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Private/Closed The Paragons - Act I

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
Alan cursed out at the villian seemed to use telekinetic powers themselves, mimicking all of Sam's attacks. The older hero let Sam take charge, trying to assist others as best he could before looking back to see the villian trapping his teammate. "Shit!" Alan cursed out, and quickly burst forward with rockets attached to his back. As soon as he was close enough, a shape mimicking a speaker grew on Alan's chest, and blast Ultra Sonic waves directly at the villain's face. "LET MY FRIEND GO!"
@Shadow_Pup @Martin Pine
Samuel recoiled upon having his trapping construct shattered, the orange shards slowly dropping to the ground and dissipating. He floated back a bit, beginning to notice how the villain was ... mimicking him? Was his power copying other’s. His suspicions were confirmed when a dome of energy surrounded him, Sam immediately protecting himself in his own bubble of telekinesis.

He lowered himself to the ground, pushing back against the constricting construct and keeping it at bay. At least the villains attention was now solely on them and the civilians were hopefully being evacuated.

@Shadow_Pup @The Alright Attorney


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren - Ignizio's Tomb
Warren's smile never wavered, and once Ignizio had concluded his monologue, the old man took a step toward the larger, much more powerful individual, closing the gap between them. "Closure..." He chuckled as he repeated the word. "Funny thing that is... one seeks it constantly in life, yet none rarely achieve it. I don't seek this closure you speak of. I'm not a seeker of things to prove myself. To expand my wealth. No... I have other means for that. I am here before you because I can use you." He narrowed his eyes, gazing into Ignizio's much colder gaze, holding it steady. "I don't care what you want from this interaction. It doesn't matter if you attempt to kill me or not. Bottom line is, you can't. And you won't. If you've been keeping tabs on the progress of humanity, you must be aware of certain... individuals. Beings capable of making one forget, or generating electricity. One can even level a city without effort if he wanted to. Surely you're aware of this, yes? Aware of the increasingly dangerous people that populate the world we share? My effort is to be ready for when they turn against the common man. To extinguish their threat before they can play God." He paused, taking another step closer to Ignizio. "I need you if my plans are to succeed. You're possibly one of the only things that could stop Patriot, or hold him off at the very least. This world is closer to annihilation than anybody cares to admit. I am here to prevent it. So tell me, Ignizio. Does this interest you? Or would you like to remain in this tomb? Waiting to kill the next unlucky man or woman who stumbles upon you?"

He had actually considered it for a brief moment; Ignizio's right hand flexed and was suddenly consumed by black fire, and in a swift motion unbeknownst to Warren, he held it in a spearhand-position to the old man's neck. The intensity of the heat wasn't quite as noticeable as when Ignizio had used it to incinerate the other explorers, but Warren would definitely feel uncomfortable by the strength of the flames. Ignizio's eyes narrowed as he continued to study the mortal's unwavering stare and grin, and as he retracted his hand, he remarked with the slightest hint of fascination in his voice.

You truly are a prideful man..."

As he took a few steps back, he took a seat on the black stone, assuming a nonchalant position before speaking once more.

"I am aware of the various other individuals highly regarded by society for their inhuman abilities, Patriot being the most renowned; many an explorer who trekked here before you would speak of him as if he were God already, so you may be too late in your pursuits to stop him. Even heroes who were contracted by the military or federal government would venture with squadrons to find me, and their last words involved sending for Patriot before they soon burned."

Folding his arms over his chest, Ignizio continued to stare at Warren, but for a brief moment, his eyes betrayed the slightest feeling of conflict.

I care little for the threat powered individuals pose on humanity, I care little for Patriot and your endeavors to stop him.... but, I care much less for staying in this prison for any longer. I may consider offering my assistance provided I am given proof that my time back on the surface is not wasted. However, I do have a question: what stops you from playing God once Patriot is gone? Do you consider yourself more fit to address the impending annihilation of Earth that you so fear?"

It was just another day at the office.

Janice was at her computer, typing away at her latest report. Her work was promptly interrupted as a coworker stood at the doorway to her cubicle.

"Hey there Janice! You into sports? I know you're always busy, but there's a game this weekend, and-"

She laughed a bit. "Haha, thanks, but you know me. Always have plans already!"

The coworker laughed too. "Yep, I figured that, murderer."

Her blood went cold. "I...I don't know what your talking about. Don't joke about that!" She attempted to deflect, but her coworker seemed to get more brazen.

"It's fun playing games and all, but stop playing coy- You're Necrodytis! Everyone knows it."

"I- No, stop! Shut up!" She grew irate as she looked at her coworker's face, twitching incessantly.

"Why should I? You gonna kill me? I bet you really want to- It's in your nature!" The jovial tone of the coworker never seemed to fade, adding more to Janice's anger. He was treating it like water cooler talk. "Or can you not do it when you're pretending that you have a normal life? Come on! Do it!"

She was already in the process of it. Grabbing her stapler, she stuck her finger in it- And pushed down. A jagged edge tore through her finger, her darkened blood dribbling down the sleek metal. "I said shut UP. Shut up shut up shut up!!" She rasped, as she repeated this process with her other fingers.

"Couldn't even take out a pair of teenagers- It doesn't matter how many pounds of makeup you slather on your face, they'll know it's you! They've probably committed it to memory- Already drawing sketches of you, trying to hunt you down!"

"I said shut up!!" She was screaming as she launched out of her chair, her bloodied hand ready to slash out his throat.

"You can't be two people, Janice. I'm glad you're choosing be just one now."

And with that, she woke up in a cold sweat. She was clenching her bed sheets, still reeling from her nightmare. Janice glanced to the clock at her bedside- 4:36 AM. She sighed, pulling herself up and out of bed. She was supposed to wake up in an hour anyways.

As she got to her daily regimen, she took a look in the mirror. She looked significantly more tired than she was before she had begun hunting Techno and her werewolf companion. It was the nightmares- This was the third or fourth time she had one in this week, waking her up hours before, the paranoia sitting in her mind for hours on end.

She wanted to assume the best. The girl and boy had completely written her off as a non-threat, a coward. Someone to not worry about. They had already forgotten her face, even! But no, assuming was a danger. They could post her face online, submit it to the police- Maybe even the Paragons. 'Paragons catch violent murderer' would look nice on a newspaper for them, wouldn't it?

Even assuming she was able to kill them both, who's to say they hadn't spread the information far enough? That they already didn't have contingency plans for every situation? It had been eight whole days, and Necrodytis found it almost unbearable to stalk the streets and search for them.

Though, the one who had gotten her into this mess- That sleazy CEO- She remembered his words. His specific words.

"Look. I don't care what you do...just don't let her break into us again!...You'll be paid when we know she's not our problem!"

Traces of a plan formed in her head. Maybe there was a way out of this.


Steel, armor, weapons- Malleable. Subject to change. Utilize it.

In Celice's mind, there's was nothing morally wrong with pocketing a few broken bits here and there. Paragons had the cash to replace it, villains didn't deserve it. Vigilantes were another story, but if they left it there, it'd probably be claimed by the police, shoved in a storage locker, never to be seen again. And that was a travesty.

