Sick, I made my first post!
yes of course, I just need a bio sheet (:Hey is this rp still going I like to join if that’s ok @nyquil
of course friend.I’ve got a character in mind if this is still joinable.
na, only if the others want too. but if not just pm me so we dont flood the rp discuss ( in my opinion )Is their a disc server we can chat or nah?
lmao i am now.Anyone awake or alive ?
Name: JC Wolfa
Age: 20
Hometown: Circhester, Galar
Height: 5’3
Weight: 104
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: She is a light skinned young lady with a well feminine build. She has dark brown long hair pulled up in a high ponytail with a dark purple ribbon tying it up securely. She has light blue eyes, right completely blind with a long scar through it which her bang covers. She wears glasses upon her face with a silver and black cross necklace around her neck. She wears bandages around her wrists, ankles, and stomach which hides her scars from her past.
Clothing: She wears a black shirt that only covers her left shoulder with the tank strap visible on her right shoulder as in the front of the shirt says “No Judgmental Comments” in light blue, green, and purple coloring. She wears black skinny jean pants with flats on her feet as the straps wrap around her ankles securely. She wears a side bag with a shiny Umbreon printed on the front with glowing flowers at the sides of it as under it says “Blue”. She keeps a journal inside the bag to jot down notes.
Personality: She is a quite distant young lady that is slightly stubborn which can be a pain to handle. She has this strategic mind with her battle style which proves difficult to figure out. She is stern and can be sometimes cold but despite her stubbornness, she is a gentle young lady who will judge no one no matter who they are. She has trust issues but she will protect you as if her life depends on it. She only acts Brave to hide her fear.
Past: As a child she lost her father in a fire resulting in a stage of grief. At the time, she only had her mother, older brother Shadow, and Blue, her shiny Eevee to provide her comfort through the tragedy. Thanks to the comfort of her family, she got through it with time. She was able to push through eventually on her own having discovered that she had a lost sibling named Soren. Though he was more quite then Shadow, he had his protectiveness over her as well. She decided to train hard with Blue who had eventually evolved into an Umbreon and gained the title of being the undefeated trainer due to her strategic mind. She did have a strong connection with someone but ended up betraying her trust physically and emotionally resulting in the long scar on her right eye and her complete blindness which resulted in her personality change and wearing a white wolf blue-streaked mask to hide her facial appearance. The only people who know what she looks like are her two eldest brothers and mother. She developed the ability to understand Pokémon which resulted in moving from region to region a lot because she was constantly being chased by organizations with no good deeds.
Present: Still wearing that mask today, she travels around the world studying Pokémon throughly and being a violinist herself, often plays for them to better understand them. The only thing she fears is her trust being betrayed so uses her stubbornness and sternness to hide that fear.
Family: Kaun(M) Father(deceased), Sherri(F) Mother, Shadow(M) Eldest brother, Soren(M) Second eldest,
Skills: Tech Mechanic, Touch tracking(can touch something and immediately know what the source is), Voice recognition(can recognize any cry from a Pokémon), “Third Eye” sense,(can quickly pick up movements behind before anyone else)
Other: Understands Pokémon by feeling and emotion, She wears a white wolf blue-streaked mask. Blue has three sisters. She carries her violin case behind her back.
Pokémon Species: Umbreon
Sprite: Shiny
Nickname: Blue | Gender: Female
History: She hatched from the same egg as her second sister Sparkx who was the normal sprite Eevee compared to Blue. She was taken into care by JC while her sister Sparkx was taken into care by Shadow. She eventually evolved into the shiny Umbreon when the moon was high while Sparkx was exposed to a thunderstone evolving into Jolteon. Her bond with JC only grew stronger as the time passed having an inseparable bond.
Personality: Nature | Impish: (+Def, -SpAtk) Blue is brave at heart but also gentle. She takes her battling very seriously even when she is training. She is quick on her feet and slightly faster than an average Umbreon. She has quick reflexes which titles her as her ace Pokemon. She wears a blue and black flower on her right ear.
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Dark Pulse, Psychic, Hyper Beam, Shadow Ball
Pokémon Species: Absol
Nickname: Blade | Gender: Female
History: Blade wasn’t always treated kindly due to the title of being a disaster Pokemon so was often mistreated by other Pokemon except her own species. She has the long scars on her chest to prove it. She had trust issues against all humans always standing her ground and attacking out of defending herself. She has always thought that all humans were unkind until she met JC would had stepped in and protected her from Pokémon that were bullying her. This gave a realization in her rare blue colored eyes that maybe she could trust this female so took the courage to approach her and ask to join her in return for saving her life and that was a decision she never regretted as she made a promise in return that she would protect her and follow only her commands as if her life depends on it.
