"Well, usually, kittypets don't join the Clans. But, there have been exceptions. Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, for instance, was once a kittypet." Jaggedjaw pointed out, before continuing. "You'd have to live by the Warrior code. You'd have to hunt for us, fish for us, patrol our borders for us, defend the Clan. The like. Considering you're a full-grown cat, you probably wouldn't be put into apprenticeship. One of our warriors would teach you the basics. If joining the Clan still interests you, I can take you to Crookedstar. If you don't think you'd be able to live a life like that, then I can guide you back to Twolegplace." Jaggedjaw sighed, before giving the kittypet a warning. "Remember this, too: When the snow falls, during leaf-bare, prey is scarce and greencough sets in. That can quickly turn in to blackcough, which is very fatal. It's not an easy life. You'd also face ridicule for your kittypet past, more than likely. It may take some of the clan a while to trust you completely."