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Ask to Join The Very Best - Pokemon Academy

Flame heard Pikachu and saw him pointing at something. He looked and saw a Lapras swimming where Pikachu was pointing. Flame noticed Airalyn sitting next to him. He turned to see her in her swimsuit and blushed a bit. "Um, hey Airalyn," he said still blushing a bit.
"Hi" Airalyn said to Flame. She turned too see what Pikachu was looking at. There was a Lapras out in the water. She smiled and then ran into the lake. The water was cold and refreshing.

(OOC. Am I the only one shipping Airalyn and Flame? XD. BIC)
(OOC: I'm starting to as well. Lol. BIC)
The Lapras saw Airalyn jump in the lake and decided to swim with her. "La!" it cried out happily. Flame smiled as he watches Airalyn and Lapras swim together.
(OOC sorry, i was sleeping. BIC)
Cerol walked from his room, with Grey in her pokeball, and pidgey outside it. Cerol looked around. and didn't seen anyone. "Maybe.... I late for lesson!" He shouted, and ran away.
Lapras noticed Pikachu and swam over to it. Lapras nuzzle its head on Pikachu happily, "Lapras." "Pika pika." Flame smiled as the two Pokemon got along nicely. Lapras then proceeded to nuzzle Flame. "La." Lapras cried happily. "Aw. You're one cute Pokemon," Flame said to Lapras.
"Yeah, it sure is," Flame said as Lapras nuzzles him some more, "And friendly as well." "Pika." Pikachu agreed. "Lapras La." Lapras cried out happily. Lapras then proceeded to nuzzle Airalyn.
The Lapras nuzzled Airalyn and Lillipup. She laughed and then dove underwater. She saw a bunch of Water Pokemon, there were Luvdisc, Corsola and more. She then saw a Mareanie at the bottom of the lake. She swam back up to the surface. "Careful, there's a Mareanie at the bottom of the lake" She said.
Cerol ran to the class. "Closed... Okay." He replied, then ran outside. "Grey! I chose you!" He shouted, and send out Grey for battle with rattata.
Light sent out Haunter "well that was a good prank right" Light ask Haunter "well i don't think 1980's joke would work on them". Haunter reply he then turn around and said "i think we should fine some pokemon" Haunter said as. He floating into the Wood's "wait up Go Pidgoet" Light called out as he sent out Pidgoet and climb on top to ride as she took flight after Haunter.
"Uh. Hello.. I'm Kat, and I'm going to be a Pokemon Breader... not very ambitious, but I enjoy taking care of Pokemon..." She smiled, Wataria and Lolita chasing each other around her legs. The egg she was holding got a little warmer.
"Oh okay," Flame said, "Thanks for the save." Lapras finished nuzzling Lillipup and took an interest in Flame's bag. Lapras went through his bag and brought a Pokeball in its mouth. "La!" Flame noticed Lapras getting the Pokeball his bag and said, "Hey, that's not a toy!" Lapras ignored Flame and kept playing with the Pokeball by through it up and catching it with its mouth. Eventually the Pokeball hit Lapras's nose and sucked Lapras in it. Flame caught the Pokeball and watched it shake.
Flame tried to comprehend what happened, "Umm... What just happened?"
"It makes sense, a lot of people can not be Trainers," Mike said with a smile. "Well, see you later." No one is here. "Mike said coming out of the Gym." I think I'm going back to my bedroom. " 'Mike said walking to his bedroom.
"Haunter where are you" Light called untill he saw Haunter by a lake. Light then saw something else. "What is that" he said as he turn to pick up his Pokedex but had droped it. "No" he said as he try to reach for it but had miss by a inch "CRAP" he shouted as he watch it fall into the wood's below him.
Kat walked out of the gym. She went outside and walked to the field, but when she got there, her egg began to burn her hands. She placed placed it on ground and watched in astonishment as the egg began to glow. Her and her Pokemon covered their eyes as it hatched.
Kat opened her eyes to see Ponyta staring at her. She bent down.
"Hey there little buddy." Kat said warmly. The Pokemon tilted it's head in confusion.
"Ponyta?" It said.
"I'm Kat.. Can I catch you?" The Ponyta seemed to think about this for a moment before nodding. Kat grabbed a Pokeball and threw it.

Kat smiled, and sent out the Ponyta.
"I'll name you... Dash!"
Light then jump of Pidgoet and dive down to catch his Pokedex. "Pidgoet return" Light said as he return Pidgoet and grab a tree branch "ok where are you Dex" Light said as he look around.
Airalyn stared in awe as Flame caught the Lapras. Then she burst out laughing. "Nice catch!" She said to Flame, still laughing a bit.
"Umm.... Thanks.... I guess," Flame said still processing what happened just now. He smiled and said, "I guess I got me a Lapras." Pikachu cried out happily for getting a new friend, "Pikachu!" Flame went to close his bag but noticed something sparkle. He took it out and realized it was a Cascade Badge. "Huh, I forgot this was here," he said.
Light then jump off and caught every Branch untill he got to the ground. "Ok so if i was a small object where would I be" he said out loud as he look around untill he saw a Tepig sleeping "that could help" Light daid as be pick up a Pokeball and threw it at the sleeping Pokemon. 1...2...3...Click "got ya" he called out as he pick up the Pokeball "Go Tepig" he said as he Pokemon appear before him "Te Tepig" the Pokemonsaid as it look at him in confusion.
Light look and Tepig and said "ok use your nose to sniff out the Pokedex" Tepig nodded in agreement I start to sniff around until he found Pokedex "come on little buddy I know you can do it" Light said encouraging the Pokemon
Flame was in awe at Airalyn's new Pokemon. "Wow! So you did catch Aerodactyl," he said, "I somehow knew you would catch him eventually." Flame threw the Pokeball above the lake and out came Lapras. "Lapras!" it cried out happily. "Welcome to the team Lapras," Flame said to Lapras.
"Yeah, I think somewhere deep down I knew I was gonna catch him too" She said. Airalyn dove down to the bottom of the lake and saw the Mareanie again, It was so pretty. She grabbed a pokeball out of her bag and dropped it over the Mareanie and onto its head.

She couldn't believed that had actually worked, she quickly grabbed the pokeball and swam up to the surface. "Well, I caught the Mareanie!" She said, laughing.
Tepig then found the Pokedex pick it up and walk over to Light handed it to him "Thanks little buddy" Light said. As he return Tepig into it's pokedex and walk over to the lake as he saw to people "Yeah you two" he called out waving his hand to get there attention
Flame was surprised when she said that. "Wow, that easily?" Flame said. He then looked back at the badge he had in his hand and put it in his pocket.
Light walk over to the lake and pulled out his Pokeball and return Haunter "man you had me going though a lot tonight then he walked back to his room and fell asleep to which she woke up back in the same Dream again.
"Wow, that's so cool!" Flame said. Pikachu went over to Flame's bag and pulled out a picture. The electric type called Lillipup over to show it to him, "Pika!"
"Well it's sounds cooler than it is, he's always working" Airalyn said.

Lillipup swam over to Pikachu and looked at the picture. "Lilli!" Lillipup said.
Pikachu showed a picture of Flame with some other Pokemon in what looks like another academy. There was a Zoroark, Swellow, Serperior, Blastoise, Torkoal, and Florges. Pikachu said to Lillipup that they all belong to Flame, "Pika Pika Pikachu Pika Pi."
"Yeah, it is," Flame said as he picked up the photo Pikachu was holding and smiled, "I remember this day. It was the day that all of my Pokemon were finally fully evolved."