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Virgil's Fakemon, and maybe other sprites

Glad you two like it :D

Anyways, I was bored and looking through some sprites to get some inspiration and this happened.


I changed her stance a little bit, just copied her leaf and flipped it over to the other side but I realize now the shading is off. Oh well, you get the idea...

Ehh... It's hard to edit. I couldn't get any hats onto my Rayn 'cause the Espeon ears are all weirdly placed. So I tried yours and this is the result... Doesn't really work in my opinion, but I hope you like it. :-\
Ah, sorry! You requested at the time I had a giant ice storm and lost power for four days... I didn't even bother to check my sprite thread when it came back on so I'm sorry it's so late :-\

I made him levitating a rare candy using Psychic, but the aura thing around it kinda got messed up and looks weird. Anyways, sorry again!
Haha! That's funny!

Munchy: Ohhh!!! A Candy! Wait... Why the hell is it floating... OMG!!! ITS POSSESSED!!! RUN AWAY!!! *Munchy flees*

Aura: *Steals Candy*
Hey Virgil! I love your work, it's defiantly top on the line spriting if you ask me.
I was wondering if you could put a Santa Hat on a Sableye for me? Thanks tons (:.
Wow, I didn't realize it had been this long since I last posted in here...

I guess I just ran out of things to sprite. Yes, I sprited everything possible in the whole world. Ok, I guess I didn't do quite everything. For example:

Devamped Drifloon! I have no idea how to devamp sprites, but I tried. It kinda came out bad.

I redid my first RP character I ever made, Chad Erics, and I made a trainer card for his new team. :) I want to start spriting again, I hope I didn't lose any of my skillz during my long pixel vacation.
Hi Virgil. The Drifloon looks good, what I do though when I devamp, I get a sprite from Pe2k.com that is G/S/C sprite. After I get the sprite I want to devamp. Then get a sprite that looks like it has the colors of the pokemon. After recolor. You want it to not have shades. It has to look as flat as possible. Just a tip Virgil.


Hi Virgil!

The devamped Drifloon looks great! The trainer card looks cool, too.

I have no idea how to devamp sprites, but I tried. It kinda came out bad.
Do not lie.XD

You have great skills. You have won a fan in me. :)

Keep it up!
Well, it's pretty good, but from playing my Crystal version, I know some things about the sprites. Basically, all sprites have 2 colors and black and white for their pallet. For Drifloon, it would be a good idea to get a Raikou sprite and get the colors off of it. And they use a lot of dithering too (that's like the lower right corner of Drifloon's balloon part). But you got the main idea of it I guess.​
This topic is dead, what am I doing.

Ok, so I'm sure you can all tell I have not been actively spriting in a long time. I kinda lost interest and stopped. Lately, though, I have done a little (the Spinda in my avatar) so I figured 'what the heck, I'll post.'

Who says it has to be cold for you to wear a scarf?

Toybox the Spinda, in case I ever take him out of my avatar.

I think this was pretty much just a recolor, but eh.

http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/8798/82291487.gif[img] Lickitung!

[img]http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/5469/93477554.gif Pretty crappy Parasect revamp :|

Purple, but could still kick your ass.

And that is all I have. Don't expect too many updates, I'm still not sure how often I'll be spriting D:

EDIT: I don't know why, Parasect is not appearing as an image. Here's his link:

Welcome back to spriting Virgil, even if it's not too often...
I love Drifty's scarf, it's so cute. Maybe a little boxy on the left but still good.
Toybox looks cool, mostly because his "spots" are just a box... which is pretty spiffy.
If those Barboach sprites are basically recolors... I don't think I've seen them anywhere. They're adorable though, and are shaded nicely.
For the Parasect revamp, I think you should probably take out most of the black outline and replace it with the darkest color of it's pallet on the lighter parts...
I think purple makes a good lookin' Steelix.
Good work on these Virg... hope you do some more soon.​
Aww…the Drifloon is just so cute with its little scarf! I'm amazed it wasn't weighed down by it, sinking into the ground. I should wear a scarf during summer now, just to emulate little Floaty. (I named my Diamond Drifblim Floaty for obvious reasons)

Toybox just pwns. The square spots? Win, just because they are unique. Great job on the pose, too, Virg!

Heh, did Steelix fall in a bucket of purple paint? I like the recolor, even though it's nothing fancy.
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Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I must say I've always really liked Virgil's Trainer Sprites. When I eventually get round to getting a trainer made for myself, it'll certainly be Virgil I'll be asking... if he's taking requests of course XD

Anyway, loving the scarf Virgil! It fits Drifloon perfectly. At first I thought the scarf was something to do with these eggs (which you got me hooked on by the way!), like you could put accessories on them or something.

Barboach is great too, and like Rayn said, I've never seen them in that pose before. Very nicely shaded, like all your work.

Awesome as usual ^^