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Ask to Join Warrior Cats: The Lost Tales of SandClan

"Leaving may be the better option." Jaggedjaw began. "But, RiverClan, well, that's all of the cats you see here in the clearing. I don't know the extent of what the rumors your fellow kittypets say is, but there are four clans throughout the entirety of the forest. There's ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, and then there's us, RiverClan. We make fish, while the other Clans stick to hunting prey on land." The large cat put his head up for a minute, pondering something.
"So the rumors are true," Zip murmured to himself, looking down to his paws for a moment. "The only thing I've known about this place is the four Clans, but I didn't know their names," he explained to the others, turning around to almost face the bush. "They sound incredible, if I am perfectly honest. If you'd like me to go, though, I suppose I can. I'm just not sure how to get back home. Could you point me in the direction of the town, please?" Zip looked to Jaggedjaw, eyes shining in the sunlight.
"Well, I'm not sure exactly where you would've gone otherwise. The only way you could stay here is if you officially joined the Clan." Jaggedjaw replied, standing on all fours now. "I don't know what a town is, but I can show you where Twolegplace is. That's where we usually see the kittypets and twolegs."
"'Twolegs'...?" Zip pondered this word for a moment, slowly turning back around to face the other cats. "...Are those the humans? And I'm guessing Twolegplace is the town. I probably should go back there..." Again, he paused, looking over the other cats once again. "...But first, could you explain to me what joining the Clan entails? It seems like an amazing experience, but I don't even know if I could..."
Shiverpaw looked around,"I'm bored."She said to herself,Shiverpaw thought of an idea."I'll just go to the lake!But I can't by myself."She walked away quietly and tripped over something."What's this stupid rock doing here?!"She asked herself angrily getting up and looking at the rock that tripped her."What ever."She mumbled.
"Well, usually, kittypets don't join the Clans. But, there have been exceptions. Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, for instance, was once a kittypet." Jaggedjaw pointed out, before continuing. "You'd have to live by the Warrior code. You'd have to hunt for us, fish for us, patrol our borders for us, defend the Clan. The like. Considering you're a full-grown cat, you probably wouldn't be put into apprenticeship. One of our warriors would teach you the basics. If joining the Clan still interests you, I can take you to Crookedstar. If you don't think you'd be able to live a life like that, then I can guide you back to Twolegplace." Jaggedjaw sighed, before giving the kittypet a warning. "Remember this, too: When the snow falls, during leaf-bare, prey is scarce and greencough sets in. That can quickly turn in to blackcough, which is very fatal. It's not an easy life. You'd also face ridicule for your kittypet past, more than likely. It may take some of the clan a while to trust you completely."
Zip listened intently to the tom's description of Clan life, unsure of what his next move should be. Pondering it all for a moment, he took one step toward him, nodding his head as a way to reassure himself of his decision. "Well, if Firestar could make it through all of that fine, then why can't I? I'll go with you to see Crookedstar, please." Now walking forward, Zip stopped a few feet away from Jaggedjaw, a patient smile on his face. "Please. I'm willing to take the risks, even if I won't be fully trusted for a while. That's understandable. I'll make sure the Clan grows to trust me! But," he paused, a paw partially raised in the air, midstep, "could you explain the Warrior Code, or will Crookedstar do that for me?"
"You're brave, I'll give you that. Crookedstar should be able to explain the Warrior Code to you. Now, come. I'll take you to him." And with a flick of his tail, Jaggedjaw made his way across the camp, and to Crookedstar's den. "Crookedstar." He called. "We have someone who wants to talk to you."
"Okay. Thank you." Zip began to follow Jaggedjaw, only to stop as a kit approached him. Smiling lightly, he sat down on the ground, letting his tail sway back and forth behind him. "Hello there," he greeted, nodding his head. "I think I'll be right back, okay? I need to go talk to Crookedstar for a moment." After saying this, he stood back up and pounced forward, light on his paws as he entered Crookedstar's den. "That would be me," he said, having heard Jaggedjaw call his leader. "Hello, sir. My name is Zip. I've heard many things about your Clan, and I was wondering if you could tell me more about it."
Pondkit quickly stepped back when the kittypet talked to him.

