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Private/Closed The Daycare Service

"Ehh, just follow me!" Midnight whispered. He ran out the doorway. The Zoura smiled, as he was more warm. Amethyst kept watching. She looked over at the Glaceon. "Shhh!" She whispered, dashing off. She stayed out of Midnight's eye sight, grinning.
Snow followed him and she smiled at Amethyst "ok im coming"she whispered.
Eevee smiled brightly,she was now closer to him
Midnight walked into the barn, surprised by what he saw. The Ice Spike from before was still there. It remained it's form and looked crystal clear. He ignored it for now, as he gave a hand signal, signaling the Ice Type to get in. Amethyst climbed the roof, and looked through the hole Midnight busted through. She grinned evilly as she prepared herself.
Snow went inside with him "umm why are we all alone "she asked him before she started to look around "oh sorry about the ice spike"she made it disappear "yay"
" Ok last night you were sad, because you didn't have anyone to Love. So, I got some friends you may wanna be friends with?" Midnight asked. A Mareep, Lollipop, and the Riolu from before, just tied up.

Amethyst smiled. "Oh, I need to see this!" She smirked. She jumped down, landing on all four paws. "Don't mind me, I'm just watching!" She smiled. "Midnight frowned.
"Why is he here "she sighed then she saw the mareep "aww who is that ..." she sighed as Amethyst landed "you know you could be more sneaky next time "
"I dont need to be sneaky, to be Weird." Amethyst smiled. "Well, I went back into the forest, knocked him out again, tied him up, and brung him here. Appearently Exs have a better chance of winning thier EX back. Says the internet." Midnight sighed. The mareep yawned, falling asleep. The lillipup walked out on them, and the Riolu was still fainted.
Snow sighed "well after ...he tried to kill me..."she ran at Riolu and tapped his head "wake up sleepy Head "she smiled at him as she was trying not to kill him "hey Midnight if i try and hurt him...dont stop me"
The Riolu bursted awake headbutting the Glaceon. "I thought you knew not to wake him up from anything!" Midnight sighed, while Amethyst started growling. She walked toward the Riolu, then being stopped by Midnight, holding her back by her tail. She pounced on Midnight, them rolling into a wall. Amethyst came out on top. "Never pull my tail!" She growled. Midnight blushed. "Then get off me!"
Snow whimpered "not my nose again "she drooped "hey Riolu...wanna be friends we dont have to be in love "she smiled at him as she held her nose again "it hurts so bad"
Amethyst sighed. "I'm just gonna stay like this, until they and friends." Amethyst smiled. Midnight started sweating. "Not Again!" Midnight sighed. "Amethyst smirked. She kept still, watching the two make up. Midnight was red. "Please!" He yelled. "Wait." Amethyst sighed.

"No! I said before! I don't want to be a friend of yours! I don't even know why the Umbreon bring me here! This place is horrible and disgusting!" The Riolu grunted. He turned his head, ignoring the Glaceon.
Snow sighed "plz..I wont hurt you and ill do daily battles with you since i know you love to fight "she walked up to him And she nuzzeled him "cmon im not that bad "she blushed alittle
"Oh A-Arceus, I'm g-gonns be h-here forever!" Midnight sighed. His body turned red, he was too hot to move. He started sweating more. Amethyst sighed. "Wait until they make up! And stop whining, before I keep you here longer!" Amethyst smiled. As much as she hated seducing Midnight, she felt good having him fell bad.

"Ugh, what are you doing!" The Riolu asked. He pushed the Glaceon away, to see his paw was covered in blood. "Eww! Get away from me with this Liquid!" He yelled, shaking the Blood off.
Snow smiled then she drooped "aww cmon Riolu ..do you really belive Lucraio would have let you join again after you killed me.."she was still holding her nose " he hated you from the start and i know this because i had help from a certain pokemon"
Amethyst smiled. She leaned in. "Do you feel better?" She asked. "N-No" Midnight yelled. His face turned red, and redder. "Thank God Draco, isn't here!" Amethyst thought. As she enjoyed making the Umbreon red. She hsd no intentionally evil purposes. Midnight started to cry. "Amethyst felt no Guilt.

"What do you mean! If I killed you, I would have been her prince! She spoke about dreading you. She hated you, ever since you ruined the mission! " The Riolu yelled. He spat, relatively close to her, but not directly on her.
Snow sighed "really i had sunk up on her before i went to get you and....i heard her talking about you..and it was not good talk"she told him with an frown "she was being really mean to you "
Amethyst smiled. "Ooh, this is getting good!" Amethyst smiled, accidently laying on Midnight. She didn't seem to knowtice. Midnight frowned. He couldn't move, and now he was stuck under Amethyst. He tried telling, but couldn't, do to all the pressure.

"Who cares! She's my Leader! If I disobey her, I'll be punished. Me just standing here will get me punished!" The Riolu grunted. He tried running away, but tripped. He quickly tried rolling away. He was going pretty fast, being stuck in a barrel.
Snow gasped and she saw him hit a walk and the barrel broke but snow then jumped on him and she laid on top of him "hey Riolu "she rubs his hair "no she said that she was gonna kill you after you had killed me..she had whispered it to me after she had me by the neck
"Well, I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to leave!" He smiled. He was capable of moving now, so he grabbed her and threw her away. "I'll see you, sometime else. When I evolve!" The Riolu grinned running out of the barn.

