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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Isn't the whole reason people have friends is to:
1. Have someone to get Affection from even if they're away from their family
2. Have someone to hang out with and dumb stuff with then get a good laugh out of it
3. Friends basically = An extended family
- Maybe more if you wanna go down that route if your feelings extra SPICEY MMMMMMM

Thoughts of how being friends worked ran through his head but yet he was still thinking about what Aclava said. 'Maybe should doesn't want someone to just hang around' He thought. Then a few seconds later the positive thoughts came in and banished the negative thoughts to the shadow realm. "I'm pretty sure affection and impressing yout parents isn't the only thing they want you to do. At least have fun while you can, cause we're still in our teen years. Once they leave there gone never to return. So at least think about that. Also cool picture whose the 1 girl the picture?" Inspirational words but might not be enough.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Porco thought that it was getting a bit boring interesting without some jams. He thought about which song he wanted everyone to hear. "Alright I have made my choice!" Porco said as he got his equipment ready made sure Soul didn't do anything to the bass because people's ears would explode if there was to much bass on this song. It was an insane song with lots of drops and good stuff in it. He looked over at Marcel and Marcel already knew what to do. Yoku drums had appeared out of nowhere and he was ready to play at whatever song Porco threw at him. "It is time that you get destroyed Marcel!" Porco said as a hint to song that Marcel was going to play.
(Are you guys ready to be destroyed!)
(Then the song by itself)
"Want is the main point of this conversation." She sounded a bit irritated from Asta's suggestion. "My parents want me alive and well. that's all. What I want is to do more than that. While they're out on some other part of the world I want them to know I'm doing something. Making a difference, helping people, having fun is not part of that." She thought about every ounce of training and studying she did in her spare time and scoffed at the idea of wasting those precious. "Sure I slip in the occasional comic book once in a while but think of it this way, every year is a year that will 'never return' so saying these are my teenage years means nothing to me. If ill regret anything it's not improving when I could have."

