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The Person Below Me

I like coffee sweets and chocolates yet not actually have I tried coffee.

The person below me likes taking medicine (liquid form). When I could use Calpol I wished I could be sick again, it tastes good...
no, taste terrible, when I have to take medicine I sure will, to feel better

the person below me likes adding flavoring to their milk
(chocolate, strawberry, or banana)


Previously TheJustinMan
I had two phones at one point! I’d constantly transfer data and apps between them! That is until my parents said I had to cut one off because it would start up a data bill...

The person below me has over 500 hours in any game.
yep, in SimCity 4 - until I lost it all when my hard drive failed on my Windows 7
I get to start over soon

Person below me loves pecan pie
not right now, just had some Doritos and cheese dip

person below me has something to do early next day?
(don't feel like waking up for it)


Previously Possibilit
Yup! I am sick! (Which is being grounded to me)

The person below me likes....Super Smash Bros. Ultimate! (Not sponsered)


Previously Possibilit
I have once and that's it and also I NEVER watched a Series of Unfortunate Events!

TPBM is part of the FBI and if you are...i'm gonna keep my eyes on ya...
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