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Ask to Join The Very Best - Pokemon Academy

Airalyn remembered when she was small and she used to sit in her fathers office, playing with Pokemon toys. She remembered how shy she was, her father would be impressed at how she was now. Airalyn came back to reality and swam to the shore. She sat on the sand and watched the sun set.
Flame saw Airalyn sitting on the sand and decided to sit next. "Nice sunset isn't it," he said. He turned to her and blushed as the sunlight hits her.
"Yeah... It is" Airalyn said. Lillipup was asleep on her lap. She looked at Flame and smiled, it was because of him that she had overcome her shyness.
Airalyn smiled as she thought of home, her mum, dad, little sister and baby brother were all there in Rustboro City. The term was almost over and she was going to go back home for a week, then she would come back to the academy.

The sun slipped out of view and darkness clouded around them. The stars shone like diamonds. Airalyn lay down on the cool sand and watched the stars. Lillipup was still sleeping.
Light got up from his chair and sent out Tepig "what that was real" Light ask in confusion. Tepig just stare at Light before going to sleep "Tep pig" Tepig said as Light return it to the Pokeball
Cerol looked at the clock. "I guess... I have time for Pokémon hunting... Yea..." Cerol replied, them walked outside. He seen cave. "Cool!" Cerol said to himself, and walked in. "Onix!" He shouted, and started battle. "Grey! Use Quick attack!"
Sonic used rock throw.
"Grey! Evade!"
Grey avoided attack.
Pokeball! Go!
Ugh. So close...
Onix used rock throw!
Grey fainted!
"Pidgey! Go!" Cerol shouted. "Pidgey. Use gust, then fly high, so onix didn't attack you!"
Pidgey used gust, then flied high. (Yep. Cave was big)
Onix used rock throw.
Attack missed!
Cerol threw pokeball!
"Come on..." Cerol whispered.
Cerol caught ONIX.
"Yes!" Cerol shouted.
Light walk outside to see someone catching a Pokemon. "Nice job Cerol" he said "a Onix is a great Pokemon you know" Light said as he walk over him "why dont we have a battle" he add as he pull out a Poleball
(OOC how it will work on fainted Pokémon? And Cerol already ran away. BIC)
Nurse healed Cerol's Pokémons. "Thanks!" Cerol said, and ran away. "Let's start our battle!" Cerol said, and send out Grey.
(OOC that's what i put BIC)

"Ok Bud use wing attack" Light called out as Pidgoet them use Wing attack to knock some tree's down "yeah now use Brave Bird" Light said as Pidgoet use Brave Bird
Flame played down along with Airalyn and looked at the stars. Pikachu was still sleeping on his lap and Lapras was still in the lake. Flame's eyes began to close bit by bit to the point where he accidentally fell asleep.
Light then had tepig to look around to see if anyone was near. "use Ember" Light called out as Tepig shot fire into the air like fireworks "awsome" he said as he smiled
Airalyn and flame both lay on the beach, asleep. Airalyn dreamt about her time here... Lillipup and then Torchic. And Saving Aerodactyl and finding Amaura. Catching Aerodactyl and the recent Mareanie... It was the best dream she'd had at the academy so far.

(OOC. There are like 5 different stories happening in the RP XD. BIC)
Flame dreamt about meeting his Pokemon from back home all the way to this point. From his Pichu hatching, to receiving Zorua in the other academy, and to catching Lapras today. He smiled as he had the dream.
(OOC Oh my Arceus!!! I am sooooo sorry, I totally forgot to be on here, man, okay, so I am just gonna continue the battle i was having with @Nebula-Newt BIC)
Piper grimaced.
"Sam, stay strong, use tackle." Piper thought of a new tactic.
"Use String shot, and Sticky web!" Piper knew what to do.
Light then sat down on the ground, "nice" he said. Tepig then walk over to Light and layed down next to him, Light then smiled. Haunter appeared next to him and use Scary Face "ahh" Light said as he jumped up into a tree.
Airalyn woke up with the sunrise and decided to go swimming again. She saw that Lillipup had dissapeared from her lap. She looked around in Alarm until she saw a hole with to legs sticking out of it. She walked over to it and pulled Lillipup out. "Silly Lillipup" She said.

She let out all of her Pokemon to relax. Amaura played in the shallow water and Mareanie swum around, Torchic played in the sand and Aerodactyl flew around the area. Airalyn ran into the water with Lillipup and splashed water at her. Amaura came over to play as well.
Lapras woke up from the sound of Airalyn and her Pokemon playing in the water and decided to join her. Flame and Pikachu woke up and saw everyone playing. Flame smiled and let out Fletchling, Chikorita, Fennekin, and Riolu to go play as well.
After a while of playing, Airalyn decided it was probably a good idea to do something else. As Torchic was having a Tantrum because he couldn't go in the water.

