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Weekly anime discussion - you bet your ass there's spoilers

Oh God. This recent episode made Croagunk, Toxicroak, and Electabuzz fugly as hell. Seriously.

Anyways, it was pretty good. Nice soundtrack, of course. Oh, and the music actually stopped at one point, kinda odd. When Jenny was talking to Saturn (accusing him?). And Saturn sound a hell of a lot like a girl in the Japanese version. Rofl, it seems Galactic grunts all do look the same. XD Not only that, they all have Golbats!! XDDD

Anyways, this episode really got me interested. Anyone have a general summary of what happened, at least with Galactic? I really need to learn a lot more Japanese.

Oh, forgot this (ironic, lol). But, is it me, or is Ash's Gligar, like, completely forgotten? It hasn't shown up recently, despite being recently caught.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Croagunk and Toxicroak were deliberate (they are intentionally ugly/disturbing looking Pokemon anyway), but what the fuck was up with Electabuzz?

Ash's retarded Gligar has sat these two episodes out for pretty obvious reasons (they're massively plot heavy) - it looks like it's gonna get its chance to make a mark in next week's Chingling filler.
Finally! It seems a certain Pokemon will be leaving us, once and for frickin' all! To avoid spoiling watchers of the English version, we'll say it's Musashi's Dokucale who'll finally get the boot! And, apparently, in a similar way to Ash's Butterfree, seeing as it is going to find a shiny mate, then leave. Hmmm... I guess that means all of the good, new ideas were used on the Veilstone story, and they've gone back to using cliched plots (or rather, reusing old plots).

I just completely gave away which Pokemon was leaving just by mentioning Ash's Butterfree and that related stuff? And I gave it away more by saying this. XO
Apparently, the episode after Jessie is (probably) going to release her Dustox is titled 'Pikachu! Raichu! The Road to Evolution!'
Is it just me or does this sound like Ash's Pikachu is going to have...quite a change in store?
Nope. It seems there is a "Character-of-the-day" person coming in with a Pichu and Raichu. He doesn't have a Pikachu, and what does Ash have? Exactly. I'm not saying he's giving it away, it's just how he and Pikachu tie into the story. Personally, I don't see Pikachu ever evolving, for any reason. Pikachu's just been the mascot for too long.
I always strongly think that Ash will not evolve hid Pikachu. If he does, things would get pretty fucked up. Besides, pikachu is cuter :p :D

so jesse realeases her dustox eh, about time

and i dont know if aynone else agrees, but isnt carnivine a sad excuse for a victreebel? not too much how fucking ugly and pointless it is?
I think the odds of Pikachu evolving are about as high as the odds that Dawn catches a Legendary Pokemon. Pikachu is the franchise's mascot mostly because of Ash having one. If anything, the episode in question might simply be a debate over evolving. (Besides, Movie 11 Trailers show Pikachu and Piplup as being such, therefore meaning that the two probably won't be evolving anytime soon...)

Dustox is leaving for a Shiny Dustox? : / I totally didn't see that coming...I can only hope its a hilarious and twisted parody of the original episode, seeing as how it's Team Rocket and a blatant reference to said episode.
I remember the Goodbye Butterfree episode. So cute and sad, cuz I love Butterfree. :'(

I highly doubt the Dustox parody will be as cute though ._.
I did see it comming though, Dustox has been having less and less apperances in the show.
Dustox winning Jesse's first ribbon symbolized its last hurrah, as well as the fact that it fulfilled what Jesse intended it to, win her a Conetest Ribbon, and it only took her 3 regions to achieve that.

Among other Pokemon that have made less and less appearances, at least until light of the recent episode, is Mime Jr. Ever notice it stopped joining them in the saying of the motto? It was seen battling in the DP71 preview. We all know it knows Mimic, but what are the odds of it evolving soon? And what are the odds James would be happy with a Mr. Mime?
I know I wouldnt. Mr.Mime creeps the hell out of me.

