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Private/Closed [Under Construction] Outcasts(Official Reboot)—Discussion

Yeah, but if it’s fueld by his emotions wouldn’t it be purely to defend him. And not be totally sentient with the ability to rebel against his master and willing to serverly wound him. The blood loss alone could kill him.
Yeah, but if it was fueled by his emotions it still wouldn’t give him a life threatening wound. (Even if we have a healer its the concept that is what i’m referring to)
Yeah, but if it’s fueld by his emotions wouldn’t it be purely to defend him. And not be totally sentient with the ability to rebel against his master and willing to serverly wound him. The blood loss alone could kill him.
I was planning on introducing my second character later on in the story that would have....
Oh! Speaking of second characters.
During the time Shawn is missing, I'll work on my Villain. Build him up.
I've talked it through with Cloud, and she has given me permission to create a large group of metas and non-metas, all working together, under the leadership of Blake Phillips.
And I would like some of you to make new characters that are under his command so we can diversify the story a bit. This is the first major villain. I wanna make him count.
I’m diggity down with that. Give me a bit and I’ll make some Meta Warriors. And also, can we assume that Quickdraw was apart of this group, during his later years in the military? It will help his backstory.
We are already introducing villains? Not to be a jerk, but the story isn't even sturdy yet. There are characters bleeding out, not everyone's together, random things keep happening, and idk if its a good idea yet.
Can we make sure to only introduce the group members later on, though? A sudden man and 10 new characters can really offset a story.
Of course. I wanted to have a few posts with Blake, and maybe another character under his command. Have small interactions, until the big reveal.
He has an army of metas and non-metas.
I’m diggity down with that. Give me a bit and I’ll make some Meta Warriors. And also, can we assume that Quickdraw was apart of this group, during his later years in the military? It will help his backstory.
Sure. Why not? Gives me even more to work with.
so should we not post their bios here to introduce them with your villain? I also second what @The Protato said.
If you want a character under command of my Villain, go ahead and make a sheet. Just make it clear who they work for. (They work for Blake, if you didn't get the message)
We are already introducing villains? Not to be a jerk, but the story isn't even sturdy yet. There are characters bleeding out, not everyone's together, random things keep happening, and idk if its a good idea yet.
Don't worry. It'll be a buildup. Remember every villain Outcasts has ever had before? Yeah, we're not doing that. This villain will stick around, for a nice long while. Working behind the scenes and shit.
Name: Jillian Stokes AKA Hurricane
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Power(s): She can create a tornado around herself. She molds the winds around her to create a massive toranado around her lower half and she floats in the center. While in this state, she can fly has increased speed, and can fire gusts of wind from the tornado itself.
Appearance: Her hair is bright orange, and stops at her shoulders. She wears a green kimono and shows signs of Japanese descent. She works for Blake

Name: Dakota Austin AKA Rocko
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Power(s): He can turn his limbs into stone and morph them into the tools he wants. He normally sticks to large fists and projects himself forward by springing his feet.
Appearance: He has a bald head, dark skin, and black eyes. He is muscular, which is noticable as he never wears a shirt. However he wears beige capri pants and black combat boots. He works for Blake
Well, I was vague on how he works.
But I don't really wanna spoiling anything, so I'll be brief.
He has no powers, but his charisma is crazy good. He can rally others to his cause, and get just about anyone to follow him. He was originally leading a group of metas and non-metas against the government - and winning. Once the government realized that, they called a cease fire, and negotiated. Now, Blake works with the government. He's funded by them, and paid even more when he and his group complete a task given to them by the government. Just know, they don't at all work for the government, because they are believed to be powerful enough to destroy them.
Now, the government is becoming extremely concerned about our group, which they will label as 'Outcasts'. They're so worried, in fact, that they will soon approach Blake with a proposition.
Also, anyone want to come up with a cool name for Blake's group? I can't settle on any.
Name: Jillian Stokes AKA Hurricane
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Power(s): She can create a tornado around herself. She molds the winds around her to create a massive toranado around her lower half and she floats in the center. While in this state, she can fly has increased speed, and can fire gusts of wind from the tornado itself.
Appearance: Her hair is bright orange, and stops at her shoulders. She wears a green kimono and shows signs of Japanese descent.

Name: Dakota Austin AKA Rocko
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Power(s): He can turn his limbs into stone and morph them into the tools he wants. He normally sticks to large fists and projects himself forward by springing his feet.
Appearance: He has a bald head, dark skin, and black eyes. He is muscular, which is noticable as he never wears a shirt. However he wears beige capri pants and black combat boots.
Welcome aboard.
In all honesty, I fell out with Undertale. It doesn't really appeal to me anymore.
The only thing you catch me doing anymore is either watching The Walking Dead, or reading The Walking Dead. Also, homework. While listening to The Walking Dead.
I was thinking and these are few ideas I came up with.

The Recievers
The True Metas
UMT (United Meta Taskforce)
The Infinitives
Broken Ring
'The Receivers'
Depends. What are they receiving?
'The True Metas'
Wouldn't be right. The leader is a non-meta, and they have a ton of non-metas with them. None are biased too. They live together.
Sounds a bit too organized, but I'll consider it.
'The Infinitives'
Sounds like somethin' straight outta Marvel Comics. I'll keep my eye on this one.
'Broken Ring'
Sounds intriguing and mysterious. But why would they be called the 'Broken Ring'?
The Recievers - They are receiving all the negative thought about Metas and reversing it.

The True Metas - It’s based more along the lines that metas are really people who are willing to work with others. In a sense they are all Metas and a true Meta is a human being.

Broken Ring - A ring is often used a sign of commitment, like a wedding ring. However when a ring is broken, so is the commitment. So my logic is, that it has a double meaning. 1 - That they are breaking off everything they have to support this cause with an undying fashion, which would make sense as it is a somewhat hated minority, and 2 - the commitment it the public opinion on metas and humans working together and their actions show how it is being broken. EDIT Also it can stand for how their passion for their cause is infinite, much like a circle.