Samuel was staring up at the white figures in the sky, and he heard a quiet voice behind him. He turned around, slightly reluctant, and noticed a girl, first-year from the look of the cloak. Then he noticed everyone on the boats were with the same grey robes, so he thought the older students must take another way there. 'You're already in, so it wasn't necessary to ask. Anyways, yes, it's fine.'. Taiga peered down at the girl and gave a little squeak of welcoming. Not long after, two other first-years joined the boat, and they all set off.
Not after long, the boat arrived on a dock, through an ivy-covered gate-way under the castle. The boat ride there was quite boring from Samuel's view, apart from a little comedy act from the Giant Squid. First-years piled off the boat, and climbed up to a large room, with a massive, open door on the wall. McGonagall appeared, and said stuff about the houses, and how you could earn and lose points, but Samuel wasn't really listening. After, they went through the door, which lead to the Great Hall, and all the older students were at the four tables. One for each house. Gryffindor. Slytherin. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Then, at the front, Professor McGonagall explained the Sorting Hat, and the old, duty pointed hat burst into song.
'I am the Sorting Hat and this is my song,'
'I am the wisest hat that there can ever be.'
'I sort you in your houses, I am never wrong,'
'Even though I'm getting old and dusty!'
'There is Gryffindor, brave and bold,'
'Ravenclaw, wise and witty,'
'Hufflepuff, loyal and yold (is that even a word?)'
'and Slytherin, ambitious and- aww, there's a kitty.'. (The Slytherins frowned at the interuption, there was a kitten near their table.)
'So come up and don't be shy!'.
The room burst into applause, and it was a really loud sort, Samuel covered his ears. Then, he heard his name, 'Coaster, Samuel!' from McGonagall. 'Wait a minute, someone's mixed up the list. It's not even in alphabetical order. Oh.... Peeves! Anyways, Coaster, Samuel!'.
Samuel reluctantly went up to the Sorting Hat, not knowing what to expect, and he put it on. The he noticed he was going to be sorted! Suddenly, he did a choking cough, before leaning back up.
'Hmm.... tricky one here. I could easily just say Slytherin or Ravenclaw... but that wouldn't really be exploring your inner meaning. Hufflepuff, would be a lie, but Gryffindor?'. Samuel immediately knew that Gryffindor was a good option to go with, it was the most well-known house, after all. Slytherin was something he didn't want to mix with, and Ravenclaw didn't really call to him. 'So you want Gryffindor?'. The house burst out: 'GRYFFINDOR!'. Overall, it took about 30-40 seconds to do his sorting.
He went to the red and gold table, to be welcomed and recieved a round of applause. He sat there, being patted on the back by his person to his right, but there was no-one on his left, infact, quite a lot of space. Then, he waited for the next person to be sorted, and awaited the food to appear on the plates.