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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
There's a bunch of stuff around here that I need to get done and I haven't had the time or energy to do it. I'm not quite sure when I'll get the chance to do it all either because I'll be away for part of the weekend.

I think I'm going to have to prioritize everything and just do what I can. If some of it needs to be pushed back until March Break then it can't be helped.


Former Moderator
I love it when you say to your friend you need to go into town, and she says she'll wait until you get back from uni so you can go together, only to come home and find that she's fucked off to town without you.


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Excited for tomorrow! :D

Been to pick presents, walked past a GAME shop which was looking in a pretty poor state, gonna miss that store. :/

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football

But I'm done, and that's all that matters~

Now to study for physics. <<


Magearna before it was cool
Holding off a project till 4 in the morning the day it's due...not quite my greatest idea I have to admit.

And now I'm typing about holding off here, holding it off even longer. Hold on, what the hell am I doing? Damn procrastination's got me again...
Thanks to Sims 3 Create A World, I am currently creating Oreburgh as a 3D environment for my players to see when they get there c: I'm sure there are better tools out there, but this is simple and (mostly) easy to use~
SineCosineTangent said:
Thanks to Sims 3 Create A World, I am currently creating Oreburgh as a 3D environment for my players to see when they get there c: I'm sure there are better tools out there, but this is simple and (mostly) easy to use~

That is effin' amazing.

Think you could do Rustboro? ;D


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
So, last night sucked. I thought one of my pets was dying but he's still alive, so I guess he wasn't dying. I just hope there's not a repeat of it today. I don't think I could take going through that again. :'|


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I lost my Magpie badge. Sad times, we'd been through so much together. In honour of its loss, I shall be a complete and total grump at work today. Fear me, customers, fear me D:<


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Magpie said:
I lost my Magpie badge. Sad times, we'd been through so much together. In honour of its loss, I shall be a complete and total grump at work today. Fear me, customers, fear me D:<

*hugs* May I say, I'd hate to be the customers. xD

Went for a walk because the sun is out for the first time in ages, feels nice. :)
Linkachu said:
So, last night sucked. I thought one of my pets was dying but he's still alive, so I guess he wasn't dying. I just hope there's not a repeat of it today. I don't think I could take going through that again. :'|

Would've sucked more if he had died, though, wouldn't it?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Dark Soul said:
Linkachu said:
So, last night sucked. I thought one of my pets was dying but he's still alive, so I guess he wasn't dying. I just hope there's not a repeat of it today. I don't think I could take going through that again. :'|

Would've sucked more if he had died, though, wouldn't it?

Considering the fits he kept taking over and over again and how terrified he was, that question is debatable. :?


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Linkachu said:
Dark Soul said:
Linkachu said:
So, last night sucked. I thought one of my pets was dying but he's still alive, so I guess he wasn't dying. I just hope there's not a repeat of it today. I don't think I could take going through that again. :'|

Would've sucked more if he had died, though, wouldn't it?

Considering the fits he kept taking over and over again and how terrified he was, that question is debatable. :?

I once had a gerbil that was pretty much doing that. Rang the vets, they said it sounded like she needed putting down etc etc, but they couldn't do it until morning (stupid people). I basically sat up with her all night, it was horrible. Buuuuut, after about two hours of cuddles towards the end when I thought the end was near, she came round... and went on to live for another two years :D

Hope the little fellow is okay now ♥


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Magpie said:
I once had a gerbil that was pretty much doing that. Rang the vets, they said it sounded like she needed putting down etc etc, but they couldn't do it until morning (stupid people). I basically sat up with her all night, it was horrible. Buuuuut, after about two hours of cuddles towards the end when I thought the end was near, she came round... and went on to live for another two years :D

Hope the little fellow is okay now ♥

Thanks Magpie. Glenn's doing okay right now, so that's what matters most. ♥

In other news... I had a great weekend in Nova Scotia, even if we didn't do much while we were there. We mostly just went for my youngest sister's gymnastics competition, although we did find an awesome local restaurant with some lovely Mexican food. Either way, it was nice having the change of scenery. ♥

It's just too bad that it isn't March Break this week. I'm more than ready for my holiday. ;_;


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Testboot2012 said:
Well... Apparently I typoed the name of my latest Testbot account. That's both pathetic and hilarious. :up:

~ Linkachu

Given it's you Katie, it doesn't surprise me at all. ;D

Started on my Naruto movie boxset now. Finished the first movie and about to watch the second, the old movies are still the best. ♥


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
First set of tests have been successful. :up:

And now I'm staring at the clock and waiting for lunch. Just four more days (counting today) until March Break. Can't waaaait.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Testboot2012 said:
Well... Apparently I typoed the name of my latest Testbot account. That's both pathetic and hilarious. :up:

~ Linkachu

Laughed for about five minutes. True story 8)

Travel kettles are awesome. Evil little gits, but awesome none-the-less~


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
RLRL said:
2 thoughts....

1. Ow, my head =(

2. I just lost the game.

I thought I'd finally stop losing so often once Sem got busy, and then you show up...

My life. My soul. I just lost. ;_;


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Magpie said:
Starting to panic now about Paris tomorrow. Excited panic, but still panic. Eeeek! @.@

*hugs tight* Hey, it'll all be fine, and this time tomorrow you'll be having fun with everyone else. ;)


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I think by this time tomorrow Havak and I will have just arrived in Paris... and then everyone else should have arrived by this time Friday evening :)

And I know it'll be fine. I just panic because I always feel like I'm not ready! Hee hee~

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
My parents seriously don't make sense sometimes... like, seriously? They think a tap on the shoulder by someone of the opposite gender is equivalent to "harassment", and not as an attention getter. :/
*walks into Pokecharms like he's been gone on a long mission, with a long jacket tail flowing, like a boss*

Oh hey, long time no see.

Anyway. I'm bored. My friends are so inconsiderate, they went off to Florida and didn't think to invite me ;A; and one of them claimed it was snap decision, so there wasn't an excuse.

Anyway...I finished watching Dragonauts today. Tis' awesome, but they need to make a new series with different characters. With a title like Dragonaut: The Resonance, you'd think it was part of a series.

Also. BW2, KH 3D, hurry up and get here so I can get you, Tales of Graces F, Tales of the Abyss, and Asura's Wrath.
Team Apeiron- the boundless. Has a nice ring to it. I only wish my evil team were going for a "Galactic Round II" theme, because it is, at its root, an arche, and restarting the universe with this team would have been wonderfully cliche. Ah well. I've created a wonderful grey villain in the form of Inari, the team's leader. Very happy with her, actually- even her Pokemon have meaning, both in regards to her personality and to her team's goals. My favorite is quickly becoming the most unexpected of her team (which even includes the rebirth of two of my Unovan psychic buddies)- a Spiritomb by the name of Mugen. I'm excited to see which path my players will choose c:

Also came up with a rather nifty explanation of the Dubious Disk used to create Porygon-Z, after listening to far, far too much Kokoro. This campaign is bringing out the creative in me c:


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Hmmmmm. Just joined the queue online for Distant Worlds tickets. You are currently number 666 in the queue. Marvellous -_-


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I've finally discovered how to get our bloody Youtube tags to work! VICTOLY! >=O

And I wish the weather had gone the extra distance and cancelled work today. We got the snow - 12cms on top of the 10cm we had fall yesterday - but not enough wind to make conditions poor. Yes, I want a snow storm in March. That just shows how much I'd enjoy another paid day off. :angel: