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Private/Closed The Kerlo Reigon

Marko was hit by the claw but used sneasel's closeness to land another focus punch. Anger started to pour through his views as he embraced his species anger. The fighting type let out a war cry and stood back up, waiting for the next move.
Valkery saw the hug coming and side stepped it with ease, hitting Frost's rump with a paw as it passed. She gigged then looked back to the battle.
Mimi smiled and then comforted Zina to the best of her abilities.
Sneasel went down and she stayed down and Icen walked up to her and she smiled "good...job.." she smiled then she looked at her "ok Cubcoo go " she smiled then Cub smiled "ok use Ice beam" she ordered and and beam of ice was shot at Marko "there now we are even" Icen giggled. "aww you didn't have to punch her to death...now she needs help" she had one of her helper run over and get Sneasel and take her to the pokecenter.
Frost blushed then he groaned.
Zyra smiled then she looked at her "thank you"
"Sorry about him. He has a hard time handling his anger," Gale sighed and Marko skidded across the floor when he was hit by the ice beam. Gale recalled him and sent out Tealeaf, the stantler standing tall as he was proud to be called into battle, "Tealeaf! Use double kick"!
Valkery laughed at frost and stuck her touge out at him.
Mimi smiled back and said a no problem.
Icen smiled then she nodded "ok Cub use protect then attack with ice punch " she ordered then she smiled "my little cub is so close to evolving " she smiled then she looked at him and she grinned.
Frost groaned then he stuck out his tougue.
Zyra smiled then she kissed her.
Mimi froze then kissed back. More interested in the girl beside her then the movie.
Valkery giggled, using a paw to cover her mouth as she watched Frost get riled up and easier to tease.
"Double kick again," Gale ordered and Tealeaf took the ice punch before kicking at the bear again. Gale wanted to end the battle as quick as possible and smirked at the gym leader, "Tealeaf use hypnosis"!
Zyra blushed then she kissed her back.
Frost groaned then he got up and he walked over to her and he hugged her
"Ah dodge" Icen yelled then Cub got hit then something happened to it and it started to evolve into a beartic "awesome ...ok Bear use ice punch" she yelled then she giggled.
"Hypnosis again," Gale ordered with a cheer. She beamed brightly and watched over her pokemon as it released an aura of sleep around it.
Valkery saw the hug again and dodge it but stepped on his back to stop him from flying to far. She nipped at his ears before running away to sit higher up where he couldn't reach her.
Mimi pressed Zina deeper into the kiss before pulling away with a grin, "thanks for coming to the movies with me cutie".
Icen smirked then she watched her beartic fell asleep and almost fell on the deer. "oh crap..hey wake up beartic" she frowned.
Frost groaned then he blushed when she nipped at his ears.
Zyra blushed then she hugged her " your welcome..so are we a couple or did you just want to kiss me" she teased
"I'd say we were a couple," Mimi smiled and kissed Zina again. She nuzzled her face into the girl's hair and sighed deeply.
Valkery purred happily from where she was, padding back and forth. Showing off to Frost who couldn't get to or atleast would have a hard time getting to her. She sat down facing him and licked her chest fur and neck fur, teasing him about still loosing their little challenge.
"Double kick whiles he down," Gale ordered and Tealeaf kicked at the Beartic again. The normal type hitting the ice type's back harshly with his hooves, he huffed loudly through his nose.
"really yay" Zina said with a smile. she nuzzeled her back. "hey whats wrong" she drooped.
Frost closed his eyes then he faked sleep for a while waiting for her to get closer.
Icen growled then she sighed when Beartic fainted "good job..." she smiled then she clapped her hands "you won Miss. " she smiled
(could you be Icen for Ziro's battle)
(Yep but can we continue tomorrow? I'm falling asleep)
"Good battle," Gale bowed to her respectivly and called her Pokemon back. She sat in the bleachers after getting her badge, kissing Ziro on the forehead.
Valkery snuck over to Frost slowly, she sniffed him carefully before licking his muzzle with a small kiss. She purred lightly and kissed him a little bit deeper then started grooming her shoulder fur.
"Nothing. Just can't believe I met you," Mimi giggled and poked Zina on the nose and got up to lead her out of the theater as the movie had stopped playing.
(yep i am too and we can)
Icen walked up to her and she handed her the Ice Spike badge "here you go miss" she bowed to her as well.
Frost blushed then he acted like he woke up "Dir ice " (what are you doing) he asked.
Zina smiled then she smiled "so can i meet your dad" she asked.