She took a moment to sigh and stared back at the picture. her brunette mom was holding her half asleep while on the side a girl with beach blond hair and white eyes was sloppily taking the picture selfie style. "Tensa" Aclava's voice was a bit softer now. "My sister" she bit her lip, not sure what else to say about her.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Welp I can't change your mind because your... Well yourself so you do you." He said. The sad story Aclava has hit him it was as far as he could as too making her enjoy life. Swaying another person's opinion was like adopting a pet you have to befriend, learn, and hangout with it long enough before it really opened up to you. 'Welp this is it chief as far as could get' he thought.
Taking a leave and moving a good exaggerated mile. He then waited for the tournament to start.
Maya looked to Nero with worry written across her face, flashing him a look; the kind of look that said hey, please don’t tell them. im not ready yet.
She heard a woman scream, voice laced with excitement and pride. She turned around to see someone who was definitely a relative of Soul and Tara, who she would later learn to be Soul’s mother.
Now, little known fact about Maya Leyte; she absolutely loved meeting her friends’ parents. She didn’t really know why, but she loved making first impressions. So when she saw Soul’s mother.. she hopped up from her seat, completely lit up, and quickly bounded over, politely shaking her hand.
“Hello..! I’m Maya. Hopefully your son hasn’t said too many mean things about me,” she teased, nudging Soul with her elbow.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
After being "Destroid" Marcel and Porco got up and knew that Maya would like to meet the two parents of half bloods demons. "Hey everyone!" Porco said getting attention to his family. "Let us introduce you to our friends." Porco said politely as Christopher, Hange, and Jean followed them over to the group. "Heya everyone!!! I want you all to meet our older brother Jean Galliard, our father and 100% demon Christopher Galliard, and our mother and 100% human Hange galliard." Marcel introduced everyone to him and Porco's family. Of course they both knew Maya would want to apologize after their recent loss of Ymir.
Soul cracked up at Maya’s joke and it definitely got a few chuckles out of his mom. She looked at Maya. “Amazing to finally meet you! To be completely honest, when he’s told me about you he’s never said anything remotely negative about you...” she said, and Soul nervously attempted to chnage the subject, but kinda drew a blank. “Crap baskets.” He said.
Tara chimed in. “What’d he say, Aunt?” She asked, and Ms.Mack chuckled. “Well, he did say that you had a pretty cool power of telekinesis, and that he’d never seen a telek before coming to the school. He also said that you were an amazing person to be around in tough times...” she relayed to the two females. Soul gritted his teeth and looked down in embarrassment.
Ollie watched all the fights, thinking about how cool it all was. “Oh shoot, I’m up against Soul?! I cant control my power that well yet, what if I go out of control!?” He thought, looking over at Soul with slight fear.
Maya brought a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle, casting an amused look at Soul.
“I’m glad,” she mused, smiling. She was quick to lose focus, however, at the sight of Marcel and Porco’s family.
They seemed a bit more firm than Soul’s mother or her own family; and honestly a little intimidating. Regardless, she stepped up, undaunted by the task.
“Hello..!” She offered, tucking her hands behind her back and wheedling over her heels. “I’m Maya, a friend of Marcel and Porco. It’s lovely to meet you all.”
She spoke a bit timidly, a bit nervous to proceed to the next topic. “Um. I.. I heard from Marcel about your daughter and sister,” she continued softly. “I’m incredibly sorry to hear that.”
She opened her mouth to say something else, but quickly shut it, before giving a faint nod and stepping backwards.
Soul sighed in relief, and walked next to Maya. “Yeah. That’s quite aweful.” He sighed, looking down. Tara came up next to him. “H-Hello! It’s nice to meet you! Porco must’ve talked about me. I’m... Tara! Porco’s girlfriend.” She said nervously to the parents with a small bow. Soul grinned.
“I am so going to get back at her with this later.” He said.
Nero eyed Maya. His eyes relayed a message; “I’m an asshole, but not that much of an asshole. I’ll keep a secret if it makes you happy but...” he looked at Soul and Tara. “...I just want to tell you that you’re in good company.”
He turned and fixed himself on his phone.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Well would ya look at that! Little bro's finally made a move on someone." Jean teased Porco about him and Tara being a thing. "Jean....Shut up." Porco said with an insane amount of blush on his face. Marcel had a smile on his face when he say this. "Yes it is very unfortunate that we lost Ymir...she was a good daughter and she helped the boys when they were getting bullied. Her and Jean helped in their own ways." Christopher explained as Hange was speechless about how much support that they got after the incident with Ymir. "Thank you all so much for helping my boys during this time." Hange thanked as they wanted to see more of Porco and Marcel's friends.
There was a certain Aura around Aclava that could be translated as Do not talk to me. With her head down and posed to the side you think she was in an intense reading session that should never be interrupted. Her conversation with Asta is more than she wanted to think about families. now that two classmates brought their family along, she was feeling a bit sour. Whenever she looked up from her phone and eyes crossed a mother or something similar, she would very dimly smile and nod as though to only accept there presence and nothing else.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
From the exaggerated mile he saw most people's families came, he was brought 1 or 2 times too, then there's Aclava. Seeing as from her posture it looked her family hadn't come. Too an ordinary person it would just been 'Eh they'll come to the next event' but after hearing Aclava's very short life story he was gonna make it his mission to make her feel better while embarrassing them in front of their parents or siblings.
Asta walked back but while he did he whispered to someone who seemed to be in Marcel's family. "Did you know your son Marcel is a player?" After he walked away. Few minutes later he got back where he was with Aclava. "Hey I know it means alot to you if your family was here but sadly they didn't. But ya know you could start your own mini family of some sort with me. NO DIRTY THOUGHTS THOUGH. I meant like I could be the brother you always wanted it or didn't want." He said as he fumbled with his words
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Charistian was still playing around with the bubble, minding his own business, until he looked up and saw Marcel and Porco’s family. Well well well. More family members from different families. Guess I have to introduce myself again. He thought with a small grin as he flicked the bubble to Christopher, Hange, and Jean, hoping they’ll notice it. “Howdy. I take it you three are from Marcel and Porco’s family?” He said to them as he got up and off his seat, with his left hand on the brim of his cowboy hat, and his right hand in his pocket.
There would be a hall feeding directly into the double doors into this room. Wind blew from the hall, and a blue light appeared. Someone was rushing toward the room, surrounded in blue fire. Soul positioned himself when he heard a yell from the person. “COSMIC..!” They Yelled, and soul pulled back his arm. He threw it forward and collided with the person and yelled; “...IMPACT!!!” And a brief “explosion” occurred. In the smoke was Soul and the person. They looked like a much older Soul, but with lighter hair that was longer. They began throwing punches and waves of fire at each other.
Soul dashed foreward, as most shots were blocked or dodged on both sides, and decked the guy in the face. He fell back, and they both began laughing. “Soul, that hit actually stung a bit! You’ve improved!” He said, and Soul grinned. “Thanks Spirit! It’s great to see you again big bro!” They high fived, and Tara and Soul’s mom began to laugh. “You always have to make an entrance, don’t you, Spirit?” They both said.
“Everyone, this is my older brother, Spirit!” He said with a grin, giving a thumbs up to the people who were watching. Yeah. Spirit definitely looked like an older Soul.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(I don't know @Cryronn the Mudkip I had the idea that Spirit and Jean both know Eachother but I think that idea might not work...if it is ok with you)
Marcel looked over at Asta and brushed the side of hair covering his soulless eye out of the way and looked at him with both eyes. "How many times are we going to have the same record be played again and again? In the end it doesn't even matter that much. I found who I wanted to be with and that is fine." Marcel told him truthfully and with modesty. Jean took notice of Christian's greeting. "Well howdy or something like that...I am Jean Galliard, this is our father Christopher Galliard and also where me, Marcel, and Porco get our demon stuff from. As for our mother she is a human like you and her name is Hange Galliard." Jean introduced them as everyone then looked at the Cosmic Impact from Soul's older brother Spirit. "Hey.....he looks familiar to me." Jean told himself as he possibly knew Spirit.
(Again waiting to see if we can do my idea. Also Jean is basically an older Marcel kind of like how Spirit is like the older version of Soul.)
“Ah! Jean! Haha! It’s great to see you again bud!” Spirit said, patting him on the back. (:3) “Remember when we got into the top 8 in our last year here at Comet Trail? That was amazing! Too bad you pulled that new form out at the last moment, or I would’ve won! Of course, lil’ Soul over here is gonna right that wrong!” He said, and Soul grinned. “Marcel, if you beat Tara, it’s you and me!” He said, pumping his fist.
Tara frowned. “I’ll have you know that I can beat him too! Just because I’m a cousin doesn’t mean I’m any less powerful!” She said with a pout. Spirit laughed. “Well, I suppose you’re right!” He said, scratching the back of his head. “You’re still tormenting Soul, right?” He said to Tara, who grinned widely and whispered something to him, which he instantly got a grin from as well. “Crap baskets.” Said Soul.
Spirit walked up to Maya. “Ello’! You must be Maya! Soul’s told me so much about you!” He said, and underneath his warm smile he wore a devious grin.
Nero looked at Spirit, and then turned back to his phone. He scrolled through the YouTube recommendations, and looked unamused.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Ah hey Spirit! Indeed mastered...I would have let you won by instincts told me to continue forth." Jean told his friend Spirit. Marcel looked over at Tara and Soul. "Of course! But expect a good fight out of me. I have learned to conserve energy unlike last time in which I passed out from to much energy being used." Marcel told the two to prepare themselves for a long fight. Porco had a new mix ready and he was proud about it. "I call it 'New Game' and if is supposed to be a sort I upbeat song that I threw in video game sounds into this." Porco explained before preparing everything he needed to play his new Jam for everybody. Christopher walked over to Freezeflame and greeted him like he had never seen him in a while...which was true. "How have some of the other year students been every since I left the school?" Christopher asked Freezeflame hopefully ready to get a discussion going with him after so long.
(Porco and my favorite song so far. Is right below)


