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Ask to Join The Very Best - Pokemon Academy

"See ya later." Said Cerol, and walked home. He fall on the ground again, and stand up next second. "Heh. Grey! Come on! Let's go home!" "Vee..." Said Grey.
"Bye!" She waved good bye and headed home.
"Come on guys, let's go." As soon as she got to her room she crashed on her bed.
"Man, good progress guys." Vulpix laid on her stomach.
"Oof, man you are getting heavy Firefly." She rubbed the Vulpix's ears. And soon enough they were both asleep.
Dusk was quickly swallowing up the dregs of the day when Jake took his first step into the school grounds, his own black sneaker swiftly joined by the large scaly foot of his partner Titus. The prehistoric Pokémon looked up at him quizzically, trying to gain an insight into what his trainer was thinking. The boys face had been stony thus far, but now his cold composure broke and a smile crept on to his face.

"This is it bud, lets get out of the cold hey? I heard good things about the dorms here." He said with a wink at the Tyrunt as he set off again, swiftly making his way inside the building.

He had checked the place out online before their arrival and honestly the website had done a pretty good job of presenting the reality of the academy, allowing Jake to find his way around the building with relative ease. What had that letter told him to remember? Oh yeah. He was a member of Red team or something, whatever that entailed. It only took the pair roughly five minutes to locate their dorms and Jake swiftly fished his key out of his pocket (He had picked it up from the receptionist on the way in), slotting it into the door to his room. The door swung open with ease revealing a room that looked exactly how had it done on the website, much to Jakes pleasure. All good so far. After dropping his rucksack inside the duo quickly left the room again, in search of some of their fellow students. After all, nothing wrong with meeting the competition.
Piper woke up to the sound of her Pokemon's stomach growling.
"Oh man, how long have we been asleep?" Piper quickly got out of bed and put on a sweatshirt.
"Alright guys, let's go get some food." They headed to the cafeteria.
As Jake and Titus stood there in the corridor, lost if they were gonna be fully truthful with themselves, a girl accompanied by a vulpix swiftly exited their own room and wandered away quickly vanishing from sight.

"Well looks like that's gonna be the lucky soul who gets to meet us first." Jake chuckled before making sure his door was securely locked and heading off after the girl and her Pokémon.

After rounding a couple of corners as fast as the two of them could without creating a lot of noise the girl finally came back into their line of sight, causing a relived sigh to escape both the boy and his Tyrunt.

