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Ask to Join The Life of Highschoolers

Lis faltered behind for a bit, looking around at students. There were so many unfamiliar and new ones, it was almost overwhelming. She spotted a fellow popular group laughing at a boy with a smile on his face, and maybe her ears turned red again. Clearing her throat to no one in particular, she passed the table, glancing out of the corner of her eye at the male, and head to her locker. She grabbed her things and traveled to the next class.
Mrs. Lewis saw a couple kids file into class, and then she started to wright something on the black board. The black board read,

Partner Assignment of Three or More. Follow these instructions,
1. Buddy with a group of Three or more
2. Choose a certain cell or tissue of the body as a group, and separately right three or more essay's on the certain tissue or cell.
3. Look at each others essay's, and make one essay as a group, combining notes from all essays.

Laura read the rules, and slumped her head on her desk. This was another thing she hated about Science class, not the group part, but the cells and tissue's part.
Robby walked into science, looking at the ground as usual. He slung his backpack from his shoulder to his hand as he got near his desk in the back of the room, letting it drop to the floor. Sighing, he took a moment to sit there, dreading what he was about to have to read on the board.

He looked up, squinting his eyes as he read it closely. "She hates us. She absolutely hates us." Robby thought. "We've been doing cells since freshman year!" He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Group projects were really not his cup of tea as he tended to do most of the work.
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When the bell rang, Zeke's group split off to their classes. Unlike in middle school, he was now put in classes with people he didn't really talk too. It was a good thing he still had some connections with a lot of people from middle school which allowed him to have atleast someone to talk too. However, in science class, Joe was the only one he actually talked too. Unfortunately, that was the only thing Joe was useful for.

Zeke groaned in dismay when he looked at the board and saw he had to be in groups. 'Why does the one class I don't want to do group work makes us do group work?' Zeke thought as he saw Joe sit next to him. "So partner, what type of tissue are we going to do?" Joe asked as he pulled out his notebook. Zeke rolled his eyes as he heard Joe try to act like he knew what he was doing. "Joe, do you even know what a tissue is?" Zeke asked, knowing full well that Joe didn't. "Yeah, of course I do!" Joe confidently stated. Zeke just shook his head and looked around the class. "Well we still have to find one more person." Zeke lazily said before laying back in his seat. "Maybe if we write a good enough essay, she won't care about how many people are in our group." Zeke figured as he looked at Joe. He could honestly care less if the teacher got angry at them for not enough members. "Yeah! Quality over quantity like I always say!" Joe exclaimed before he started to write the topic in his notebook before stopping. "Wait, what's the topic again?" Joe asked.

Zeke was actually grateful that he paid some attention in class. He was never really a science kid but he didn't hate the class either. Zeke could actually say science was one of the classes he was good at if only there wasn't so much work. 'Let's see. Tissues might be too hard for Joe so we'll do cells. What cells are there?' The first thought of cells that came to mind was the villain Cell from 'Dragonall Z', but he couldn't do that. 'Red blood cells compared to white blood cells might be a good topic.' Zeke realized that Mrs. Lewis didn't exactly state what type of essay they had to. Zeke figured that if he did a comparison essay on two different cells and actually do an in depth explanation on each one, it would definitely be the top essay in the class. "Okay Joe, I have an idea." Zeke said to Joe before he started to explain. Zeke was grateful that it was an essay. If anything, Joe could atleast right a decent essay and all Zeke had to do was tell him some information to put in the essay. That way it would look like that the main essay had input from each member's essay. "You got that Joe?" Zeke asked before they got ready to write. "Yeah, I got it." Joe said before he started writing. "Good." Zeke mumbled before he started writing as fast as he could.
"Yeah, alright. See ya later." Rico said with a nod as he made his way to his next class: History. While P.E. was his favorite class, he considered history to be a close second. There was something so enthralling about hearing about the past if the world. It was hearing stories of humanity's legacy.
Even sat in science class, right by his window seat, as he would read the instructions. Even wasn't exactly a science guy, but with the right people this project wouldn't be intolerable. Naturally he moved over to Laura.

"Mind if I work with you?" Even asked, wanting to check if it was okay with her in the event she may or may not have already made her group.
Lis sat near the back, slumped over without a partner. She had smiled to herself, really liking the solitude. She had been lazily reading her notes when the teacher's familiar voice spoke, specifically to her. “Miss Fifer, you haven't a partner.” Lis looked up, a pleading look in her eyes. The teacher looked around, trying to spot an available group. “Hm.. how about..” Lis internally groaned as the teacher searched. Her eyes narrowed while the teacher was distracted from her, and she gave a rude glare without their noticing.
Laura nodded to Even, as a signal to she would like to work with him. Then Laura shot from her desk. "We'll take Lis." she said calmly, as Mrs. Lewis nodded in approval, saying, "That'll work." Laura walked over to Lis, and said, "So, want to join me and Even?" with a smile on her face.
(okay since Roman was edgy as all hell last time, im just going to tone him down a bit)

Roman, seemed to be fast asleep, his face resting on the thick packet that she had handed out.