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian looked over at Soul and saw Spirit, his brother. Hmh. Interesting. This is getting fun. He thought to himself. He ran near Spirit and jumped up, throwing soft Razor Bubbles at Spirit, saying “Hey, Spirit! Think fast!” Christian landed on the floor and did a JoJo pose as soon as he stood up as a joke (I guess you can say it was a “JoJoke”).
(This was the pose)
Aclava saw Asta stunt and was not amused. When he sat beside her she shook her head in disapproval. "You ever heard the phrase spite is a double-edged axe? Sure you'll take down who you're striking, but you'll walk away with damaged fingers. I haven't hidden my dissatisfaction with Marcel and the like, but hurting them just to hurt them will get you nowhere."

"If you are doing this for me I have to stop you right there. My family issues are no big deal" the last part sounded unconvincing. "Really. And I don't need a brother." Realizing that bit sounded harsh she attempted to rephrase herself. " You don't need to be a part of my family or whatever. being around is good enough without adding weird labels." She looked off at Soul's family playing around with an unknown look in her eye, whether it was jealousy, longing, or annoyance, even Aclava could not tell. "Just being around is fine enough."
Maya watched with an amused, but somewhat weary smile as everyone reunited with their families, even if it had only been a little over two months. Her own family wasn’t able to make it because of financial issues, and originally that didn’t bother her. Now, though.. well, seeing everyone bond with theirs made her heart ache a little. She missed them, she really did.

