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Private/Closed Warrior cats Role-playing


Formerly pokeLPS
The next day Bluefeather woke with her father, Skyfeather, peering over her. "Time for dawn patrol." Bluefeather walked along the border, daydreaming. Life was hard sometimes, she thought. That message, sentence, stayed in her mind for the rest of the patrol.
Foxstep awoke and happily woke Deerleaf, who was relieved to see her brother normal again. The two went to see Wolfheart, who was thankfully awake. They chatted, with the occasional bat at each other.


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When Bluefeather came back she padded to the leaders den and shared the news. "Everything was calm Moonstar. Except we scented...Windclan." Moonstar gasped and looked at the floor. "Their border...not close...why...I wonder... No." she mumbled. Bluefeather crept out to give her some space. Outside she met Softpaw and Skypaw.
Another scent filled the air. A mix between rogue cat and dog. The reason was not too far away...

Two warriors stalked the grounds of ShadowClan. One of them, the gold-furred tom, wore a claw made of gold and steel that protected its belly. The other was not a cat, but a dog. The big beagle was named BarkTail, and was second in command only to GoldClaw himself. The two were the highest-ranking leaders in SteelClan, a traveling group rogues, kittypets and dogs turned Warriors. They were a civilized clan, but always on the move. The two were now doing some recon with WavePelt, a strong clan warrior. "I smell something..." BarkTail said. "Clan cats." The beagle had the best scent of smell in the land. "Proceed with caution." GoldClaw said. "We don't know if they're good or bad."
Foxstep and Deerleaf said farewell for now to their elder brother before running into the woods, dying they were off to hunt but secretly just wanted to run free for a few. Foxstep paused in the middle of a play-fight near the ShadowClan border. His hackles rose as he sniffed the air. "I smell rouges, dogs, and kittypets," he growled quietly.
BarkTail let out a small growl. "I smell hostility." he said. GoldClaw signaled with his tail, and drew the golden claw off of his belly for battle. The mixture of metals smithed far away glistened with the rays of the sun. BarkTail drew his claws and raised his tail, alert and ready.


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"Blue, let's hunt." Her little brothers said. "OK." She responded. They were walking on the border, laughing, when Bluefeather stopped. She scented a new smell. "Step back guys." She mewed to her brothers. They stepped back behind her. Through the bushes she spotted three animals. Dog, and two cats. A growl erupted from Bluefeather's mouth. Her eyes turned dark. These were not clan cats, at least cats from the clans she knew. She felt like attacking them but she knew was out numbered. Fear clouded around her, her brothers were just made apprentices. She had to protect them. But how was the question.
(Uh, GoldClaw and BarkTail are on their own. Someone else is near, though...)
Suddenly, WavePelt lept out and tackled BlueFeather to the ground. "No one hurts my clan leader." the tom growled. GoldClaw and BarkTail leaped onto the two cats on the opposite side of their hiding place. GoldClaw noticed the weird, fox-like fur that the cat he was attacking had.


Formerly pokeLPS
Oh...I thought you said Wavepelt was with them..huh, OK

Bluefeather un-sheathed her claws and raked Wavepelt's face. Drops of blood splattered her pelt but she shrugged it away. Softpaw, Skypaw! Go get help! They ran toward the camp yowling. Bluefeather struggled to get free. Thoughts swirled around her head but she focused on the battle.
WavePelt was a tough warrior, and returned in kind. His claws, sharpened continuously on river rocks, stabbed into the cat's left shoulder. He then fell back, stopping only to wipe the blood out of his face. He then gazed at the she-cat. A fire burned in his eyes; the fire to gain victory. The fire to defend his clan. The fire to defend his honor.


