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Ask to Join Warrior Cats: The Lost Tales of SandClan

"She's been good," Bigkit replied. Tinykit changed the subject to Wrenfur's previous question. "Yeah! Let's play!" She cheered. Sandystar saw Sunheart approaching. "Hello Sunheart," Sandystar said.
"All of your prey is mine," Wrenfur laughed as she bounced over the kits, blocking from them from the fresh kill pile as she played with them, tail held up high.
"Nuh-uh!" Tinykit squealed. She launched at Wrenfur. She grabbed onto her fur. Bigkit ran around Wrenfur. He leaped on Wrenfur.

"No. The Fresh-kill pile is full again," Sandystar reported.
Wrenfur growled playfully and gently grabbed bigkit by his scruffle and gently tossing him away. She used her tail to slap tinykit, merrowing in faked pain.
Sunheart nodded, and left Sandystar's presence. He once again made his way to the nursery, entering again through the archway. Sunheart smiled at his mate, and rasped his warm tongue across her bright yellow fur. Brighteyes looked up, and smiled at her mate. Sunheart curled up beside her, and Brighteyes nuzzled him for comfort.
Zip looked back at the mention of some rocks, noticing the large group shooting out of the ground not that far away. "The Sunningrocks, huh? You took them from ThunderClan?" he asked for confirmation, perking his ears up as Crookedstar continued to speak. "I suppose that makes sense, then, the whole naming ceremony. I kind of like how that's such a big deal to you all, actually. It wasn't for me, when I got my name." With an awkward chuckle and a cough, Zip turned back to Wolfheart, head tilted in interest once again. He stayed silent, making sure all the remains, except for the bones, of his fish were gone, as he waited for her to explain the Warrior Code.


Mistyfur's ears and tail drooped as she got no closer to figuring out where Cinderspots had run off to. She perked back up almost immediately at the mention of hunting, though. "Oh, maybe that's where she went! Hunting! Maybe I should check the woods!" The tiny cat began to charge to the ThunderClan entrance, eager to find her missing mentor.
Cloudleap wandered back in to Thunderclan's camp. The she-cat had just returned from a hunting trip. She set down her prey, two mice, and grabbed a small bird from the pile for herself. She sat near the Warriors den, and began eating her meal.
Tinykit fell to the ground. Bigkit was escorting the pile of fresh-kill away from Wrenfur. "Yeah! Go Bigkit! Take the pile away from the rouge!" Tinykit cheered. Bigkit shushed her.
Wrenfur smirked and gently stepped on the smaller kit and looked at bigkit with a playful look, "your clanmate or the prey? I can't be beat"!

Wireheart smiled and moved back around the medicine cat den, sorting herbs and other things.
Tinykit squealed. "Help, Bigkit!" She exclaimed. "Oh yeah? I choose both!" Bigkit exclaimed. He leaped at Wrenfur. He lightly nipped her, after squeezing his sister from Wrenfur. They raced towards the prey pile.
"No! Come back," Wrenfur laughed and padded asfter them. She leapt over the freshkill pile and poked her head out from behind it, "oh where oh where did those kits go"?

Hawk stretched as he started to walk down the beach, stretching his paws and shaking off every so often to keep sand from his pelt.
Sandystar looked over. He saw a cat walking down the beach. He dashed towards the nursery. "Sunheart. There is a cat, most likely a kittypet or rouge, walking through the beach. Get all kits in the nursery and get our warriors ready," Sandystar ordered.

Tinykit and Bigkit stayed out of sight. They giggled.
Wrenfur crawled a little bit ontop of it, purposely not looking down at them. She made a humming noise as she acted confused and stepped over them, "hmm now where did they go? Could have swarn I saw them"?
Sunheart felt at peace for the first time in a while, with Brighteyes' soft head rubbing against his. He purred as he nuzzled her, and finally opened his eyes. "How are you feeling, Brighteyes?" Sunheart asked, as his mate rubbed against his well-built chest. "Great, now that you're here..." Brighteyes purred, and looked up at Sunheart, smiling and nuzzling her face against Sunheart. He smiled, and tilted his head downwards, and a loud purr escaped his mouth as Brighteyes began running her tongue along Sunheart's chest and face. As Sandystar entered, he whipped his head around to meet his gaze. He nodded in agreement, licked his mate's soft yellow forehead, and began his exit out of the archway. As he passed Sandystar, and he glanced over to him quickly. "Take care of her, she's all I've got." Sunheart whispered, with genuine emotion within his statement. He then continued out of the archway, and towards Wrenfur. "There's an unidentified thing on the beach. Ready yourself." Sunheart said sternly, then switched his gaze to the two giggling kits. "Get to the nursery." He commanded, and marched off to warn others of the threat.
Tinykit and Bigkit looked at Sunheart. Bigkit nodded. He rushed to the nursery. Tinykit stumbled after him.

