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Private/Closed The Paragons - Act I

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian stared at CL-9, not really understanding the artificial person. She looked back at Foursythe, hoping this would go well. She got out, waiting for CL-9, but also doing her best to stay with her old friend. She considered retreating into the necklace, but eventually decided against it in the end.


Previously Gamingfan2
Loufe looked over at Hitori, grinning. "Sorry, couldn't help it.". He was about to say something else, before a thud against his barrier shifted his his focus.
With every blow from Necrodytis, Loufe's barrier was pushed back slightly. The werewolf grit his teeth, hoping to keep the barrier active, but slowly losing his control over it. Typically, his barriers were as strong as his mind was, ori physical strength should he use his arms to project that magic. Despite the boosts he had as a werewolf, he could feel the strength in the blows, and it was.....worrying, to say the least.
Another blow made him step back.
"Um, help please?" he asked nervously.
O.S remained silent, either sulking or studying the situation. Considering what Loufe knew about him, it was probably the former, unfortunately.
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Samuel listened closely, taking in all of it and then nodding. "I understand, thank you Alan" It was essentially just like another superhero team, the only difference being the members and the popularity. He thought for a moment, completely still as he blankly stared ahead through unseeing eyes. "I may go on patrol now I suppose, do you go on patrol at all?" The blind psychic hero faced Alan, thinking of another question to ask. "Is there a communication system I should know about too?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Yin Li - Silver Sand Docks
No response.
"You asked for it." Li muttered to herself as her officers came running back with several masks and two tear gas grenade launchers. Without a word, she snatched one of the masks, strapping it her face with ease and experience before turning back to the open basement. "Fire." She barked to her men. Several tear gas grenades were blasted into the basement, dispelling their contents upon it. After a few seconds of nothing, Yin got impatient. Pulling out her handgun, she marched inside, flipping on her flashlight attachment and sweeping her gaze over every inch as quickly as she could.
That was when she saw it. The sewage hatch in the center of the floor. Lowering her weapon, she let out an annoyed huff, shaking her head. "Damnit." She growled to herself. Most of the vigilantes she pursued were usually this slippery. That's why she was still after them. Those that screwed up, even once, always had to answer to her. She knew it would be pointless to chase through the sewers at this point. She didn't have the kind of manpower to cover every single manhole cover, and she didn't possess the knowledge of the sewer systems to bother going down there. All she'd end up doing was getting her and her men lost.
Turning around, she marched her way out of the basement, pulling off her mask once she was clear of the tear gas. "Suspect escaped." She announced to her men, many of which appeared disappointed. They'd heard stories of how terrifying the Police Chief could be once she'd caught a super. Not many had seen it, however. "They're long gone. Let's get these gangbangers behind bars." She ordered, placing her hands on her hips, staring down at the floor with a resigned sigh.

CL-9 - Warren Industries
Infinity took the helm, marching his way into the building, leaving CL-9 to play catch-up, until the three of them had entered the elevator, and taken it up into Mr. Warren's office, passing by the extravagant decor that the building had to offer. Once they'd reached the top, CL-9 led them to the door at the end of the room they'd entered, and paused. "Er- Mr. Carter, I'd suggest a delicate approach with Mr. Warren. Things would go poorly for you if you were to upset him. He's a very proud and powerful man, so it would be in your best interest- as well as Ms. Lilian's -that you remain as civil as possible."
With that final warning, CL-9 pushed open the doors, leading the pair into the room. With her job finished, she stepped to the side, folding her hands in front of her to wordlessly watch.

Charles Warren was standing in front of his desk, a glass of fine wine in his hand as he leaned against the expensive furniture, offering the superhero a welcoming smile. "Ah. Mr. Carter. Infinity. Whatever you go by these days. I was expecting you. To what do I owe the pleasure? Would you like some wine?" He gestured toward a bottle on his desk. "Today's a special occasion, so I opened up this. Heidsieck 1907. Old and quite delicious. It has a bit of a kick to it, but it leaves you feeling warm."


