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Private/Closed The Kerlo Reigon

"Just tell me," Mimi hummed and leaned back with a grin. She titled her head to the side and raised an eyebrow as she waited.
Valkery just chuckled softly and pressed into his nuzzles. She tightened the grip on his tail and rubbed her side against him and grinned, "vol kit Volkit Kit kit. Volkit kit vol vol Volkit ".(take a smell of your side. Your not the only one who can't scent someone)
Valkery's purring increased as Frost nuzzled her neck fur, relaxing and heating up as she became more cuddle. She answered his question with a kiss to his jaw the decide to play and run away, moving around people.
Zina sighed then she moved her hands away from her chest and she sighed again "i'm part of team plasma" she told her.
Frost gasped then he sniffed his fur and he chuckled "Dirice! ice ice " (hey i smell like you) he called out then he ran after her
then he smiled as they played around.
"That's all? Wow I thought you were going to say something bad," Mimi shrugged with a lazy grin. She kicked her feet against the ground and looked at Zina with a stupid look.
Valkery bounced around people, laughing and feeling giddy. She once again hid in a bush and her eyes narrowed when a glameow sauntered up to Frost. The other feline Pokemon purred and rubbed her side against Frost, completely undoing the water type's scent. Hearts appeared around the other cat and Valkery growled as the glameow used attract on Frost.
Zina giggled then she hugged her "wait what...i thought you would be mad or something" she smiled then she hugged.
Frost growled then he tried to fight the attract and he fought it for a while then instead of falling in love , he passed out.
The glameow meowed and pawed at his side but screeched when Valkery tackled her and used water gun to send her sprawling. The water type growled lowly standing over her mate while hissing, fur standing on while she bared her teeth. The glameow charged her with shadow claw and Valkery was pinned to the ground and used another water gun. The glameow decided it wasn't worth it and ran off. Valkery stood there panting, a cut running over her shoulders and one of her ears was nicked with claw marks.
Frost groaned then he woke up and he moved over to Valkery and he nuzzeled her "Dirice ice ice" or "thanks...i passed out because i was fighting the attact...i didn't want to forget about you" he told her then he looked at the cuts and he thought she looked even tougher now" aww you look Tough now.." he whispered then he nuzzeled her cheek
"Vol Volkit. Vol kit kit Volkit Kit kit vol," Valkery smiled and licked her shoulder wounds to the best of her ability. Her ears flicked around as she picked up sound and watched the crowd, 'you idiot. You would have just thought you loved her not me'.
"Be mad? No, I don't care," Mimi smiled and twirled a spoon around her hand. Chatot was on her shoulder again, singing old tunes that her grandmother absolutely loved.
"Dirice dirice ice ice " Frost frowned then he cuddled up to her then he kissed her cheek. he was happy that she was with him. 'what no i wouldn't i would never stop loving you'
"oh ok" Zina smiled then she hugged her tight
Valkery rolled her eyes and explained that was what to move did. The move didn't care if you loved someone else and that's why it was such a dangerous move expeically for mates.
The water type kissed his muzzled before rubbin the top of her head under his chin and pushing him into the ground. She then proceeded to try and rub her scent off onto while not picking up his, she nipped at his ears so he wouldn't move and continued to roll around on top of him.
Frost gasped then he frowned, he told her that that move was stupid and mean.
the fire type blushed when she started to rub on his fur and he sighed "Dir ice" he groaned then he smiled. "well at least i'll smell good" He chuckled then he let her.
Valkery just rolled her eyes at him before getting off of him to smile at her work. She then ran off back to her trainer with a wink and a shake of her hips. Other female Pokemon now avoiding the fire type because of his smell.
Gale cuddled up to Ziro and kissed his lower jaw as they watched the show, trying to show her love for the boy.
Frost chuckled then he ran over to her and he licked her ears then he sniffered her "Dir ice" then he kissed her cheek "wow you do smell good...like roses" he told her.