He really didn't care.

At this point he had straight a's in all of his classes without trying and usually just shared his notes with other students.

He continued to ignore the teacher getting up and heading to the restroom, for god knows what.
Lis weakly smiled as she was partnered with her usual group of friends. She was glad it wasn't some strangers. Getting up, she brought her notes over to the group. “So, uh, cells? I've got some notes over here..” Lis said setting them down.
"I agree on the cells, and I was thinking we explain brain cells?" Laura asked her group. "Brain cells have always fascinated me, and I figure that it would be a good subject, no?" she went on, as she twiddled around with her pencil, eventually having the top of the eraser in her top lip.
"Sounds reasonable to me. Let's go with it. That's if it's okay with you Lis." Even said in support of Laura's suggestion. However, this was a group of three so he wanted Lis to okay it first before they moved forward.
Robby sat there in the back, alone. Shaking his leg with anxiety, he quickly raised his hand, "May I go to the bathroom?" He asked nervously. Upon receiving permission, he scooped up his book bag and headed out the door in a quick motion, accidentally bumping into a few students but didn't apologize.

Robby rushed down the hall way in a quick motion, stopping in the middle of the hall way by the front doors and slammed his hands against the lockers loudly. Deciding he didn't want to be seen skipping class causing a commotion, he quickly exited the school. "I should have stayed homeschooled." He said angrily to himself.
Laura saw Robby walk out of class with permission from Mrs. Lewis. Laura noticed something was defiantly bothering him, so she raised her hand in the air. "May I use the bathroom as well?" she asked her. Mrs. Lewis nodded, saying, "That's fine." before Laura left the room, following Robby down the halls.

Laura stopped, upon seeing him leave the school. She didn't exactly know him yet, but nonetheless, she walked out after him, and put a hand on his shoulder, in attempt to stop him. "What's wrong? I saw you walk out of class?" Laura said, not even bothering to give her name to Robby.
“Yeah, I'm -” she started, but silenced as Laura had quickly asked for a bathroom excuse after the male Lis talked to earlier had been in a rush to leave. “Fine..” she finished quietly. Lis paused, looking blankly at the notes and then at Even with a weak smile. “So, should we wait? Or, um, keep going?”
Even seemed equally surprised at Laura's abrupt leave as he gave Lis a shrug.

"I think we should wait. Hard to be a three person group without three people." Even said, really he had a look that said I wish I knew what to do as he spoke to Lis.
“Yeah, you're right..” Lis said with a quiet sigh, sinking a bit in her seat as she looked around the classroom. Though her headache was more than minor, her fever miraculously hushed and all Lis wanted was some aspirin and a nap.

She tapped her foot a few times, and scanned the peers in her classroom. At one moment, the tips of her ears flushed and she turned her head, biting her cheek. Re-situating herself, she sat up and straightened her notes, occasionally reading the neatly-written words.
Without thinking, Robby aggressively spun around, knocking her hand off his shoulder. Seeing it was a classmate of his, he flinched and bit his lip, "Oh. Sorry." He muttered, "Thought you were a teacher or.. principle or something." He glanced away a few seconds, looking at his car before back at Laura. "I'm.. fine." He hesitated, "I'm not used to public school yet is all."

He looked back over at his car, debating whether to leave or not. "Not only that, I'm not exactly social. And being forced to be social isn't exactly an activity I'm fond of."
"Are you okay?" Even asked Lis, having noticed she's been rather...off today. Even couldn't help but be concerned, even if she seemed better than she did earlier.

Lis has been there for me like Laura has, and the most I've done for her is give her a note. I owe it to her to at least make sure she's okay.
I don't really know, she wanted to say. Instead, she just smiled. “I'm fine,” she replied. Unsure if she was convincing or not, Lis cleared her throat in her arm. “Just... fine.” She smiled once more.
Even looked Lis in the eye before letting out a sigh.