Personality: Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk) Blade has serious trust issues due to her brutal past and won’t necessarily approach anyone unless she has her complete trust in them. She remains her distance from humans she doesn’t have trust in. She always has her guard up as she remains very close to JC’s side. She only obeys commands from JC personally. She can be stubborn. She wears a rose on her blade close to her head to signify her friendship to JC. She has a very close relationship to Blue.
Ability: Super Luck
Moves: Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Fire Blast, Blizzard
Pokémon Species: Lucario
Nickname: Belle | Female
History: She was hatched from an egg and raised all the way up to a Lucario. She would always train with a long bone from her move Bone rush alone to medicate with her own aura to prove her strength. Eventually her appearance changed to a Lucario earning a red ribbon of gold bells which was tied around her right ear as a sign of friendship and complete training. But, even after the evolution, she still trains solo to improve her strength even more. She remains still holding her long bone in one hand even when out of her Luxury ball.
Personality: Nature | Jolly (+Spd, -Sp. Atk) Belle is gentle at heart but often quite as she always remains focused on her surroundings. She can immediately sense danger through her aura even by touching something. She always remains calm as she always finds a way to figure out her opponents weakness.
Ability: Steadfast
Moves: Aura Sphere, Bone Rush, Dragon Pulse, Close Combat
alright here is my line up @nyquil
Ok thank you
Name: Clay Scotch
Nicknames: Axolotl (Anyone)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Hometown: Nimbasa City, Unova
Appearance: Clay is a light skinned young man whose favorite color is green and black. He is extremely annoyed when anyone touches his very messy brown hair that flips around and up. It has a bit of light brown undertone to it and you can see light brown spots and darker brown spots mix together. It is pretty spiky anyways and tends to curl when brushed Or wetted. He has pale blue eyes and some freckles scattered around his face. Despite that he is pretty thin and not muscular besides in the legs. Clothing is said to consist of random items Clay considersAmAzInG. He wears a dark purple sweater with one yellow sleeve (right) and a green one (left), there’s a square in the middle with yellow, green, red and orange boxes to form a square. Under that is a soft green colored shirt with black edges. He wears blackish pants, it reaches down to his ankles. His shoes are an abstract of light blue, red and white.
Height: 5’3
Weight: 130 lbs
Personality: Clay is a humorous and friendly person. He is always trying to make someone laugh and smile while other times he is not afraid to yell and hurt someone. His emotions take control of him and he feels as if sometimes no one is there. (I’ll finish rest later-)
Occupation: A trainer, usually found doing art much more though.
Skills: His social and convincing skills are high, much more then he thinks. Other skills include running, art and being able to figure out others emotions (extreme empath)
Phobias, Special Conditions, Etc:
Phobias; Globophobia, fear of balloons
Special Conditions; Extreme Empath, able to sense emotions at a more extreme rate.
Ethnically: Unknown, likely mixed
Accent?: A bit of British, but otherwise American.
Nationally: American
Language(s): English, Spanish
Species: Wooper
Name: Derps | Gender: ♂
Appearance: It looks quite like a regular Wooper besides the fact that it is wearing a red bow tie around its neck.
Personality: Derps is a derpy and aloof Pokemon, he is extremely clingy and loves to cuddle with Clay. He can get angry though too.
Caught?: It was the first Pokémon Clay caught when he was ten. A year later he gave it an everstone to keep it from evolving, he slightly regretted the choice through his life until the age of 21 where he was okay with it.
Other: Never used for battling. He is usually carried around.
Species: Espeon
Name: Float | Gender: ♀
Appearance: A regular Espeon. She wears a red flower behind her ear though.
Personality: A quiet yet bright like Pokémon. She is one of Clay’s best buddies. She is pretty feisty at times too, pretty much like Clay’s mom.
Caught?: Clay cannot remember.
Species: Corviknight
Name: Wingblade ‘Wing’ | Gender: ♂
Appearance: A shiny Corviknight that has a brown leather saddle attached to its back, it is used for travel.
Personality: A more serious acting Pokémon. It is extremely scared of smaller Pokémon. It can act like a big baby sometimes, acting more childish then mature.
Caught?: Caught as a Rookidee when he visited Galar.
Species: Flygon
Name: Jungle | Gender: ♀
Appearance: A regular Flygon, it wears nothing.
Personality: Clay has recently caught this Pokémon, meaning it’s personality is yet to be revealed.
Caught?: Traded.
Thanks for offering the link and I added just one more team member the last two will remain empty for now ^-^