She didn’t have much time to ponder on this, though, as she was very quickly greeted with what looked like an older version of Soul. He’d waltzed over after receiving some mystery information from Tara, greeting her with a wide smile. A big surprised, she stepped backwards, blinking.
“Oh-! Yes, that’s me. It’s.. nice to meet you,” she offered, blushing ever so faintly. Did they really talk about her..?
“Haha! He talked about everyone! Ah, brings back memories of me being here, it does. But mostly you. As in, he mostly talked about you.” He said with a hardy laugh, creating a small pillar of blue fire to fizzle our the water- Wait what? Tara came up behind him. “This is my cousin Spirit, but I belive you know him to be Soul’s brother.” She said, and Soul stood off to the side, his face slightly flush.
Spirit nodded. “By the way Maya, I must say with confidence that Soul-“ he began to say with a devious grin, but was stopped by a rather flustered Soul covering his mouth. “SPIRIT! What did I tell you!” He said, and he laughed. “I’m just vouching for ya’ bro!” He said, and Soul clenched his fists.
“I’m not ready yet, so please don’t...” he turned away, but it was quite obvious, even to someone as dense as Maya, that he was embarrassed completely.
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Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"I'll admit it was wrong of me to do that but ya know it's the only way I seem to be able to talk to most people. Just being mean." Asta said as he drifted off for a bit. He thought about how he thought Beast Guy was actually pretty cool of how he could actually talk to people with easy and easily make friends. Seemed so simple for everyone else to get stuff done here. 'Why can't I do that' he thought.
Suddenly his foot hit the floor and he went back to reality. "Oh also sorry for the weird titles I keep forgetting your unique from most people I met. Anyways Imma go apologize to Beast Kid. So b-r-b" He said with a smile as he walked away.
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Maya blinked curiously, tilting her head faintly at the smirking Spirit and flustered Soul. She was a bit puzzled, but she figured prying wouldn’t get her any information. Whatever, she’d just ask Nero later.
She looked a bit sullen that her own family couldn’t come, but she still looked enthusiastic for the upcoming fight, bouncing her leg in anticipation.
Freezeflame laughed. “Hello, Christiphor! Amazing to see you again after all this time!” He said, laughing. “Thisbe new batch has been nothing short of amazing! In fact, it’s some of the best we’ve seen since Spirit and Jean!” He said, grinning.
Soul swore under his breath. Nero was sitting alone, but then, his eyes widened. He dashed up to Soul and Spirit and showed them his phone. 2 minutes of watching it later, and the three looked at each other. “YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHH-!” They all screamed at once and threw their fists into the air. “POKÉMON SWORD AND SHIELD! ALL NERDS UNITE!” They said, and Nero went back to normal, sitting back down as Soul and Spirit began hyperly conversing with each other. Their excitement was cut off.
“Oliver. Soul. Please make you’re way to the west and east arena entrances respectively. Your match will begin in 8 minutes.” Boomed an announcement. Soul looked at Maya before he left. “Wish me luck, okay?” He said with a warm and determined smile, and gave her a thumbs up before bolting to the east arena entrance.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“So you guys just found out about Sword and Shield? I’m telling you that’s gonna be the best Pokémon game by far. It’s also nice to see I’m not the only Pokémon fan.” Christian said to Soul and Spirit as he walked towards them. Seeing Soul walk away because the tournament was about to start, Christian gave a thumbs up to him, with a added “Good luck, man!”
He looked over at Spirit, “So. You must be Soul’s brother.” He extended his arm and waited for a handshake. “I’m Christian, by the way. It’s nice meetin you.”
"This is a situation I don't wanna be in...." Ollie mumbled, running towards the arenas. He levitated himself to make himself fly quicker, grinning slightly.
Spirit shook Christian’s hand with a grin. “Nice to meet ya’, Chrissy! Soul told me that’s what Jesse calls you! And glad to see me and Soul aren’t the only Poké-Nerds!” He said with a wink, throwing some finger guns at him. “That bubble was easy to predict. I was able to cancel it out with fire.” He said, commenting on the Razor Bubble.

Everyone went to the window. Freezeflame now stood at the podium. “The match between Oliver and Soul will now commence! If you’re knocked out of the ring or verbally admit defeat, you loose. Another way is end same as in the tourney, which means that if you go below 50 stamina you loose. Soul, Oliver, step out!” His voice boomed over the crowd.

Soul stepped out confidently into the arena, and saw the massive crowd of people cheering. He grinned, and looked at the ring before him. Very large... if he could just break up the earth...


