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The Person Below Me

love it, discovered it not too long ago
great taste in spices and seasoning - just lack meat
I don't complain, I can add it on my own

Person below me at times has trouble understanding other accents
(even if same language)
love them
meat lovers is my favorite - all meat, two layers of cheese, no veggies, and some dijon mustard

person below me likes fortune cookies
yep, 3 cats, right now one sleeping on my bed, one in my lap, and one by my window ledge

person below me needs to get something finished (like homework/chores) too lazy to finish it
Love it, my most favorite of all dark types

Person below me at times thinks of "something good to ask" in this topic, get distracted for a split second, forget what they where going to ask
(happens to me often, just reply with something random)

("yes, I though of something really good to ask, can't wait for reply... oh a text message, I'll read it later... what was going to ask again?")
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yes, especially warm showers, so relaxing, and soothing
I always take one before work

Person below has not updated one of their trainer cards
(even if they planned to)
I updated them quite frequently before. At first, i joined this website because i was a complete nerd and had seen a bunch of youtubers make trainer card videos. So i wanted to make atleast one.

The person below me also have a nerdy story of how they joined