She quickly ran back to her room and got changed into her normal clothes, then she ran back to the lake. "Any ideas of what we should do now?" Airalyn asked Flame.
Fennekin goes to comfort Torchic seeing that she knows how he feels, "Fennekin Fe." Flame thinks for a bit and says, "I don't know. Maybe we can find you a sixth Pokemon if you like?"
"That's a great idea!" Airalyn exclaimed. She thought about her Pokemon, she had normal, fire, ice, rock, flying and water types. She wondered what kind of Pokemon she could find.

"Maybe we could look in the forest" Airalyn suggested.
"Great," Flame said, "Do you have any Pokemon you want in particular?" If they were going inside of the forest to look for a Pokemon, they at least need to know of what to look for.
"Hmm... Maybe a Deerling" Airalyn said. She looked over towards the huge forest and wondered if the injured Deerling that she had saved was still out there...

(OOC. It's now a sawsbuck and I'm going to find it and catch it. BIC)
"Okay, a Deerling it is then," Flame said. He returned all his, except for Pikachu, back into their Pokeballs. He walked to the entrance of the forest and waited for Airalyn.
Jake and Titus were equally surprised to see the Sewaddle break free from the quad super effective move at all, let alone without much of a struggle. First stage bug Pokémon were stereotypically weak after all and with good reason. Titus roared in frustration at his prey escaping, stamping his feet heavily as he threw a fit. Jake merely grimaced, he was hoping to finish Sam off in one hit.

Piper clearly was on the offensive, she commanded three separate moves from her Pokémon consecutively. Luckily none of them were particularly dangerous moves or hard to counter. Best to deal with them one at a time regardless. So first off, the tackle. "Titus, counter that. Your choice." Jake calmly instructed his partner, confident in his ability to preform.

The dragon Pokémon's eyes narrowed as the Sewaddle rapidly approached, clearly focusing on timing his counter attack. Just before Sam would have made contact Titus' large foot came up and straight back down, lighting fast. Sam's own momentum was brutally used against him, adding to the force that drove the Sewaddle into the dirt as the Tyrunt's foot came crashing down on top of it. Jake smirked, perfect. It's not like Sam could follow his tackle up now that he was pinned to the floor. "Your move Piper." The boy called across the battlefield, giving her a wink.
Piper blushed when Jake winked at her. Then she noticed the situation her Pokemon was in, it was glowing very brightly.
"Swaaadlooooon!!!" Her Sewaddle evolved, when the lights faded she noticed her Pokemon had fainted. She sighed.
"Oh well, at least you evolved Sam!" She smiled brightly and headed over to Jake.
"Good battle Jake, I hope we can do it again sometime." Piper told her friend, she turned to Titus and petted his head.
"Nice battling boy." She told him, and she left for her dorm.
Light then sat down to see, that it was day "cool" he said to himself. Tepig then walk up to him "Tep Tepig" he said as he shot some ember at him. Light then dodge it, "hey watch it bud" he said as he pick Tepig up.
Titus reared back in surprise as his victim began to glow, a spectacular light show to say the least. Jake raised an eyebrow as a smile began to grow on his face. A mid battle evolution? Awesome. He hadn't been expecting to see one so soon after arriving, let alone in a battle he was taking part in.

Watching Sam's form shift and grow had been a mesmerising sight and the end result didn't disappoint. Jake had never seen a Swadloon before, they were pretty cute. But no matter how amazing it's evolution had been the little bug Pokémon couldn't hold out and had fainted under the immense offensive output of Titus. His first win! But he couldn't focus on that for too long, Piper was coming over.

"Thanks Piper, you too, Sam sure was a tough little critter. See you around!" Jake answered as the girl left, completely oblivious to the fact she had blushed when he winked at her. Titus nuzzled her hand when he received his petting, he was always grateful for those who could withstand stroking his rock like scales. As soon as the girl was out of sight both the boy and his fist pumped the air, overjoyed with their first victory since arriving. "Great job buddy, loved the counter choice." Jake began to say, turning to his partner. "But I guess we should head back to our dorm now as well, no point in standing round here like a couple of lemons."
Airalyn raced into the forest looking for the Deerling. She was looking for an orange Pokemon as it was Autumn.

(OOC. I say Autumn where I live, I mean Fall. BIC)