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian facepalmed himself, “Of course Soul would say that to you. And yeah, Jesie calls me that all the time. By the way, I made the Razor Bubble soft and easy to pop so you won’t get hurt if it hit you. My Razor Bubbles can be sharp enough to cut through rocks.” He followed Spirit to the window and started watching the match. Ok. So it’s the same rules at the “battle royale”. Got it. He thought to himself as he heard what Freezeflame said. Jesie was sitting back in the stands and waited for the match to start.
Oliver walked out, trembling a bit as he looked around. "Great....so many people are here watching.. " He thought, but shook it off as he waved to Soul.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
While battle was beginning to happen Asta had walked up to Marcel and his gang of demons. "Hey um Beas- I mean Marcel sorry for all the rude things I said to you earlier. Since we haven't met formally allow to me to introduce myself. My name is Asta, nice to meet you, hope we can be good friends from now on... or rivals whatever works with you..." he rambled on very quickly.
Asta found it difficult yet relieving to actually say stuff he need to say to people. From that point on he began to watch the fight and wait for Marcel's response.
Maya flashed a quick, optimistic smile towards Soul as he trotted towards the battle field.
“You’ve got this!” She assured, flashing him a quick thumbs-up. She casted a glance back at Spirit as Soul wandered off, before slowly sliding towards him.
“Soooo...” she wheedled gently, tucking her hands between her knees. “About what Soul has said... I mean, obviously you don’t have to tell me, unless you want to..” she looked up towards him, her curiosity obvious.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel at first was a bit startled at what Asta did. Like how ten minutes earlier he kept calling him beast. "Well I accept your apology and same here. I hope we could become friends in the future as well." Marcel said agreeing to all terms and policies. Porco was ready to see Ollie fight. "You have got this Ollie!" Porco cheered for his little brother. Marcel eventually joined in as well afterward. Alexis was confused as to why they were cheering for Ollie. "He's like our little brother if you were to put it in that retrospect. He would always come to us if he had any issues." Porco explained with a smile in his face. Marcel was ready for the fight and hoped that in his fight that he would win.
Soul burst forward with streams of fire, and got up close to Ollie. He hopped backwards a foot and spun a wheel of blue fire at Ollie, then following up with a wave of fire careening across the stage. “Let the games begin!” He said.

Spirit smiled at this. “Well, Tara has had a suspicion for a while now. Nero has looked into Soul’s mind. Tara asked him, and he confirmed this suspicion. This suspicion was passed onto me. Maya...” he said, and looked at Tara, who nodded. “...Soul likes you.” He said flatly.

Nero took a look at that scene, and laughed. “This is probably gonna be fun to watch.”
Aclava was only partially interested in the fight. In her mind, she already figured out who was going to win. But was a bit curious about how the events would play out. She took mental notes of their style of attacks and made a little game of trying to figure out there next move. "No, doubt," she thought to herself. "it will all depend on how quickly Oliver goes berserk that will determine when the match ends."
Maya, despite being morbidly red, nodded slowly, calmly, extending her arms up to stretch. She looked back towards the fight, looking a bit conflicted.
“Oh. That. Yeah, I know.” She murmured flatly, tilting her head back with a sigh. “I just don’t know how to feel about it just yet.”
She stayed silent for a moment longer, before quickly standing, offering a gentle smile towards Spirit. “Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.” She promised briskly, before walking over to talk to.. Nero?

“So. You saw?” She prompted, sitting down beside him. She didn’t meet his gaze and instead looked at the floor.
" Oh shoot! " Ollie thought, levitating himself to avoid the fire. "Ok, how do I beat Soul....as long as my emotion stays under control, I shouldn't turn all evil. So, just control....control.....control....." Ollie thought to himself as a blue aura surrounded him. " Alright! Let's do this! " Ollie yelled, levitating an assortment of items and throwing them.
Soul created a ring of fire around himself and the new extended it up to melt the objects and make a shield. “Smells like Chaos!” He said, And leaped at him, using the objects as jumping pads before sending a massive ball of fire at Ollie with a glint of fire brining in his eyes.

Spirit smiled at her. “Hey mate, you do you.” He said, and went over to talk to Tara.

“Eh- Yeah.” He said, looking up from his phone. “Sorry.” He added, looking at her solemnly.
Oliver avoided the fire ball, and looked around, trying to think of a plan. "My power sucks....so....how do I win...?" He thought, eyeing objects. He shrugged and flew over to Soul, grabbing the front of his shirt and flying up, before throwing him down with as much force as he could.
Soul made a sharp cough when he was slammed into the floor. He looked up at Ollie, his eyes blazing, and delivered a fiery uppercut, which was followed by him breaking up the earth and setting it on fire, throwing those burning rocks by the dozens while Ollie was still airborne.