Am I the only American who goes on this? 
► Yellow_The_Wolf ◄

► Yellow_The_Wolf ◄
Doubled said:I wish people would stop askig me to use my sprites :< Really, they aren't that good, and for another thing, they're MY characters, not just some game NPC. I kinda wish they could make they're own instead of pestering me for mine or to make one for them. Do you have any idea how many notes I get on DA? Too many, and nobody seems to read my signature: "I'm not taking requests". NOT.NOT. I mean, it's too simple! If a guy like me can do it, anybody can! So why won't they at least try to recolor or something (AND NOT ONE OF MINE! You have no idea how many times I've been asked to let someone recolor one of MY SPRITES!). Argg......
Daft Soul said:
Linkachu said:Doubled said:I wish people would stop askig me to use my sprites :< Really, they aren't that good, and for another thing, they're MY characters, not just some game NPC. I kinda wish they could make they're own instead of pestering me for mine or to make one for them. Do you have any idea how many notes I get on DA? Too many, and nobody seems to read my signature: "I'm not taking requests". NOT.NOT. I mean, it's too simple! If a guy like me can do it, anybody can! So why won't they at least try to recolor or something (AND NOT ONE OF MINE! You have no idea how many times I've been asked to let someone recolor one of MY SPRITES!). Argg......
[me=Linkachu]hugs Doubled.[/me]
I've come to realize that the more helpful someone is, the more people expect from them. Stupid, isn't it? Nobody can just accept a kind gesture for what it is without wanting or expecting more. I feel for you, Doubled. Those types of people need a shovel to the head.![]()
Daft Soul said:There's a Glee cover of Friday now. I'm not sure wether to ragequit on life or actually try listening to it.
Hey, it can't be worse then the original.