So utilizing crap people had left behind in the conflict was just fine, really. It let her make far more interesting things out of it. Scrap could line up, connect, become a new whole.

Unfortunately? She didn't actually have the tools to build it herself. Celice wasn't precisely made of money- She made due, sure, but expensive welding tools weren't exactly in her price range. That's why her actual work was so important.

The owner of the chop shop she worked at was quite pleased with Celice's knowhow. As a result, he was fine with letting her use the tools- provided she cleaned up after herself. It was a good arrangement; He got an excellent worker, and she got the tools to continue her salvage efforts.

The only downside was moving the scrap from her apartment storage all the way to the shop. It was a long haul. She grumbled a bit as she stuffed her old backpack with metal bits and bobs scavenged from brutal sites of combat. It weighed on her back as she began the walk to the workshop, the scraps clanging around in the backpack.

Though on the way, she did accidentally bump into someone. She didn't particularly care for apologies, so she kept going- Though did glance back at them, like they should've known to move out of her way.


Ansel was, at the moment, floating atop a pool. Staring into the blue sky. Fully clothed.

"Y'know, you're the only one who gets me."

He was talking to the water.

"Like, really."

The water obviously did not answer back.

What did, however, was a radio stationed up on a table nearby. A sort of...Paragon help line. Something going down in the city? The line would pick up on it. Accidents, natural disasters, fires...and of course, villainous activity. Like this guy.

Real piece of work it sounded like- two dead already. Two Paragons were apparently on the scene already, but struggling.

Now, Ansel...He could keep laying here. It was a 2v1, they had it in the bag. He could continue vibing atop the water, who apparently was the only one who understood him. But then again, if one of them got screwed up, and it turned out that Ansel had deliberately ignored the call...

Well it wouldn't look very good, would it?

Unlike a king of partying, a Paragon was expected to be just that- a paragon. Someone society looked up to and relied on. And despite Ansel's incredibly useful capabilities likely earning him the latter bit, he supposed he should try to do the former as well.

"Ugh. That's my cue to go, man."

The water lifted Ansel up, gently dropping him on his feet. And then left him- not a droplet on his person.

He picked up the radio, listened to the location, and started heading that way. This baddie did not exactly sound like a very happy camper to be around.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Forsythe shook his head lightly, "it's nothing just a strange feeling. Anyway how about we go get some ice cream" he said pointing to a stand nearby before casually walking over to the stand and waiting for Lilian.
@The Dark Fairy

Larua took a slight step back from the sonic attack and his barrier shattered, he sighed and formed a speaker on his hand and added a funnel made of a psychic barrier, this meant he could stream line the sonic attack into a beam, he then did a 360 spin firing it in all directions killing any remaining civilians, 6 in all before directing the beam of solar energy towards the two heroes and firing it in burst.
@The Alright Attorney @Martin Pine
Samuel felt the force trying to crush his barrier disappear and with momentary relief he dropped his own. His attention was solely on Laura and he hadn’t noticed the civilians that were still around until the last moment. “No!” His telekinetic sight allowed him to know all their locations immediately and Sam attempted to pull up a barrier in front of each of them.

He saved four, the barriers shattering upon the sonic blast hitting them but protecting the civilians, all but two which he wasn’t able to protect in time. A frown formed on his face, his eyes flaring with orange energy. It stopped when the sonic blast cut into his side. Samuel lost control of his powers for a second and unable to see and heavily injured he dropped to the floor, a hand on his heavily bleeding side.

Through gritted teeth he attempted to regulate his breathing and through the pain he lifted an arm upwards. Once again be procured a barrier of orange energy, this time around all three of them. Laura, Alan and himself were cut off from the civilians though Dove had been accidentally caught in the orange dome. He was pouring all his energy into this one, hardening it and making it as resistant as he could.

@Shadow_Pup @The Alright Attorney @ThePlayfulFox @BurbleBurble

The Alright Attorney

Previously AlrightAttorney
The barrier now locking the three of them in together, Alan did his best to scan the situation at hand. He couldn't use large sonic based attacks, considering how much Sam has to rely on sound. Hold on. Thats right, Sam's blind... A thought suddenly came across Alan's mind. "I'm gonna try and get close to him, keep the barrier up." Alan muttered out to his teammate, before running at their opponent.

"We never properly introduced ourselves..." Alan grunted out at Larua. "We're the Paragons, and we're gonna show you that we're more than just talk!" He slid to a stop right in the villian and slammed his arms together. Once they did, they produced a giant blinding light, right in Larua's face, hopefully enough to incapacitate them for a little while.

@Martin Pine @Shadow_Pup


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren - Ignizio's Tomb
"I do."
Warren was quick to respond, before he rubbed at his beard for a second, shifting balance on his feet, though the confidence and fearlessness previously displayed still hadn't vanished. "I know what is to be done, and I will achieve it through any means necessary. With you by my side, my goals will only become clearer, and far more achievable. You are incorruptible. You lack selfish ideals, and perverted sentimentalities. You are the perfect candidate to lead my vision into the next age of humanity. Anyone else would be setting the bar too low. I seek the best, and I know you'll provide it for me. I'm sure you're already aware of my endless resources and wealth. If you even still retain desire for comfort, I can provide it. The team I am building will benefit humanity, and this world. We will keep it from burning to the ground."
Warren then wiped a bit of dust from his shoulder. "As much as I'd love to stick around, I am a very busy man. Do we have a consensus?"

CL-9 - Central Park
For once in her... life? Did androids have lives? CL-9 wasn't sure if these were even thoughts other androids had. But, for once in her life, she was no longer under constant surveillance. The algorithm that made up her mind was no longer being consistently reset into an obedient tool. This last week... she could think and act for herself. Of course, she still followed her orders of acting as a chaperone for Lillian. The two had had some very insightful conversations that left the android always thinking. Lillian had been tasked with issuing the spoken code that would reset CL-9's memory banks and restore her obedient personality, but at the android's request, Lillian had taken a rebellious step in not following through with the order, and even lying about it. CL-9 was very grateful for this.
...could an android be 'grateful'?
She'd learned to give Lillian some space when spending time with the Paragon. She didn't understand 'love', or why it was important to Lillian, but judging from her body language and tonal inflections, she seemed to get happier when around Forsythe, and also seemed to become more comfortable when CL-9 was at a distance during these interactions. She'd done some research into the matter herself, and found that love seemed to be... well, mostly chemical. A reaction in the brain, usually activated by seeing somebody you hold in high regard, or somebody you find attractive. CL-9 chalked it up to being a purely organic thing. Something organics would be required to have in order to mate and reproduce, just like any animal. Yet, for humans, it seemed different.
It was interesting to the android.
Her internal sensors went off, picking up communication chatter and the likes. A deadly conflict appeared to be brewing only a few blocks away. Her audio sensors tuned to pick up on some distant screaming. Fleeing individuals from a threat. She approached Lillian and Forsythe. "Pardon my intrusion, but according to one hundred seventeen online reviews, Moe's seems to be an excellent choice for ice cream. They also serve burgers. It might be worth a visit." CL-9 advised, gesturing the opposite direction of where the action was happening. Her primary objective was to keep Lillian safe, but over this last week, this directive seemed to have become somewhat personal to her. She didn't want any harm to come to Lillian. Was it right for an android to... want?
@Shadow_Pup @The Dark Fairy