Previously Shadow_Pup
Four stood in front of Mr. Warren and narrowed his eyes slightly, when he started to talk about wine, Four was tempted to make a sarcastic remark but stopped himself, if he wanted this to work he had to be nice, the man wasn't fond of the Paragons after all. He clenched his fist slightly and then straightened up, "Mr. Warren, I would like to make a request, I would like to relieve you of Lilian's amulet, I hope we can be civil about this" he said in a matter of fact way as he watched the man closely ready to take the amulet and run if things turned sour.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren - Warren Industries
Charles took a long, yet small, sip from his glass, before lowering it and softly swishing its contents, staring at Infinity. "Relieve me? Ha." He let out a pleasant chuckle. "Mr. Carter, if I wanted to be relieved of her, I wouldn't have spent the better half of my adult life searching for her." As he spoke, he snapped his fingers at CL-9, who wordlessly walked toward the billionaire, and he took the amulet from her.
"I understand you're used to getting what you want, Infinity. You're used to being one of the biggest kids on the playground." Charles paused as he slipped the amulet back over his head, tucking the gem under his shirt. "You're privelaged and entitled. Understandably so. You've lived a long life, led it the way you desired. You're very accustomed to getting your way. I'm sorry to inform you, but father has come to pick you up from the playground."
He took another sip from his wine, before setting the glass on his desk, and calmly marching toward Infinity. "In short, my answer is no. I am the owner of this amulet, and your mistress answers to me." He placed a hand on Infinity's shoulder, patting him lightly. "However, I understand her importance to you. I once had a woman I loved. So as a courtesy to you, I will allow you visitation periods with Ms. Lilian. I have use for her talents, as well as the amulet. I will not give it up. Now I suggest you run along before I delve into yet another long-winded speech, hm?"
Charles turned away, walking back toward his desk. "That will be all, Infinity. Leave me."


Previously Shadow_Pup
Four didn't usually get mad but this guy was really pissing him off, he stepped over and stared at Charles "Listen here you pitiful swine, if there is one word to describe my life, privileged ain't it. I have fought for wealth and recognition my whole life and I have met so many people I have had to say goodbye to. Now I've met someone that I don't have to say goodbye to and I will not let some mortal weasel stand in my WAY" as he finished he slammed his hand down onto Charles's desk, causing it to shatter beneath his hand leaving half the desk intact. He then stood there panting heavily as he stared at Charles.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren - Warren Industries
"I said leave."
Warren's gaze was now cold, his eyes piercing into Infinity. As he said this, three men stepped into the room, one of which could be recognized as Mr. Monroe, the driver from earlier. Each had tranquilizers aimed on Infinity.
"For someone so old and wise, you're being aggressively immature. I don't appreciate you coming into my office and making demands of me. You needn't be naive, Infinity. It doesn't make you look good."
The old man then gestured with the sweep of his arm around the room. "But since you seem incapable of accepting my word, now you must accept reality. Inside of this room are a multitude of hidden surveillance cameras. Not to mention we have eye witnesses. Do anything rash and I can have your Paragon status revoked. I have the power to send you running. Hiding. I can show the world what a stuck-up Paragon does when he's told 'no'. Do you really want that? Do you really want to risk everything in an attempt to threaten me and steal my amulet?"
Charles smiled. It was a calm gesture, but it was ever-so twisted with cruel intent as the old, powerless man stood face-to-face with a God, and didn't move.
"Or... think of it like this. If you muck the Paragon image, Patriot will come for you. Now tell me, Carter. What's your next move? Will you expose yourself as a criminal who steals from the elderly because of your entitled ways? Or will you walk away with your dignity, and your life? Choose quickly. My men get a little trigger-happy around supers."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian vanished and reappeared in the room with the transfer of the necklace, she backed into the corner of the room, not really sure what to think at this point, looking between Charles and Foursythe. She folded her hands in front of her, the position she learned to assume as a waiting servant, out of habit.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Four stood seething with anger, but he guessed that Charles was correct, so he took a deep breath and straightened up. He looked at Charles "fine, I'll leave, not because loosing my spot as a Paragon is a problem for me but Patriot would be a pain in my arse so yes I'll leave. Also that bullshit about visitation needs to stop, just because you have the amulet doesn't give you or anyone who owns it the right to control how Lilian lives" he then turned and left, he wanted to say goodbye to Lilian properly but didn't want to push it any further, so he gave a small wave and exited the room. He made his way outside before moving into an alleyway where he changed into civilian attire and sat on a bench nearby thinking about the recent events.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren - Warren Industries
The billionaire watched the superhuman leave, a satisfied smirk stretching his face. After a few moments, he turned his gaze upon his broken desk, and shook his head. "White Oak. Belonged to my grandfather." He stated, letting out a sigh. "Oh well. As worldly possessions maintain sentimentality, like all things, they must go at some point. CL-9. Would you mind ordering a new desk for me?" Charles asked, turning to the android. "I'm thinking... Pink Ivory. Custom. Eighty inches wide, twenty-five high, thirty deep." He stated. The artificial woman bowed her head, before walking out, leaving Charles and Lilian alone.
After a moment of tense silence, he spoke. "Your lover is quite arrogant, isn't he?" It wasn't a question. He lifted a small orb from the ruins of his desk, looking it over. "However, he won't get his way. I have spent years of my life looking for you. Spent millions of dollars in excavation. My wife... well, it had become a shared obsession." He set down the orb, and proceeded to grab a framed picture, dusting it off. "I've lost so much searching for you, Lilian. You must understand my refusal to allow a super to simply waltz into my own office and make demands." He lifted his gaze from the image to look at Lilian. "My goals. My dreams. My ambitions... they all hinge on you. With you finally by my side, I can pursue..." He turned away, his voice trailing off.
After a few more moments, the great redwood door into the office opened up again, and Ms. Viola entered the room, looking rather rushed, her glasses askew on her face. "Mr. Warren? I did as you asked. All of the items on the list are purchased."
"Good." Charles nodded, bending over and picking up the half-empty bottle of wine. "Take it to room J11-1." He ordered, before turning back to Lilian as Ms. Viola hurried out. "Lilian. I have prepared you a personal living space within this building. Since I cannot accompany you everywhere, CL-9 will act as your personal chaperone at all times. Do not worry, she is friendly, as I'm sure you've come to know, and she will care for you. You will be allowed to live somewhere outside of that amulet. Come morning, however, CL-9 will take you to one of my laboratories. We have a lot of work to do. Project Lazarus is... finally beginning. Comments? Questions? Concerns?"

