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Ask to Join The Very Best - Pokemon Academy

Cerol sat nearby Zak. "Hello. My name is Cerol. What is your name?" He asked him. He hadn't much friends, so he wanted to make one more. His eevee sat nearby him.
"Zak Williams," Zak said watching the battle. "Pax, Burst Crash, Tobias and Andrew," He said pointing to each individual pokemon, who sat on his other side.Pax and Andrew waved, Burst snored, Crash happily grunted, and Tobias rolled his eyes.
"Heh. This is Grey, and this is pidgey. I didn't give him name."
Grey looked away.
Pidgey fled.
"Pidgey!" Cerol shouted, and forgot to say bye. He ran away.
"It all depends on strategy," Zak said. "The sewaddle actually has a lot of options at this point."
Burst gave a loud yawn, and Zak closed his eyes. "Will we ever be this strong," he thought to himself.
Light walk outside to see the trainer's "well it look's like you guy's are having fun am i right" Light said. He took off his Top Hat because it was too hot to be wearing a Hat but he didnt care "I guess young people are having all the rage these day's" He add as he sat down and place his Top Hat back on his hat and smile at ths sky
Zak nodded. "I'll take you on," he said racing to the open battlefield. He sent out Burst who took the field and sat down. "Stand up bud," Zak exclaimed. Wearily, Burst stood up and looked ahead.
Light got up and said "Let's have a Battle Royal right now" He said in excitement as he pull out his pokeball. "I hope your ready Bud" Light said to the Pokeball as he sent out Pidgeot "come on out Pidgeot" Light called out "oh and by the way my name is Mr. Daniels" Light said "im your new coach and this is my partner Pidgeot" he added
"Heh. Who wants to fight?" Cerol asked with a little smile, after that Grey looks around, and then on trainer, with hope that nobody will challenge him.
"I go against you" said Light as Pidgeot walk over to him and sat down. "Your name is Cerol right" said Light as he wanted to be right with the name just as Pidgeot fell asleep and started to snore.
"Burst use Ember!" Zak shouted. The Charmander gave a yawn a nd fired a small blast of flames at the Turtwig. Zak's Pokemon happily cheered from the sidelines.
Light put his hand out "it's nice too met you Cerol and your Pokemon" Light said just as Pidgeot woke up and flew up in the air "Pid Pidgeot" Said Pidgeot. "Come back down Pidgeot" Light Called out to Pidgeot as she flew back down
"Heh. Let's fight?" Said Cerol.
"Vee!" Grey said, and started to look at pidgeot. She scared.
"Pid. Pidgey." Said pidgey, and looked at pidgeot too.
Zak walked back over to the stands and sat back down. Burst at beside him and let loose a loud yawn. Zak laughed and said, "You are a lazy guy aren't ya." Burst stared at Zak and gave a blank nod. "But you will battle whe i need you to, right?" Zak asked. Burts gave another nod, and then passed out, fast asleep. Zak gave a sigh.
"Ok Pidgeot use Peck" Light called out as Pidgeot was about to attack but Light stop "i'll let you go first" Light. He waited for Cerol to make the first move "i will win" he thought to himself and look at Pidgeot and nodded to her.
"Sand attack." Said Cerol, looking in Light's eyes. Pidgey used sand attack. "How will you counter that?" He replied with little smile. He known that it not damage Pidgeot, but he will miss more.
Flame walked around the campus. Pikachu managed to catch its breath after that deadly game of tag with Tyrunt. Flame spotted his dad and walked towards him. "Hey dad," he said. "Oh hello Flame," Dr. Larse said, "So what are you up to?" "Not much, just walking around," Flame responded. Dr. Larse thought for a bit and got an idea. "Say, why don't you and I have a battle," Dr. Larse said as brought out Greninja. "Grenin!" "A battle? Without a battlefield?" Flame asked and Dr. Larse nodded, "Alright, let's do it." "Pikachu!"