"Hey, wait up!" He called out to her, trying his very best to keep up without tripping over Titus.
Piper heard someone, she turned around.
"Hello, I am Piper!" She introduced herself and her Pokemon.
"This is Firefly, and this is Sam." She let out a Sewaddle.
" You new here too?" She asked him.
"Nice to meet the three of you. Cute lil guys you got there." Jake smiled, panting ever so slightly as he caught his breath.
"Yeah me and Titus are new around here, just arrived in fact. We were hoping you could show us around a bit?" He asked hopefully, one hand patting his reptilian Pokémon subconsciously.
"Nice to meet you to, I didn't get your name though." Piper said to the boy who was only a little taller than her.
"Um, I can try to help you around, but I only got here today as well." Piper laughed.
"I know where some of the classrooms are, the Pokemon center, the plains, the Cafeteria, oh, and the battle field." Piper listed the places.
"So, where do you want to go?"
"My name? Oh damn I'm sorry, guess I'm a bit nervous about my first day here. It's Jake, sorry about that Piper." He laughed nervously, silently scolding himself for being such an idiot. Titus even looked at him as if to say "Really dude?"
Jake mulled over the options that Piper had presented him with, he had seen a million Pokémon centres so there was no need for that, the classrooms would probably be empty and a bit uninteresting, the plains sounded pretty decent but the cafeteria and the battle field took the cake.
"Maybe we could go get a bite to eat then check out the battle field?" He suggested, shrugging his shoulders a little in a sure sign that he didn't mind if she thought that was a bad idea.
"Sure, so I am not sure what they are serving today, I got here about a couple of hours ago." Piper said.
"Okay, so let's go Jake." She started running, when she looked behind, she noticed that he was lagging a bit. So she slowed down.
"Sorry, I run... A lot." Piper scratched her head. Then they walked the rest of the way.
Piper set off at quite some pace, one that was somehow matched by her Sewaddle of all things, leaving Jake and Titus behind in the dust. He glad when she realised her mistake and waited for them, graciously apologising.
"It's cool, I guess maybe I just dont run enough. The ole stamina isn't as good as it used to be." He explained, taking to keeping pace beside her. Attempting an overtake would be a bit of a douche move and falling behind wasn't something he felt like doing again. The silence between them wasn't exactly awkward (At least not to Jake), the boy found it somewhat comforting, it allowed him to take in his new surroundings a lot easier.
"Okay, here we are. Smells like meat." Piper crinkled her nose at the smell, she refused to eat any meat.
"Alright, so you can go get some food, and I will get mine, then we can meet back here." Piper said.
"Then after that we can go see the battle field." Piper headed off to grab some food to her liking.
Jake nodded in agreement to what Piper had said before making his way over to the nearest selection of food. There was a pretty decent array on offer but after all the travelling it took to get to the academy the boy was in no mood for anything too heavy. After ordering a tuna sandwich and a selection of dragon and rock type Pokémon foods for Titus he headed back over to the arranged meeting point and patiently awaited the arrival of Piper and her two Pokémon.
"Sorry I took so long, apparently, nobody else doesn't eat meat, so they had so specially make me a sandwich with no meat." Piper sighed.
"Anyways, come on out and eat guys." Piper told her Pokemon.
"Okay, so i think it will take us about 30 minutes to eat, then we can head on over to the Battle Field." Piper explained.
"Oh a vegetarian I see? My mother also has an aversion to all things meaty so I'm used to having to deal with it, no worries." Jake said, waving her apology aside with a brush of his hand.
"30 minutes is more than enough time for me, come on Titus" He added, following Piper over to their seats, his stomach rumbling ever so slightly as he looked at his own very appetizing sandwich.
Piper smiled to thought of someone who understands.
"Most people just think i am weird for not eating meat." Piper sighed.
"Vul, Vulpix." Firefly nudged her bowl towards Piper indicating that she was done.
"Alright, I am gonna go get some Grape soda, so you want anything?" She asked Jake.
"Nah I get it, I couldn't do it myself but I get it." Jake replied, happy to be making casual conversation with Piper. All things considered his time at the academy wasn't going so badly.
"Uh just some water if you could thanks." He said to piper, reaching beneath the table to let Titus nuzzle his hand. The rough scales of the dragon Pokémon's snout were like sandpaper but hey, he was used to it.
Zak wandered into the lunchroom. he had slept through the last classes. he had been spending tha last few nights training up late. Burst was probably close to evolving. Zak grabbed a sandwich and scarfed it down. Then he collapsed on Crash's back. Zak was grateful for the Rhyhorn. He was an important part of Zak's team as a defensive one, and loved giving rides to Zak. Crash walked outside into he sun and laid down, with Zak asleep on his back.
"Okay, I will be back." Piper smiled. Firefly went with her.
"Ok, did you want something Firefly?" She asked.
"Vulpix, Vul." (Nothing, Just wanted to come with you) Vulpix said.
"Alright let's head back" Piper and Firefly came back with the drinks.
Jake's eyes zeroed in on Piper making her way back through the throngs of people that filled that cafeteria, a drink in each hand. Until he actually saw the drink he hadn't realised how parched he had been, his throat was bone dry, a desert crying out for moisture.
"Thanks for that, I'm dying for a drink." He smiled gratefully, taking the glass of water off her and downing a good two thirds of it in one long consecutive swig. It was incredibly refreshing and filled the trainer with new life.