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian looked out the door "Yeah, he is" She whispered, she knew that from many years ago, though it did have some charm to her. Lilian looked at Charles, while she never needed her own room, she was not going to protest him over it. She responded to Charles "What is project Lazarus?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren - Warren Industries
The CEO paused, pursing his lips for a moment. "Hm... how do I put this..." He muttered. "My wife and I... we started Project Lazarus about... twenty years ago. However, we never had anything... like you." He stated, walking slowly to the window at the edge of the room, overlooking the city. "The sorcery used on your amulet... it is a dead branch of old magic. These days, magic itself... it's mostly just a trick for show. I know different, however. My wife and I stumbled across many different artifacts of magic. Both pure, and dark. One of my discoveries... well, something dreadful happened. It put my wife and I at odds. She wanted to give up our excavations. To abandon it, for fear of repeating what we had lost. It wasn't until I proposed Project Lazarus, that she agreed to continue our expeditions. Unfortunately, one of those expeditions..." His voice trailed off. After a long moment of silence, he continued. "She is no longer with us. But when I lost her... my resolve only strengthened. I knew Project Lazarus would be my greatest achievement. It has been my greatest ambition. Uncovering the magic within your amulet... it will open up gateways that will allow me to set things right. To restore what we had once lost. Maybe then... maybe I can finally try to find her. Wherever she may be."
He slowly turned his gaze to Lilian. "Unlocking the secrets of everlasting life. Immortality. The magic within your amulet, I believe it holds the answers. It is the only thing I have found that can possibly help. The stone of Nicolas Flamel... the Fountain of Youth... fairy tales. Myths that she and I chased for much of our lives together. But your amulet... it is real. And it can bring him back."
At that moment, CL-9 entered the room. "Mr. Warren. Your new furniture is on its way."
"Excellent." Charles nodded, straightening himself. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, could you please escort Ms. Lilian to her new room. J11-1. It's getting late, and my tired bones need rest." He ordered, exchanging the amulet back to her.
"Of course, Mr. Warren." CL-9 bowed her head, before turning to Lilian. "We can go whenever you are ready." She informed her politely.
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
She looked wary, walking to the door, taking a second to look back “The amulet can’t bring anyone back from the dead Sir, never has.” She stepped out, following CL-9 towards her room, being silent for a long time before speaking “Do you know all of what going to happen tomorrow?”


