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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

Soul ducked as a fireball came careening over the valley. He saw around 23 teams in a massive combat with each other. “Quick! Use your earth powers to raise the dirt around them and try to knock some out! Also I have an idea!” He pulls out all the stops and brings a blast of blue fire straight through, shooting lasers from his hands.

Tara ran with Porco through the factories, leaping from smokestack to smokestack, punching and kicking any that got in her way. “Go! Now!” Her eyes turned red as Berserk activated, and she punched the ground, sending out a wave that leveled a good amount of the factory district. “Move, move! I made a straight path damn it!” She yelled, her temper rising.

Nero looked over the field, and saw many people in combat. He grunted. “Well then, we seem to have a problem. Wall us in Maya, we need a plan.” He growled, clenching his fists.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Uhh, alright! Be careful when I do this though.” Christian said as he stood up and stomped the ground. There was a small earthquake at first. And then the next thing you know, stone pillars shot out of the ground, sending everyone flying, eliminating a large majority of them. And for no reason after that, he did something he calls “A Dio” where he leans very far back while standing up and yelles out loud, “WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!”
Maya watched how Nero moved with a keen interest, watching him block and land every single strike perfectly. Noting a boy charging at her, prominent bull horns pointed at her, she huffed.
“How do you-“ She twisted her body, grabbing a hold of the boy’s horns. “-predict all their moves-“
She yanked down on his horns, sending him tumbling forwards as she leapt over him to avoid falling. The dust settled, with Maya staring at Nero in puzzlement. “-so well?”

She looked up to the massive team fight he spoke of, quickly taking his advice and gathering together several massive stones, making a fort of sorts that they could lean against. Peeking her head over one of the stones, she caught her breath, wiping lazily at the blood on her face.
Soul shot a massive laser from both hands to completely destroy the rest. “We’re moving early! Go go go!!” Soul Yelled, and made a mad dash for the rock field. The loudspeaker blared again; “97 teams reamaining! Half have been eliminated!!” Soul groaned. “Oh great. Hopefully the sophomores aren’t still doing the advanced crushing...” he said, as he ran as fast as he could.