Ziro blushed then he kissed her back and he held her close
Valkery snuggled up to him like her trainer was doing to his. The Volkit's ears twitched and she looked up to see Gale say it was getting late and that they should be heading back the pokecentre. Gale tugged her jacket in closer to her body, smiling at the darkening sky above them all.
Frost blushed then he licked her cheek then he cuddled up to her. the Dirice's ears twitched a little then he looked up and he frowned.
Ziro looked at Gale and he kissed her cheek "hey wanna sleep out here in the grass" he whispered then he held her close.
"Sure," Gale giggled and let herself be led away to their sleeping place. She pulled her ponytail loose, hair hanging around her back and neck.
Valkery asked him what was wrong. Purring softly as she used Frost to get warm. The water type blinked her eyes a bit then yawned loudly, rubbing her muzzle with a paw.
Ziro smiled then he got up and he followed her and he laid beside her and cuddled up to her. "see you in the morning" he whispered as he fell asleep.
Frost sighed then he rubbed his fur on her but his smell was gone at the time so he kind of smelled like Valkery and more like a female , but he didn't mind he was her mate so it was alright
Gale smiled and pulled a blanket out of her bag, covering herself up with it along with Ziro. Valkery tugged Frost over to a soft patch of grass and curled up on it herself. Nyx snuggled close to Flame, the ghost type getting cold.
"You want to go for a walk," Mimi asked offering Zina her right arm. Nile had said goodbye to the two and went home. Mimi grinned and gave a laugh as her dad made a loud exit.
Ziro smiled and he soon went to sleep with her. Frost curled up to her and he nuzzeled her neck fur a little then he held her close to his body.
Flame blushed then she held nyx close "nine" or (hey nyx do you like me)
"yeah sure" Zina whispered then she kissed her cheek.
Valkery relaxed into Frost's embrace, purring softly as she drifted off to sleep.
Nyx grinned at Flame and spun around The fire type but didn't say anything. She nuzzled back into her fur, still grinning.
Mimi led Zina to around the square and park, walking slow to allow for Zina to take in the sights.
Frost smiled then he drifted off to sleep as well.
Flame giggled then she held her close when she came near and she smiled "ninetales" (i like you too)
Zina smiled at the sights and she hugged her "this is amazing"
"There is a pond close by where the goldeen will actually jump out to greet you but it's kinda of getting dark so I'll walk you back to where your staying," Mimi grinned and waited to be told where Zina was staying so she could say goodbye to her and maybe give her a good night kiss. She ran a hand through her purple hair, looking around to see if there was anything to look at.
Zina nodded then she smiled "ok lets go to my place" she smiled then she took her hand and she walked with her to her apartment " here we are....hey will i see you again" she asked with a smile
"I hope so," Mimi smiled and kissed Zina on the cheek before turning on her heel and strutting away, looking over her shoulder with a wink.
Valkery shivered in her sleep and pressed closer to Frost, nuzzling her face into his fur. She breathed in deeply and mumbled in her sleep, dreaming about kittens and pups. She purred loudly, the dream being a nice one and curled her paws further into her chest.
Zina smiled then she waved goodnight then she kissed her cheek back "see yah" she said then she went to her bedroom and she laid down.
Frost blushed then he held her closer, nuzzling his face into her neck. He yawned a little then licked Valkery's neck fur gently.
Valkery body pressed closer to Frost when he touched her neck fur and her purring louder. Her tail layed itself across Frost's back and she dug her claws into the ground in a stretch.
Mimi got back to her house and flopped onto her bed. She screamed into her pillow and rolled over with a stupid grin on her face.
Frost blushed then he licked her even more. his tail raced along her back as they sleep. his claw dug into the dirt as he slept.
Zina yawned then she took out her phone and she smiled. "i wonder what she is doing right now"
Valkery finally stilled as she drifted off to even deeper sleep. Purring quieting until it stopped.
