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Private/Closed The Daycare Service

"Um, Snow! I don't think you should do that! This time he may headbutt you." Midnight teased. The Riolu woke Up, headbutting the Glaceon. "What did I say!" Midnight yelled. "I can't believe that happened!" Midnight thought. "I think he has Reflexes!" Midnight pointed out the obvious.
Snow smiled "oww, why are you always right" Snow said with a smiled "hey Riolu would you like to redeem yourself" she asks him with a smile.
"Because I have a Brain!" Midnight called out. "No! I don't need your pity!" The Riolu yelled, struggling to escape his ground prison. "Ugh, just cover him up with a pile of leaves! That way we won't freeze his head off!" Midnight called out, pointing to a pile of leaves.
Snow sighed "aww cmon Riolu do you really wanna be like that "she moved the leaves over to him "ok should i?" she asked
"At least I won't be able to look at you! Now cover me!" The Riolu yelled. "Do what the man wants!" Midnight yelled, from the background. "Now hurry up. My face is getting itchy, and I can't scratch it!" The Riolu growled.
Snow sighed then she did what he wanted "bye "she started to walk away from him "man i hate everyone but all my friends"
Snow laided down and before you know it she is covered in snow....."come on.." she closed her eyes
"In Snow, do you want to come inside?" Midnight asked. "I know how your aN ice type, but it's hailing pretty bad. Doesn't it but even alittle." Midnight asked. He was sure she didn't hear him. He sighed. He quickly walked out of his tree, quickly in carrying the Glaceon. He ran back to his tree, ice covered his paws. "Do you want to come Inside!" He asked clearly.
Snow blushed ...."um sure "she went inside the tree and she snuggled up to him for warmth "your warm"she said with a smile. "to bad your Not single "she sighed then she smiled at him

Eevee woke up then she couldnt move "ahhh i cant move"she yelled then she noticed draco who was right beside her holding her and his Bay " oh dear.."
Midnight smiled. The hollow tree wasn't too big, so they were really cramped, but cozy. "Midnight smiled. "And I thought you would be cold." Midnight smiled. "Too bad you're not single." Midnight deeply blushed. "Uh, Yea, im not single." Midnight blushed. He was practically hugging Snow, due to the small tree space. He smiled.

Amethyst's grip tightened, on the Eevee, as she continued to sleep. She put a grin on her face.
Snow smiled "im glad im your friend again "she remembered the ice spike "and im sorry for hurting you " she shivered alittle then she snuggled closer "yeah its freezing out there "she blushed.

Eevee drooped then she tried to wake her up "wake up..." she whimpered
"Uh at least, I'm not Bleeding." Midnight smiled, sarcastically. "How are you cold? You're the Ice Type." Midnight started laughing. "Well, I'm glad this is going to be over soon." Midnight blushed.

Amethyst was still, sound asleep. She rolled over onto the Eevee. "She smirked, as she was still asleep.
Snow smiled "i dont know.."she looked at the sky and the snow slowly disappeared "yay "she smiled "you can go first" she blushed alittle "hey maybe you can help me with my love life "she smiled.

Eevee bite her paw "wake up and get off of me Aunt"
"I could go if I could." Midnight blushed. He was in the backside of the tree, while Snow was near the front. "Help you with your love life? Why don't you just date a Flaffy, like me? They are less likely to break a heart." Midnight smiled, trying to pass Snow. He couldn't due to her blocking most of the exit.

Amethyst woke up with a "Oww!" She yelled. She looked at the Eevee. "Don't bite your Auntie Amethyst." She growled, getting off her.
Snow drooped "but i dont wanna ..."she walked outside and she ran to the daycare "hey aria" she saw the treecko "...who is that" she asked

Aria looked down at her glaseon "this is our new guest mr. treecko "

Eevee sighed "sorry aunt your were on top of me.."she sighed "it hurt"
Midnight laughed. He followed Snow, back to the Daycare. He saw the Treeco and stared a bit, before saying. "Who are You?" He asked. He was answered by Aria. "OK?" Midnight yawned.

