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Private/Closed The Kerlo Reigon

"Spooky," Gale laughed and followed him into the route. Valkery followed them with a loud purr and Nyx zoomed around trying to get a good look at the place. She looked at flame and did a flip before looking around again. The blonde trainer and her Pokemon taking in the sights of the forest and trying to spot other Pokemon.
Ziro saw a honedge and he smiled "Awesome a Honedge " He smiled then he looked at Gale "this is fun huh...maybe we should catch some pokemon if we feel like it " he asked with smile. Frost smirked then he whispered in her ear "so were you really thinking about haveing a litter with me" he asked.
Valkery's eyes widened and her ears stood straight up, a blush erupting from her face. She didn't look at him and her tail stood straight as well. She tried to lie to try and maybe get Frost off of the subject, her heart fluttering at the thought that maybe he wanted to have one,"wha-what! Nnnnnoooo I was just kidding, yeah kidding! That's all I was doing".
"Yeah maybe we can but let's get to the haunted house first! Come on, I really want to see it," Gale laughed and gasped when she saw a pumpkiboo float by with a few others. She also saw a houndoom with a few houndour pups playing and looked down at Valkery, pointing them out, "arnt those pups cute, Val? Maybe you'll have kids like that someday"!
Frost blushed then he smiled "i was just kidding to...even thought i kind of do want a family with my Val" he told her then he smiled at her.
Ziro nodded then he looked around "hey i think i see it " he smiled then he saw the Pups and he smiled "aww yeah maybe you and Frost could have a family one day..and same with marko and Ivy"
Gale nodded and giggled at the idea. Valkery looked very embarrassed and she even stuck her face into Frost's side to hide her face. She curled her tail around his and tried to hide herself. Marko let out a chuckle and grinned at Ivy, flexing his muscles as a joke to her. Gale laughed at her Pokemon and kissed Ziro, "maybe we can have kids someday. Little ankle biters that look like you".
Ziro smiled then he nodded "well that will be up to you my love " he smiled at her. Frost smirked then he licked her cheek then he kissed her nose "its ok...we don't have to " he told her. Ivy giggled then she kissed his cheek " Aww my big Muscle man" she winked.
Marko blushed and spun Ivy around in his arms. He let out a happy cry and Gale laughed at him. She saw the house the looked haunted and pointed to it, "is that it? It certainly looks haunted to me".
Valkery shook her head and looked back at the pups with a sigh. She looked back at frost and kissed his nose, "it's just embarrassing to think about! Me, a mom, and you a dad. A litter of my own, little dirices and volkits".
Ivy giggled then she hugged him tight and she then let out a happy cry. Ziro just chuckled then he looked at the house and he nodded "yeah i think thats it...it sure does have a spooky feeling to it huh" he smiled.
Frost nodded then he kissed her back " I know but it will be worth it and two we probably won't even do that until after Ziro and Gale settle down and live in a house with us"
Valkery accept that answer and cuddle up to him. Gale pulled Ziro to the house, breaking out into a run. Valkery nipped at frost's ears again the took off running after her trainer. Marko picked up Ivy and looked down at her to see if she was okey with him taking chase. Valkery looked back at frost and stuck her tongue out at him, booking it to the door of the house, "you said you were gonna protect me so hurry up"!
Frost smiled then he cuddled up to her. Ziro smiled then he ran up to her and he went inside. Frost laughed then he ran up to her and he smiled "yeah i sure am" he smiled at her. Ivy looked at him and she nodded.
Gale followed Ziro into the haunted house and looked around. Nyx zoomed off down the hallway before Gale could grab her. Valkery padded in after them and a chill ran up her spine. She slowly walked into what might have been the living room and jumped when she felt something pull her tail. She spun around but didn't see anything, "frost! Something just pulled my tail"!
Ziro shivered as they walked around the place and he smiled "this place looks amazing and scary at the same time " he smiled at her then he looked at them. Frost gasped then he ran to her and he growled "show yourself you evil ghost"
Valkery laughed gently at frost's reaction and nuzzled up close to him. She kissed his cheek and purred softly. Gale smiled and tugged on Ziro's hand over to an old painting, "this looks so weird. Like the eyes are following us! See"!
Marko strode forward, narrowing his eyes as he looked around, a wild haunter appeared behind him then used screech, Marko flying to the ceiling and holding onto it like a cat Pokemon.