Mimi slipped under her blankets and slowly fell asleep, tired from the day she had just had. Her dad walked in and shut off her lights with a laugh then strolled of the room, shutting her door.
Frost smiled then he drifted off into sleep.
Zina slipped under her blankets and she fell asleep. she was tired from everything that happened today.
Gale woke up when she rolled off of something and hit her head on the ground. Sitting up she realized she had been using Ziro as a body pillow and had rolled off of him in her sleep. She stood up and stretched, ticking Ziro in before going to get coffee.
Valkery felt weight on her when she woke up, finding herself somehow buried under frost. She knew she got cold when she slept and always tried to bury under blankets so she guessed she had done the same thing here. She laid still to lazy to try and crawl out, not really caring because she was warm.
Ziro woke up and he smiled "what are you doing Gale" he asked then he got up and he followed her then he picked up both Frost and Valkery.
Frost woke up and he saw valkery then he nuzzeled her a little more "Dir ice" he whispered "sleep well darling"
"Just getting coffee. Did you sleep well? Is there anything you want," Gale hummed as she looked at menu for the coffee shop. She took Vlalkery away from Ziro and ordered for herself.
"Volkit, vol kit? kit Volkit vol vol," Valkery looked at frost and shook her head to get her fur to poof up then started grooming, 'yes, did you? I hope I didn't bother".
"yeah can i have a mocha " Ziro smiled then he went up to her and he hugged her " i love you....and yes i did sleep well" he smiled then he kissed her ears.
"Dir ice dirice" Frost looked at valkery and he giggled a little then he smiled " Yep i sure did it was so soft.." he winked
Valkery stuck her nose up at him and grumbled it was because of her fur and the fact that he had pretty much used her as a pillow.
Gale blushed when he hugged her and kissed his cheek, accepting her coffee and paying for it.
Frost drooped then he got near her and he drooped "Dir ice" "i didn't use you as a pillow your the one who were rolling all around me in my self.
Zero smiled then he got his mocha and he payed for it.
Valkery rolled her eyes at and giggled. She looked at him with a smirk and when Gale moved closer to give Ziro a kiss, pressed her nose against his, "volk kit kit Volkit volk Kit kit!"(your so easy to tease!)
Gale kissed Ziro on the lips softly then stole a sip of his coffee with a laugh. She grinned at him and stuck her tongue out, walking back to the blanket which Nyx was sitting on.
Frost blushed then he pressed his nose back into hers kissing her soft lips. "Dir ice dirice." He called then he jumped down and he tackled her down with him and they landed on Flame and he kissed her passationaly.
Ziro blushed then he kissed her back "wow your lips are so soft" he teased then he grabbed her and held her close
"Lip chap! It helps," Gale giggled looking up at Ziro and kissing his nose. She pressed her face into his chest and smiled.
Valkery squeaked loudly, fur warming up as she blushed. She squirmed for a bit before relaxing and kissing back. She mewed softly and closing her eyes and relaxing.
"oh.." Ziro smiled then he held her closer and he smiled "your so cute"he winked.
Frost barked a little then he kissed her longer. he chuckled when she kissed him back. he barked softly and he closed his eyes as he kissed her sweet lips and relaxed.
Gale blushed and tried to hide her face in his shirt further. She looked up at Ziro and puffed out her cheeks in embarrassment.
Valkery gained an idea and folded her paws close to her chest, she launched her paws out to throw him off then tackle him to the ground. She folded her ears to her head, eyes fluttering open.
Nyx watched and looked at flame to see if she was okey with what was happening, the ghost type floated next to the fire type's head.
Ziro laughed and he kissed her cheek. "aww someone looks adorable today" he kissed her lips
Frost groaned then he sighed let her be on top of him "Dirice ice ice " (ohh someone is being playful)
Flame looked at nyx and she licked her "Ninetales" (i'm ok dear...hey when are you gonna be a haunter" she asked.