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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

I had total opposite reason I only had college 9-10am today so I've been stuck with nothing to do xD (And I've played every last single video game I own)

And thanks ^^

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Making a music video for my class~
Have AP tests for 2 weeks
Gone on a trip for 4 days
Project is due on the 21st
Dunno if we have enough time to do all the writing, filming, and editting. D:

Why am I always the one stuck with video and music editting -.-


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Sleepy and can't be bothered with today, but sitting at college and having fun throwing news stories at people. Now I wish I was home so I could actually get them properly reported! XD
^ That because everyone runs outta energy to do work/go to school or college on a Friday (blames Thursdays for seeming incredibly slow) xD

Anyway wish it would stop being so cold >-< If we start getting snow soon(which would be highly unlikely) I'm moving abroad ¬.¬

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Corpus Trip~~~~~~

So excited to go out to the largest swimming pool in Texas with the rest of my orchestra to get a tan and have fun and ARGH WHY ARE AP TESTS THE WEEK AFTER I COME BACK ;_;

I feel like every post here that I've made is about me and school.

Also, tried to shave today. My legs turned out fine, my arms... let's just say I have four cuts now. <<


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Bad dreams need to stop being so damn realistic, or at the very least give me one at a time and not three in a row. Dream within a dream within a dream and all that fun. @.@

I felt like cursing incredibly loudly when I finally woke up for real, but it was 4:30 AM and everyone else is still sleeping. So I just cursed with my thoughts. |D


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Linkachu said:
Bad dreams need to stop being so damn realistic, or at the very least give me one at a time and not three in a row. Dream within a dream within a dream and all that fun. @.@

I felt like cursing incredibly loudly when I finally woke up for real, but it was 4:30 AM and everyone else is still sleeping. So I just cursed with my thoughts. |D

I feel bad now because I was totally going to spam you later on chat about a nice dream I had. x3

Anyways, weather is actually insanely wild now and seems to have done a fair amount of damage to our fence overnight. Course, its still wild so we can't get out long enough to inspect just how -much- damage has been done. :?
Linkachu said:
Bad dreams need to stop being so damn realistic, or at the very least give me one at a time and not three in a row. Dream within a dream within a dream and all that fun. @.@

I felt like cursing incredibly loudly when I finally woke up for real, but it was 4:30 AM and everyone else is still sleeping. So I just cursed with my thoughts. |D


Going to see a concert tonight, a combination of an indie-pop artist and my nation's best orchestra. Very excited for that~

... Also, I was under the impression that today was Queen's Day. Turned out it's tomorrow.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Blazi said:
I just joined Pottermore.

It is absolutely AMAZING.

And I must say, I make one epic Ravenclaw~

It put me in Hufflepuff. I fell out with it and went off in a moody sulk. How Hufflepuff-like is that, eh? Not very! Stupid hat.


StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Discussing a recent update of Homestuck with someone, and the whole thing with Dirk "walking the path of self" and sometimes not even realizing he's doing it... I am suddenly hit by the realization that an unassuming protagonist of much potential, with a gun, in what appears to be a rather dark hour for mankind...

AND THEN JAKE SHOOTS HIS OWN HEAD AND STEAMPUNK DIRK POPS OUT. Except that then Lil' Cal bursts out of Steampunk Dirk and murderizes everything in the area. Then it turns out the whole thing is an elaborate setup and that Lil' Cal is actually a piece of a mystical being of sorts who wants to die so that the a giant godlike being that lives on the moon can destroy everythi-


Fuck. It all makes a disturbing amount of sense now. Now all we need is for Roxy to develop an unusual affinity with cows and a new reign of god damn terror could begin.


It makes even MORE sense when you think about god tiers and the whole face your own mortality thing. THE STRENGTH OF HEART TO FACE ONESELF HAS... blah blah blah.

Tl;dr, it all comes to this: Everyone's the killer, and Hussie is a Super Mario.
コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス

コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス

コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス コロス

can't be killed...

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
My brain does weird things. Through a conversation with a friend I have somehow come to attach Majoliné's voice from LocoRoco to The Condesce.

This has two reasons.

1: Majoliné is sort of a mother creature/leader for the primary antagonists of the game, the Moja.

2: As the friend of mine who introduced me to LocoRoco to begin with pointed out after I mentioned the voice seems to work in my head with the Condesce... SHE CERTAINLY HAS THE HAIR TO BE A MOJA. XD


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I get the feeling that this is going to be a long week. Thought I was starting to feel less cruddy but that doesn't appear to be the case today. I'll just hope to feel less ill by Friday.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Hope you feel better soon. ^^

On completely random side notes, I want to punch the people who composed the music for LocoRoco in the face. IT'S TOO CATCHY AND WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD ;-;
Aww hope you feel better soon ^^

A lot of nasty bugs are going round at the moment it is a surprise no-one has gone "IT'S GOAT FLU, IT WILL KILL US ALL!! EVERYONE GET VACCINATIONS NOW!!"


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Get better soon Katie. ♥

As for me, it's the first sunny day in two weeks and where am I? At college inside. XD

On the plus side I'm playing Mario & Yoshi to pass the time. :)
Demelza said:
As for me, it's the first sunny day in two weeks and where am I? At college inside. XD

What it is actually sunny somewhere in the UK today ._. It's like drizzly here, luckily we had sun yesterday :3 Nearly reached the 20 degrees mark :D


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Blazi said:
Wow. You nearly reached the twenties mark?

You poor deprived people you.

Sunny and up to the thirties for us~

Ugh. Any temperature that high is nothing to be happy for imo. The days we hit even just 28 feel ungodly and make me want to die. Give me 25 max all summer and I'd be a much happier person. :angel:

Then again, depends which kind of heat it is. Canada tends to be very humid and it's just gross and icky heat.


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Teapot said:
Damn floods. I actually wanted to go into college today :(

I'm one of very few people who actually made it in today despite the fact the weather hasn't been that bad here.....I feel like I have bad luck actually making it in. ;_; (Wouldn't have minded another day off~)

In other news, I need to sort my room out when I get back as its a complete mess. x3

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Your poor low country D: But it can't flood here, the closest body of water (Trinity River) is several miles away and nearly always dried and shriveled up anyways.