Cerol watched how sand attack get in Pidgeot's eyes. "Haha. Now he will miss more!" Cerol replied. And in this second Grey escaped from her pokeball, and ran away.
"Pidgoet now use Wung Attack" said Light in which Pidgoet did. "Then fly up to protect yourself" Light add so no more attacks can hit Pidgoet and to use hsi final move when needed.
Flame and Dr. Larse got ready for their battle with Flame using Pikachu and Dr. Larse using Greninja. Flame brought out his other Pokemon so they could watch. Dr. Larse looked at Flame's Pokemon and thought, 'Wow, he's got some interesting Pokemon.' "Alright, you go first," Dr. Larse said. "Alright," Flame said, "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu launched a thunderbolt at Greninja. "Greninja, Water Shuriken!" Dr. Larse said and Greninja threw a water shuriken at the thunderbolt, causing an explosion.
" now us Brave Bird" Light called out as the as the bird turn Red and flew like a Bullet toward's Pidgey. "It's over Cerol i will win" Light said as the move grew brighter like a fiery passion of Light's Heart
Cerol was looking at Light. "N-no..." He replied.
Grey ran away and was looking at Pokémon battle of Flame and Dr. Larse. And she didn't make a sound, so they didn't notice them.
"Yeah" said Light as Pidgoet came back down to him and he let her. "Good job Buddy" said Light he sat down "that was fun and funny" he said to Pidgoet "Pid" she reply.
"Okay. Thanks for battle! Now...." Said Cerol, and was ready to send out Grey. He even throw out a pokeball. "Wait. Where is Grey?" He said, and ran in pokecenter to heal his pidgey.
"Your welcome" he said as he walk to his room and sat down on his bed "that was a great battle right Bud" Light ask. "Pid" said Pidgoet before going back into her pokeball and Light fell asleep
Cerol was walking in daycare, and tried to find his eevee. "Grey... Grey, go here! I have berry! Go here please!" he replied. Grey heard that, but she was looking at fight. She liked berries, but she tried not to go there. "Vee!" She growled, but after that started to hide. Because Flame and Dr. Larse can find her.
Light woke up and look around in confusion "where am i" he said as he got up and walk toward's a door. Light open a door only to see a bright white light "come into the light come into the light" a voice called out to him "no no nonono" Light said trying to stop himself from walking close.
After a hour of waiting Light had finally walked into the light only to wake up and with his Poke Ball on his desk next to him. "What" Light said in confession he then sent out Pidgoet "did you see that" Light ask Pidgoet
But Pidgoet didnt answer but look Light with a Frightened face.
Cerol finally found Grey. "Phew. Grey. Please, do not scare me like that again. okay?" he asked.
"Ee! Vee!" Grey growled in agreement. "Good girl. Here you go" Cerol said, and gave berry to Grey. "Vee!" Grey growled happily, and started to eat.
Light look Behind him only to see nothing "you must be going crazy Bud" Light said to Pidgoet before. He walk over to tbe door and open it "you say here ok" Light said as he close the door behind and walk to the Gym.
As the smoke cleared, both Pokemon were still standing. "Use Cut!" Dr. Larse said and charged at Pikachu with a Cut attack. "Use Iron Tail!" Flame shouted and began a clash of Iron Tail and Cut. Both were ready for another clash, but Dr. Larse shouted, "Night Slash go!" So instead of Cut, Greninja used Night Slash which sent Pikachu hitting the ground. "Pikachu!" Flame shouted and Pikachu got back up.
Grey eaten berry, and ran away. "No!" Cerol replied, and started to run to catch it. But Grey was too fast. Grey ran away, and continued to look at fight of Flame and Dr. Larse. And Cerol wasn't able to find Grey.
"Okay i got a few hour's before my next class come" Light said to himself. He then started to run lap's to get faster than anyone at the school "i'm about to break a new record" he thought