Formerly pokeLPS
Bluefeather felt the pain stab her side. It felt like a monster crashed into her. Her breath came in short gasps, and she struggled to stand up. Her paws slipped on the leaves. Just then her brothers, Sharpeyes and Strongpelt, arrived.
Foxstep, snarling, bit Goldenclaw's neck, trying to get him off of him. Deerleaf watched on in horror until Barktail tackled her, and she let out a yowl of fear. She had seen dogs, heck, one had even mangled a litter mate of her friend to death. The oddly deer-pelted she-cat didn't know what to do. She unsheathed her claws, knowing she didn't stand a chance.
GoldClaw was a fierce fighter, and managed to raise his metal-coated claw to block the attack before bringing the heavy paw down onto the fox-looking cat's stomach.
BarkTail started to chase the other cat, yipping to cause fear.
WavePelt intercepted StrongPelt, barreling into the cat, sending both of them towards a nearby water source.
Deerleaf ran, springing in the air and landing on Barktail's back, shaking in fear, not clawing him. "P-please..... J-just leave me and my little brother alone....," she stammered. Foxstep rolled out of the way of the claw, attempting to wiggle free. "Deerleaf! Run!" He yowled. Deerleaf shook her head. "I'm not leaving you, but I'm not hurting these cats or this dog either!"


Formerly pokeLPS
"Sharpeyes, go help. Now." Bluefeather struggled to say. She wanted to fight, but she was losing a lot of blood. She rolled unto her side and lay there, hoping she would get better. Sharpeyes dashed off to help while Strongpelt, no matter what, was fighting Wavepelt while sitting on the small pond. Water splashed everywhere while he shot a strong paw to the side and pushed Wavepelt into the water.
"Stubborn fools..." GoldClaw said. "BarkTail, leave the peaceful one alone. We only fight hostile cats. Suddenly, the two leaders saw WavePelt in the river. "He's strong, but he needs help. Go, BarkTail!" GoldClaw said. The beagle dashed off to help the warrior.
WavePelt had allowed himself to be knocked into the water. He had his namesake for a reason. The adaptive fighter sunk into the pool. He spring out behind SharpEyes, sinking his claws into the cat's back. Then, BarkTail leaped up over the hill and pinned StrongPelt to the ground. "Stay down." the beagle said... in cat language.


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" You can't tell me what to do!" Strongpelt said. In one moment he thrust himself up and knocked Barktail into the water.
Sharpeyes started yelling and Bluefeather heard it. She yearned to get to her brother. Even though Strongpelt was younger that Sharpeyes, he was stronger.
BarkTail landed gracefully, and head-butted StrongPelt into a nearby tree. "I'm only warning you for your own health. STAY DOWN." he repeated. WavePelt saw a tail-signal from his deputy, and the cat leaped off of SharpEyes' back. The marks started bleeding, and the warrior landed in the pool of water as to clean off his paws.
Foxstep finally got out from under Goldclaw, running to his older sister and sniffing her for injuries. Deerleaf was shaking. She was terrified of dogs. Foxstep let out a worried mewl, licking his older sibling's back in hope to calm her.
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(Um, it's GOLDclaw, not GOLDEN.)
GoldClaw stared at FoxStep before speaking. "Hear me. I have come seeking shelter for me and my clan, yet have found only hostility. I came here for aid, yet all I find are attackers. I lead SteelClan valiantly, and have done so for the many months we have trekked. I have been blessed with a powerful metal claw-guard for my bravery. Yield, and prove your worth to me... nay, to StarClan. Fight me at your own peril." The cat once again entered a battle stance, ready for any coming attack.


Formerly pokeLPS
Bluefeather heard everything, and watched half of it. She heard how brave her bros were and how Foxstep and Deerleaf were there. She stumbled to her paws and limped through the bushes leaving a small trail of blood. "I am Bluefeather, Proud warrior of Shadowclan. We normally don't have strange cats on our land...or dogs either. I think I can speak for all of us that we are sorry about the confusion. If you seek land you must speak with our leader, Moonstar." Bluefeather, even though she was hurt and felt tired, held her head up high in courage and honor for her clan.
Foxstep took a few strides forward until he was a fox-length away from Goldclaw, despite Deerleaf's protests. The fox-pelted cat then went into a submissive pose, tail between his legs and ears pinned back. "I yeild, for my sister's sake, for my fiends' sake, for the sake of the clans," he meowed bravely.