Yin Li - Hell's Kitchen
In no time at all, she'd arrived in central Hell's Kitchen. The exact place she believed Massi would arrive. Nothing had showed up yet. A few men huddled in an alleyway kept looking her way, and she had half a mind to pull her gun on them right then and there. But no. Not yet. She didn't want to draw attention to herself too early. A couple kids, no older than nine each, kicked a soccer ball between one another. Conflicted between the idea of saving people and drawing no attention between herself, the Chief eventually decided to do the moral thing. "Hey." She approached the kids, who stopped what they were doing to look at her. "Go home." She ordered. The kids shared a look with one another, before awkwardly picking up their ball, staring at her for a few more moments, before slowly treking away.
Thank God that didn't require more involvement. Not to mention they'd no longer be in the way of Massi and his attack...
Li gazed around the run down buildings around her, searching every crook and cranny she could in search for the beast that had been terrorizing the city's slums for over a week. To be completely honest, she didn't know what she'd do if and when she encountered Massi. All her faith was being put in her reaction time, her gun, and her taser. Hopefully faith and small tools would help her out.
"Come on..." She muttered, still gazing about. "Show yourself, you bastard."

Elsewhere in New York...
A young woman stared, wide-eyed around her. She still hadn't gotten used to seeing so many people. They all walked around and... did stuff. She didn't pay much attention to what they did, all she knew was they were walking toward a destination, each of their destinations different from one another. Sometimes. She'd noticed that sometimes there were groups of people headed places together. Sometimes the people were small. Most of the time, though, the people were around her size, though normally bigger. They all wore such different clothing. It was... fascinating. Something else she noticed was that a lot of these people looked at her funny, or sometimes with hostility. They stared at her wild, ratted hair. At her awful fashion choices of a tattered hospital gown and a massive coat. Her feet were dirty, blackened from days of walking around the streets of New York. She didn't exactly mind the stares, not to mention most people seemed to give her a wide berth in an attempt to avoid any type of contact with her outside of visual.
That was when she saw it.
A cart with an umbrella over it. The umbrella stood over the heads of the passing people, catching her eye. So, naturally, she approached it. A large man with a massive mustache stood at the cart, turned the other way, talking to another beefy man. On the cart were strange meat poles wrapped in bread, steam rising from them. The scent was... intoxicating. She hadn't eaten in days. Not since that elderly woman had generously given her a chocolate bar. This here though... this was the kind of food she craved. MEAT.
Quickly, the young woman darted forward, grabbing as many of the meat rods in their bread blankets, and began stuffing her face, forgetting to chew as she swallowed down rod after rod. At least six had been consumed when the large man turned around, face going red, eyes livid. "OI! WHAT'RE YOU DOIN'!" He bellowed, reaching forward and attempting to grab her with large meaty hands. She was much too fast for him, however, grabbing two more of the yummy blanketed rods and dashing off, racing through the crowd. She weaved around plenty of people with skilled dexterity she wasn't aware she had, the man's shouts soon dying out as she opened the distance between them more and more.
She finally got to a less crowded part of the city, and turned to look behind her. Nobody was following her. A smile dancing on her chapped lips, she began to eat her two remaining meat rods. Slowly this time, trying to savor the taste. She'd only eaten half of the first one when she suddenly felt somebody bump into her, completely knocking her off balance. She almost fell face-first into a puddle on the sidewalk, but managed to shift her feet beneath her just enough to regain balance- at the cost of her hotdogs, which were now lying in the brown water. She stared down at them for a moment, before her wide-eyed gaze rose to stare at the woman that had bumped into her so rudely, and was hurrying away, casting a glance back at the young woman.
"Ffffffack... er...." She called to the other woman, trying to utilize a word she'd heard used plenty of times in the city by people that seemed angry. An angry response seemed pretty reasonable at the moment.


Previously Gamingfan2
Massi entered Hell's Kitchen, breathing heavily. The two humans has been a large nuisance for him. He could barely manage to feed recently before they bounce in and start attacking. He needed rest.
Suddenly, footsteps sounded not too far away, causing Massi to jump. The smell was human, and the faint sound of a beating heart sounded...tempting.
But Massi was too tired to attack, he wanted to sleep. His body shifted, perfectly imitating his most recent victim, save for his naturally small pupils. Anyone with a brain would be suspicious of a dead man suddenly alive, but Massi could literally not give it a second thought. He was tired, and far from smart yet. He just stood, looking at the direction of the steps. The footsteps neared, and Massi prepared, unsure of his next action.

Percival casually strolled down the streets, looking at a list with great intrerest. By his casual clothing, one could assume he was just grocery shopping, but that was not the case.
He was looking for a victim, a Paragon he could manipulate to commit a crime, and dirty their reputation further. Sure, people know that they're not doing it intentionally, but for them to be so easily manipulated...well, doesn't sound very heroic does it?
One day, maybe he'll even have Patriot commit something heinous. He was sure that obnoxious faker has something to hide, and a Patriot that follows his beck and call sounded amazing/

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian looked over at the stand Foursythe pointed to, before her attention snapped back to CL-9, she still did not have a good grasp on technology, though at this point knew what online meant, and to her ice cream was a pretty new thing as well, having only come to her part of the world in time for her to never have it “There are so many reviews for Moe’s? His shop must be a marvel of the ice cream!” She said, not really understanding that anyone can do a review, not just professionals or critics.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Forsythe shrugged and nodded, "sure Moe's is pretty good, we'll go there" he place a gentle arm around Lilian and started to walk to the place. He knew why CL-9 had recommended somewhere else as he was now fully certain of his brothers brother's presence and also wanted to keep Lilian away from him.
@The Dark Fairy

Larua smile evily as the tech hero came towards him and laughed slightly as he was blinded "boy I've lived for over two centuries, my senses and physical prowess are inhuman in capacity, you think blinding me will help you" he snarled as he also knew his retinas would heal pretty quickly anyway so he calmed his mind and fired another sonic beam but this time at the female he had noticed now that he wasn't using his eyes but his ears and nose. He also attempted to push Alan away using a small barrier.
@Martin Pine @The Alright Attorney @ThePlayfulFox @BurbleBurble
Angel focused her healing powers on the Paragon keeping the shield up, wanting to make sure he had enough energy for his task. Then the blinding light came. She squinted her eyes, feeling them burn. It was like they didn't know she was there. But she was. She tried to ignore it though, the pain from the light. By the time it cleared up for her, she noticed that an attack was coming her way. Her eyes widened as she transformed into a pure white dove and flew around the dome, trying to find a better roosting spot. She had to heal those two.
The concentrated sonic energy had thankfully only cut his side. If it had been anymore towards the centre of his body it would’ve been much worse. He kept his focus on the barrier, loosing track of his surroundings. “I hear you!” Samuel responded to Alan, unsure of what he was doing but trusting his team mate. Hearing Laura’s voice was chilling, Sam almost shuddering a little as he felt a chill run down his back ... as well as another feeling.