Frost smiled then he kissed her cheek then he smiled " i love you " he whispered then he ran back to the others with her.
Ziro looked at the painting and he nodded "yeah it does huh" he smiled.
Ivy laughed then she looked at the Haunter and she smiled.
The haunter just continued to laugh and giggle. Marko climbed down from the ceiling and growled at him, the ghost type just laughed harder. Valkery followed frost and froze when she saw the haunter, another chill ran up her spine and the ghostly type disappeared. She froze when it reappeared using my lick up the side of her face. Gale leaned in closer and let out a shriek when the eyes blinked.
Ivy smiled at them then she went up to the haunter and she gave him a hug to tease Marko "cmon Marko...you can do it..." she teased.
Frost sighed then he held her close "don't worry ....it will be ok " he smiled then he kissed her cheek then he winked at her.
Ziro chuckled then he smiled "wow thats pretty cool though"
Valkery blushed and slid away from the haunter and closer to frost. She nuzzled against him. Marko growled and tackled the ghost type only for it to faze through him. He hit a wall and sat there for a bit, dazed. Gale huffed and crossed her eyes, glaring at the painting, "yeah sure it was"!
Frost smiled then he nuzzled her a little then he kissed her cheek "see its not gonna hurt you..just scare the crap out of you" he smiled then he nuzzled her back. Ivy ran to marko and she gasped "Marko!" she cried then she hugged him. Ziro smiled then he hugged her "boo" he smiled
Gale rolled her eyes and batted at her chest. She pressed her head into his chest and then looked up to kiss his nose. The picture blinked again and a chair went flying through the hall way. Marko let out a nervous chuckle and hugged Ivy. Valkery purred to him and licked at his ears, she nuzzled his neck and blinked at him, "my hero".
Ziro smiled then he saw the chair lock the front door "crap...why did we come in here again ..oh yeah we were looking for that rare Ghost type in here...i heard its at the basement " he smiled. Ivy laughed then she hugged him, Frost blushed then he nuzzled her back " Ok i guess i am" he smiled then he kissed her cheek
"Well let's get going. I don't want to be in here for to long, I'm getting chills," Gale pulled his hand to start looking around again. She had to duck when a book came flying off the bookshelf. Valkery let out a Yelp when something pulled on her tail, dragging her down the hall past Gale and Ziro. Marko hummed as he hugged Ivy and slowly stood up.
"Yeah i know right...its Creepy " Ziro said following Gale. He ducked as well as he saw the book coming. Frost gasped then he chased after her "give my Val back!" he growled. Ivy smiled then she looked at him
Valkery disappeared around a corner and down the stairs into the basement. She let out a screech and Gale chased after her Pokemon. Marko heard it leapt up to go try and help. Nyx zoomed out of the room she was in wearing a funny top hat and went after Gale. Gale skidded around the corner, "give her back! Whatever you are"!
Frost ran down the stairs and he growled "give back my Val!" he yelled. Ziro gasped then he followed Gale and he ran down the stairs and he saw a Pokemon but it didn't look like any pokemon he had seen before it looked like a white Ghost dragon with claws. "whoa thats cool" he smiled. The pokemon looked at Valkery and it laughed it shook its head telling them that Val was now his prey and he was gonna take her soul.
Valkery struggled and let out panicked cries. She whimpered and turned to look at the dragon, using water gun to try and free herself. She looked at Frost and let out a whimper. Gale looked over the Pokemon with an interested gaze. Gale growled and Marko stepped forward, "I don't think you'll have any moves that will affect him".
The white dragon Growled then he let go of Her and he whipped his face then he used dragon tail on Marko and ivy. Ivy gasped and she and marko hit the walls. Frost growled then he ran at the dragon and he used Ice fang " run Val" he said before he bite down on it. the ghost pokemon growled then it Used Dragonbreath on Frost. Ziro smiled "cmon Frost you can do it...i want to catch this thing" he smiled
Valkery shot out from under the dragon. She turned and hissed loudly at him, worrying about Frost. Gale took a step forward and growled when Marko was thrown back, "Valkery use water gun"!
Valkery nodded and hissed loudly, using water gun on the dragon. Her tail lashed around and she took a step forward, "leave my mate alone"!
The Dragon Growled then he used Dragon tail again and Frost was sent flying into Valkery. Ziro growled then he looked at Frost "Frost Use ice fang again " He yelled.