“I have a sight. Goes 7 seconds ahead. Works with mind reading quite well.” Nero said, huffing as he looked over the wall. He would spot Soul and Christian bolting in the distance. “Perfect.” He laughed.
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Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Flying through 2 different sections of the arena he forced himself to stop grabbing a tree as he flew back. After he found a huge rock and jumped forward breaking the rocks and bits of the surrounding area. Mid air he pulled out a sword pointing it forward as he plowed through trees, rocks, boulders, just to hit Alexis. As he did he missed but sliced Marcel's 3 tails aura, chakra, whatever he calls it away. Leaving half of it there allowing an opening for an attack on him. 'Ha nows my chance' Asta thinks as he prepares for a final swing.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was out of his three tails state because of Asta. Alexis still weakened noticed Asta about to attack Marcel. "No I won't allow you!" Alexis shouted as she stood in the way of the slash. "W-why......." Marcel began to ask. "It was for you.......finish this........for me." Alexis began to say as she finally ran out of stamina. Marcel's hatred and agony was through the roof. "Grrrrahg aaaughhhh agahghahahgahaycchxy." Marcel said as he started to grab his head and shake it around violently. "GGRRARRAAAARRRGHHHH!!!" Marcel shouted as he finally collapsed to the ground and his eyes changing completely red. "Yes know pain." A voice told him in his head as then a dark beacon appeared and struck Marcel after that a blast had occurred that affected everyone on the map....dust cleared and the beacon of darkness still shown. "Hey you guys heading toward the Rockland right? Cause look at that!" Porco said after being blasted back by the blast. Because Porco had ran and met up with Christian and Soul in the Grassland
(Lol now I am waiting for everyone to run over to the Rockland to see what happened and what the beacon is.)
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian ran into the rock field, sitting against a rock to catch his breath from the long run. “Geez. Glad we didn’t get hit by anything cuz that was a long run.” He stood up and looked around to check if there was anyone in the rocky field. “For now we can just chill for a little bit, Soul. Can’t see anyone nearby.” He said to Soul as he crouched down so he can hide. “I just hope everyone else is okay. Maya, Marcel, Porco, Ollie, Jesie. All of them.” He had a sort of worried expression on his face when he thought of them.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
He blocked the way of energy with his sword, which was highly effective and made a path way for him. Slowly he backed up getting ready for an attack from the beast. "Yo chill it's just a game bruh"
Soul advanced with Christian, and saw Maya and Nero behind their wall of boulders. He waved. “Maya! Weird guy!!! What’s up? We finally found- OOF-“ he said his greeting partially, as Nero jumped over the wall and kicked Soul straight in the face. “Ah- god damn it...” he growled, rubbing his cheek. He glared up at Nero, who was laughing at him. “Pitiful, pitiful. How could you not have seen that coming?” He laughed some more.
“Quick. To the grasslands. I don’t want to see that pillar of darkness and this just seems like bad news.” Tara said to Porco. “Maybe we can head to the city. It’s got some pretty good spots to ambush.” She said, and began to back up from Nero and Soul’s squabble.
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Two red eyes appeared from the sphere surrounding Marcel. And a loud Demonic roar could be heard all angles of the map. Heck even the people who got out could here it. Inside the sphere Marcel would just lie there and his skin began to peel off showing a red world underneath it. Cut to a scene behind the sealed gate of the ten tails as his eyes open angrily. After that Marcel got up as the sphere began to fade and out came the menacing 4 tails with a demonic roar that once again could be heard across the map. His four tails had appeared and he began to split into different ones as a giant one from the splitting made a giant tornado head towards Asta. Porco looked over at Tara with dismay. "But that's my brother! I know what he is capable of when this happens........Eliminations." Porco said as before he knew it 4 Tails Marcel went all across the map eliminating people left and right however and whenever he pleased. 20 people in total were eliminated just by Marcel's anger and wrath. Lightning filled the air near Marcel as a massive dark drop fell and landed on him. One of his arms had bone armor and two of his tails turned to bones. All of a sudden a skeleton of a fox appeared all around Marcel's body. A bone foot dropped down next to his paw. His tails went from two to six instantly. The fox skull's jaw opened up revealing Marcel on the inside he began to perform a demonic growl and some chakra came out.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Soul!” Christian shouted as Soul got kicked in the face by Nero. He got up and got mad. His fists became bedrock as he charged toward Nero. “I always new there was something up with you. And I won’t forgive you FOR WHAT YOU DONE!!” He shouted as he ran towards him. Christian yelled out loud, “Bedrock BLAST!” As he punched Nero square in the face and started throwing a barrage of punches at him while shouting, “MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA...MUDA!!” Finishing him off with a uppercut.
He dodged most of these strikes, but was hit with the uppercut. He smiled. “I’ve had more endurance training this month than you’ve had in your lifetime.” He laughed. His stamina had barely faltered. “Why are you so mad? It’s a Battle Royale, is it not? Take out everyone you see!” He said. Soul wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and rushed at Nero. He dodged every strike and blast Soul threw at him. Then, he looked Soul in the eyes, and his breaking wasn’t searched all the way through. “Heh... haha... GAHAHAHAHA!” He began to crack up. “You’re even more pitiful than I thought!” He said, and Soul blushed, and then glared. “Christian, that guy knows everything that I’ve ever known. He knows all my secrets. This is personal.” He growled.
Tara shook her head. “That guy’s power level is too enormous to take on. We’ll just have to hid out until he knocks out enough people to get us into the final round. And I’m pretty sure if he gets too out of hand...”
“A reminder to you all! If you go too crazy, and kill or seriously injure someone, you WILL be disqualified!”