Warmth, a comforting almost glowing warmth in his side that replaced the horrid feeling of pain and blood loss. He was being healed, was someone healing him? Samuel felt around with his telekinesis, trying to find the person but he only ‘saw’ a dove. The sonic beam aimed at Angel hit against the dome they were in, cracking it but not shattering it. Samuel was putting all his energy into keeping the projection and he was able to do so more effectively thanks to his injury having been healed.

Samuel rose back to his feet, blind eyes burning a vivid orange as he lifted his hands in front of him. The dome of telekinetic energy remained around the three of them but now he gripped ahold of the pavement, flinging slabs of concrete towards Laura. “Sounds like you belong in the ground old man!” Samuel shouted towards the villain whom he was still launching pieces of pavement at. “Maybe you should stay down there!”

Samuel exerted himself, grasping the ground underneath Laura with his power and manipulating it. The floor directly under his feet dropped and the earth around him moved inwards, attempting to trap and crush Laura’s legs in a rocky grasp.
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Previously Gamingfan2
O.S looked up at the new arrival and groaned. He was relaxing at the moment while Hitori did her own thing, and really didn't want to be bothered. He hoped he was just passing by, but no one enters an alley like that, and he asked for Hitori.
The large wolf stood and stretched, purposefully showing off his powerful physique as a warning, just in case this guy had any crazy ideas, before allowing Loufe to be in control, disappearing in a flash.
Before Hitori could respond, Loufe looked down at the man.
"Who's asking?" he asked defensively, trying to act calm yet failing to hide the nervous edge in his voice.
"So much for my threat." O.S groaned "Ever heard of a poker face?"
@The Dark Fairy

After about an hour or two of finishing upgrades and analyzing Massi’s travel routes, Shuzo determined where the alien would likely be headed next: Hell’s Kitchen. A call between Police Lieutenants caught his attention, playing on speaker of a phone with which he had hacked into a line for police communications. Apparently Chief Li had set off alone to Hell’s Kitchen, and upon hearing the news, Shuzo cursed under his breath. Immediately turning on a comms device in his ear, he opened a transmission with Crosshair, hoping that the fellow vigilante could adapt to the sudden notice.

“Crosshair, Hell’s Kitchen. It seems Chief Li did research of her own, and she’s headed for a direct confrontation with Massi; we need to move fast.”

Shuzo hurried to his living room and opened the fireplace door, taking one more look at the suit before him, and after kicking himself back into reality, he grabbed everything and sped out the door. Because the sky was not fully dark, the vigilante needed to be stealthier than usual, but he maintained an urgent pace as he sprinted, leaped off buildings, and ran up walls as the ninja made his way to his destination.

@Captain Cardboard


Warren truly was a confident soul, unfazed by any display of power that would have reduced him to nothing. Though he may not have been impressed yet, Ignizio was certainly fascinated. However...

"You fascinate me, but it will do you no good to flatter me. I am only granting you my assistance only on the condition that I am not disappointed as I have been for centuries. But yes.... we have an accord."

Leaving his stone for the last time, Ignizio took a deep breath, and with a sharp exhale, he thrust an open hand into the air, firing a dense, powerful blast of Blackfire directly at the ceiling. The stone practically melted upon contact with the flames, opening a large hole through the desert floor as the blast continued on its path, creating a giant pillar of Blackfire stretching miles high (definitely noticeable by anyone casually vibing in the stratosphere, hint hint). Soon, Ignizio's tomb began to collapse, a great rumbling sounding throughout the room as sand and sediment began to fill any empty space. Swiftly grabbing the collar of Warren's shirt, Ignizio fired another burst of fire from his free hand, launching the two comfortably out of the hole before landing on the sand dunes. He then turned to glance at the mortal, levelling a cool stare.

"Your move, Mr. Warren."


Previously Night's Shadow
Hitori’s gaze flicked up from the circuit she was messing around with. She twisted two wires together and flattened it against the chip before inserting it back into her laptop. Noticing the silhouette of the person in the alley, she flexed her fingers, subtly moving her braces onto her legs before standing by Loufe. “Who are you and what do you want,” she asked, though it was more of a statement judging by her tone. She was more than prepared for a fight; she had a good number of new tech that she hadn’t yet tested. “State your business. Or leave.”

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Kerco smiled “You may call me Aroto, and my sources tell me you are the person to solve my problem.” He glanced at the wolf man, not really showing much concern for him. “Of course, I would be willing to do something in return, but I need to make sure I’m speaking to the proper person.”

Lilian let herself be lead to Moe's, witch was a nice establishment with white walls and a red roofs, a painted sign advertising the store on top. Lilian took it all in, walking in and looking around, looking around at the setup of the place, witch was alien to her.
Okay, so she usually had a lack of pity. "The weak is weak. Only the strongest survive. Adapt or die." She had lived by those rules for a long time. But this was...a very sad sight. The woman was clearly in some sort of distress, dressed in her thins linens, barefoot, oversized jacket. And far more so than most of the people in the city. What was the comparison...A puppy. Sad puppy. That was the allegory.

Though this one didn't seem particularly sad. More generally upset at what had happened to her, considering her choice of words. Regardless, Celice turned back towards the one she had bumped into, cleared her throat, and spoke.

"It's fucker." She clarified. "Fuh-Ker." A cursory glance past the oddly dressed woman revealed something else- A pair of hot dogs, half an inch into an old puddle. "Didn't think I knocked into you that hard."

This was about as nice as she would get in direct tone.
Weave through the crowd. Keep moving, keep moving.

Now he didn't actually have any plans for when he reached the area. What could he do? Probably pop off a cap on a fire hydrant. Yeah, that'd work! Good old faithful. And really, it was an emergency, so who would blame him? People were at risk, just like if it was a fire! Okay, he had that figured out. Part one of the plan done.

Part two! Who were the Paragons on the site of the incident already? Assumedly not Patriot. He was the big gun. If he was there that dude would be six feet under already. Actually, Patriot was the only guy who'd actually be needed to planned around, once Ansel considered it. It was just Patriot who had his problems with people watching fights for some reason. Why, Ansel didn't know, Ansel didn't ask- He wasn't stupid, Patriot did what he did, moving on.

Part Three- How far was he now? He couldn't be more than a minute or three out. Side stepping panicking and curious civilians alike. He could practically hear the conflict now. Sounds of asphalt and pavements crackling, dirt and stone shifting. Shouts just barely audible above the destruction and throngs of people.

