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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Oh my goodness it seems like this morning was carnage! So much ice. It's melted now but there are so terrible horror stories on my Facebook newsfeed. Got a couple of workmates in hospital. It makes me glad I don't start work until 13:30... but whether I get home safe tonight shall be another story xD
I slept through the carnage and luckily no reason to go out. Was supposed to have the house to myself but now I'm acting like a local nurse, I'm one of the few who aren't injured or ill


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I feel so sleepy today and I have no idea why.

Also, tomorrow is PJ day at work. Pikachu Onesie is happening. Fear me work, fear me >:D
I only have one more week of school before winter break, so you could say I'm happy. Christmas break is my favorite time of the year(if you don't include summer), so I'm definitely looking forward to it!
Nearly finished with Christmas stuff just need to wait for a few things to be delivered and then just need to wrap everything.

Also really impressed with the quality of some peoples posts. And I see improvement in some people :)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member

Even if you don't like Christmas, you can still appreciate getting time off work with pay. :'D

Speaking of getting paid, I apparently stopped getting paid almost an hour ago yet I'm still sitting at my work PC. Why the heck am I still here?!

Oh. Right. Too busy goofing off and wasting time with Mafia. XD
Right. So, my report card for the year just came out, and it's actually really good!

And yet, because my family is being my family, I've been made to feel absolutely shit about being academically average, because 'I can do better.'

I notice I've barely started ANY threads. Well, it's hard when most of the topics have been exhausted. I'll try and see if I can come up with anything and help you though, Riley.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
*sighs* Well I just finished the newest chapter of RoTN! Too bad none of you will see it until January 9th. >:D

Why then? Because I always post a new chapter on the fic's birthday and I know damn well I won't be finishing the next one in two weeks.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
I wrote a shipfic once. It was the heart-rending, forbidden love story of a skiff and a frigate in a trans-atlantic relationship. In spite their braving the rocky waves of such a relationship, un-approving crews who just didn't get it and some steamy docking sequences, their romance was not to be. Alas, the fic had a tragic ending when they crashed into each other in kraken-infested water.
Well Christmas hasn't been so good. Getting up at 6am after getting about 2 hours sleep. All my Christmas presents are stuff I never use like socks. Everyone in my house a part from myself was drunk by 9am and they are showing their true homophobic colours, which is making me feel really uncomfortable. Also this medication for what ever is making me ill isn't working so I'm unable to eat :/
Well, Christmas is great so far. I got the Batman Trilogy in Blu-ray, Call of Duty: Black Ops II for PS3, A shirt, and best of all, a Macbook Air. That's right, I now have mobile internet access. :D

I'm tired, too, but I got a great gift turnout so far. How was Christmas morning for you guys?


Eevee Tamer
Staff member
Feeling tired now, but overall it's been a very enjoyable day and I got everything I'd wanted. ^^

Doctor Who was awesome too.


Magearna before it was cool
So comes the end of what is more than likely my last Christmas in my current residence...Bittersweet as that feels, it was still most definitely a great day. Got everything I had asked for, and then some (TARDIS shirt FTW), my family was all together, A Christmas Story was on all day, per usual, and there's a big snowstorm set to arrive by tomorrow! (Not the best thing for some, but I for one, love me some frozen water) So, overall, great day for myself, and hopefully my folks felt the same way. Definitely a satisfactory final chapter to the 16 or so Christmases I've spent here.


Former Moderator
Had more than 4 hours sleep, so feeling a strange combination of hungover, refreshed and groggy. Still amused over the fact that the boyfriend got annoyed when I beat him at Yu-Gi-Oh again last night through superior firepower (broken Photon cards ftw).

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I got a PS3 for Christmas, but when I tried signing up for Play Station Network, I found that some jackass went and identity thefted me since "Psycho_Monkey" was already in use! >=O
To get around that I simply translated the name into Romanji as "Saiko_Monkii". The same thing happened two years ago when I signed up for skype but that time I just used my human name for professionalism.