I have two reviews for this. They both have the same level of appreciation.
If a parody of humorous stories:
I love how you take easily complex and diverse characters and make them into extremely one-dimmensional characters to show how many story-writers do things in the realm of humor. It makes me laugh, especially when you characters break the ... "foruth wall" so to speak, and declare their one-dimmensioned-ness. I also find the script format entertaining, for most humorous story-writers do that as well. It makes me laugh everytime.
If not:
I still find it humorous to watch the jokes roll out, and the relationships simplistic and blunt. If I had known all of these people, it probably sould have made more sense. I still find some humour in some of the jokes where people are pushed aside rudely, no matter how many times I've seen that done, I still laugh.
Yayz, reviewz! I've most likely gotten your attention, what with my long posts on primarily short-post-dominated topics of yours.