"Well you didn't have to bite me, you could of just shout in my ear or move around alot." Amethyst sighed. "Go over and Play with Snow, it something." Amethyst sighed.

Midnight walked into the Daycare. "Man, I overslept." Diamond joked. It was noon, and the sun went down. Looks like the two trainers should be here soon." Diamond smiled.
Snow smiled "nice to meet you " soon to the the treeckos trainer came back but the zoura trainer didnt "hey i got a message "Aria said then she read it and she almost started crying "he...doesnt want little Zoura..and hes not coming back for it "she cryed

Eevee sighed "sorry aunt..i tried that too...your a heavy sleeper "she smiled at her "hey is zor up"
Midnight's eyes widened as the letter was read. He grabbed the note with Phychic, and ripped it piece by peice. Tears in his eyes. "He lied down, head into the floor. Diamond was surprised. "Who wouldn't want a Zorua? These are really rare." Diamond sighed. "Maybe one of us should own him. But who?" Diamond asked Aria.

"Hey! Are you saying I'm fat!" Amethyst blushed. She stood up, and looked at her form. "I am not a Heavy sleeper." She grunted. Zorua woke up. "Oh hey Eevee, Amethyst. Am I going home soon?" The Zorua asked.
Aria sighed "well i have eevee so you can have have him "she had tears in her eyes "heres his pokeball " she handed it to him.
Snow cried "thats just mean "she laid down on floor and she cried.

Eevee smiled at her " no im saying im smaller " she looked at zor "oh yeah come on zor im sure they are here"she smiled and she lead the way to the daycare "hey guys is zor's trainer here yet"
"Um Thanks. I'll make sure to take care of it, but first." Diamond turned to Midnight. "Do you mind breaking the bad news?" He asked. The Umbreon sighed, walking to the barn. He sighed as he opened the door. Hey Zorua." Midnight sighed. "Yea?" He asked. "Well you see, your trainer abandoned you, and know, Diamond has your Pokeball." Midnight clenched his ears shut, preparing for a screem. Instead he got a hug, making his blush.

Midnight smiled. "That worked out better then expected. Midnight said, exiting the barn, and into the Daycare. He gave a nod. Diamond smiled
"Well it's Night, I'm going to my house, and sleeping on my bed, that is unless Aria stays over." Diamond joked. Midnight smiled.
Eevee smiled "yay he get to stay with me" she hugs Midnight as well.

Aria smiled "i would stay over but ..nvm what the heck "she hugs him "lets go to your house" Aria smiled happily
Snow looked at eevee "someone is in love "she smiled at eevee
Midnight blushed. "Ok get off me now." Midnight sighed. He shook the small Eevee off. "Ok, see yah." Midnight smiled.

"Wait that wasn't a, Ugh who cares." Diamond sighed. The two walked back to his house. "Well, if you need me I'll be on the couch. But I'll probably be sleeping but, you know where to find me." Diamond smiled. Diamond lied on the couch but didn't fall asleep.
Eevee smiled at zor "hey zor..wanna go sleep in the house "she smiled "ill race you"

Aria smiled then she laid on the bed and she just laid their thinking.
"hey DIamond you still up"she yelled at him
"Haha! Let's do this!" He yelled, dashing off. "I bet I'll win!" He yelled, panting. Midnight was there already, then he was run over by the Zorua. "He frowned. Could you get off?" He questioned. The Zorua smiled, jumping off Midnight. "Heh, Sorry!" He smiled.

"Uh? Yeah! I'm awake! I can't sleep on this couch." Diamond sighed, moving around awkwardly. That was until he fell off. "I'm Okay!" He yelled.
Eevee ran over midnight and she tripped and land on Zor and they ended up on top of each other "hey.."she blushed

Aria smiled "you sure..if you want you can sleep in your bed and ill be on the couch" she said
"Umm hey." Zorua blushed. "Uh could you get off of me. Please." He blushed more. He pushed The Eevee off of him, and then walked inside.