Pikachu finished eating before everyone else and told Flame he was going to go explore, "Pika Pika." "Okay, just be careful alright," he said. Pikachu walked away from the group and explored around campus. He passed by the cafeteria and saw a boy with a Tyrunt. Pikachu went inside, walked up to Tyrunt and looked at it confusingly.
Jake didn't notice the yellow rodent like Pokémon sidle up beside his Tyrunt, instead he continued to talk with Piper and drink his beverage. Titus on the other hand put his full attention on the Pikachu, looking down at the smaller Pokémon who was pulling a really odd face, confusing Titus somewhat.
"Teeerunt?" The dragon Pokémon said quizzically, not sure what to make of this new arrival.
Piper laughed.
"Guess you were thirsty." Piper said as she drank her soda.
"So, tell me, which region are you from? I am from Johto, I grew up in a town called New Bark. It is a really small town, everybody knows everybody kinda town. And as soon as I turned 15 I knew where I wanted to go, I didn't like the idea of the small town." Piper explained.
Jake strained to remember where he had heard that name before. New Bark town? Pretty sure that his mother told him a story about that place ages ago, something about a rather scatty professor who lived round there.
"Im from the Hoenn region, Lavaridge town to be precise. It's a pretty warm region, just right for reptilian Pokémon like my dear Titus here." He told her, reminiscing fondly of the fields of lava he had played around as a child.
"So what's Johto like? I'm not all that familiar with it." He asked Piper, putting his glass back down on the table with a satisfying clink.
Meanwhile Titus had decided that the little Pikachu would make a good playmate. Unfortunately for the Pikachu. The large dragon Pokémon bared down on the little rodent and snapped his jaws playfully, inches from its nose.
"Pika?!" Pikachu said as he avoided the Tyrunt's jaws. He knows the Tyrunt just want to play, but its kind of playing isn't what Pikachu was expecting.
"Well, It is pretty breezy where I lived, sometime I would visit Cherrygrove City, and it always smelled like flowers." Piper told Jake about the rest of the Region.
"And my Mother told me that a Trainer that was from Johto caught Lugia." Piper's eyes sparkled with pride as she told her new friend.
"Man, I hope I will be as strong and powerful as that trainer was." Piper stroked her fox Pokemon.
"And my Mother gave me a Fire stone to evolve Firefly into a Ninetails, but I don't want to force evolution on her like that, when she is ready I will let her use it." Piper explained
"So, do you want to head to the battle field now?" Piper asked Jake.
Jake enjoyed hearing about Johto. He decided then and there that the first place he would visit when he left this school would be that particular region. After all he had to start somewhere right?
"The battle field sounds great, are we planning on testing it out together?" he smirked, the idea of his first battle here at the academy already racing through his mind.
Meanwhile Titus wasn't quite done with his new yellow friend, chasing the Pikachu in circles, his huge jaw snapping as he cried out happily. The Tyrunts stocky legs were powerful enough that he could run in bounds, making him quite the tricky adversary in this dangerous game of tag.
"Piper grinned.
"You're on!" Piper grabbed Jake's hand and ran to the battle field.
"Okay, here we are." Piper said almost out of breath.
"Sam, I chose you." Piper sent out the Sewaddle.
Jake happily allowed himself to be dragged through the schools hallways, trying his best to keep up with Piper's speedy pace. It wasn't long before they got to the arena itself, a brightly lit area that made the boy break into a wide grin the moment he saw it. Titus abandoned his prey/ play mate in an instant the moment his trainer moved, happily waddling after the pair of running humans.
Taking his place on the far side of the arena Jake planted his feet firmly on the ground, getting into his battling stance.
"Titus buddy you ready?" The trainer asked his partner with fire in his voice.
"Teeerunt!!" The Tyrunt roared happily, bounding on to the field, defiantly eager for a fight.
Usually Piper was always smiling, but when it comes to battle she brings her game. Her face was stone cold.
"You ready?" She asked her friend.
"Since you have the type advantage I am going first." Piper commanded her Pokemon with strength, and love, she never pushed them to hard.
"Okay, Sam, Use bug bite!" And the battle began.
Flame returned his Pokemon back to their Pokeballs and waved bye to Airalyn. He went off to find Pikachu and found him laying down on it's back. "There you are," Flame said to his Pokemon, "What happen to you. You look tired." "Pika pi," Pikachu said as he had the face of someone who had seen things. Flame picked up Pikachu and put him on his shoulder.
The boy and his Pokémon stared down the rapidly approaching bug type with the same determined glare. From Jake the look wasn't so bad but from the Tyrunt it was pretty damn terrifying. Titus looked back at his trainer for a second, making sure they were on the same page as to what their battle plan would be. Sam made solid contact with Titus, a real good hit. Not good enough sadly.
With the bug Pokémon now latched on to him Titus looked down at it and gave what could have been a laugh, but it was hard to tell as his mouth began to fill with flames.
"Fire fang Titus, go for it!" Jake called out determinedly, confident with his ally's ability to get the job done.
"Teeeerunt!" The Tyrunt called out, clamping its red hot jaws around the Sewaddle, ripping it off of him and violently shaking it around in his flame filled mouth.
Zak woke up after a nap and began to wander around. All his pokemon followed behind him. Well Pax was on his shoulder, and the rest rode on Crash's back. "Well i guess Crash prefers to be a ride Pokemon." Zak thought to himself. He gave a shrugged and wandered down to the battlefield, to see an intense battle going on between a Tyrunt, and Sewaddle. He sat down and watched as the battle unfolded.