"Dang, this guy is taking on two Paragons and is still going..." Ansel said to himself, "He's definitely still screwed once I'm on the scene. Who could win a three on one?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Yin Li - Hell's Kitchen
By now, the men had cleared out, correctly assuming she was a cop. They'd probably been around for an exchange of drugs, or something of the sort. Usually her concern, but she didn't need her attention divided as she paced about the alley, her sharp eyes darting toward every crook and cranny she could see, seeking out any signs or clues of Massi's presence. She moved back down one of the dead-end alleys, having already gone down it several times, but this time, there was a man standing there toward the end, staring at her.
Considering the lack of doors in this alley, and the fact she'd seen him from somewhere before... this made her stop in her tracks. For a moment, the two stared one another down, before it clicked. This was one of the missing people. She'd just gone through all the cases before coming here, and his was relatively new. What was his name again? Howie? That was probably it. He was an older man, bald, and wearing a black suit. His eyes seemed... off.
"Howie?" She called to the man inquisitively. "Howie Mandel?" She asked. Hadn't this guy been some kind of comedian?

Charles Warren - Mojave Desert
Casually dusting off his shoulders and front, Warren then pulled out what looked like a strange metal stick from his pocket. He proceeded to stick it in the ground, before folding his arms. That beam Ignizio had cast into the sky... the luminosity, volume, and speed it had been going... undoubtedly, half the world must have seen it, in some form or another. He could only think of a single person who was capable of arriving at their location before transportation arrived.
Fortunately, after only about a minute, a strange vessel seemed to appear out of thin air above them, lowering slowly to the ground, a quad of thrusters at each corner of the machine. It had been cloaked upon arrival. Just as it touched to the ground, the sand turning to glass beneath the thrusters as sand went flying about (during which Warren slipped a pair of stylish shades over his eyes), a loud 'thump' in the sand behind the pair signified the arrival of something else.

"Charles Jacoby Warren." Patriot stood there, a crater where he stood. He folded his arms, smiling. "Should have known it was you. I rushed over here for no reason, it seems." He glanced around, Warren knowing exactly what he was doing. Scanning through the physical matter, looking for the true reason why they seemed to be in the middle of the desert. "Oh... cute place down there. Under renovations?" He asked, smirking at the multi-billionaire, who smiled back. "We were just leaving, actually."

The Young Woman
The hostility vanished almost immediately as the young woman stared at the other, holding her gaze for a moment, before narrowing her eyes. "Ffff..." She paused, frowning. "Ffffuck." She stated, before looking down at her stolen hotdogs. She pointed at them, before looking back at the woman. "Mmmore." She demanded. "Mmore. Ffufuck. Er."
It was quite obvious that she was demanding this educational yet rude woman to get her more hotdogs. To be completely honest, this was already the longest interaction with another individual she'd had ever since those fishermen had tried to get her to tell them that she was a mermaid. The most she'd learned from that interaction was how to correctly pronounce 'me', 'fish', and 'sea'.
"Mmore, fucker."
It seemed Celice's name was now 'fucker'.


Previously Gamingfan2
Massi blinked blankly at Yun Li, but jerked in surprise at the question. He tried to think of a way out. Escaping was possible, but hs exhaustion would make him easy prey should they give chase. His need to feed was strong, but overruled by his tiredness. If this one was anything like the two humans, he wouldn't win. The safest option was to speak them away.
Massi wasn't great at speaking, a fact he wasn't very aware of. But, he noticed that people he talks to always back away and leave, usually looking at him in fear, disgust, or annoyance. Maybe this one will do the same?
Massi's mind rewinded the horrified phrase Howie spoke as Massi's gruesome figure approached, as a way to imitate his voice.
"Who...Who are you? St-Stay away!"
Massi spoke tentatively. "Yes....what is you wants?"
His voice started somewhat different in the first word, but he managed to change a few octaves and perfectly imitate Howie's voice. He didn't care how, he just wanted this person to leave.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Forsythe smiled and walked up to the counter to look at the options "Lilian, come and pick a flavour of ice cream" he said as he turned and smed, she looked pretty adorable as she looked in awe of everything. He then turned back to the counter and ordered a mint chocolate icecream and while he waited for Lilian to order, he stepped over to CL-9. "Hey CL-9 do you have any info on the attack near where we were" he asked casually not wanting to alert Lilian.
@The Dark Fairy @comic

Laura's legs were crushed but he simply shattered the rocks and watched as his legs healed, he eventually stood up and began to examine his surroundings with his eyesight returned. He was holding these heroes off but if any others arrived he would have s problem, he tensed up ready to defend against attacks.
@The Alright Attorney @ThePlayfulFox @Martin Pine


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Yin Li - Hell's Kitchen
Her initial reaction toward Howie's response was confusion and concern, quickly followed up by suspicion. He was acting way too... off. That was the only word she could find at the moment for it. Perhaps 'unnatural' was befitting the man, as well. Slowly, she reached her hand into her jacket, grasping the handle of her pistol, flipping the safety off as she did so, though she kept the weapon concealed. "Mr. Mandel, you were reported missing seven hours ago. Your wife reported it. Are you okay?" Slowly, she began to walk her way toward 'Howie', eyes constantly shifting to his twitching hands, which seemed to be caked in mud- or possibly blood. The alley didn't have the best sunlight streaming in to be sure.

CL-9 - Moe's Burgers and Ice Cream
The android stared attentively at Forsythe for a moment, her eyes glazing over. "Please hole." She replied, her eyes shuddering for a moment, before she blinked and returned to her usual status. "More heroes are reporting on the scene. The violent assailant will either be captured, forced to flee, or killed in approximately 7 minutes and 43 seconds. I calculate a 78% chance that he will flee. Why? Do you wish to assist your fellow Paragons?" CL-9 asked, her gaze shifting over toward the list of ice creams as she began to wonder if she could enjoy ice cream. Sure, she was built to be able to eat and drink in order to blend into society, but she was not designed with taste buds. No real reason to want to eat. But she definitely would have liked a reason to actually want ice cream.
...That didn't seem quite normal. Maybe she could discuss this in private with Lillian. After all, this was the longest any of Warren's AI had gone independently thinking.
Samuel’s small sense of accomplishment flickered away, as did his temporary anger. The situation was beginning to come clear to him. This person was powerful and despite their best efforts there was no way just him and Alan were going to bring him down.

He released telekinetic grasp on the earth and pavement but kept the dome of energy up around them. “Alan” Samuel spoke discretely through the coms, keeping a bloodied hand on his partially healed side. “were not going to bring this guy down. We can slow him at worse but keep busy him at best” Samuel had noticed how Laura was looking around, how quickly his eyesight had healed. “Just keep him busy” He stepped back onto his platform, lifting it into the air and beginning to fly around inside the dome on it.

With his powers he grabbed two items. A lamppost, which he tore from its concrete base and sent snaking towards Laura. He wrapped the metal around him, knowing that the villain would most likely break free. That’s why he’d also flung a car at him, aimed at his side in an attempts to give a surprise attack
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There was something equally endearing yet frustrating that she was being called "Fucker", but this basically taught Celice one thing- This lady was likely foreign. Her grasp on English seemed tenuous and frail, copying words she had heard offhand from passerbys. Which explained why she needed "fucker" explicitly told to her. So they probably had something to relate on there- Reminded Celice of herself going around for a few days talking about finding a "house" in the middle of the city, only to be continually told there were no actual houses in the city. She hadn't grasped the differentiation of "house" and "home" back then.