"NoNoNoNoNo! You can stay up there!" Diamond yelled. He pulled himself onto the couch. "I'm good! Besides I'm used to it." Diamond smiled.
Eevee smiled then she went inside and she laid near him.

"Sorry ...I just wanted to make you happy"she closed her eyes and she smiled as well
Zoura smiled, then blushed. He didn't mind, besides, now he was warmer. He smiled, and fell asleep. Midnight walked beside Zoura, then slept next to him.

Diamond smiled. "OK, Good Night!" Diamond yelled. He slowly fell asleep, but couldn't sleep. He sighed.
Eevee smiled then she nuzzeled him before she fell asleep.
Snow walked over to midnight and she laid near him and fell asleep

Aria yelled "good night"she Fell asleep
Midnight blushed. "Then Amethyst comes in." Midnight sighed. He was right. She jumped in between Midnight and Snow. She whispered in his ear. "Stay away! From my best Friend!" She grunted, acted like she was fake sleeping. She gave an Evil Stare at Midnight. Then she used Baby Doll Eyes after it. Midnight stared awkwardly :'|, backing away from Snow.
Snow saw Amethyst and she smiled "hey Amethyst...what are you doing?" she looked confused "did you Mess with midnight?" she yawned.
"Well I just don't want him near you. :) Besides, you're dating that Riolu! He may try to pull a move." Amethyst smiled. Midnight sighed. "Yea, could you at least put Zorua between me and you?" He asked. Amethyst sighed. "No!" Just deal with it." She grunted.
Snow got up and she sighed "no im not..he tried to kill me"she ran outside and she laid in the snow trying to hide herself as she cried to herself "....why..."she drooped. "i wish i meet some who cared and didnt try to kill me"
"Snow wait! Ugh." Amethyst sighed. "Amethyst! What did you do! Midnight sighed. Amethyst, turned to have the two touch nose. Midnight backed up. "What did you do Amethyst." Midnight sighed. Amethyst blushed. "I don't want to talk about it." She sighed. Midnight walked out to be bombarded by Snow. Midnight was shivering. "Snow! Snow! Come back inside!" Midnight sighed.
Snow sighed "why should i ..."she looked at him and she had tears in her eyes. "no matter what i do...im never gonna get over that guy"she sighed then she laids back down in the snow
Midnight growled. He quickly steped back inside. His paws were covered in ice. "I'll talk to you in the morning OK." Midnight sighed, walking back to the cubs. "Amethyst I blame you!" Midnight sighed. He laid down next to Eevee. The Espeon frowned, closing in on Midnight. She sighed.
Snow sighed "maybe i will...He did almost kill me" She walked back inside and she laid beside Amethyst "Im sorry"she snuggled up to her best friend. " Hey Amethyst....that guy...he lead me in a trap then he beat me up and almost killed me and also the reason why it is now snowing "she began to cry "and now Midnight hates me even more"
"What! No way! So the Riolu backstabbed you? That's cold. Then again, I think Riolu are cold blooded. I think." Amethyst sighed. "But wait. Midnight hates you even more? Ok, I know JerkFace hates me, but he has standards. Now and then, we han out even though He doesn't like me. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you more." Amethyst smiled. "And can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm uncomfortable with me talking about Midnight, while I'm within one inch of him." Amethyst frowned.
Snow smiled at her then she nodded sleeply "sure buddy"she snuggled up to her and she fell asleep "im so glad i know you..if i didnt i would so just give up and kill myself "she said before she fell asleep.
Amethyst smiled, as the night commenced.

Diamond was still asleep, along with Amethyst and Zorua. Midnight was wide awake. He looked out of a window to see the snow had cleared. He smiled and walked back to Snow. "Snow! Snow!" Midnight whispered, trying to shake the Feline up. He did it silently, trying to have no one hear, but Amethyst was wide awake. She looked as if she was asleep though. She watched Midnight shake the Cat Pokemon awake, with an Evil Grin.
Snow woke up "ahh" she saw him.."huh.. Midnight why did you wake him up "she smiled at him. Eevee slowly woke up to notice she had a paw around her "aw"she just snuggled with zor instead of getting up