Valkery smirk and nodded toward Ziro. She rest her tail on Frost's side before it started swaying again. The water type leapt up beside her trainer, "Volkit kit Volkit Volkit, vol vol kit Volkit"!(I was waking you up, your trainer is up!)
Gale took the badge and put it in her case. She sat down and scratched Valkery when she sat beside her. The girl got ready to cheer for her boyfriend, waiting for the battle to start.
"Yep. Got to warm you though he's a big teddy bear. Looks terrifing but will let you walk all over him," Mimi smiled before stretching her arms above her head. Her chatot appeared once again and landed on her shoulder. Mimi pulled a peice of food out for him and he ate it happily.
Frost smiled then he nodded then he followed Ziro to the battlefield
"Dir ice dirice" (thanks )
Ziro looked at Icen and he smiled "cmon icen lets get this battle done with"
"really...i can't wait to meet him " Zina said with a smile then she looked at her and she held her hand tight "i love you...i didn't think when we meet we would be a couple" she blushed
"Dewgong! Let's not them win," Icen grinned the water and icy type stood inform of its trainer waiting for an order so the battle could start, "use icy wind"!
Gale and her Pokemon stood on the sidelines. Cheering for Ziro and his team. Valkery stood on the railing, purring and meowing loudly to the other pokemon in a cheer.
Mimi grinned and nodded. A large man wandered over to them after he saw them. Mimi waved and grinned with a laugh, "looks like he has already spotted us. Remember don't be scared".
"dodge that attack them use Bite " Ziro ordered then Frost ran at the ice type and bit down on its tail.
Ziro smirked then he looked at them. "alright thats good Frost"
Zina looked at the man and she smiled "hehe Hello sir"
"Headbutt now," Icen growled with a wave of her hand. Dewgong turned to throw its head back then forward towards Frost. The ice type gym leader still sore from her defeat against Gale.
The man lumbered over to loom over Zina and his daughter. His face was frowning until it broke into a large grin and he laughed, "and here I was thinking you were out late just to be a rebel, Mimi. Why didn't you say you were hanging out with your friend"!
"Girlfriend, dad," Mimi grinned squeezing Zina's shoulders. The man laughed and apologized sticking out his hand in a formal greeting, "my name is Nile! It's nice to meet you"!
Frost groaned then he smirked " Dodge then use Ember!" Ziro yelled then Frost used a bunch of embers on Dewgong.
Zina smiled then she shook his hand "its nice to meet you as well Nile..." she giggled then she sighed "i'm Zina"
"Grrrr! Icy wind again," Icen ordered and her injured Pokemon did as it was told. Gale and her Pokemon were still cheering for Ziro and his team. Valkery danced around to show her support, tail swaying back in forth in a playful manor.
"Nice to meet you, Zina! So did you two enjoy the movie. Mr G called and told me you were here Mimi. He wanted to make sure I knew where you were," Nile laughed resting both of his hands on his stomach. He leaned back and Mimi blushed at how loud he was being. She tried to calm him down but he just laughed even more.
Frost got hit and he shook it off and he smiled "Frost use Bite again on it!" he yelled then Frost ran at the pokemon and it bit down on it's tail.
Zina giggled then she nodded "yes sir i loved the movie...so Nile you don't mind us dating.." she asked.
Dragon tried to stay conscious but the pain from the bite made it pass out. Icen scoffed and called it back, weaville leaping into the room after being fully healed. The dark type leapt onto the feild and grinned evilly at Frost, "use shadow claw quick"!
"I am perfectly fine with it my dear! My brother is also someone of the same gender, so I grew up with it. No judgement here," Nile grinned as he noticed that he had embarrassed his daughter. Nile ruffled Mimi's head, giving her a case of bed head. He then turned serious and loomed over Zina, "I still have say though. You do anything to hurt my litte girl and I'll make you pay. Now who wants ice cream on me"!
Frost gasped then he was hit and he flew back and he hit the wall hard and he fainted "crap" Ziro groaned then he laid him beside Valkery.
then Ziro sent out Flame "ok Flame use flamethrower"
Zina gasped then she nodded "yes sir i will never hurt her i promise" she shivered then she hugged Mimi
"Volkit kit," Valkery sighed with a shake of her head. She sat on him to try and keep him warm in the cool air. Using him like a pillow, "nice try".
"Don't worry he's just bluffing," Mimi assured her girlfriend and tugged her toward the ice cream parlor her father was heading towards. The large man strutted toward said parlor and people moved out of his way.
Frost looked at her and he sighed "DIrice Dir" He blushed then he smiled at her "yeah...i beat one of them" he looked at flame and he cheered.