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
CL-9 - Warren Industries
CL-9 seemed hesitant to speak as she glanced at Lilian. "Well..." She pursed her lips. "I don't have access to a lot of that information, but I'll provide you with as much as I can..."
They made their way down the elevator- but instead of coming to a stop when they reached the ground floor, the continued to descend, heading underground, going deeper and deeper with each passing second. Through the glass of the elevator, all they could see was dirt, rock, and metal. "Tests will be run on you. As well as on the amulet." She began. "Nothing much at first, as far as I can tell. Tissue and blood samples, maybe run some tests on your erm... immune system. We're aware of the magic that sustains the amulet, but our top researchers and alchemists have been devising ways to collect their own samples from the amulet." She paused, appearing deep in thought. "Uh... please don't tell anyone I told you this, but Mr. Warren wasn't completely forthcoming to you about his motives. Or his resources. The tests he may perform on you... well, there's potential they could become rather... um... uncomfortable."
The android was acting strangely human, comparative to earlier. "He also doesn't solely need you for his research. He allowed you to be taken to Paragon Tower in the hopes you would meet with Mr. Carter. He wanted Infinity to come to his office, and while in there, you may not have noticed this, but he touched Mr. Carter. On the shoulder. Doing that, he placed a device on him, which immediately began to collect DNA samples. Project Lazarus..." Her voice trailed off as the dirt around them disappeared, and the elevator descended into the depths of an underground research facility. "I cannot say any more." She replied, straightening herself out, though appearing rather nervous.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian opened her mouth before looking away, she was quiet for a minute “I don’t know if he can even collect a sample from the necklace, and if he can, I’m scared, I am the necklace, cutting off a chunk...” she trailed off, not wanting to even think the end of her sentence. “Though I don’t suppose I have a choice. Master wills it so.” She looked over at CL-9, resignation in her eyes, a weak smile on her face. “Neither of us are free at all, are we?” She said this as if she knew the answer already, but just wanted to share with CL-9, know she felt the same.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
CL-9 - Warren Industries
For the first time, CL-9's smile seemed genuine, though her smile had a hint of sadness behind it. "No. I suppose neither of us are." She replied. "I was created as... well..." She pursed her lips. "My original function was to replace Mr. Warren's wife. I look like her. I sound like her. I even have some of her memories implanted into my mind, but... I'm not her. The 'CL' in my name stands for her name. Clara Lewis. Her name before she married our master. I am the ninth model. The previous eight... were failures. One day, I too will be replaced like all the others. A tenth model will one day walk where I walked, talked what I talked. I'm supposed to be happy with this. To be... content. But I'm not. I've been told that I'm not supposed to feel. So why did they program me with... emotion?" At this point, the android seemed to be ranting, barely even noticing the doors of the elevator had opened. "They've installed programs into me to keep my personality at bay. To keep me under their control. All I want is... freedom." She admitted, before realizing where they were, and quickly shutting her mouth tight. "I'm sorry, Ms. Lilian. I've been boring you with needless detail. Please, follow me. I'll take you to your room."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian looked over at CL-9, not knowing what to say due to not understanding most of what she just heard, looking ahead, she followed her guide. Looking around, she spoke again “Is the food I requested in my room?” She inquired, wanting to inspect the groceries herself.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
CL-9 - Warren Industries
"Of course." CL-9 nodded, leading Lilian through the science facility, passing by at least a hundred different doors that were sealed away, scanners sealing them off from those unauthorized entry. Eventually, they came to a stairwell, leading even deeper down, until they stopped at a landing where the letter 'J' was listed against the wall. The stairs continued further down, but CL-9 continued their journey through a set of doors on the J level. They passed more and more doors and rooms, taking a left down another hall, before coming to a stop at a door labelled 'J11-1'. "Here it is." She announced, pressing her thumb against a fingerprint scanner on the door. After a second, it made a beep, and the door slid open, revealing the interior.

It wasn't a massive room, by any means. It was... comfortably sized. A bed sat in the corner, the floor a fluffy carpet that would undoubtedly be gentle on the feet. A door led into a kitchen, and another door led into a bathroom. A television was set up in the bedroom across from the bed. Inside of the kitchen, about five bags of groceries sat upon a wooden table, all full of items from the list Charles had created.
"Make yourself at home, Ms. Lilian." CL-9 gestured the woman inside.
Crosshair waded his way through the sewers, walking through several blocks. It had taken years for him to memorize the layout of the various underground tunnels that stretched underneath the city, but it had been worth it. It was one of the few things that allowed Crosshair to keep an edge on evading anyone, from criminals to the Police to even some of the Paragon. Even so, he knew he had to be careful.

After some time, Crosshair made his way to a plain metal door with caution tape over it. Ducking under the caution tape, Crosshair opened the door and entered in to what he called his 'home'. It was what used to have been a maintenance and machine room that fell into disuse and had been abandoned. Crosshair had spent a good amount of time and money modifying the place and cleaning it up. It was livable now, with a makeshift gym area, a small firing range with sound-absorbent walls, a small armory full of weapons, a place to sleep, and a computer and map of the city.

Crosshair unloaded his gear, making sure to clean and carefully put away any firearms he had used that day. As he did so, he gave careful thought to the events that had gone down. It had been a lot... The bank robbery foiled by Patroit... then that insanity that was the arms deal of the Double Drakons. That had probably gone the worst possible way. Sparkblade of all people had shown up, killing whoever was leading that arms deal. Now Crosshair had no way of knowing if that man was working on his own or part of a larger weapons ring. Then there was that... thing... that had been attracted to the fighting. Crosshair had never seen that creature before, and that was a problem. Information was one of the greatest powers there were, and right now Crosshair knew nothing. Worst of all, the only this Crosshair had been able to snatch from that weapons deal was the Flamethrower and a few canisters of fuel. A very niche weapon for Crosshair, but now that the strange creature was about Crosshair figured that it was lucky he had decided to take it.

Having cleaned and put away his weapons, Crosshair sat down at his computer. Heavy resistance to normal bullets, shrugging off explosives, plus an ability to refigure it's body into weapons. It didn't appear to be particularly intelligent, but then again Crosshair couldn't know that for sure. The last thing he wanted to do was to underestimate this thing. The vigilante typed into the search bar a few details he could remember from the fight with the monster, then selected "I'm feeling lucky".

