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Ask to Join The Very Best - Pokemon Academy

When Piper entered her dorm room she squealed with delight, she looked at her Swadloon and took out her Pokedex.
"Swadloon protects itself from the cold by wrapping up in leaves. It stays on the move, eating leaves in forests." The Pokedex said.
"Cool!" Piper stroked her Pokemon's leaf outfit.
"Sam, can you make me a Bracelet out of these?" She held up some vines and a couple of blue rose petals.
"Swad, loon,loon." Swadloon took the materials and started working.
Zak walked over after the battle was finished. "That was a sweet battle." Pax gave a shout and a thumbs up, and Burst gave a yawn. "Anyone wanna battle me?"
As Piper waited for her Pokemon to finish her bracelet, she looked out the window and saw a boy and a Pancham looking for someone to battle. She opened her window to let some air in.
"Come here Firefly." Piper called to her friend and grabbed a brush to groom her.
"So, I have been thinking, and I think that tomorrow after classes, we can go out in the forest and look for Pokemon to catch and add to our team, I was thinking we could get a water, or an ice type? What do you think?" She asked her fox.
"Vul, Vulpix!" She replied as to say yes.
Jake looked at the newcomer. Another battle? Well it couldn't hurt.
"I'll take you on, just give me a minute to heal up my team." He told the fresh arrival, pulling a potion out of his bag and spritzing Titus with it. The medicine glistened beautifully upon his scales, like morning dew on pebbles.
Piper laughed with delight as her Pokemon agreed with her.
"Okay, so, what should we look for? Maybe a Cubchoo, or a Swinub? Piper asked, she looked out of her window again to see Jake battling again.
"Good Luck Jake!" She called down.
"May the best man win!" She smiled.
Zak looked at his team, to choose who would battle. "Okay so Burst is close to evolving, but will have a disadvantage. Pax needs a break, Crash isn't a good battler, and is probably too slow, and Andrew and Tobias won't listen to me."
"Okay Burst, you're up!" Zak exclaimed. Burst climbed down his trainer shoulder and got ready to go.
Piper took this opportunity to analyze their battle strategies.
"Guys come here and watch this battle." Piper called to her Pokemon.
"Swadloon." Sam said sadly and looked at his unfinished work. Piper laughed.
"Okay, you can work on it while you watch." Piper said.
The sounds of battle filled the hall as a young man strolled around, unsure of where to spend his free period. Perhaps he could watch the battle he heard? His Pokemon partner seemed to want to, seeing as she kept glancing back in the direction of the source of the sounds. A ghostly smile appeared on the teen's lips, and he suddenly turned around, hands stuffed in his pockets, and began to walk over to the battlefield, his shiny Cutiefly following suit.

Unity wound up being the one to lead Marvin out into the sunny field, but he wasn't one to complain. The tiny Pokemon was like his caretaker at this school, the only one who really cared about him. He looked her over for a moment, before noticing a girl also watching the battle. He stayed in his spot, but Unity didn't hesitate to fly over, wanting to make a new friend. "Fly, fly! Cutiefly!" she called in a high-pitched voice to the girl, whizzing around her like a pesky mosquito. Noticing the Swadloon with her, Unity stopped, squeaked a greeting, and waved over to Marvin, who did his best to ignore his Pokemon. If he acted like he didn't know her, then the girl wouldn't think she was his, right?

Now in front of the group, the pink Cutiefly openly pointed to Marvin, who had disappeared from sight. He knew Unity would pull something like this, so he had moved to the opposite side of the field. In a huff, Unity began to whiz over to him, only to stop and turn right back around. If he didn't want to meet new people, she wouldn't force him to.

"Cutie-Cutiefly!" she introduced herself, closing her sky blue eyes happily. Again, she pointed to Marvin, explaining that he was her Trainer, but wasn't very social. "Fly, Cutie..."

Marvin's face had become tinted red as he watched Unity speak with the girl. Why did she always have to do this? Why couldn't she just leave people alone? "Oh, well," he mumbled to himself, voice rather low and gravelly, as he moved his attention to the battle that seemed to be just beginning. "Nothing I can do about her, anyway."
(OOC My messages did not work, I just saw now BIC)

Mike was walking down the hallway, the school was already full. A very strange thing had happened, but it was not that important. '' Well, I can not just stay with my Toto. If I want to be the World Champion, I'll get a pokemon . "Mike said, looking at some pokemons in the hallway." But What? "'Mike said walking.' 'Well, I can capture one ...' 'Mike said as he thought' 'No, too bad for me.' 'Mike did not know. '' Ah, it could be a ... Pid ... Milt ... '' Mike continued unknowingly ... '' I know! A ... Nidoran! "Mike said excitedly, looking at the pokemons.
Flame helped Airalyn find the Deerling and had an idea. Since the lake was near the forest, he went back to send out Lapras. "Okay Lapras, if you see any Deerling send a signal flare," he said. Lapras nodded and Flame went back to the forest. Lapras stayed in the lake and kept and eye out for a Deerling.
Light then walk over, to his room and layes down on his bed. "Well it's time" he said as, he closed his eye's and open them to see. That he was in his room again, "why" he ask himself as he got up and walk over to the door and open it.
Airalyn and Lillipup walked through the forest, looking around for the Deerling. She hoped she could find the one that she saved from the Palpitoad.
"Not Ye-" Airalyn said, but she was cut off by the sound of feet. She ran towards where the noise was coming from and found a Sawsbuck. The Sawsbuck looked at Airalyn and then walked over to her. "Is it you?" Airalyn asked, the Sawsbuck nodded its head. Airalyn brought out a pokeball and threw it at the Sawsbuck.

Light walk over to his desk, to his surprise a note was there. He picked up the note and read it "hey bud just checking up on you in your dreams" a voice said as Light turn around. Haunter then appear before him and smiled "ha you should had seen the look on your face" he said as he started to laugh.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna sat by a tree by some academy, drawing. she looked down at the Drowzee eating Orans from a bush and sighed "He is gonna get overweight if I don't do something" she murmured.
Light jump down form a tree and look around to see someone sitting down. Oh hi" he said as he walk over to a lake a pull out a rod to fish with "nice nice day right" he said. Haunter them came out and pick a apple off a tree "Haunter" he said as he ate the apple.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna Looked at the boy and the haunter her mind at a mess of what to say "do you go to that academy over there" Luna asked pointing towards it as her Drowzee approached the haunter.
Light smiled "im actually a teacher there" he said as he sat down on a bolder and pulled out a pokeball and grab his fishing rod. Haunter he pull out a fish from the lake and laugh "dinner" he said as he ate the fish
As Flame was helping Airalyn, Lapras was enjoying himself as he swam in the lake. Although, he kinda forgot what he was suppose to doing in the first place.

The Snom Prince

Previously The Exorciser
Luna got up and walked to the edge of the lake looking at the Lapras "Does the academy always have pokemon like this" Luna asked Light while staring at the lapras
Lapras felt something bump into him. He looked down and saw it was a Drowzee. "La?" Lapras said questionably. He looked the other direction and saw Light and Luna.
Lapras saw the Drowzee offer him an Oran Berry. "La," Lapras said happily and ate the berry that he was offered. "Lapras La," Lapras said saying that it was delicious.
Light then thought for a moment "u know who's Lapras this is" he said as he pull out a book. "Lets see" he said to himself as he look for the trainer "ah here it is the trainer's name is Flame" he said.