"Oh ok...i thought he really meant it" she smiled then she followed her into the ice cream parlor.
"Volkit! Vol vol Volkit Volkit," Valkery huffed, tail flicking around to hit him on the head. She stuck her nose in the air, 'idiot! By the way did I say anything when I was out of it'?
"Don't worry. Now what flavor would you like," Mimi smiled and open the door to the building. Nile was already leaned over the counter trying to decide on what to get and Mimi shook her head at her father.
"Dirice! Ice ice " Frost groaned then he pushed her off then he limped off "No...you didn't " he growled.
"um Rocky road" Zina smiled then she hugged her. when they walked in , she smiled then she looked at Nile "so Nile is it just you and Mimi" she asked.
"Volkit vol vol," Valkery looked at him very confused. She tried to pad after him but when he growled fell back. She called after him and tried to ask if he was okey, 'what's wrong'?
"Yeah. Her mother didn't like it to much when Mimi came out. She left because I didn't support her in alienating our daughter," Nile turned back around with a large cone of minty chocolate ship. Mimi ordered Zina's rocky road then vanilla for herself.
Frost turned around and he looked at her and he sighed "Dirice... Ice" He said then he walked close to her and he kissed her nose "nothing i don't like it when you get mad because i lost"
Ziro smiled as he had just won "yay thanks Icen"
"aww well you sure made the right choice " she smiled then she got her rocky road cone and she called over to them and she sat down. then she saw one of her co-workers walk in wearing the team plasma uniform 'crap...' she thought.
"Volkit vol vol kit Volkit! Kit Kit vol Volkit," Valkery blushed when he kissed her and playfully pawed at his chest. She rolled her eyes and spun around to sashay back to her trainer, deciding to tease Frost about. She swung her hips a little more and looked over her shoulder with halflidded eyes, 'I wasn't upset, frosty! Now come on, we don't want to be left behind"!
Nile and Mimi didn't notice the team plasma member instead they were arguing over what flavor of ice cream was better.
"Dir ice Dirice" Frost cried then he ran to Ziro and he smiled. Ziro grinned then he picked up the small little Pokemon and he ran up to Gale "see i did it too" he smiled then he held up his badge and he then put it in his case.
Zina giggled when they started to Argue "aww guys cmon everyone knows rocky road is the best"
"I'm so happy for you! One step closer to the league," Gale cheered and laughed when Valkery leapt onto her shoulders. The water type grinned at the other Pokemon and was purring loudly. Gale waved to Icen and started to walk towards the door.
Mimi and Nile let out a loud gasp each. Then started arguing that their flavored were the best, talking over eachother.
Ziro smiled then he walked with her outside. and he pet Valkery and he smiled at her "yeah one step closer " He smiled then he kissed her cheek.
Icen waved goodbye.
Zina giggled then she hugged Mimi "aww cmon guys"
Mimi blushed and Nile laughed at his daughter's face. The girl kissed the top of Zina's head and glared playfully at her dad. The man put his hands up in surrender still chuckling.
Gale cuddled up to Ziro and Valkery licked his cheek in thanks for being pet. She blinked and looked at Frost and meowed at him happily.
Zina blushed then she kissed her back "yay i'm so glad i meet you" she smiled happily then she smirked at her then she smiled at her.
Ziro blushed then he kissed her cheek. Frost looked up at her and he smiled then he made a small bark at her.
Gale pulled him over to watch a show that a Pokemon preformed was putting on. She tried to catch it all, eyes wide with wonder. Valkery leapt off of Gale's shoulders and wandered away to a bench, where she layed down and watched the Pyroar that was performing and basking in the heat she was giving off with her moves.
Ziro smiled then he sat down and beside her. he was amazed by it and then he looked at Gale and he kissed her cheek. Frost walked over to Valkery and he nuzzeled her cheek then he laid beside her. "Dir ice" (hey isn't she amazing)
Gale giggled and cuddled up to Ziro, wrapping an arm around his waist and leaning her head against his shoulder.
"Volkit vol vol," Valkery looked at him and butted her head gently against his shoulder. She bared her neck to him, a sign she trusted him. Her tail wrapped around his and she purred softly, 'yes she is'.
Mum smiled and leaned her forehead against Zina, blushing when her father laughed and walked away.
Ziro blushed then he cuddled up to her and he kissed her cheek.
"Dir ice dirice" Frost blushed then he kissed her cheek. then he rubbed his nose into her neck fur "so we are a couple..." he chuckled then he blushed when she wrapped her tail around his.
Zina blushed then she hugged her "mimi....i got to tell you something"