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(Well before I Nerf Marcel for a little bit aka until then numbers are next to none. Here is a thing I want to put in before I continue)
During his rampage he stopped right infront of Aclava and have her a stare. "You're next." Marcel told he telepathically as he dashed off to finish the rest of his streak of eliminations.
(Now for the Nerf war)
Marcel in his glorious 6 tails state jumped across the arena to where soul and Christian were. Marcel just looked at the two before standing up like a human closing his eyes. Silver rays of light began to shine out of the 6 tails body. 6 tails evaporated to show Marcel with his Silvery-white hair and silvery white eyes. Full powered Marcel had just arrived. "Soul, Christian, Let's do this!" Marcel said as he was ready to help them take out Nero. Porco could sense that his brother was back to normal. "Tara. I sense him.....He has come back to the good side." Porco informed her and to see if they could go over to where everyone was. Alexis was out and she was pissed. "HOW IS THAT FAIR? HE COULD HAVE WON FOR US!!! THESE RULES SUCK!!" Alexis began to shout because she wasn't pleased with what rule she just heard


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta called Aclava using the seeds at he ran, deflecting random cross fire. "Where you at cause I kinda need a place to hide things out! If you don't answer Imma take this beast on myself!" He yelled. While running he deflected the beast storm. 'Man I'm gonna yell at this dude next time I see this kid in class' he thought.
Soul shook his head. Marcel... I know you want to help... but this isn’t something that you need to be worried about. This is something for me and Christian to handle... Christian, I need you to act as backup.” He said, and dashed at Nero, sho kept dodging his strikes. “Oho! How cute!” He laughed, and looked at Marcel. “I’d love to face you, but he’s right. Wish I had the time, but juggling 3 people at once hardly seems like something you, The honorable Marcel would do.” He said, and Soul looked Marcel inn the eyes and gave him a nod that said; ‘Stay around. I’ll need you later.’
Tara nodded. “Let’s just make sure we keep our heads. We need to meet up with the two people who aren’t going completely insane; Aclava and Asta.” She said.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel nodded at what soul had said. He then turned to face Nero. "I am not as incognizant as you think I am. I already know your power....dodging. I too have mastered it." Marcel told him as he prepared for his first attack. Marcel charged at Nero and got in some blows but of course as Nero's power is most of Marcel's attacks didn't land. Marcel hated him but had to wait for his tails to come back after he used six.
Porco nodded at what Tara had said. "Well I know where Asta is he was in the same area as Marcel. I'll go check on Asta you go and find Aclava." Porco told him as he went to go see how Asta was doing after Marcel's rampage. "Hey....you Ok?" Porco asked Asta to see if he was ok after the tornado Marcel sent at him. Porco's eyes and hair went back to normal during this. Back to his black hair and Red irises.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Always help someone. By the way, I’m guessing he didn’t notice yet.” Christian said to Soul. He looked down at Nero’s feet and saw them stuck inside some rocks he made, making him unable to move. “Heh heh heh. You see, while I was goin all crazy, I secretly trapped your feet underground inside some bedrock.” He snickered. This might be it. This might be the time he finally cracked. Christian got scary. He added on “Hey, Nero, I want you to do me a favor.” Christian said as he started walking towards him. He put his hand around Nero’s neck, “Don’t. Piss. Me. Off.” Water came out of Christian’s hands and started sucking the stamina out of Nero. “Hey, Soul,” he looked at Soul, “help me get rid of this filth. I aint gonna do this by myself.”
Nero grinned, and easily shimmied his way out of it, suplexing Soul and nailing Christian several times. “Marcel, you go somewhere else! I’ll yell if we need you! This is personal!” Soul yelled to Marcel. He and Nero clashed. Seems he was being a bit less cautious as he had to keep up with Soul. “I know what’s in your head...” he kicked Soul away, and he groaned and clutched his stomach. “I know what you’ve been pitifully clinging to... hahaha...” Nero taunted Soul, And Soul stood there with his head down. “That one memory... I’m surprised. Maya, help me purge these two.” He growled.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel nodded at what soul said and warped towards Porco. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!" Porco shouted at him as he arrived. Marcel knew what was up and Decided to stay in the background the whole time. However Marcel cent back to the fight but instead was hiding and lowering is power so then they won't know he was there. Marcel took an important look over at Nero's pattern. "It's just like the pattern of Shadow Man. Crazy and unable to predict." Marcel whispered to himself knowing that he would have to fight eventually once again. 6 tails or not he would have to face his friends. Seeing Soul get beat makes him angrier and build more hatred for Nero. His claws were starting to show and he dug them threw the ground and dug up some dirt. A tail was beginning to form but only one....not so chaotic


