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Private/Closed The Kerlo Reigon

"Gastly gas tly. Gastly gas gas," Nyx would have shrugged if she could. She landed on the ground, starting to roll around not caring how she looked.
Valkery grinned and slapped his playfully with a paw. She them just sat on him, ignoring him while she cleaned her fur.
"Your being mushy again," Gale huffed and kissed Ziro's nose before pulling away. She looked down at Valkery and Frost, laughing at how her water type was reacting. She scratched behind Valkery's ears and the Volkit meowed happily.
Flame giggled then she nuzzeled the ghost type.
Frost blushed then he sighed and let her mess with him
Ziro grinned then he pet her hair "aww what about you clinging to my chest" he smiled.
Zina woke up late and she took out her phone and texted Mimi goodmorning
"Me being embarrassed," Gale laughed and stuck her tongue out at him before packing her blanket back away. She pulled her hair into a messy bun and placed her hands on her hips, "one thing done for the day"!
Mimi replied after picking herself off the floor, rolling her shoulders with a pop.
Valkery smirked down at Frost and batted at his snout to try and make him sneeze before leaning down and nipping at his ears. Her tail swayed behind her and curled around Frost's, the ribbon still attached to it.
Ziro chuckled then he smiled "yep you be Embarassed " ziro smiled then he kissed her lips and he picked her up in a bridal way and he winked "ok guys we are going home " he smiled then he carried his lovely girlfriend back with him to the pokecenter "so Gale when shall we head out "
Zina replied back then she smiled "so where are we meeting today"
Frost sneezed cutely then he blushed. she was making me so embarassed but he was so happy that he was being loved by her
Mimi was about to reply when he father called her down to tell her he needed all hands on deck today. She replied that she couldn't make due to work issues and apologized for her absence.
Valkery got off Frost with a sway of her tail then padded off behind Ziro and Gale. Nyx followed her and floated up to be carried by her trainer. Gale squeaked when she was picked up, blush renewing and she batted at Ziro's chest for scaring her.
Zina texted back a frowny face and then a ....ok ....have fun. Zina then when to training area and she began to work on Houndours and Eletrikes moves.
Frost then got up and ran to Ziro and he got in his arms.
Ziro smiled then he kissed her cheek "aww is someone scared" he winked.
"Only when you scoop me up like that! I could have punched you in the face," Gale complained and sat frost in her lap. She combed her fingers through her hair and huffed at him, "we can leave when ever your ready. I'm good to go".
Valkery strolled beside Ziro and let out an amused sound when she watched frost leap up to him. She held her tail high and strutted like she owned the whole world, trying to show off her fur and over all try an annoy Frost.
Ziro smiled then he groaned " well i'm sorry i just wanted to show you what i would do if we got married" he groaned.
Frost smiled at her then he feel asleep out of bordom.
"Married," Gale squeaked loudly, blushing hard enough that it enveloped her neck and ears. She looked up at Ziro with wide eyes and blinked at him. She pressed her face into his chest again to hide it, heat radiating off of it.
Nyx flew onto her trainer's shoulder, laughing at the girl and nudged her with a grin. The ghost type laughing merrily as she watched everything go down.
Ziro chuckled then he pet her head "aww i'm sorry..." he smiled then he laid on their bed for a second then he chuckled "so are you ok Now" he asked as he pet the girl on his chest.
Flame chuckled as well then she laid on the bed beside everyone
Gale grumbled that she was fine and batted Ziro's hand away playfully. She hugged Nux to her chest, laughing at the small ghost type, who struggled to get out of her hug.
Valkery leapt onto the bed and started rolling around and stretching, purring loudly as she did so.
Nyx cried out in surprise when her trainer pulled her in. The ghost type struggled for a bit, looking to Flame for help.
Ziro smirked then he laid on the bed and he closed his eyes and he slowly fell asleep.
Flame giggled then she went up to her and she used her tails to tickle Gale.
Frost laid on the pillows and he fell asleep
Gale let Nyx go as she laughed. The ghost type hid behind flame, underneath her tails. Gale needed to go talk to nurse joy so she picked herself up and walked downstairs.
Valkery nuzzled into the pillows, making a nest for herself. She cleaned her fur of any dirt and sighed happily. She pressed her nose into her shoulder fur and her face slowly warmed up as she picked up traces of Frost's scent on her fur. She groomed the area to try and hide it, getting comfortable on the pillows.