I think Mime Jr. is just like Wobbuffet, only appering during the motto, but not really battling so much. I'm still wondering what that blue bloob of psychic energy is still doing with Team Rocket. O_o
It's TR's Psyduck, it pops out of its pokeball for the sake of lulz. At the moment, it functions as the 4th member, and has been much more useful in a battle than most of TR's other Pokemon. (It went against Articuno, you got to give it credit for that.)
You'd think that paul woul go EZ on his pokemon oncein a while. I mean he either ignores them or insults them (as well as ash). And why is he so much like Gary used to be?


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I remember the Goodbye Butterfree episode. So cute and sad, cuz I love Butterfree. :'(

I highly doubt the Dustox parody will be as cute though ._.
I did see it comming though, Dustox has been having less and less apperances in the show.

Hard to say. Some of the most emotional episodes in the series have revolved around TR separating with their Pokemon. Although, considering how Victreebel left (both of 'em, lol), very much the opposite can be said, too. Either way, at least it's moar TR centric goodness XD

"Bye Bye Dustox" indeed. It'd be interesting if Jessie caught/got her new Pokemon that same episode, ala James and Cacnea/Mime Jr. Can't wait to see it :)
Don't you mean james with Chimecho and Mime jr?

Anyway, hurrah for Dustox finally getting the boot, maybe Jesse's replacement will get a lot more airtime, although i see it being another contest-only focused pok
I personally think she could use a Skorupi, and better if it would evolve into a Drapion. Since James has Carnivine and all it'd be a match alongside Brock's Croagunk (the three of which are found in The Great Marsh)....Too bad Hunter J already has one >_< A stunky is also a good chocie, since its a poison type. The trend between those two is that apart from Wobbuffet and Mime Jr., Jessie's main attling Pokemon is a poison type while James' main battling Pokemon's a Grass type.
....the thought of james someday owning a giant yeti scares the bejeezuz out of me. O_O'

I think its better if he owns something less intiminating...

Cuz by now, we should all know, James is the femanite one of the three. ._.
I'd entirely forgotten that cacnea was obtained the episode James lost weezing, to be honest I really hope Jesse doesn't follow a similar trend, despite the fact that her catches have never been too impressive its too much along the lines of "Jesse must have X amount in her team" etc.

I just hope the next TR pok
Today's episode: Meh. I dunno, it was just a filler. Another "character-of-the-day" with problems, and Ash & co. fix it. And, of course, James gets mushy over Chingling, due to his Chimecho. Maybe a hint to its return? I doubt it, but still, it only stayed to recover from its illness (or something like that). I
Recently a title for DP075 was released.

"Contest Master Wallace Appears"

looks like the exgym leader, exchampion comes to Sinnoh, and will most likely be the cause for which Dawn returns to Coordinating.
Yay for Swinub!!!!!

On a lighter note, how badass will a Gliscor V Gliscor battle be with Ash and Paul, assuming paul doesn't get rid of it in the near future... oooh it looks so pretty!
OMFG! Oddly, they're having Wallace appear! Y'know, from Hoenn? Guess it's to make up for his non-appearance in Hoenn. Who else can predict this: He's going to "tutor" Dawn, being as her main Pokemon is Water-Type, and possibly lift her spirits? I can definitely see a battle between the two happening, and perhaps a contest? Dawn'll probably pick up some technique from him, one that'll win her a contest. =p
I think that may've gone unnoticed, seeing as I edited it in later (the 15[sup]th[/sup]).

Anyways... How interesting. I didn't plan on Gligar evolving anytime soon, seeing as another main character (Paul) has a Gliscor. And Swinub... Random! Maybe from Yumomi (or whoever that was). If it was from her, that makes it Dawn's. I could see it being Brock's, too. (If from Yumomi, I see a Suzie repeat: "Raise it for me, you breeder you!")

Doctor Oak

Staff member
After Hippopotas recently randomly reappearing - I wouldn't be surprised if the Swinub is one of the trio we last encountered. I think it probably is Dawn's, but it'd be nice if it was Brock's.
I don't think she's swapping them, but rather, releasing hers so it can be with the shiny one.