"If you want to keep it to yourself, that's fine. It's not my place to butt in. You're not a great liar though, and if there is anything that is bothering you, I'd like to know. I...I haven't been a great friend to you Lis. I've probably made you feel left out compared to Laura and, quite frankly, you've done far more for me than vice versa. So if there's anything I can do to make you feel even a little better, I'd like to know. However, that's for you to decide. I can't force you to do or say anything." Even offered.
Lis looked down, a bit of a disappointed look on her face. “I'd tell you, but... this is a classroom full of people I hardly know,” she said quietly. “I haven't done.. that much for you, though.. h-have I?” Lis tilted her head and looked at Even in the eye. She didn't feel like she helped much at all, but wanted to hear out what he was saying.
"You convinced me that Laura was someone too valuable to scare away. That people who actually cared about me were worth my time and I should trust them. You were also proof that it wasn't only Laura who saw me as something more than scum. It's thanks to you I actually gave the idea of accepting friends a chance. I truly thank you for that." Even said to Lis with a small smile, speaking a little from the heart.
Lis silently listened as her friend got her to hear out. After a moment, she looked up and exhaled. “But you see, I have to be thankful too. Wanna know why? Because you actually listened to me,” Lis said, a smile formed on her face.
"Finally." In the span of about ten minutes, Zeke had finished two paragraphs. Each paragraph was about five sentences each, but the sentences were kind of long and detailed. Zeke looked at Joe and saw that he was still finishing up his first paragraph. 'Well not many people can write as fast as me so that is to be expected.' Zeke figured that had to be the reason. He took this moment too lay back in his seat and to look around the room. From what he was able to see, it looked like only half of the class had actually started. It was mainly the smart kids and the ones who wanted to finish early. The other half was a mess, some people were still trying to find groups while others were just chilling and not doing any work. Zeke nervously chewed on the piece of gum in his mouth as Mrs. Lewis walked past their group. He quickly shook off the nervous feeling and felt there was no need for it. 'What's she going to do if I'm not in a full group?' Zeke figured that all she would do is tell them to find another person before walking away. 'Just another typical teacher.' It reminded Zeke of middle school when kids literally did not do their work and the teachers did not care. Zeke realized that this may be the opportunity to see whether or not she would enforce the rules. It could determine what boundaries he could cross during this class.

Zeke was suddenly knocked in the head by a pencil that was thrown at him from somewhere in the back of the class. He could hear laughing from some girls sitting behind him before a manly voice spoke up. "Yo Zeke, I didn't think that was you. My bad." Zeke turned around just in time to notice the grin on the guy's face. It was Ricky of course. Zeke had known him since seventh grade and he was always trying to show off to some girls whenever they would hang out. It was the same thing here as the two girls tried to hide their laughter when Zeke turned around too face Ricky. "Wow, I didn't even know you were in this class." Zeke said as he played around with the pencil in his hand. "I could say the same for you. I haven't heard a word from you since last year." Ricky replied, still having respect for Zeke. "Well I'd like to keep it that way for the moment." Zeke said before he threw the pencil back at Ricky. He caught it with one hand before realizing it was in two pieces. As Zeke turned back around, he could hear the two girls giggling while Ricky was muttering something under his breath. "That was a good one!" Joe told Zeke, having seen the whole exchange. For Zeke, break time was now over and it was time to finish the essay.
"Oh, um...sorry then." Laura said, turning around to go back into the school. She looked back once, before dashing inside and getting back to class. "What did I miss?" Laura asked, sitting back down, unknowingly disrupting their meaningful conversation. Laura had a frown on her face, taking in mind to what has happened the past two days.

(I'm evil, XD)
(Haha, XD)

Lis smile faded slowly and easy replaced with a sadder one. “Nothing, we've just been comparing notes,” she replied, a bit shallow. “There's some sort of commotion between, um, the kids over there.” Lis rested her head in her hands as she stared in the direction of the students. She studied a few of them, and she did recognize most of them, simply because of the same 'friend group'. Yet, she still was curious about one or two unfamiliar ones.

She hesitated before saying, “Okay, uh, I think we're supposed to start writing pretty soon. I'm pretty quick with a pencil, but I-I dunno.”
Robby watched as she walked away, not realizing he was staring. In his mind, he was staring off info space. He walked to his car and angrily opened the door, throwing his backpack in the passenger seat as he sat down. "I'll just skip this one class." He thought to himself as he rested head against the steering wheel. "I gotta get used to this place." He muttered to himself, as his eyes closed and he slowly drifted to sleep.


The cab spurred to a halt, Ezren was nudged forward from the un-expected stop. He peered from the backseat to look at the driver, he kept his eyes forward, and held his smug facial expression. The cab driver had turned to face Ezren, "This is your stop." he croaked, then looked ahead once more.
Ezren opened the cab doors, and grabbed his backpack, just as he shut the door, the car accelerated and drove off, leaving a disorienting huff of smoke. The boy examined the school before him, and proceeded to enter the vast building. I hope this is better than the last one... he thought. As Ezren trudged toward the entrance, in his peripheral vision, he spotted a boy who was seemingly sleeping in a car. Ezren shrugged, when he had came upon the front door, he pushed forward, but it had not budged. Hmmm... he thought. After a couple seconds of speculation, he had came to the solution that it was a pull door. Embarrassed, he sighed, then pulled the doors open and walked into the school.