Sandystar nodded. He watched as Bigkit and Tinykit tumbled into the nursery.
"You didn't need to scare them," Wrenfur nipped her deputy's shoulder gently as she passed him and took up a quick stride. she strutted, keeping her head held high.

Hawk saw the camp and got curious. He saw a sandy pelted cat walk toward him and the rouge stopped, sitting down as he waited for them with a tilt of the head.
Sunheart was nipped by the increasingly disobedient Wrenfur. This time he did not take the insult to his authority lightly. His eyes narrowed, as he slapped his tail into Wrenfur's head with a sharp WHAP!
Sandystar saw what was happening between the deputy and warrior. "You two! This is no time to fight!" Sandystar ordered. Bigkit was trying to see what was happening. "Stay inside, little one," Sandystar said. Bigkit knew better to disobey his leader. He went back in the nursery.
The she-cat growled but didn't say anything as she slowed down to stop. She looked at the very fluffy tom and followed her deputy's lead. She bowed her head when she heard Sandystar.

Hawk looked at the cats and kicked up sand with his tail as the tom swished it about. He rose a law up and scratched his head.
Sunheart heard Sandystar, and immediately looked to his leader. "Of course, sir." He said, bowing his head slightly. Sunheart walked up to Sandystar, still slightly eyeing Wrenfur. "She needs some respect." He growled. "Is everyone safe?" Sunheart inquired, looking back to Sandystar.
Wrenfur paced and suck her claws into the turf. She looked over to where the mystery cat was sitting and then over to her higher ups. She sighed and continued to pace.

Hawk shrugged and started walking toward the collection of dens. He held his tail and head high, showing off, "hello"?
"Well, then maybe you shouldn't scare kits out of their minds. Bigkit and Tinykit are shaking like a Twoleg would in leaf-bare. Now, you and Wrenfur investigate this cat," Sandystar ordered. He looked to Wrenfur. Then back to Sunheart.
"Sir. The rouge is getting closer," Wrenfur stressed and pawed at the ground. She looked from her leader and deputy to the tom that was approaching. She folded her ears back and growled gently.
Sunheart scoffed softly. "Maybe they need to be scared. This is a rogue we're talking about." He said sternly, and watched the anonymous tom approach the camp. As he got closer and closer, Sunheart narrowed his eyes, still watching its every move.
Hawk stopped just outside the camp. He looked around, swishing his tail around as he looked about the place before zeroing in on e cats waiting for him. He nodded to them and walked in, strutting, "why hello there? May I ask who you are"?

Wrenfur bristled and arched, growling darky as she narrowed her eyes.
Sandystar stared at the rouge. "What are you doing here? Tell me, or my warriors will rip you too shreds!" He exclaimed. Sandystar had a harsh look.
"Exploring. I come from near the nest folk. Wanted to stretch my paws. Not to mention when i saw the cat that was hilarious. Did you know the a nest folk threw her into the air and a long ways away but she still stood up and walked. It was so amusing to watch," hawk pointed to the growling shecat that was also circling the rouge then looked at the leader, "do I smell food? You know it's risky to keep it in the open right"?
"You know it's risky to come near our camp? Because we shred cats that come near it," Sandystar warned. "And if you don't leave, I will give my deputy permission to shred you," Sandystar let out a growl.
"Oh so big and scary," hawk chuckled as he unsheathed his claws with a dark chuckle. He let out a gasp of suprise when Wrenfur lept at him and pinned him to the ground with a snarl, the she-cat's tail lashing about, "don't speak to him in such a manner, worm".
Hawk growled and threw Wrenfur off after biting into her left leg. He stood up and looked around before booking it out of the camp and down the beach, ears pressed back.

Wrenfur groaned in pain and collapsed with a whimper when she tried to stand on her injured leg.

Wireheart sighed as she loomed around the camp, wondering where her mentor was.
The large tom slid to a stop and whipped around to tackle the deputy, teeth bared and claws unsheathed. He hissed and fur standing on end, tail lashing about.
Sunheart was tackled by the rogue, but had been in much worse situations. He hissed threateningly, and bit into Hawk's neck, attempting to turn the tide of the engagement by slamming Hawk onto the ground, with himself on top of him.
Hawk upward in pain and clawed at the cat into of him, snapping and slashing at his stomach before kicking him off and standing up with a dark look on his face.
Sandystar raced into the Medicine den. He came out with herbs for Wrenfur. He applied the herbs. Sandystar raced into the direction that the rouge and his deputy ran off to. He saw the two fighting. "Sunheart! Stop this at once! This rouge is no longer in our territory," Sandystar demanded. "You are injured. I will get herbs." Sandystar looked to Hawk. "And, I am much more powerful than my deputy. Do not dare cross our border again, or you will have the right of fighting me." Sandystar turned around.
The large tom hissed angrily at them before retreating back down the beach to lick his wounds. The rouge grumbling under his breath as he hid back under the nest folk abode he got food from.

Wrenfur sighed and laid down on her good side. Her leg was patched up but would need time to heal.