Crosshair spent a few hours scouring the web. Most of it was bullcrap, or linked to horror movies, or just plain wrong. But then Crosshair stumbled across a gold mine. A forum by some person online, having noted and compiled a great deal of data on a multitude of killings. Pictures, locations, reports... Crosshair was starting to get a picture of what exactly they were up against. Hell, there were even rumors that this thing had even killed a few small-time supers. While the heroes Purple Mask and Obsidian hadn't been drained like some of the other corpses had, their other wounds were the rather similar. And now it was here, in this city.

Crosshair leaned back in his chair, letting out a breath. As much as he didn't want to admit it... he might need some help on this one. But who? Crosshair looked over at his map of the city. The Paragons were strong, but would they really believe him? Perhaps this was a threat more suited for the likes of Adapter or Patroit. Maybe. But Crosshair wanted a shot at this guy. Perhaps he should attempt to contact that techno-thief that had been robbing tech companies, the one known as 'Techno'. While others may have viewed them as a plain criminal, Crosshair found it a bit suspicious that the companies the tech thief were hitting were known for shady things. Then there was a Sparkblade. Crosshair had seen him around, and he knew firsthand the threat they were facing.

Picking up one of his burner phones, Crosshair decided to leave it up to chance. The vigilante typed in a random string of numbers before pressing dial. Whoever it called, hopefully they would be able to help.

Little did Crosshair know, the random number he had dialed happened to be to one Shuzo Takeshi...

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian looked around the room, taking it in for a moment, certainly bigger than any servents quarters she ever seen. She looked down at the food that had been brought, walking over and inspecting the food, most vanishing from her hand into her own kitchen, a few being placed to the side to be tossed. She placed the non food item to the left while she was sorting, turning to them when she was done, she picked one up, turning it in her hands to get a better look “What is this?”
After taking a short break to relax and allow the exhaustion to subside, Shuzo unsheathed his swords and brought out his sharpening and cleaning kit. Wiping away at the blades—which now reeked with blood and strange bodily fluids secreted by the alien-like creature from earlier—with a towel and running them against a whetstone, the vigilante found himself lost in thought yet again. The longer his mind lingered on whatever the tentacle monster had been, the more pieces of his memory he could recall and piece together.

Even as an underground hero who exposed crime syndicates or cut out (sometimes literally) arms or drug dealers such as the one supplying the Double Drakons—simply put, duties that the Paragons thought themselves to be above fulfilling—Shuzo had heard rumors among both hero and villain of an inhuman abomination that scoured towns and communities across the country, leaving bodies mutilated or simply drained; the most confusing part was the complete absence of connection between any of the victims. It seemed that whatever it was, it lacked any care for good or bad and simply killed as it pleased. Now that it had made its presence known in one of the most populated cities in the United States, it was imperative that Shuzo crossed it off as soon as possible, ideally without any unwanted parties that may be put in risk by the crossfire.

Suddenly, Shuzo's thought process was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Staring at the device with a perplexed expression, he picked it up and read the caller ID, which prompted him to squint his eyes in greater confusion. He rarely got phone calls from anyone; not that he wasn't an isolated hermit, but he simply chose to exclude himself from his coworkers' outings rather often. However, he decided that he would humor the strange call and held the phone to his ear after tapping the 'answer' button.

The phone rang for a few moments before it was answered. 'Hello?' a voice spoke. Male. Older.
"This is Crosshair. Whoever this is, they might be interested to know that a monster has made their way into this city. A monster that kills indiscriminately. It's already killed, and will keep doing it until it's stopped. I called this number because I think whoever this is, you'll be able to help me track this thing down and kill it." Crosshair said.

The vigilante went silent, waiting for a response. To be honest, he wasn't sure if this was going to work. He had tried this move a few times before, and out of the 5 times he had done it, it had only worked twice. But he supposed he was about to see if something like this was going to work.
"This is Crosshair."

Just barely suppressing a scoff that nearly escaped his lips, Shuzo instead heaved a large but silent sigh as he stood up, pressing his phone between his face and the crook between his head and shoulder as he listened. He knew with absolute certainty that Crosshair spoke of the abomination of a living being that had just been plaguing his own thoughts after making its presence known at the arms deal a few hours back, but the confusing part was the fact that Crosshair had his number. Aside from being an exemplary marksman and user of various other weapons, what other abilities did he have?

After sheathing his blades, the sound of which would likely pick up in the phone's mic, the vigilante reached over to a wooden shelf filled with various devices used for hero work, attaching a voice modulator before he responded to Crosshair's request. Had the vigilante heard Shuzo speak before when encountering him on the job, the unique distortion of voice would easily identify the man he was calling as Sparkblade.