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta turned around ready to hurt him but stops while putting away the seeds. "Yeah I'm fine what's it to you?" He said. This was the moment as he got ready for anything.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Okay, Ollie. I think we’re safe now.” Jesie said to Oliver as he left the alleyway. “Let’s go to the rocky area. I think we’ll be safe there.” He signaled Oliver to follow him to the rocky area. When they got there, he saw Christian and the others, but Jesie noticed that Christian was laying on the ground because of the amount of times Nero hit him. Jesie quickly and silently ran to Christian, pulling him up. “Hey buddy, you aight?”
“Jesie. T-that kid. He’s strong. We gotta do something.”
Christian was happy to see he was okay.
“But how will we get him, Chris?”
“.......Combo Attack.”
They both said at the same time.
Christian dusted off himself and called out to Nero. “Hey, bi***, I’m not done with you.”


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco explained everything to Asta on how him and Tara wanted to see the two who didn't go insane him and Aclava. Marcel was waiting for when the group needed him to attack. He saw that one kid by the name of Jesie and.....Ollie! "Hmmm good thing that he was treating him right." Marcel told himself as he was ready for anything.
Maya watched the fight, stiff with worry, a lump in her throat. She’d liked Nero; he was strong, he was capable, probably able to carry their team, not to mention their compatibility. He was offensive, she was defensive... they were a good pair.
But... these were her friends..
If they keep going, they’ll kill each other. Literally. You couldn’t save him... but maybe you can save them.
She blinked away what might have been a tear.
Who are you kidding. You can’t do this! You can’t do anything! They’re gonna fight and you’re just going to stand there-!

“Sawyer’s Memory..” she whispered shakily, screwing her eyes shut. “Dimension.”
Trees, stones, massive chunks of terrain all lifted into the air, as well as the group. All of them, floating midair, stuck. Now this was a power move..! Where was this during her fight with Soul..?!

“Please, all of you.. please, stop...” she choked out, tears welling in her eyes.
Now, seeing Maya Leyte cry induced just about as much guilt as, say, killing a puppy. It truly was a superpower in itself. Knowing that you were the one who made her cry... managed to be much, much worse. Still floating, she brought herself between three. If they wanted to hit each other, they’d have to hit her. She doubted Soul or Christian would, and if Nero did, he’d lose a teammate as well as defense.
“Please don’t do this..”
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Soul looked up, tears in his eyes. They put up, and he entered Full Power Mode. “You’ll pay for what you’ve done... I’m sorry Maya...” he choked on his own words. “I don’t even need my sight to predict what you’re going to-“ before Nero could finish, he was punched straight in the gut by Soul, who did a double leap around Maya. He dashed away from Soul, who leaped after him. He couldn’t reactivate his sight without concentration. In a moment of genius, he got behind Maya just as Soul lept to use Comet Impact. He looked at Maya. “Do something useful and block this Attack.” He said, and Soul looked horrified. Either stop the attack or hit Maya... no. He put forward his other hand, propelled himself over Maya with it, and struck Nero. He fell back, terrified that his human shield idea didn’t work. “G-Get him Marcel, Jesse and Christian.” Soul fell out and onto the ground, tears leaking from his eyes.
Nero was weak. A hit from three people would deplete his stamina to below 50 for sure...


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Yes I think you’re right, Chris!”
They both shouted as Jesie stopped time.
“Heh heh heh heh...HAHAHAHAHAHA. He’s gonna be dead where he stands, Jesie! DEAD AS DIRT, YOU HEAR ME?!” Christian lost control of himself and started attacking Nero with Bedrock Blast. Jesie...froze in shock. He had never seen Christian act like this before. When he was done, Jesie resumed time, trying to process what happened.
Nero didn’t die. He phased to the waiting room at the exact moment he reached 50 stamina. Nero looked down from the waiting room. “Well... there goes my spotlight...” he sighed and grabbed a soda while one of the nurses tended to one of his arms.
Soul was on his knees. He swore something... not so nice. “...oh god... I feel so much worse...” he said. The f-word was not his cup of tea. “My god...” he fell onto his hands, and coughed out some blood. That seemed to be all, though. “I’m sorry... Maya...” he panted.
(Now all we need to do is knock out Jesse and Porco and then 8 will be left.)


