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Virgil's Fakemon, and maybe other sprites

Well, I haven't had the opportunity to sprite in a while since Paint doesn't work on my computer anymore, but I recently decided to use my sister's laptop for it. So, after looking at some of the fakemon on people's sprite pages I decided to create my own. This is the first time I've ever tried to make Fakemon, so I know they're not great.

I wasn't sure whether it should have a tail or not, or what color it should be. I think I like the pink tailed one the best, though.

This one I don't like at all... It was supposed to be a steel-poison Pokemon, but it turned out really bad. I had to scratch the right eye, which is why it sucks.

Here's a water Pokemon, I guess I like it.

I made this one in like, five seconds. I would definitely not catch this pokemon ever.

I might catch this one. Maybe I'll make an evolution for it.

I really didn't know what type to make this so it ended up being electric-grass. I don't like it much.

These next few make me sad. These were the first ones I did and they're supposed to be starter Pokemon. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the default setting on my sister's Paint was .JPG, so the quality is terrible. Also, they're not transparent.

Here's the water one.

The fire one.

And the grass one. This one I didn't really have a good idea for, so this was the best I came up with.

Constructive criticism would be appreciated, I wanna get better at this.

PS: If I ever make a fan region, it'll be called the Gronno region. Just putting that here so I don't forget.


Ok, I decided I'll post some trainers here as well, since those are what I usually sprite.

This is Sage, one of my RP characters from another website.

And here's sage again wearing a scarf I scratched myself.

Here's Lex, another one of my RP characters from the same website.

This is Lan Hikari from Megaman: NT Warriors. I was really into the show at the time I made this.






This one is part revamp and part recolor. I like it, though.

Have you/are you going to submit those trainers to the trainer card maker? They're worth being in it in my opinion :)
Thanks, DayU. I've been trying to do that, which is why most of them are made out of the tails of other Pokemon... The fire starter is pretty much Ambipom's tail recolored and I added eyes and fire.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
These look really good! I love the Grass/Electric pokemon even if you don't :p I hope if evolves. I love how they don't look like splices at all, they look like completely new Pokemon!
Nice fakemon. Really like the first one and the little whale. The steel-poison one looks like its coming out of a hole or something, maybe if you added a body you could salvage it, I don't know. Head + Feet = weird.
I like Sage, you might want to shade her hair on the bottom of her ponytail and her hair.​
Thanks guys. And Rayn, I'm probably gonna take your advice with the Steel-Poison thing. As for Sage's hair, I know it looks bad. I made it a while ago and ever since have been bugged by the hair. When I stop being lazy I'll fix it. Anyways, I need some advice on something. I'm gonna make a bird Pokemon but I don't know what type it sould be. Originally, I was gonna make it a Poison-flying combo (Tweetox) but I don't really like how the purple looks. So, I made a whole bunch of different colors and I wanna see what one everyone likes best. So far my favorite is the white one.

Obviously, they're not done yet. So, which color/s does everyone like best?
[quote author=Virgil]
Obviously, they're not done yet. So, which color/s does everyone like best?
i like the tan one
and i love these fakemon
[quote author=Virgil]
of the first three i like the middle one best if it had a longer like curled tail it would look better in my opinion
keep up the good work
Ok, here's the new stuff:

I wasn't really sure how to make a spiraled tail so I stole it from Kecleon but it's kinda big. Also, added a pink no-tail since I didn't have one of those.

Here're the finished birds. I did a white one and a tan one:


The Kecleon looks good on it (you need to start naming some more of these...). I could just hug one of those little guys! I like the white bird a lot, and also the yellow one, but that would be "OMG CHOCOBO!" so I'd stick with white.​
Bumping with this:

It's Kallen, he's in the mainstream PRP characters thread. I don't really like the stance or position he's in but once I started I didn't feel like starting over, so I went through with it and kept the awkward stance.

EDIT: New fakemon, my first ghost type.

Thanks, Tsuki. Here's a new fakemon for everyone, I don't really like it but oh well.

It's flying and water, because Pelly pepper and Wingull suck.
I didn't even notice that until now. The odd thing is I didn't even use any parts of Phanpy in that sprite (Drowzee's nose).

Well, I just fixed Kal up a bit so now he's not in such an awkward stance. I think his right arm's kinda tiny now, though, but that's the jogger's fault, not mine.


EDIT: I'm putting my avatar in here since I just realized I don't have it in any of my sprite threads. It's Reptar from Rugrats.

Since I'm allowed to double post in my own sprite thread that's what I'm gonna do. 'Cause I got new stuff to show.