"Ah, okay. So you wish to know about RiverClan? We are one of the four clans in the forest, if you didn't already know. We tend to swim a lot, and we catch fish. I would advise that you know how to swim if you want to join," Crookedstar explained. He looked at Zip, then Jaggedjaw.
Shiverpaw the kittypet,"What are you doing hear?"The black-and-white she-cat hissed angrily at him."Go back to your soft stupid twoleg place!"She growled.
"Shiverpaw. Be nice to our guest. I would have sent him to his Twolegplace if I didn't want him her," Crookedstar demanded. He gave a glare to Shiverpaw.
Zip ignored Shiverpaw to the best of his ability, listening with a surprised expression on his face as Crookedstar explained what he'd need to be able to do to join the Clan. "Oh, alright. Yes, I do know how to swim. Fairly well, if I do say so myself. Is there any other sort of thing I'd need to know, or some kind of test I'd need to take or anything like that?" The Tuxedo tom was very surprised that the leader of RiverClan was so calm about all this, seeing as the rest of his Clan... well, wasn't. He kneaded the ground beneath his forepaws in anticipation. What an experience this will all be!
Shiverpaw looked at the kittypet,"I didn't mean what I said."The she-cat grunted to the tuxedo cat,Shiverpaw rolled her eyes.Stupid kittypet!How would Crookedstar allow this?I can't believe that my own leader is breaking the warrior code!She said to herself.But on the outside,it looked like she was staring into Zip's eyes.
"Well, we must make sure that you're fit to be a warrior. If so, you can join our clan," Crookedstar replied to the kittypet. Pondkit watched from the outside. Crookedstar looked at him.
Wolfheart came up behind Pondkit. "Pondkit, this is not your conversation, would you like me to show you anything?" She sat next to the kit. The warrior waited patiently for his answer.
Zip knew Shiverpaw didn't mean what she said, but he decided to play dumb, merely nodding in mock understanding. He tried his best to brush away the fact that she was staring into his eyes- he thought that if he spoke up about it, he'd get yelled at. Nodding once again, this time at Crookedstar's words, Zip stretched his forepaws away from his chest, his toes separating as far as they'd go. "Okay. What do I have to do to prove myself worthy?" he asked, looking nowhere but at the RicerClan leader. He merely perked an ear back as he heard another cat talk, moving it back to its original position when he realized the words were not about him or directed at him. Zip made a mental note to... maybe... thank that cat later for trying to take some attention away from him.
Rainwhisker had just come back from a border patrol. The RiverClan cat sat down at the entrance of the camp and his jaws opened wide in a yawn.

Foxpaw scurried out from the apprentices den, having taken a long nap. He looked around ThunderClan camp with a bored expression.
"Oh, um... I don't mind what you show me," Pondkit said turning around. He smiled.

"A couple things, actually. Come with me. Jaggedjaw, Wolfheart, and Shiverpaw. You will come along as well," Crookedstar said. He stood up. He started to lead the group.

Sandystar was sitting on the Highrock. "Sunheart, can you send a patrol?" Sandystar asked. He looked to the fresh-kill pile. It was getting smaller. "We are low on food."
Jaggedjaw was bemused, and his expression clearly showed it. He had no idea in the slightest as to why Crookedstar wanted the three of them to accompany him, but he didn't question his leader. The large cat followed his leader. He stopped by and whispered to Zip. "If Shiverpaw keeps giving you trouble, and if you decide to stay, let me know. I'll see what I can do to keep her off your tail."
Sunheart nodded obediently, and started his path from the Highrock. He came upon a couple of untasked warriors, and walked up to them sternly. "You two. We are low on food, go get some." Sunheart commanded, as the two felines sauntered off, presumably to hunt. He walked away from the two, and to the nursery. Sunheart entered through the archway, and looked to his mate, Brighteyes, who was curled up. He smiled, and glanced down to her. "How are you doing?" Sunheart asked compassionately. "Oh, same old, same old. Not getting cramps right now." Brighteyes retorted, looking up to Sunheart. "That's good. Shout if you need me." Sunheart said, licked his mate on the head comfortingly, and exited, again through the archway.
Wrenfur moved through her clans territory. She kept low to the ground as she hunted, scenting the air every so often. The sandclan warrior moving, her sand coloured fur bright in the sun.