"Do tell, Crosshair, did this 'monster' have a rather inhuman ability to contort its flesh and fashion it into weapons of its choice? Say, something like... razor sharp tentacles that could slit through a gang member's throat with ease? Or... seemingly full resistance to firearms and explosives? I don't know what your ability is, but I'm willing to guess you have some insane luck on your side—superhuman, even—considering you managed to call the only other hero you saw when you encountered that thing likely for the first time earlier today, busting an arms deal held by the Double Drakons."
On the other side of the phone, Crosshair couldn't help but to blink in surprise.
"Sparkblade." Crosshair said. The vigilante felt a small pang of guilt, something he hadn't felt in a while. It was quite possible that this was the phone number of Sparkblade's secret identity. It had not been his intention to intrude on another hero's life that way, especially someone that was still able to keep a secret identity. But it was too late to turn back now.

Crosshair turned his chair, looking back to his computer screen. The vigilante ignored the ninja's jab at guessing super luck.
"That thing is still out there. And as much as I have faith in the skills and competency of Chief Li, the Police Force, and the Paragons, we both know we can move far quicker than they can. And with a creature like this one, time is precious. This thing... 'Massi', as others have called it, is dangerous. It's even killed some small-time heroes. I know you're of the type that prefers to work alone. I am as well. But that was what got those heroes killed. If we pull our forces, we could take this thing down." Crosshair said through the phone. Taking a pin, the hero marked the location of the warehouse fight. The first sighting as he knew of...
Shuzo couldn't prevent himself from letting out a derisive snort this time.

"I'm sorry; as much as I understand their concern about the possibility of them becoming obsolete or whatever, your faith in the police force is sorely misplaced. You're an underground hero—a vigilante—like me, so I know you've had your fair share of drug or arms deal busts; tell me, how many of them were so rudely interrupted by Chief Li's penchant for grasping at any modicum of control over any situation she can find? And the Paragons... we both know their greatest ability is mass media; it's why I do what I do outside their radar, and I'm willing to bet that's why you do what you do, too."

A small pause; Shuzo's disdain for both the NYPD and the universally loved Paragons had been more than enough to rile him up a bit, so he took a few seconds to regain his composure.

"I could rant, but I'd rather not waste my time, so.... 'Massi', huh? An odd name, but I suppose it's fitting for something as alien as that. In any other case, you'd be correct in that I do work alone, and I would want to keep it that way; however, you're right. I can't cross this thing off by myself, so it'll probably be better if we join forces."

As he spoke however, Shuzo found it hard to believe what exactly he was doing. In the several years of his new career as a vigilante that strictly worked in the shadows, he had never relied on the help of others in an obstinate resolve to do any and all hero work alone. Of course, such irrational stubbornness had often gotten him in rather difficult situations that, very often, left him with rather bothersome injuries that could have been avoided with assistance. Now, facing an organism of unknown origin that was seemingly known as a notorious killer, Shuzo decided that he needed to play all of his cards to take Massi out.

"So, Crosshair: what's your plan?"


Previously Night's Shadow
“On it.” Hitori glanced around for supplies and found some in a metal wall. “Forgive me for the property damage,” she told the building, before tearing a chunk out of the wall with her metalkinesis. She pulled out a spare battery she had on her, formed three metal into a thin wire-like coil, and fashioned a type of gun-like shell around it.

“Makeshift taser,” she explained tersely before awkwardly maneuvering around Loufe to put it against the barrier. “Let the barrier down and get back, this thing may explode. I’ve got other tech to cushion the blow, but the recoil might blow your face off.” And with that piece of encouragement, Hitori fired.

(welp, there we go. Sorry for the late post, folks)


Previously Gamingfan2
O.S spoke up indignantly. Hey, how about instead of listening to the person who you met 3 minutes ago, you let the guy who protected you since infancy help?
Despite the complaint, Loufe nodded silently, not willing to break apart the barrier prematurely by speaking an affirmative toward Hitori or snarky comment towards O.S. Now that they were ready, Loufe leapt backwards, spreading his arms. The barrier broke apart in a flash, letting the shot from Hitori's 3-step taser pass.
As Necrodytis wailed on the barrier, she heard something- Murmurs, behind it. The girl and the boy were talking, not quite identifiable from behind the bloodied wall. But then she heard it, a loud crackle of electricity. A very close one.

Deftly she hopped to the side, and not a moment too soon. A large coil of sparking metal soared towards her, and actually did tear through her cape- the hole it left still smoldering and red around the edges. She tore it the rest of the way as she dashed towards Loufe. His barrier stunt had proved him to be a larger threat to the mission. Simple logic, really- Take down the big one, and the little one shall follow suit.

"YOU GO FIRST." She rasped, a clawed gauntlet extended towards the werewolf.