I got bored so I made a guy petting a shiny Umbreon.

And then I was still bored so I recolored it.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, I fixed the shading a bit on Kal.
Your Ghost-type looks a little big, but I kinda like it because it's the traditional ghost. And the Water/Flying does look like an elephant...reminds me of like Dumbo lol. Kal looks nice now that he's all fixed up.
...I miss Rugrats :'(.​
New Kal sprite. I wanted to make him wearing a sweatshirt with a Spinda on it but it was a lot harder than I thought. This sprite came out pretty bad.

It's not that bad Virgil... The sweatshirt actually looks pretty good. I wouldn't put a... "Party" sprite or whatever they're called on it, it has weird shading and it looks like he glued a Spinda plushie on him or something... I think if you put a swirly thing on him you'd be able to get the point.
Now that Rayn mentioned it, I thought that the guy had a Spinda plushie in a pouch like a kangaroo. And I have learned from experience, also know as my half naked sprite, that Party Sprites don't work with Trainer Sprites, but Item Sprites will work with Trainer Sprites about 50% of the time.
OK... Very nice sprites! I actually don't agree with Day_U or Rayn about the party sprite. Remove the outline completely from Spinda on the shirt and it will blend in better. I tried with one of my sprites.
Wow, thanks Teh Purple One! That helped it a lot. It could probably still use some work but here it is:

I don't know how to thank you but here's this.

And DayU, I'm gonna have to start looking through the items to see if there's any I wanna put on sprites. Thanks for the advice!

EDIT: The video turned embedded for some reason... I didn't want it to be that way.

EDIT2: Looks like with the server update thing it made it so it's not embedded. That's good.

EDIT3: Ok, it's embedded again so I'm just getting rid of it.
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The sprite still looks iffy to me, but 'm not sure what'd help it.

And just turn it into a named URL. That should fix it.
Thank you for the video! Is that you? I've never heard of that guy. Actually, if you put
[ noembed ]insert video URL here[ /noembed ]
with out the spaces in the tags it won't embed. It was an update to the SMF that Alex announced a few months ago.
Without outlines it does look better... but it still looks kinda iffy like DayU said... I think it's the colors, but by now, I'd get annoyed trying to fix it.
And the Purple vid made me laugh.​
My sprite thread has a second page! I wanted to post on it so I made a new sprite:


I've been thinking of writing a fan fic recently and I decided the main character's name would be Ursula Sloane. Basically, that sprite is her. I couldn't really find the perfect head and I think that one may be a bit big. She's supposed to look angry but I can't really work on faces much so you can't tell.
Wow, I like Ursula. The stripes on her dress look pretty cool, kinda makes me think of like an optical illusion. I can't say I'm too good at faces either... but you can tell she's not happy. Her feet kind of look like they morph together, probably want to use a black outline around one. She's cool!
Wow, Virgil, I must say that that sprite of Ursula is a very nice sprite, I really like it. I have no critiques for it whatsoever. Great job, and good luck with the fanfic.
wow! these are really good, the shading is in the right style so they look kinda real :) i like ursala as well, to make her look angry, give her some eyebrows, it doesnt look like she has any, if she does, then make them a bit darker to stand out

i hope this helps :)
I love your Fakemon, Virgil! The first one, the little star-shaped pink bear thing is ADORABLE.
Also, I love this sprite:

I was wondering if I could use it for a trainer card?
I'll give credit, of course!

Keep up the amazing work!
WOAH NELLIE!Reminds me of a monster you would find in Paper Mario or something... Cool!
Thanks :) I love Paper Mario.

And to [T]RS: I'd love if you used that sprite. As long as you give credit feel free to use anything else in this sprite thread, too.

Also, I can't find links to them right now, but my Snorlax and Bellossom cosplayers got in the TCM! I think they're both near the very bottom, 'cause I know there's a lot of Bellossom players in there.
Congrats on your cosplays making it in. And your new fakemon has me so lost its not even funny. Good job! =D

I based it off of this picture of what I think is an aardvark.

Generally I try to stay away from Eeveelutions when spriting fakemon as everyone knows what they look like and can tell what I used right away but I was lazy and used it anyways. It's Espeon, by the way.

EDIT: Here's something I just made 'cause I love Spinda. Anyone can use it. Credit would be nice but I don't really care.
...Not quite sure what that picture is actually of (my brain says baby armadillo), but aardvarks have long snouts (seriously long...), crazy tails, and black and white stripes. But it could be a baby one...yeah. The fakemon looks cool, especially the feet/claws.
Rainbow Spinda makes me happy, it's fun to watch.