And we all have various sources. For me, I simply use YouTube (thanks RX, y'know why). Try Tenahachi3's videos. However, they're taken down after a few days. Y'know, copyright crap. And, of course, there's torrents, but I haven't used them before, so I dunno much about them. I think #Pocket Monsters has them, or something like that.

After Hippopotas recently randomly reappearing - I wouldn't be surprised if the Swinub is one of the trio we last encountered. I think it probably is Dawn's, but it'd be nice if it was Brock's.

It might make more sense to me if that Swinub was Brock's. The thought of what would eventually be a mammoth-boar doesn't seem to suit Dawn that much.
The odds are slim, seeing as how its lined up with Dawn's Pokemon. On another note, it seems that other than the adding of Swinub to the roster and Gligar evolving, nothing else'll be happening to the team anytime soon, which is somewhat disappointing. It is a possibility the said Swinub could be from a Character in the movie, but I would much prefer if it just happened to be Yumomi's given to Dawn for whatever reason.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
When you see it in the context of the clip from the movie - it's extremely clear it's from the World of Pokemon introduction, so it is definitely part of the group's.

Also, the preview for the Pikachu episode is... insane. A COMPLETE misdirect - but you'd be completely forgiven for thinking otherwise... I wonder if that's the same Thunder Stone we saw 10 years ago...

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Well, not only is Wallace showing up for the next contest, but another face from Hoenn is too now:

Haruka returns in DP076: Participates in tag battle with Hikari

Haruka will appear in DP076, レストラン七つ星!タッグバトルでフルコース!! Restaurant Seven Stars! Tag Battle for a Full Course!! which will air April 24 in Japan, according to a magazine scan. She will meet up with Satoshi and friends at a restaurant, the owner of which will reward the winners of a tag battle with a free meal. Haruka will be in Sinnoh to attend Mikuri's contest.
So we'll be seeing May sooner than we though? I wonder how she and Dawn will get along. It would be cool if they were fierce rivals but that probably won't happen. (It would make May more likable in my eyes though. She'll probably end up being a mentor of sorts to Dawn.
I would have liked to see a return of Misty before May, purely because I'd like to see May return to evolve her Eevee around snowpoint city.

One wonders what changes to May's roster will have occurred in her brief time in Johto. Well that and will Max have taken a hike cause that'd just be splendid.
May left for Johto without Max, so I doubt he'll be returning. But, who really knows? I'm actually quite happy about this, I rather liked May, and they evolved Blaziken far too late. Now it'll probably get some lost screen-time!

Really hoping Swinub is Brock's. But, that doesn't seem likely, as Yumomi is Dawn's friend. But poor Brock has gotten less and less of a part in the show. =/ Guess only time will tell.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Hopefully May will hang around for a few episodes - but her purpose would seem to be a final move at restoring Dawn's confidence after having it shattered from phailing like a phailz. I think it's a good move too - rather looking forward to these episodes. :)

Max and May split up at the end of Battle Frontier, so it's unlikely he'll reappear here - as anything other than a flashback or whatever anyway. I'd hope that he is at least discussed - I'd like to know whether or not he actually started as a trainer yet...


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
But Ash's Gliscor is also lined up with Dawn's Pokemon. Unless he's going to trade it to her, which I seriously doubt.

Take note of where Staravia is standing. It's by Brock, just as Gliscor is by Dawn. I'd say they just wanted to spread Ash's Pokemon out over the scene because he's the specialist xp

Finally watched the Riolu episode, and I'm reminded once more of how awesome Pokemon Rangers are. While watching it I kept thinking about what the game said happens when a Ranger captures a Pokemon: how their thoughts, feelings, good intentions, etc. are transferred to that Pokemon, and it's those pure intentions that gain the Pokemon's trust. It's just an great concept.

The next few upcoming episodes sound awesome, and it's great to hear that May's making a cameo so soon. I wouldn't be surprised if she already had a Glaceon upon her reappearance. Hopefully they haven't ditched Blaziken in the process, though. I'd love to see more battling from it =)

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