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"Why don't you follow us to the camp, Leader. Bring your warriors. We call for peace." Bluefeather hoped that they would be able to take them peacefully to the camp. Her brothers walked up behind her and Sharpeyes pushed his face into her fur.
"Splashbreeze! Come on you lazy mouse! We missed morning patrol! I don't even know what time it is!" Mewed a voice, accompanied with a paw prodding Splashbreeze's side. Splashbreeze's eyes flew open and she jumped up. "Springpaw, don't do that! I'm your mentor... You should respect....Springpaw?" The sandy brown tabby quickly lost intrest, her green eyes wandering elsewhere. Splashbreeze sighed. The dark brown tabby padded after her almost-warrior apprentice. They have been out of Clan territory for what seemed like multiple moons, but it was probably more like only one moon. Splashbreeze took Springpaw to the Twoleg place to practice stealth missions and urban hunting techniques, luckily they were not caught and came back to the Shadowclan. "It's so quiet here, I forgot..." Murmured Springpaw as she flicked a ball of moss across the clearing. Splashbreeze gave a small flick of her ears before deciding on going hunting. "Springpaw, what do you think of hunting? Maybe that will make up a bit of our absence." She noted as she stood by the entrance to the camp, waiting for her apprentice.
"BARKTAIL! WAVEPELT! YIELD!" GoldClaw screeched, his warriors listening. Soon they had disengaged and were heading back. Once all the warriors were assembled, the chief sent WavePelt back to deliver the news and request aid from AmberClaw. "This is much appreciated." The leader said, he and BarkTail following the other cats to their clan.
Foxstep walked alongside Deerleaf near the front, anxious to see their brother and tell them that Deerleaf saw a dog and didn't run away. The oddly wolf-pelted Tom was walking near the outside of the Medicine Cat's den, purring a greeting to his younger siblings. They ran to him when they entered, both telling him the story.


Formerly pokeLPS
"Moonstar! We have animals that want to speak with you. They seek land." Bluefeather reported. Moonstar padded out of her den, her nose sniffing. "These are unusual cats. Do I smell a DOG?" She walked into the clearing and stared at the new animals. "Where is your leader?" "The golden one, Moonstar." "Come. Speak with me in my den if you really seek land." Moonstar walked back into her den. "The others may rest." She tossed over her shoulder.
"If it is fine, I would like to bring my deputy, BarkTail, with me." GoldClaw said. "He is my best friend, and a noble warrior. He is not one of the savages that you deal with." As his chieftan said this, BarkTail came forward. "I would do no harm to any that my friends would not either. We have been together for months, gathering together more friendly rogues, kittypets and puppypets to form a clan. Both me and my cheiftan have hearts of steel." the beagle said in the language of cats.
MouseKit watched with his storm gray eyes as the Dogs and Cats padded into the clearing. His tail flicked and he crouched sneaking out of the Nursery. He was turning six moons tommorow, and he couldn't bear sitting around the nursery anymore so he followed the group quietly his Tawny pelt blending in with the forest floor. He watched as the leaders walked into the den, he squashed his curiousnoss by walking around the ragtag group, until he saw AmberClaw.
(I didn't get any notifications for some reason o3o )
Nightraven looked around. She was confused as to why dogs were in the camp...but they weren't attacking. She shrugged it off, staying in the warriors den.


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Bluefeather peered through her fur as she laid down on the clearing. She saw Nightraven dash out but decided to let her go, she was probably hunting.

Moonstar stared at Goldclaw as he entered the den. Skyfeather sat next to her, his tail landing neatly on his paws. He leaned toward Moonstar and whispered something in her ear. After that Moonstar snorted and looked at the ceiling.
GoldClaw was thinking of what to say. Finally, the cat raised his head to speak. "SteelClan is on a constant journey. We have come here to seek land once more so that we can rest safely."