So Celice's interest was piqued, which may not of been clear as she walked past the girl in the big jacket. "Those things are crap. They buy them for fifteen cents and sell em' for like, four dollars. That's just one of the ways people try to screw you over with." She spoke this without realizing the woman probably didn't understand much of what she had said.

Celice had actually not made it very far into her commute at all before she had bumped into the lady. It wasn't a big deal to turn around. She turned back to her new acquaintance, speaking up- "Well, come on. It's not like you were heading anywhere else." She also gestured with her hands to follow. A more universal way of communicating.

A nearby pipe had been uncovered by the destruction of the road. Needless to say, that was a good entry point for Ansel, who quietly slipped into the pit without announcing his presence. This was the big moment, yeah?

He began focusing the water in the pipe, intentionally building up pressure- Before bang! Water began spurting out of it at a fast rate.

Now from what he remembered the two there was Alan and the new kid. He didn't believe either would be massively impacted by any sort of water surge, so that was a plus. Yep, this was practically in the bag!

He accumulated the rushing water into a tendril, peaking over the edge of the pit to spot the crazed bastard he assumed was the threat here. "Alrighty, this guy's gettin' a shower!" After that exceedingly cheesy one liner, the water tendril was shot at Larua- Joining both the lamp post and car already being thrown at him by the telekinesis kid. Hey, the more the merrier, right?

As a vessel that seemed futuristic lowered itself onto the ground, landing with clouds of dust and sand, the resounding boom indicating the impact of something else with the ground behind him caught Ignizio's attention, prompting him to stare at the man standing before him and Warren. It seemed that the newcomer and Warren knew each other, though their exchange held an air of tension. The man had begun staring into the ground, remarking on the tomb in which Ignizio had lived for so long. Although Warren had mentioned taking their leave, Ignizio decided to press an inquiry; based on the sound of his landing and the crater in which he stood, this man was strong, and the Blackfire-wielder saw this as an opportunity to gauge his strength. Levelling a stare that denoted a small but noticeable amount of condescension, Ignizio folded his arms across his chest.

"And who might this be?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Arriving at Hell's Kitchen, Shuzo hid in any dim or shadowed areas, using them for cover as he silently jumped from wall to wall to reach the roof of a building. Crosshair had gotten back to him, saying that he was working on another lead to predict Massi's next movements should it get away from the Hell's Kitchen encounter; hopefully the fatigue that followed from near daily chases would be able to compensate for the fact that the stupid thing just would not die and give Shuzo an edge in the clash. Of course, Chief Li had likely arrived by now, but not only did that serve as a thorn in his side, but an innocent to keep from harm or worse.... an annoying innocent that was constantly hell-bent on playing her own game and nothing else in a situation with multiple parties no matter the trouble, but an innocent nonetheless.

Shuzo finally arrived at a dim-lit alley, where he saw Li cautiously approaching an old, bald man with smudged hands. Her hand was resting on her pistol, while the man—was that Howie Mandel?—spoke slowly in response to her question. Shuzo's hand rested on his own weapon, ready to unsheathe his daito if things got messy.


Previously Gamingfan2
Massi twitched uncomfortably, taking a step back with each one Yun Li took forward. His fingers clenched, eyes darting around in fear before a sound caught his attention.
Another heart beat...and that smell.
Massi's eyes slit. He was here, and the other was likely not far away.
Massi's reacted purely by instinct, leaping at Yun Li, his mouth splitting like a venus flytrap laced with sharp teeth, planning to tear her apart and simultaneously swallow her. He needed to eat this human, her blood and meat were crucial. Should she evade him, he had no choice but to keep running, however. He wasn't going to face them and become easy prey.

At least not until he found his own.

Cursing to himself under his breath, Shuzo unsheathed both blades and held them in a reverse grip before dropping to the ground. Striking the concrete like a lightning bolt—both literally and figuratively—he landed with a blinding red light that would be more than enough to make Massi recoil and lose his bearings. Now donning a new suit, there had been some visible upgrades made to his ninja garb as he stood before the alien, swords brandished and eyes narrowed.

Shuzo was still clothed in black, hooded ninja garb, but it was now adorned with lightweight samurai armor and plating on his torso, arms, and legs, and embellished sparsely with crimson lightning patterns. He also wore steel shoulder plates, painted black and also emblazoned with thin lightning patterns. Shuzo had now equipped a red, oni-styled half mask that covered his mouth and nose, and for his eyes, he wore a pair of goggles with matte black frames and red lenses. (OOC: basically restating from updated bio)

After using his heightened speed to also move Chief Li to a safe distance in a burst of red light, he tightened his grip on his blades as he glared at Massi, already in a fighting stance.

"Unfortunately for you, Crosshair isn't here this time; it's just you and me."

As lightning danced wildly in his eyes, the goggles' lenses covering them began to glow brightly, and electricity coursed through his blades as Shuzo spoke through the voice modulator in his mask with cold resolve.

"I'm ending this right here, right now."


Previously Shadow_Pup
Larua sighed and smiled as he tensed causing the lamppost to be torn to shreds by telekinetic waves. He then swiftly dodged under the car and held out his had manipulating the tendril of water from the newcomers control and having it gently swirl around his hand before he shared it and froze it with a cooling system he create onnthe back of his hand making it a large ice spike that he telekinetic ally sent flying at Alan, while he also decided to throw the previously used car at the newcomer and making a barrier to block immediate interference he dashed forward and attempted to punch the dove girl.
@BurbleBurble @ThePlayfulFox @Martin Pine @The Alright Attorney


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Young Woman
The woman followed up her demands with a string of words that went in one ear and out the other. She could... mostly understand what she said, yet at the same time, she failed to grasp what they meant together as a complete sentence. Instead, she just heard a random spout of words that didn't make much sense. However, the woman then gestured for her to follow, and she felt a genuine surprise at the unexpectedly approachable gesture. Was she actually offering her what she'd demanded? More of the meat rods? If so, she had no qualms in following this woman.
And so, with a look of satisfaction, she approached the stranger, quickly forgetting about the water-logged bread-blanket-meat-rods behind her.

Charles Warren, Patriot - Mojave Desert
Patriot finally seemed to take notice of Ignizio, shifting his gaze from Warren to the figure that seemed to match him in height. Before he spoke, Patriot looked the stranger up and down, taking in what he saw, before he suddenly began to loudly laugh, his voice booming. He laughed for a good fifteen seconds, nearly doubling over, before he finally managed to calm himself, wiping a tear of mirth from his eye, shoulders shaking from the chuckles he was trying to contain. "He said..." He was unable to finish the sentence, chuckling for a couple more seconds, before he stood up straight, placing his hands on his hips and shaking his head. "You really know how to pick 'em, Warren. 'Who might this be', oh that's priceless." There was a pause as he returned his attention to Ignizio, taking a step toward him, his eyes seeming to be more piercing than before. "Since you're so out of touch, I'll tell you what the rest of the world already knows. I am Patriot. Leader of the Paragons. Hero of Humanity. The Mightiest Man Alive. Etcetera, etcetera... and I only came up with two of those." His smile seemed to grow more forced as he searched Ignizio's eyes for a moment. Then he looked back at Charles, yawning as he did so. "Your new pet's a little different from the usual muscle you hire. I hope he won't be a problem, Mr. Warren. For your sake. Keep your dog on a tight leash and things should be just fine."
"Yes, of course. If you're finished, we'd like to go." Charles replied, a hint of nervousness edging his voice, clearly signifying his eagerness for this interaction to end.

