know any healing moves, and Riolu can't. But I have an Idea." Midnight said. He walked up to her. He gently pressed down on her nose. "I read that pressure, keeps blood from flowing out. Tell me if this hurts." Midnight said. He looked over at the Riolu. He grabbed it with Psychic. The Riolu started to throw a fit.

" Really, I don't like Snow. So I'll stay here." Zorua yawned, leaning against Amethyst. He slowly fell asleep. Amethyst blushed.
Snow whimpers "it hurts but if you say it will help then i dont mind it "she looked at him "hey dont hurt him..."she drooped then she sighed "i am weak i couldnt beat a lucraio"

Eevee smiled "yeah i think ill stay in too"she leaned on Amethyst and slowly fell asleep as well
"Ok, it said it had to be a few minutes before you can stop. Then it heal." Midnight sighed. "Don't worry, He's not gonna die. Yet." Midnight sighed. "Grr. Let go of Me! I demand a rematch!" The Riolu yelled. "Ugh. Shut Up!" Midnight yelled.

Amethyst blushed. She had two kids and couldn't get rid if them. She smiled as she fell asleep with them. "Huh, where's Draco?" Amethyst questioned herself looking for the Dragon.
Snow nodded at him "why are you helping me ...i was a jerk and i doubled crossed you twice "she sighed "im sorry " she cried at him then she looked at Riolu "ill deal with you when i feel better "she growled

Draco slowly came in the barn "so cold..."he laid down and curled up "hey....Amethyst....Burr"
"Because I'll fill of too much guilt. If I had no guilt, I'd probably be back at the barn by now." Midnight sighed. "Heh! Yeah Right! I had you right in my laws!" He growled. Midnight started laughing. "Heheh, I'm sorry. The adults are speaking. Now stop being a baby, and stop whining." Midnight laughed.

"Oh Hi Draco! We were just talking about you!" Amethyst smiled. She looked back at the kids. "Well, I was talking about you." Amethyst smiled. "So where were you all day." Amethyst askdd.
Snow smiled at him "well thank you Midnight "Snow sighed at him. "Oh really, it didnt look like it when i used blizzard and why..I loved you and I cared for you and you hurt me"she drooped "im never gonna find love am midnight"

Draco sighed then he kissed her "i was trying to find something for you"he handed her a blue rose
"Well that's because three reasons! 1. We are not in the same Egg Group. 2. I barely know you, and finally 3. The Boss would have been so impressed, that she would of have gone out with me!" The Riolu yelled. Midnight laughed. "What! She was a girl! Dude you screwed up, big time." Midnight laughed. "No, don't worry, maybe you can find someone. Someday." Midnight sighed. He let his paw go. His fur was dark red, stained by the Blood. "Eww." He sighed, trying to shake it off.

"Aww thank you Draco!" She smiled, grabbing the Blue Orchard. She placed it in her fur, nesr her ear. "Thanks. Now I look cuter." She smiled. She blushed, when Draco kissed her. She grabbed him using her tail. "Could you stay with me?" She asked.
"grr Midnight can you do the honors and get rid of him "she walked up to Riolu "so what if we are not...it doesnt matter and two...i asked for a date..not for someone to kill me...and three the boss is a jerk and He didnt even like you "she kicked him in the middle of his legs "i hate you"

Draco smiles "yeah you do look cuter" he blushed when she grabbed him "ok ill stay with you"
"Heh. Lol." Midnight smiled. The Riolu was in great Pain. "Bye, Bye." Midnight smiled, in a childish voice. He sent the Riolu head first into the ground. "Hell be okay." Midnight smiled. "Now I'm going home. I need to wash this blood off." Midnight sighed. He started walking through the Forrest, and in a short while they were in the ranch. It was hailing. "Umm." He sighed. He looked around. He walked into a hollow tree. "Uh You can go. I'm gonna wait till it starts hailing." Midnight smiled.

"Good, I was getting cold." She smirked, pulling the Dragonair closer. She was getting drowsy, as she fell asleep. She blushed, until she was completely asleep.
Snow smiled at midnight "i guess it still hasnt stopped "she looked at Riolu and she put a paw on his face "you could redeem yourself but i dont even know if that would help you"she grips her paw and she punches him

Draco smiled then he snuggled up to the three "good night sweety"he fell asleep
"Heheh. Comedy Knockout." Midnight laughed. Thier wasn't enough room to lie down, so Midnight had to stand up. There was only a few space left, it could fit another Midnight. Midnight sighed, "at least it's shelter." Midnight sighed. Riolu was knocked out. He only hsd his head sticking out of the ground.
Snow smiled "thanks Midnight "she smiled at the Riolu and then she walked to Midnight "you know he wasnt that bad a first....but then everything messed up when he tried to steal"she drooped
"Um, I know your sad and everything, but can we talk about this later?" Midnight asked. He took a step outside, and immediately retreated back into the tree. "Its too cold outside to talk about this." Midnight shivering. His breath became frost, and his tail grew alittle ice. "It's way too cold outside. But the Riolu, hell be fine. He can't feel anything from the outside for awhile." Midnight shivered.
Snow smiled then she walked back to Riolu "hey you Up yet"she poked his head trying to annoy him "cmon wake up little buddy "she continued to poke him.