Flame rubbed her tails on Nyx then she smiled "Ninetales " (aww someone looks adorable)
Frost smelled Valkery's scent on his fur and he sighed then he started to roll around on the bed to get rid of the scent
Nyx just looked at her and stuck her tongue out. The ghost type hid again in the tails, popping out randomly to try and get as comfortable as possible. She rolled around for a bit then glowered and tried again.
Valkery looked at frost before padding over to him and placed a paw on his shoulders. She looked at him with playfully narrowed eyes and bent down to see if her smell was still present, "what do you think you doing, frost? I thought you said I smelt nice"?
Flame giggled then she laid back down and she smirked "Ninetales " (so does it feel good back there)
Frost sighed then he nuzzeled her and he shook his head " what yes you do i...just don't want to smell myself and i think i smell like a girl " he blushed then he licked her cheek "sorry i'll keep your smell i kind of like it because that means i ...wait you smell like me" he told her.
"Yes sadly," Valkery meowed as she continued to groom herself. She tapped Ziro on the nose with a paw before leaping off of the bed. She stretched and let out a loud purr as her bones woke up fully.
Nyx popped out of the mass of tails and nodded with a grin then got comfortable again. She floated closer to Flame and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Ghastly ghastly ghas ghas. Ghastly ghastly gas".they are very soft and warm. They make a good bed)
Frost smiled then he giggled then walked up to her and he licked her ears and he smiled "hey i'm not a bad smell in fact we could just let it stay and then males couldn't flirt with you" he smiled.
Flame blushed then she looked at her and she stared "ninetales nine nine " (Nyx you kissed me...thanks)
Valkery rolled her eyes at this but didn't say anything against it. Her ears twitched and moved when he licked them, acting out of instinct. She swayed her tail back and forth as she looked out of the window.
Nyx grinned at flame but snuggled closer o her chest fur. The ghost type blinked a couple of times and gently laughed.
Frost sighed then he cuddled beside her and he smiled "aww don't you love me Valkery" he teased then he licked her cheek
flame blushed again then she smiled "hey stop laughing baby" she drooped
"You are an idiot," Valkery laughed and nuzzled Frost back. She looked over at the door when Gale strode back in with a fully healed Marko. The mankey strutting around like he owned the place. Gale flopped onto the bed and yawn loudly as she watched pokemon. Nyx stopped and cuddled closer to flame.
Frost laughed then he nuzzled her back "Yeah right if i'm an Idiot that mean your this idiot's girlfriend " he smiled then he kissed her cheek. Ziro looked around and he smiled at Gale "hey gale you still tired?" he asked. Flame blushed then she held her closer.
"Not really. We have to get back on the road," Gale sat up and stretched her arms above her head. She looked at Ziro and nodded to him with a grin. Valkery tackled frost playfully, batting at his snout with her paws. She let out a now of happiness and rolled off so she could run around the room. Nyx stopped moving, trying to adsorb as much heat as she could from the fire type.
"Oh yeah maybe we should get going " Ziro said then he got beside her and he hugged her tight "i love you Sweetie" he smiled then he kissed her cheek. Frost smiled then he chased her around the room. Flame smiled then she pet her alittle "love you " she whispered
Nyx mumbled a love reply back to the ninetails and floated away to greet her owner. Gale hugged her ghost type then Ziro. She pulled him off of the bed so they could start back on their adventure. Marko sat off to the side watching everyone move about. Valkery skidded to a stop hoping that frost would trip and run into her or something to that affect.
Flame smiled then she ran over to her trainer and she smiled. Ziro looked at them and he grinned "aww now thats cute...a ghost type and my fire type dating " he smiled then he looked at his other "Ivy, Frost cmon time to go" he called. Ivy nodded then she ran to Marko and she smiled at him. Frost gasped then he hit Valkery and he sighed "oww"
Valkery laughed at him and pressed her nose against frost's. She then padded over to Gale ready to go on the road. Marko smiled back and hugged the grass type, chirping a greeting to the servine. Nyx looked at Ziro and floated around the two trainers before ramming into Gale's back to make her move forward and grab Ziro's shirt to stop her falling.