Yin Li - Hell's Kitchen
Just as she'd feared, this interaction turned out to be a lot more than just stumbling upon a missing person's case. No, Howie contorted before her eyes as he lunged at her with inhuman speed- but she was ready. She'd heard the eye-witness accounts. The rumors. Even caught a couple glimpses herself. What Massi was capable of, and what he could do. Her pistol was yanked out of her coat, aimed at Massi, but before she could even fire a bullet, a flash of red light momentarily blinded her, and she suddenly found herself outside the alley. That could mean only one thing.
"Sparkblade." She hissed under her breath, and felt an even more emboldened resolve fill her as she checked to make sure her weapon remained operational, before marching back to the alley to find Sparkblade and Massi facing off against one another. Crosshair wasn't in sight, but that was usually how he operated. He could be anywhere. "Stand down, Sparkblade. I've got this covered." She shouted to the vigilante, raising her pistol aggressively.
Angel cooed in surprise as she transformed back into a human to hopefully fall faster than Lura could punch. It was terrifying really. Angel could hardly think straight as her hair whipped around while she plummeted to the earth. She didn't look down. If she did, well, she didn't want to think about it. After she was sure she was out of harm's way, she shrunk and gained white feathers, becoming a dove once more. She quickly found a spot to hide from Lura and heal the defenders. She had to admit, they were really bad at keeping the bad guy away from their fragile healer. She sighed as she focused on healing Alan.
There was a a lot happening at once but somehow Samuel was able to keep up with all of it. The dome of energy that surrounded them opened up, allowing Ansel to join the fray and attack the villain with his furious water.

When Laura took control of the water directed at them his powers were all but confirmed. He was copying them, all of them. Their powers could be mimicked, stockpiled on top of his own which they weren’t even aware of it. Samuel closed the hole in the telekinetic barrier surrounding them, expanding it to give them more space to work. It was the size of a football field now, Sam still keeping them all contained in it to keep the citizens evacuating on the other side safe. He was beginning to exert himself somewhat. Keeping the barrier up, using his powers to see, using his powers to float the platform he was standing on and using his powers to attack. Not having sight, at least conventional vision, was somewhat useful in this regard. His attention could be more easily divided, even if it was being strained.

Thankfully an attack was not directed at Sam, the psychic preparing to launch another attack until noticing the dove again. “Huh?” It transformed into a woman, who dropped towards the ground before turning into a bird again. Was it their mystery healer? Samuel took hold of a car, flinging it at Laura’s psychic barrier to shatter it. He flew over to the villain, creating a barrier of energy to separate Laura from the dove. “Get somewhere safe!” Sam was going to keep track of that bird, protect it from Laura by drawing the villains attention. “Who are you!? Why’re you doing this?!”Sam spoke to Laura now, floating close by. His eyes glowed orange as he created a cyclone of random objects around himself. Samuel was prepared to evade, swerve or dodge if Laura attempted to lunge at him. “Are you just a sick bastard? huh?”

@ThePlayfulFox @The Alright Attorney @Shadow_Pup
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Previously Gamingfan2
Sparkblade was too quick. Massi let out a fearful screech as a light blinded him. A single tentacle burst from his back, stabbing into the floor and pulling Massi. With a warning growl, Massi's back popped out another. Using both, Massi stabbed into the alley walls, climbing them as quickly as he could while Sparkblade was occupied with Yun Li. Once at the top, Massi ran over the house roofs, huffing in exhaustion on all weirdly-shaped fours.
He needed sustenance, was all his primitive mind could think of. Now that he was being followed, he no longer cared about keeping hidden. His senses worked as he ran, searching for a human heartbeat, human smell.
Human prey.

Patriot would find nothing when searching Ignizio's eyes other than cool indifference and a challenging glint ablaze in his crimson irises; the several monikers given to the hero had no effect on the pyrokinetic, who maintained a monotonous, almost unimpressed demeanor. As Warren's nervous tone indicated a desire to leave the scene, Ignizio let out a curt, derisive exhale through his nose before turning to walk with the multi-billionaire to the ship, averting his gaze from the so-called "Hero of Humanity". However, halfway through boarding the vessel, Ignizio turned one last time to stare at Patriot, eyes momentarily filling with a deep black before the man turned back to enter the ship without another word.


As Chief Li reentered the alley, shouting for Shuzo to stand down, the vigilante turned to glare at her and let out an irritated tch, as Massi had used that split second of diversion to make his escape. Turning back to watch the alien climb up the buildings and scurry onto the roof, Shuzo cursed under his breath before suddenly flinging a shuriken at the Police Chief. With pinpoint accuracy, the sharp metal struck the barrel of her firearm, knocking the pistol out of her hands.

Don't interfere," the vigilante hissed through his voice modulator, lightning coursing agitatedly throughout and around his body. Even in a single second's opening, Massi had enough time to cover an unreal amount of ground, and Shuzo could not let this opportunity slip past him.

Immediately taking off in a burst of red light, Shuzo jumped from wall to wall, scaling the side of the building near the same speed as Massi, maybe faster. As he landed on the roof, he saw the alien scurry away on all fours, already a substantial distance away. Shuzo immediately gave chase, breaking into a sprint as his lightning heightened his speed further. Even with enough lightning to boost his speed greatly without depleting stamina, the gap between him and Massi was growing shorter at a much slower pace than the vigilante liked. Taking a page out of the alien's book, he pulled a handful of shurikens from an inner pocket in his tunic, hurling them all simultaneously at Massi. The throwing stars spun rapidly, curving and winding on a perfect course toward the retreating Massi's back. If all went well, Shuzo could close the gap much quicker in the time Massi took to deal with the incoming projectiles.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Charles Warren, Patriot - Mojave Desert
Charles didn't say another word as the door closed, and their ride rose sharply into the air, before taking off through the sky back toward New York. There was a moment of silence, before Warren finally spoke. "Insufferable prick." He muttered, taking a seat and pressing a button on his arm rest. A cubby opened beside him, and a mechanical arm extended out, holding a tray of various drinks. He looked at it thoughtfully for a moment, before selecting a glass and leaning back, looking toward Ignizio. "Care for a drink?" He offered, taking a sip of his own. "If it's all the same to you, I think it would be wise of us to leave Patriot alone for now. However, it seems like he's already taken an interest in you. We'll need to be careful. His power... no limit has yet to be known. As far as I'm aware, he could destroy the entire planet in a single punch if he really wanted. That's high-balling it, though." He took another sip, gazing out of the window for a moment. "He's... unpredictable. We have an agreement, he and I. I keep the government from interfering with the Paragons, and he stays out of my business and hair. He's been... toeing the line in recent months. I fear there won't be much I can do if I break our agreement. He's virtually unstoppable and everyone knows it. This is why I need a team, with you at the helm. A team that can actually stand a chance against his might, because one day... he will turn his back on us all. I can promise you that."