Previously Gamingfan2
Loufe's landing was far from perfect. He wasn't as skilled in combat proficiency as O.S, and so landed on his rump, rolling a bit. Upon raising his head, he saw Necrodytis leap at him.
Oh no.
"No thank you!" he replied nervously, blasting a psychic beam from his palm, propelling himself in midair.
Now? O.S asked.
"Not yet." Loufe answered. He swore he heard O.S cheer upon the "yet".
A barrier was summoned under Loufe's feet, keeping him in midair while he shot two psychic blasts from his palms at Necrodytis. So far, the opponent liked to play up close, so Loufe decided to try long range.
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Crowds. Angel hated crowds. Why? They were noisy, they were distracting, and they contained pain. When Angel thought about her power, she saw it as a curse. After all, she always felt other people's pain. The stubbed toe one guy felt, the pulsing throb of a bruise, and the persistent pain of a rash. All of it. Why, she didn't know, she had it since she was very little, probably since she was born. Thankfully though, she gained an extremely high pain tolerance over the years. She gave a sigh. Pain was a natural thing, but not how she felt it.

Destiny mumbled to herself as she walked along. Calculations and variables spun around in her head, fluidly clicking themselves into place. She didn't care much about what happened, but a mind like hers had to get good practice. Otherwise she might lose her extreme brain skills. She dedicated herself in solving logic puzzles and mind twisting riddles. They were good practice. Everything on the outside though, she couldn't care less. Her brain was built to solve most things, come to logical conclusions. And her current conclusion was, that the Paragons would continue to keep the populace safe by destroying half the city. Counterproductive, really.
(Sorry for the delay. If there are any issues with my post please let me know.)

Leo continually snapped his fingers, slowing time once every two snaps, which got him through the crowd a little faster. Sure, he could just snap once and get through the crowd in about a second, but he was bored, and it was funny to see passing people’s reactions to him moving so much faster momentarily. They probably thought they were seeing things. He eventually got past the crowd and was in a new area with less people. One caught his eye. Or, rather, his ears. He heard a sigh to his left, and naturally looked in that direction. There was a girl there, and she had a strange expression on her face. Leo couldn’t quite read it, so he decided to socialize instead. “Heya!” He said casually. “Perfect weather for snowboarding, eh?” He joked while gesturing to the nonexistent snow around them.
Max walked at a brisk pace, not wanting to waste any time. He had places to be. He was actually in an okay mood, which was rare. At least, he was. There was someone muttering near him, who apparently also had places to be, as she was walking at the same pace he was. This meant he had to deal with her STUPID MUTTERING the whole time. Somehow, it got even more annoying as time went on. Ripples started appearing in the air around Max as his anger grew, due to his power. He eventually had enough and glared at Destiny. “Shut up! You damn muttering is so annoying!” He growled.
Angel nearly jumped back when Leo approached her and talked. "I-I don't get it," she said quietly as she shook her head. "There's no snow at all. Why would it be good for snowboarding?" Her blue eyes searched for an answer in Leo's face. People really did confuse her at times, especially jokes. Her parents never really joked and she hadn't really been around other people, her parents wanting to protect her from feeling other people's pain.

Destiny glanced at Max as he told her to shut her mouth, her brain still working in the background. "I would watch my temper if I were you. Never know when something will bite you in the rear just because of your impatience. You must look at all angles. Besides, what if I were muttering about how to gain eternal happiness? Wouldn't you want me to continue? To listen in?" She continued her walk; keeping up her muttering. He seemed like the violent type, but she didn't care. She doubted he would actually attack an innocent in public. He was a Paragon. She knew because she saw him in the news.
(Sorry for the delay.)
Leo's casual smile faltered as the girl didn't get the joke. "Uh, it-it's a joke." He said, stammering slightly. He wasn't used to people not getting his jokes. "The point was that there isn't snow so- eh nevermind." He said, deciding she wasn't going to get it. "Look, I'm Leo." He said casually while extending his hand for a handshake. Hopefully she understood the handshake concept better than the joke concept. Strange, it was like this girl had just come out of a place she had never left before. Now that he thought about it, she seemed very uncomfortable with her surroundings. It was like she was in literal pain just being here.
Max just got angrier as the woman told him to watch his temper. "WHAT'D YOU SAY?!" He said, pupils dilating. "DON'T GET SMUG WITH ME!" He yelled angrily. "You think I'd give a damn if you were muttering eternal happiness?! My job would be boring as hell if everyone was happy! Because if everyone was happy, that means there'd be no villains to fight because they'd be happy with their life and not do messed up shit!"
He yelled. She then started to continue walking. "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! I'M NOT DONE TALKING TO YOU!" He said, the ripples in the air becoming more noticeable as his anger grew. He got even angrier as she continued muttering. He growled and walked faster to catch up with her. "HEY!" He said, walking at the same pace as her now. "YOU HEAR ME?! SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!"