The secretary directed him to Mrs. Lewis's classroom; It seemed he had to partake in science. Ezren walked behind the woman, then awaited further instructions at the door of science class. Ezren slowly walked in as the teacher announced his arrival. He took a seat near a little group of friends, one of which had blonde hair, Ezren sat down then introduced himself. With a smile he said "Greetings! I'm Ezren Yillang, although, I'd prefer to be called 'Tailio'." he looked at the group of people, "So can you tell me exactly what we're doing?" he asked.
(Oh, and BTW Kageyama, when Laura asked who was fine, she was talking to Robby.)

Laura saw Lis' smile fade when Laura had come and sat down, which made Laura frown as well. She wasn't going to say anything, Laura just felt her presence here was not needed, and even saddening. Then she saw a kid with black hair, who made her jump as he started talking. "Oh, we're doing a project of a three or more person group. We pick a certain tissue or cell, we all right a fact sheet about it, and coming up with facts, we right a factual essay about it. We've chosen a brain cell. You can join if you want." Laura said, a frown still on her face. She didn't feel like talking much, compared to Lis' facial expression, which made Laura sick to the stomach, feeling as though she had done something wrong.
(It was actually a reply to Even, who asked if she was okay with brain cells haha)

Lis felt a bit guilty as she saw Laura's expression turn sad when she stopped smiling. However, Lis jumped when a male had sat himself down and cheerfully introduced himself. On Laura's invitation to him, Lis weakly smiled and glanced down before looking at Laura. “Can I talk to you after school?” she asked quietly.
(OH, okay! I didn't get that, but thanks for clearing it up!)

"Yeah, that's fine." Laura said, smiling a bit that Lis had talked, but her eyebrows looked as if she was sad. She then turned to the black haired kid. "I'm Laura, that's Lis who i was just talking to, and the male is Even." Laura said, as she realized she had a knack of not saying her name a lot.

(The expression looked just a little like this... /. .\
\/ lol my work of art XD)
Even sat in silence as Laura and Lis had their...awkward interaction and Laura introduced the group to the new guy. Even would admit, he was a tad annoyed that Laura came in right when he was finally getting some quality talking time with Lis. Even wanted to build a friendship with Lis to the same degree he did with Laura, but it seemed the universe conspired against him.

Still Even didn't give off that annoyed impression. Even just stared with an indifferent expression.
“Cool, thanks..” Lis murmured. Then turning to the new male, she nodded shortly. “Ah, nice to meet you Tailio..” she said softly as she slumped down a bit. He mind was racing and her forehead was aching, but she did her best to play all of it off.
Laura could tell Even and Lis were in some sort of talk before she rudely interrupted. They were super quiet, and had a somewhat bland expression on their faces, as far as Laura could tell. "I'm going to go and...work on my notes..." Laura said awkwardly, before heading to a computer in the room, and looking up "Brain cells", copying down some notes, as she thought to herself, "I made things awkward, huh."


As Ezren's new-found acquaintance left to the computers, he began to copy down notes and such, for all the days he had missed. Ignoring the other boy beside him, Ezren glanced up at the girl, he realized the she had seemed to be bothered by something in some way. By her facial expression; her slouched-figure.
Attempting to lighten the mood; Ezren had looked up at both of them then spoke, "So, are there any groups I can partake in?" he yawned, then directed his attention to his notes once more.
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(Laura didn't leave the room, she went to a computer.)

Laura then gathered a bunch of notes in about ten minutes, and slowly got up from her chair, awkwardly walking over to her group, and putting her sheet of notes in front of her friends. She then positioned her head in her arms, as she looked outside, trying to concentrate on what she had done wrong.
“Oh, well, there's a lot of things you can do,” Lis said to the male as Laura sat down. “There's lots of sports, like basketball, soccer, football, swim...” Lis gave a shudder and smile as she glanced at her leg. “And there's clubs, too. Music, books, and nature are a few..” Lis flushed and rubbed the back of her neck, looking sideways. “Sorry, I'm rambling.”

Lis looked back at the male who was taking cells notes, and her flushed face stayed the same for awhile until she rubbed her eyes, seemingly distracted.
Even had been quiet, mostly because he'd been looking up some notes on brain cells from his text book. Even wasn't a science guy, but he knew how to read and take notes. Even soon finished as he closed his book and pushed his paper with the information he found forward.

"Lis is right, this school does have a lot of options. Anyway this is what I found on brain cells." Even said to the group.