A piece of Barrel hit Amethyst on the head, yet she stayed still. "Ok they stopped! Get of of me please! I'm begging you!" He yelled. He couldn't move and couldn't take it. "I'm Sorry! Before I liked you, but you weren't giving me enough space!" Midnight yelled. Closing his eyes. "Snow help Me!" Midnight yelled, unaware that Amethyst hsd fainted.
Snow was throw and she hit a sharp piece of wood and she sighed as she looked at her sigh..as it was bleeding really bad "i hate everything.." she fainted for her pain
"NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo!" Midnight yelled. He was stuck under a cat, and coundent get out, or stop his friend from bleeding. Midnight whined. "Ugh, I'm so gonna die!" He sighed. He slowly fainted, of heat.

Zoura woke up go the sound of a loud No! He sighed, and contined sleeping. He wrapped his hand around Eevee. "This feels nice." He smiled.
Eevee smiled in her sleep and she blushed when she felt his paw on her.

Snow tried to look at them "help...plz..and stop....playing...."she was slowly dieing
Amethyst was coming too. But not enough. She rolled off Midnight, Midnight waking up immediately after. He was shaken and sighed. "Never again." He frowned. He looked back at Snow. "Snow!" He yelled. He rushed over. He tried putting his paw over the blood. Blood kept spluring. He overreacted and put his mouth over the blood. Trying to stop the bleeding he got blood in his mouth. "Ugh!" He yelled slitting the blood out, repeated the process. "Please let this work!" He pleaded.
The blood stopped bleeding out and the wound slowly healed "...th..an..k...y..o..u"she smiled slowly at him "i...ts...l...ike...to..da...y....e...v...er....y......th...ing is out to kill me...."she said as she was felling better "does anyone have a move like Moonlight or something"
Midnight finished spitting out the blood. "Ugh, Now I need to bleach my mouth." Midnight whined. "Yea, I know Moonlight." Midnight sighed. "We need to be outside so." Midnight grabbed the Glaceon, and plscced hrr on his back. Midnight felt blood dripping off him while he walked. He made it outside, and used moonlight, healing both him and Snow. "Ugh." Midnight sighed. He dropped. "I swear, I hate Seducing." Midnight sighed.
Snow felt better and her wounds healed "yay thank you buddy "she hugged him and then she kissed his cheek out of happyness "hey why didnt Amesthyes try and help me..."she drooped "does she not care for me"
"That's because she was fainted." Midnight sighed. He didn't blush or turn red. He used all his Red, being seduced. He didn't feel much. Midnight wanted to blush, but sincerely couldn't. "I swear to Arceus. If I'm seduced again, I'm just gonna give up." Midnight sighed.
Snow smiled at him "oh...did you knock her out..."she smiled "hey can we hunt down that riolu..i dont want him to come back and kill me with his leader "she drooped "i would rather just get rid of them and then i will find someone new "
"Can we do that tomorrow though? I'm too exhausted from doing nothing but blush." Midnight frowned. He tried to make Baby Doll Eyes, but couldn't being too exhausted. "Look, you can do any thing for all I care, can we just wait till tomorrow to Catch the Riolu? The Daycare is closed today. We can rest for once." Midnight frowned.
Snow nodded then she ran off to her area behide her little tree and she curled up and let a small snow cloud pop over her to keep her cool "hey Midnight Im glad you got a girl who likes you as much as i did " she blushed deeper
"Amethyst? No! She's Dating Draco. I don't like her she seduced me!" Midnight frowned. He followed, Snow. "Can I join?" Midnight asked. "A snowflake fell on his nose. He sneezed. "Sorry." He smiled.
(hey are you gonna reply on my rp...)
"oh i meant Flaffy" she smiled then she turned red "Yeah....Sure "she moved over for him to lay beside her

"Thanks." He smiled. He lied on his back, while it snowed. He was instantly cooled. "Aww, this feels so nice!" He smiled. "Thanks! And Flaffy. I haven't seen her often. I don't even know where she is." Midnight sighed.
Snow smiled then she looked at her cloud and she giggled "ok I wonder where she is " she licked his cheek

Flaffy saw snow trying to flirt with her boyfriend "hey what are you doing with her...i though you hated her"
"Midnight smiled. He looked at the angry Flaffy. "He blushed. He jolted back up. "No, I still hate her! I'm just hanging out? She's just helping me, uhh Cool Off!" Midnight made up an excuse.
Flaffy cooled down "ok..you know if you if you forgive her...i dont care "she sat beside them "why was she bleeding "she noticed the blood on Snows fur
"Uh, Riolu problems." Midnight sighed. " A crazy, blood thirsty Riolu." Midnight sighed. "So um. Where were you? I couldn't find you anywhere at the ranch." Midnight lied, making up a fake story.
Flaffy smiled "i was buried in snow last night "she said with a blush "hey Snow...right...did you run into that gang that everyone knows " she drooped

Snow sighed then she curled up "yeah.....i fell for a evil Riolu "she drooped "he did this too me"
Then blah blah blah! I stopped the bleeding, blah blah blah, I git blood over me, blah blah blah we came here, blah blah blah now. Can we stop talking about the Riolu? I just want to relax, and have fun for the rest of the day." Midnight smiled. He turned back over, letting the snow cool him off.
Flaffy giggled "so you do care for her "she laid down beside them and she almost fell asleep

Snow gasped "did she just go to sleep"