Yin Li - Hell's Kitchen
She saw Massi taking off before Sparkblade even noticed, but once again, before she could react, the vigilante interfered, tossing a shuriken to knock her weapon out of her hand. She scrambled the sidearm back into her hands, but both her targets had already raced to the top of the buildings, running off.
Like hell they'd get away from her. She'd never been this close before.
With a growl of resolve, she flipped the safety on, and took off at a sprint, glancing up to see their progress as best as she could, but they were quickly ditching her. She slid over the hood of a car, crossing the street, and starting looking around for anything she could use.
There. A young man was putting on a blue helmet, about to climb onto a blue motorcycle. She raced toward him, flashing her badge in his face. This was certainly not legal, but at the moment, she didn't much care. "NYPD business. I need to take this." She informed him hurriedly, glancing up at the progress of her targets, before snatching his helmet away, and taking off on the vehicle before the young man even realized what had happened.
She zoomed down the street, casting glances at their progress frequently, teeth grit in anticipation. Taking another daring leap, metaphorically, she flipped the safety off and aimed it at her targets, opening fire. She had dead-eye accuracy, but on a motorcycle? She was just trying to eyeball it as best as she could.
"Oh come on!" Ansel audibly complained. That was bull-crap! This guy took all of the water that got hurled at him, turned it into a giant icicle, and then tossed it at the new kid. And basically he had just avoided everything else tossed at him. This was supposed to be open and shut! Though sadly it seemed like nothing went like that in the city or as a Paragon.

He grabbed the radio that had called him here in the first place- He had attached to the loop of his pants before he had left -And began speaking into it. "Adapter, this is Deluge. Give me a run down on who the hell this guy is, what he is doing, and- holycrapdidthatbirdjustturnintoagirl?!"

Yes, that bird did just turn into a girl and back. Ansel's eyes were not deceiving him. This whole situation was out of hand. "Uh, yeah pretty sure that bird did. Anyways, just shout it to me when you can? Thanks!"

The pipe he had burst was still spewing water. From what he could tell a direct approach was a bad decision with this guy, though he did have the slightest bit of a plan to keep building on. There was already a pool of water forming around the icicle that had been formed, so that was one.

Actually, with how the kid was doing things, Ansel could work his plan into that. Focusing the surging water into the cyclone forming around Larua- The liquid weaving between the various things the Telekine-Kid had picked up to fight with.

"Come on, bastard, you know you want to break out of there..."

The lady was following. Good! She did get general motions. Celice of course, was unaware of what this strange girl truly wanted.

Celice had only rounded one corner before she had stopped promptly. She was in front of a decently large building, with a single door up a short step. A striped canopy above the door, it's colors muted, faded from sunlight and rain alike. She stood in the doorway, propping it open with her foot.

"Come on now. I'm gonna be late for work if I mess around here all day." She tried telling the woman, though she figured she might not get there at all today. This apparent foreigner was...It begged some questions, really. And despite Celice being a rather on-edge sort, her curiosity had been piqued. Not unlike finding an interesting bit of scrap or something of the like.

Maybe it was just her being able to relate to being lost and wandering in a big city after taking great lengths to leave her once-home. Or maybe something else, picking at the back of her brain, a question demanding an answer. Or basic empathy, but that was a less interesting reason than the former two.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Lilian walked up to the counter, sweeping her eyes back and forth over her choices for a long while not really knowing what most of the flavors on the labels referred to, before pointing at a yellow-orange flavor With chunks in it labeled ‘Mango’ “I’d like that one please.” She said, looking back at Foursythe with a smile.


Previously Gamingfan2
Massi panted as he ran, still focused on escaping, before he suddenly felt multiple shurikens stab into his back. He screeched, losing balance and slipping off the roof, landing with a hard crack! on the floor.
However, Massi remained undeterred. He rose, allowing the shurikens to fall off of him as his wounds healed, and he saw in front of him multiple humans fighting. Despite the alluring smell of blood on them, his attention was brought to the object near his feet.
A human body.
Not a live one, but they smelled as if they had died recently, so Massi dug in, hungrily gobbling up the body in two large bites and perking at the sight of another. He paused, torn between risking the attention of the fighting humans or getting extra energy from the second body.

Direct hits. As he continued to give chase, Shuzo narrowed his eyes, taking a risk by boosting his speed even further; unsheathing his shoto, the vigilante followed Massi, who had just lost balance and fell to the ground. Just as he was about to leap off the roof in pursuit, however, he felt a small distortion in the air around him, and Shuzo barely cut to the side in time to avoid a fatal gunshot, though the bullet struck his right shoulder plate with a clang. Stopping in his tracks, he turned to identify the source of the projectile, and after noticing Chief Li, riding a motorcycle with her pistol aimed at him, he let out an exasperated growl. Her penchant for constantly being a hindrance to his plans was certainly testing the boundaries of his patience, and if it continued, the vigilante wouldn't move a finger to help her the next time she put herself in danger.

Shuzo promptly resumed his chase, however, using his shoto to dig the blade into the nearby wall and slow his descent. He muttered a curse in his native tongue upon just barely catching Massi in the act of devouring a body once again, and it was already on its way to another corpse that was caused by whatever was going on.... wait, what was going on?

There were a handful of Paragons as well as a "bird-girl", battling against a single individual that was likely responsible for the other two casualties at the scene. Amidst all of the destruction, Shuzo continued to keep his attention on Massi, who had paused for a second, leaving him an open target. Immediately sprinting at the alien, the vigilante unsheathed his daito as he lunged at his target, aiming a slash at what he hoped was the figure's neck.


Ignizio remained silent as Charles began expressing his disdain for Patriot; it seemed that the hero truly was a dangerous individual, a being much more powerful than originally thought. To Ignizio, Patriot had been nothing more than an egotistic brat who could fly, but Warren's clear attitude on the man denoted a greater strength. As he stood in the vessel as it flew, Ignizio folded his arms over his chest, waiting until the human concluded his ominous monologue before replying matter-of-factly.

"No matter how formidable, no one has survived my fire; this 'Patriot' will be no different once his time has come."

Staring out of the window, the Blackfire user seemed to narrow his eyes just the slightest bit, eyebrows furrowing in deep thought.

Especially when the others awaken soon... Mr. Warren's 'apocalypse' he so fears may be coming much sooner than he anticipates.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Larua broke free of the water and manage to stop the projectiles but he noticed that more people were arriving "now this is too many opponents for me right now" he said copying the dove girls ability and shifting into a dove and flying away with haste as he thought about the Paragons, he had heard there name pop up as he walked around the city, he had also seen pictures of his little brother and knew that he had to defeat these Paragons.

Forsythe ordered for Lilian and then took his icecream and sat with her as he ate it, he sighed and turned to her as he had noticed his brothers presence disappearing "ok so I need to tell you about my brother I think its going to be very important that you know so if you want I will tell you" he said as he locked his icecream "oh and dont let your icecream melt"
@The Dark Fairy