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! WE GOT HIM! HAHAHAHAAA!!” Christian started acting a little bit too crazy. Jesie tried to calm him down by slapping him across the face, and apparently that worked. “Ow...that hurt.” He said, rubbing the side of his face.
“You snap out of it? Cuz your friend needs some assistance.” Jesie pointed to Soul who was on the ground. Christian quickly slid next to Soul and used Heal Up on him.
“Hey. Sorry about how I acted. I guess I finally cracked. Been a long time since I last cracked. Nero is kind of a dic* to be honest.”


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco then realized that it was just the ten main people left. "I know what I must do....." Porco told himself and he was prepared to tell the group. "Everyone there are only ten people left in this and......Marcel finish me off." Porco told his brother to finish him because in his fights he had lost a lot of stamina and was down to 15. "But....you're my brother!" Marcel hesitated at first but then Porco followed up with. "You're more powerful then I am! You have ten tails at your side! If need be we could help get my persona back from Silverscythe after the tournament." Marcel began to have tears stroll down his face. "Fine......I'll do it." Marcel told Porco and prepared a brimstone blast. "Tara we did well in the tournament." Porco told her before getting blasted by the Brimstone blast and going to the waiting room with everyone else. Marcel got on his knees and began to doubt ever going here. "Why me! Why did I get accepted I am just nothing." Marcel began to doubt himself then
Maya’s ultimate, which... seemed to not affect anyone, actually, was quick to end. Trees and stone and chunks of grass and dirt swiftly fell from the air, sending massive tremors into the ground. This resulted in Maya falling as well, quickly crumpling to the ground, gasping. Her face was pale, her hair sprawled out messily on the ground. Slowly wobbling onto her feet, she leaned against an uprooted tree, taking slow breaths. The cut on her cheek reopened, and she seemed fairly tattered. Cuts, scrapes, bruises... all minor, though.
Now finding herself without a teammate, she straightened herself up, looking over at her friends. They were all okay, minus Soul, who was being tended to by Christian. Good.

But that did not mean she wasn’t upset.
“You know what. I’m out.” Soul got up, and walked off. He didn’t forfeit the tournament, he just walked away. “Sorry Maya.” He didn’t want to have to face her... at least not yet. Who could guess how pissed she would be at him. He was a bit away when he sighed. “Well, you did it again, Soul. You made someone angry.” He sighed, and kicked one of the trees Maya churned up. “Who would’ve know she had all that in her.” He said, and chucked for a second before frowning again.
Tara shivered as her teammate was defeated by Marcel. “Well... I suppose there’s only nine of us... you know... m-minus Soul.” She said, looking around. She walked up to Marcel and pat him on the back. “Hey. He did a brave thing. Just so you could continue. Be proud that your brother loves you that much.” She said with a smile. She then looked over at Maya. “Well... that was something. Learn to control that and it’ll turn into a force to be reckoned with!” She sad, smiling nervously.
Nero sighed and pulled out a pen and some paper. He began to write. “Dear Brother. How is it over in Norway? I’m still the same Nero. Too bad that wasn’t enough to get into the top 8. Those people have guts. But they have something I lack; Compassion and Spirit. Well, I suppose I still have much to learn. Love, Nero Vasquez.” He folded it and nodded.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian finished up tending to Souls wounds and stood up. “Soooo........we got 9 left. What are we gonna do?” He questioned the group. Jesie got an idea. “Chris...eliminate me. You have more stamina than me. I don’t want any of your BS, just eliminate me from the arena.” He said to him harshly. Understanding what Jesie said, Christian took a deep breath and punched Jesie across the face with a bedrock fist, knocking him to the ground. Jesie then beamed away to the waiting room. Godspeed, soldier. Jesie thought to himself. Christian turned to the rest of the group, “So I guess we’re down to 8, right? What now?”