Frost smiled then he jumped Forward again and he used ice fang and he bite down hard, this time the dragon didn't fight back but fainted. Ziro smiled then he walked up to the pokemon and he pet it "take care ..." he smiled then he got up "should we catch it." he asked Gale
"That's up to you, I just want to make sure everyone is ok," Gale sighed and walked up to Valkery who was nursing her bleeding tail. She made small meowing noises and nudged Gale's hand when she was petting her. She looked over at frost and let out a mewl. Marko stood up and crossed his arms in a huff. Nyx floated next to flame to show her new tophat.
"um i think it would do it some good if it had some friends " he smiled then he picked the dragon up and he smiled "so your a Hydrion " he smiled then he pet it "your a ghost and dragon type but you can learn water moves...cool" he smiled then he tapped the pokeball on its head and he capured it. " Well let go guys". Flame chuckled then she smiled. Frost smiled then he went to her and he nuzzled her cheek
"Don't scare me again, frost. I won't forgive you next time, idiot," Valkery sighed as she tackled him to quickly cuddle and kiss him. She rubbed his scent onto her fur and sigh deeply when she renewed it, "I love you to much".
Gale smiled at the two and wrapped her arms around Ziro's neck. She kissed his cheek and looked at Nyx with a laugh. The ghost how floating around as she made sure the top hat didn't fall off.
Frost sighed then he kissed her cheek then he smiled at her " I won't i promise..i'm strong remember " Frost said with a smile then he hugged her tight then he felt Ziro pick them up " Aww you two are so cute " Ziro smiled then he hugged Gale back.
Valkery purred louder then glared at the new addition to Ziro's team pokeball. She leapt into Gale's arms and the trainer gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. She motioned for everyone to follow her and started back up the stairs into the main house. Nyx followed after her and so did Marko, the fighting type still a little sore at being beaten by two ghost types.
Frost sighed then he smiled "hey cmon you can't hate the guy i'm sure he was just lonely and he must of had a bad owner " Frost said with a frown then he curled up to ziro. Ziro smiled then he kissed Gale back then they went outside and they followed the trail to the exit of the forest " Ok we are almost there" ziro said. Ivy had picked up Marko so he could be left behide.
Marko blushed when he was picked up and just sat there, letting himself be carried. Gale watched the sights of the forest leave and Valkery didn't look at the pokeball again. She cuddled up to Gale and slowly fell asleep. Nyx still had the hat on and was floating next to her fire type girlfriend.
Ivy smiled then she kissed her boyfriend. Ziro smiled at them then he put a arm around Gale "i'm glad to be out of that place" he whispered then he kissed her cheek. Frost sighed then he went back into his pokeball. Flame giggled then she smiled "should have been a witch hat" she smiled
Nyx laughed with her and twirled around in the hat. Gale leaned against Ziro and called Valkery back into her pokeball. Marko kissed Ivy back and offered her a piggyback ride. Gale looked up at the sky and looked at Ziro, "how about we camp for the night? It's seems we were in that house longer then we thought".
Flame smiled then she laughed. Ziro nodded then he sat down on the grass and he smiled " yeah thats fine with me " he smiled then he hugged her close to him. Ivy smiled then she got on marko's back and she smiled happily
Gale giggled and threw her bag down. She kissed Ziro on the nose and pulled out a pop up tent, "always have to be prepared"!
Nyx laid down on the grass and threw her hat into the air before catching it in her teeth. She placed it on flames' head and giggled loudly. Marko ran around for a bit before placing Ivy down and telling her to wait. He then booked it into the forest, returning with supplies to build a nest. He got to work and built a nest before showing it to Ivy. Gale let Tealeaf and Valkery out, the stantler wandering off to find something to eat while Valkery crawled up in a blanket. Gale looked at Ziro and tilted her head, "how about we meet your new teammate"?
Ziro smirked then he nodded "of course we can " Ziro smiled then he sent him out "Well hey there hydro" he smiled. Hydro looked around then he saw Frost and Valkery and he sighed "i'm sorry...." he told them then looked back at Ziro "aww cmon hydro i know you didn't mean anything. " ziro said. Ivy smiled then she hugged him " You better not make me have a litter by in the morning" she teased then she laid down. Flame smiled "yay i got a hat"