Zip purred laughingly at the praise given to him by the other cats. "Why, thank you all so much!" he replied, pulling the fish Crookedstar had pushed to him closer to himself. "Yes, sir, Crookedstar." With another nod, the Tuxedo cat took a bite from the fish, pausing with a full mouth as he relished in the taste that filled his tastebuds. After swallowing the load, Zip purred once again. "These fish taste so much different than the ones back at home, I'll give you that." Taking a few more bites, the tom tilted his head at the mention of fighting and something he had never heard of before. He looked to Crookedstar first, eyes becoming hard and wide as he made sure he had no fish in his teeth before he asked his question. "'Battle'? Who do you battle, exactly? I wouldn't think it would be the other Clans?" Zip then looked to Jaggedjaw. "And what's a naming ceremony?"
Mistypaw trudged out of the apprentice's den sleepily, a large yawn stretching her jaws wide. The voice of a kit had woken her, so she wanted to know what was going on. Trying to take large steps, the Munchkin Ocicat jogged over to the two, working the sleep from her eyes and limbs. "What?" she asked, unknowingly, once she made it to Darkstep and Cavekit. "Where are you going, Darkstep? And have you seen Cinderspots? Is she out hunting?" Mistypaw wondered, looking up to the much-larger cat with large, purple eyes.
EDIT: "Also, the Warrior Code? Could you please explain that, too?" Zip asked Wolfheart.