Wireheart opened her eyes as she load curled up in her nest. She sighed and stretched, getting up to face another day in Riverclan.
Sansystar sighed. Food was scarce in SandClan. The ocean was not suitible to hunt, and there was not much to hunt on the beach.

Crookedstar walked up to the river. "Now. I would like you too catch four fish. One for me, my two warriors, and Shiverpaw," He said to Zip.
Wrenfur moved into a crouch and narrowed her eyes, a seagull resting not to far away. The warrior crept forward before sinking her claws into the sand to give her more traction she leapt forward and caught the bird by suprise, biting into its neck. She purred happily and started back to the clan so she could deliver the prey, tail being held high.

Wireheart stepped out of the medicine cat den and looked around the camp, grooming her fur before she started to interact with her clanmates.
"No, Shiverpaw. If you helped him, he wouldn't be proving himself. Would he?" Crookedstar said. He looked at the apprentice. "He must do it on his own," Crookedstar looked back at Zip. "Go on then."
Splashpaw hissed. She bounded toward Wireheart to tell her what happened. "Did you hear what happened? Crookedstar's fishing with a kittypet." She spat the last word as if it was a curse. "I gotta tell Pileclaw about this..." She stood still and scanned the camp for her mentor.
Pileclaw was walking through the camp. He was looking for his apprentice. He saw Splashpaw. "Ah! Splashpaw!" Pileclaw exclaimed. He trotted over to his apprentice.
Wireheart blinked in confusion before tilting her head. She opened her mouth the speak but Pileclaw walked over. The medicine cat apprentice nodded to her clanmates, "wait wait wait. What? Can you say that again? Crookedstar? And a kitty pet"?
"Crookedstar and a kittypet? What about this unusual duo?" Pileclaw asked. He tilted his head. He had a puzzled look on his face. "This is confusing. Can you explain, Splashpaw?" Pileclaw asked.
The medicine cat lift her left front paw, grooming her fluffy fur as she continued to try and figure out what would make the apprentice say that. Her stub tail waggled a little bit at the idea of some gossip, wondering what the other medicine cats were up to.
Sunheart spotted Wrenfur strutting back into the camp, fresh kill grasped in her teeth. He walked up to her, and looked sternly down at her. "Fresh kill for the pile?" Sunheart asked, gesturing to the dwindling food pile.
"Yes, I said that!" Splashpaw's tail thrashed. "Crookedstar's hunting with a kittypet and...someone else." She couldn't remember their names at the moment.
"Of course. I still say we should travel off the sand into the green. We will find more prey there," the sand coloured shecat growled and gently placed her catch down at her paws as she challenged the tom with her eyes, "why? Planing on taking it to your mate"?
"Crookedstar isn't the type of leader who would just decide to hunt with a kittypet. You shouldn't tell other cats things if you don't even know if it's true," Pileclaw explained. Pondkit had overheared the converstation. He raced over to the group. "A kittypet came into the clan and wants to join! Crookedstar is testing him to see if he is worthy!" Pondkit exclaimed.

Sansystar hopped off the Highstone. He walked over to his deputy and Wrenfur. "No, we are low on fresh-kill. We need more," The leader commented.
"Then I'll go hunting again. I've seen more gulls closer to where the twolegs stay. Maybe we should try there," the warrior flicked her ears back as she stood down for her leader. She picked up her fresh kill and placed it into the pile before starting toward the entrance, "it's not like some of us have been hunting all day".
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Sunheart hissed, and met Wrenfur's angry glance with his own, equally angry gaze. As the warrior sauntered off, he slinked over to the leader. "She needs to learn some respect." Sunheart murmured, looking with narrow eyes to Wrenfur.

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