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"It begins....." Marcel said as he knew the official tournament was about to start. Porco and Alexis while in the waiting rooms were ready for their tournament to begin and to see who would win between the 8 of them. Would it be Marcel with his brimstone and tailed forms. Or would it be Aclava user of bugs and....that really is it. Or even young Oliver who is still struggling control of his telekinesis but that doesn't matter.
The 8 were beamed into a separate room. In it was Freezeflame. “Well done. You all made sacrifices. You all fought long and hard. You broke through bounds. You beat Nero, who scored a 112% on the entrance exam, more than anyone.” He said, looking at everyone. Healing energy was showered over everyone there. They were revitalized to full strength. “Now wait. The bracket will soon be revealed. You all have made me as a principal very proud.” He said, and walked out of the room.
Both Tara and Soul collapsed into chairs, breathing heavily. “Wow...” they both said in unison. That was the most stressful experience of both of their lives.
Maya remained silent at Soul’s apology, staring at the ground and tucking her hair away as it fell past her face. Truth was, she wasn’t angry. Just disappointed with herself, honestly.
She made a mental note to save Nero; even if he had been a pain in the ass moments before, she wanted to help him. He was intelligent, and awfully powerful.. surely there had to be something inside him. Something good, something she could bring out.
“Thank you,” she murmured softly, as Tara. She seemed tentative, like she was scared of upsetting her. “I’ve been working on it for three years now.”

As the principal separated and congratulated them, she stood straight, nodding briefly. She wouldn’t let it go like last time..! She was stronger, faster... She would win.
Are you watching me, Sawyer? I’ll make you proud. I promise!


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“So now the real fun starts.” Christian said as he sat down next to Soul, checking his hat to see if there were any cuts on it. He put his hat back on and looked over at Soul, “Hey, I got a question. Why does Nero think he’s better than everyone? To me, he’s like an antagonist you would see in a show or movie.”


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel sat with Alexis and Porco. "Hey guys!" Marcel greeted them as he sat with them. Alexis had stars in her eyes sitting next to the 6 tails master. "You.....Were......AWESOME!!!!" Alexis screamed like a fan girl at a Justin beiber concert (Lol references to real life.) Porco was impressed with how well his brother did in the main free for all. "If you'll excuse me I have someone O have to sit next to." Porco said as he walked toward Tara and sat with her. "Congratulations!" Porco said as he hugged he for a while. Marcel smiled and Alexis apparently out of nowhere kissed Marcel on the lips. Marcel had officially became the Windows blue error screen incarnate. His face became ultra red and his brain was just shut down for a little bit.
Soul breathed in, and out. “Marcel. Christian. Some day. We’re gonna make a move so powerful it’ll rock the world to its core.” He said, looking over them. A smile returned to his face. “And when we do, we won’t be alone.” He looked at everyone in the room. He smiled.
Tara looked up at Soul. “You know Soul, I thought you weren’t mature. You still aren’t but...” she looked up, and saw Soul with his hand in a fist, looking pissed. And then they both cracked up. “For a second I did not realize you were kidding with me!” She said.
There was a sense of pure disappointment coming from Aclava, through the intense chaos of beams and explosion She managed to run away. she was mere seconds away from passing out as she was able to hide behind a tree. she was sure that she would be an easy target but her ability to hide in the fogs of war managed to let her survive the entire royale. This frustrated Aclava as once she was beamed to the next area her phone went off, signifying the arrival of her package. She crossed her aerms and gazed at the beaten surviors. a face that lacked any amuzement from the situation.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
As everyone was teleported Asta made it his 1st priority over anything to make sure Aclava was ok. The first thing he saw on her face was pure frustration. Maybe it was just him but it hurt him to see her that way even if it was 1st and only friend he made at that school. "Hey, why didn't you respond? I took the seeds you gave me. If you needed me why didn't you call or give the seeds a nudge?" He desperately question her to see if she were ok.
Soul turned to Asta and Aclava. He walked up to them. “H-hey, not to interrupt, but I actually don’t think we ever actually talked. I mean, you might not want to make friends... or maybe you do and I'm just dense, but I’m pretty sure that I’m here to make friends.” He said to them both with a thumbs up.
Tara looked at the door in, which a few of their pals walked through.
However, the door would swing open revealing Nero. “Yo, Anyone got an envelope-“ he yelled, and then stopped himself. “Well then, fancy seeing you.” He walked in, and began searching random drawers for envelopes. Soul gave him a glance, and shrugged. “Oh well.” He sighed.