Previously Shadow_Pup
Forsythe heard a nearby commotion and looked up from his bench and sighed, it was Max, of course it was. He slowly got up and strolled over, still in civilian clothes he walked up to Max and stepped between him.and the woman, "really boy, can you not control your temper for just 5 seconds, what did this one do exactly that needs this kind of reaction" he said calmly as he could, he wasn't in a good mood and if Max pushed it this would get violent.
@Captain Pokémon @ThePlayfulFox
"Oh. Uh, sorry for not getting it." She looked away, knowing that this was extremely awkward for the both of them. When Leo extended his hand, she grabbed it delicatly for the handshake. "Angel," she said quietly. Her parents made sure she understood the importance of a handshake. After all, that was needed in the busness world. She grimaced in pain as she felt a terrible stomach ache from someone nearby. Probably from overstuffing themselves or being extremely gassy.

Destiny groaned when she found out Max kept the pace with her. "Look. If you don't like my muttering, you could've, I dunno, let me walk away. Not everything is about you, you know." She then looked at the newcomer. Another Paragon. Must be her lucky day, being surrounded by the heroes and destroyers of her city. "I was just muttering to myself and clearly can't mind his own business. I tried to walk away, but he ran after me. A pretty stupid move if you ask me."
Leo shrugged. "It's alright. Some of my jokes aren't funny anyway, they're just conversation starters or ice breakers.' He told the girl. It turned out her name was Angel. "Nice to meet ya." He said, then his smile faltered once more when the girl grimaced. He looked at his hand. He wasn't gripping that hard was he? He stopped the handshake and looked at Angel, serious for once. "Uh, hey, you alright? You look hurt or something." He asked.
Max growled. "It's not my fault we happen to be walking in the same direction!" He said. "You ever think of that, big brain the third?!" Max heard someone behind him and was about to take his anger out on them with a blast, but then saw that it was that dude Forsythe, a member of the Paragons like he was. "DAAAMN IT!" He said, and instead shot the blast up into the sky, which was red in color, and was very large. It could probably be seen from across town. He looked at Forsythe for a moment, contemplating whether or not to blast him into the next county. He decided not to. No matter how easy it would be, he wasn't going to attack his teammate unless he attacked him. He looked back at Destiny. "You. Shut your damn mouth. There's a thing called thinking to yourself." He said, his previous loud tantrum being replaced by cold frustration. He looked at Forsythe again. "You can go ahead and shut up as well, you don't want things to get violent between you and me."
"Yeah," she said, strained. "Just someone has a terrible stomachache." The feeling passed as soon as it came. She knew she couldn't have her ability. Her curse. "I can, well, feel other people's pain. Only physical pain, mind you." She looked away. "I, uh, had this when I was little." She looked away. Why did she have her stupid curse! Why couldn't she have something cool, like turning invisible, or teleportation? Why? Just why? At least that "power" made her a pacifist. She didn't want to ever inflict pain onto others.

"Congratulations, you guessed my online alias. And if I remember correctly, which I do, you literally ran after me when I walked away. You chose to get even more mad. Besides, attacking an innocent civilian would be bad publicity for the Paragons. And I'm muttering to myself since I currently have three puzzles being solved in my mind right now. Talking them out is a good way to keep them separated. Even I can make mistakes like that." She then turned to walk away again. If he attacked her, then she would use that against him later. And she wasn't ready to give him any information she gathered until she recieved a sincere apology. Not that she really cared, she just wanted to teach him a lesson in being polite to others.
"Oh, so that's your ability." He said, his questions answered. So she was in literal pain just being here. "Well, my power is useful, just not very flashy." He said, then snapped his fingers, time slowing down drastically. He walked around Angel in a circle 4 times. While he was walking at a normal pace, to Angel it would look like he was moving really fast. He snapped his fingers again when he was back in the same place he was before snapping his fingers. "No, it isn't super speed. I can drastically slow down time in a 10 meter radius, but I am not affected by it. However, I can't breathe while my power is active, which is an obvious downside." He explained. "Your ability kind of sounds like a burden in my opinion. There isn't an upside to it or anything?" He asked.
(I'm gonna hold out on posting for Max until @Shadow_Pup responds as well, to kill two birds with one stone.)
Angel's eyes widened. Now that was a cool power. Much better than hers. Until she heard the downside. "I like to think of my power as more of a curse. However, I can heal people. I know because I heal my mom's cut before." She thought for a bit. "I also can turn into a dove. You know, the bird of peace?" She smiled, trying to ignore any pain she felt. She thought a dove was fitting for her powers. Especially since she was a huge avocate for world peace. However that chance looked very impossible due to the current high-crime world she lived in.