Frost smiled then he got up and he ran over to Ziro and Valkery and he nuzzeled her cheek "love yah" he whispered. Ivy smiled then she gave him a small kiss on his cheek. Ziro gasped then he held her close "you ok Gale...bad nyx " he smiled. Flame laughed then she jumped up and she grabbed the ghost type.
"I'm ok, I think she was just making a point about us being cuter than them," Gale giggled at her ghost type as Nyx shook herself in a way that meant no. She floated back to flame and cuddled into her neck fur and made a purring sound towards the fire type. Valkery putted back at frost and fluttered her eyes at him, she licked his cheek and ears trying to make the dirice blush. She pressed herself against him and rested her chin on her shoulder, "your smell won't stop them from flirting if I get rid of it. I guess you'll just have to keep a close eye on me. I do like to let my heart wander".
Ziro smiled then she nodded "yep thats probably it " he smiled at her. Flame laughed then she kissed Nyx's cheek then she smiled "hehe Nyx that tickles" she smiled happily. Frost blushed then he kissed her cheek " Aww cmon love I guess i'm just gonna have to do the same since you want your heart to wander"
"You wouldn't," Valkery hissed and narrowed her eyes at him. She shoved him then strode away with a smirk, "and here I was thinking about having a litter when I evolve. Guess I'll have to find a different sire then".
Gale smiled and laughed, tugging on Ziro's arm toward the door. She was very ready to go on with their adventures. She made sure her hair was not going to fall in her face. Nyx nipped flame's ear and floated out of the doorway.
Frost gasped then he hugged her tight "what i'm sorry i didn't mean it i would never leave you...your my one and only " he started to cry as he held on to her. "plz don't find another guy"
Ziro smiled then he walked out with her and he smiled " so Two the next town..wait i heard theirs a haunted house on the next route " he smiled at her Flame grinned then she followed her.
(Wanna add some Ghost Fakemon...some scary ones)
"I'm kidding frost. I look you to much," Valkery tried to cheer up the other pokemon. She nuzzled her face into his neck fur and licked at the bottom of his nuzzle in apology for scaring him. When she heard about the haunted house she pressed herself closer, "maybe you can protect me from some scary ghost types".
"That sounds really cool! Can we check it out," Gale nodded and beamed at the idea of a haunted house. Her eyes were bright and Nyx shared the look with her trainer, the ghost type excited to maybe meet some other ghost types.
(Sure let me think of some ideas)
Frost smiled then he nuzzeled her cheek "ok i'll protect you from the scary ghost types " He smiled then he kissed her cheek
Ziro smirked then he nodde d" Yeah i can't wait to go see it ...i heard the ghost are scary" he smiled at her then he held her close.
Gale cuddled up to Ziro as Valkery did to Frost. Valkery noticed everyone leaving and nipped at frost's ears to tell him that they should start moving. Nyx was more than happy to maybe meet some other ghost types and rolled through the air so she could show it.
Ziro smiled then he kissed her cheek. Frost smiled then he nuzzeled her then he ran up to the others and he smiled "cmon Valkery" he smiled. Flame couldn't help herself, Nyx was just so cute when she was happy
Valkery rolled her eyes at him and chased after the group. Her paws padding against the ground as she ran. Gale watched Valkery run past them and outside where she waited for everyone to catch up. Nyx still spun around in the air but came to rest on Gale's shoulder once she became dizzy. The ghost type letting out a confused hum as the world spin in her eyes.
Frost chased after Valkery and he smiled happily at her. "i'm gonna get you" he called out and he tackled her to the ground and he smiled "hehe."
Ziro smirked then he looked at nyx and he laughed "cute " he whispered
Valkery let out a squeak when she was tackled. She paws at Frost's haunches to try and get him off with laughter.
Gale watched the two and looked around, waving goodbye to nurse joy. She looked at the town outside and cuddled closer to Ziro, "so where is the next route? Remember your my guide around the region. I can't wait to get this show on the road".
Frost smiled then he nuzzeled her cheek then he got up and he smiled
Ziro smirked then he took her hand and he lead her to the next route "right here...this is the dark forest...it takes us to the house and the next town..this forest has many dark types and ghost types."
(which i'm gonna think of soon...might have the Drakeling live here but i don't know yet)