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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta had to share the thrill of watching the battle with someone and consult with someone on how they thought the battle was going. Since the only people he knew well enough to talk to were Marcel and Aclaca. It was going to very awkward talking to Marcel since he apologized to him 1 battle ago so he chose to talk to Aclava. He took his mini adventure and then sat right next to her. "Hey! How do you think this battle is gonna go? I think gravity girl is gonna win if she actually does something."
Scrunching up her nose in distaste, Maya looked around at her confinement. Focusing on the walls of stone holding her in, she willed the sides closer to each other, against themselves- more force, more friction, more power- until they collapsed against each other, leaving her in a pile of stones. Wasting no time, she leapt into the air, bringing up the rubble and debris to give herself something to bounce off of. Making a floating staircase, almost, but dropping the back step as she went upwards. She did this until she was above him, gathering a cluster of rocks over his head, and dropping all of them but the one she stood on with a somewhat impressive force- at least, more than you’d expect from someone so small.
Aclava kept note of each of there movements and strategy. "I admire Maya. the boy has the upper hand with resources yet she's using that to her advantage." she thought about Maya's power and smirked. "She can be very useful in a given situation." Aclava had a satisfied look on her face as though she made up her mind on. "Alright. I still think Christian will win, but lets see what more she can do."


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian quickly rolled out of the way so he didn’t get hurt by the falling rocks. “Nice job there, kid!” He shouted to Maya. He flicked his hat up so he can see better, “But I think ya forgettin somethin.” He threw 10 Razor Bubbles at the rock that Maya was floating on, making the rock smaller and smaller. “My Razor Bubble is sharp enough to cut through rocks. And just incase if you fall because of your weight compared to the small rocks...” He clapped his hands together and opened his arms, making a giant bubble that he placed under Maya. “...I made a bubble that you, and only you, can fall in, but can’t get out of. It’s not poppable. Not even rocks can pop it. And if ya think ya can just move it out of the way, ya can’t. Only I can control it.”
Huffing quietly, Maya winced as her rock teetered gently, small pieces crumbling off. She was running out of resources, and was getting desperate fast.
She had a few power moves saved up, but she didn’t want to waste them all just yet. Christian had to have a weakness- a weak spot, maybe a lack of endurance... but he has yet to show any signs. She cringed as she studied the bubble below her.
“You shouldn’t be telling me your plan, y’know,” she shouted, bringing herself a new rock to balance on. “You sound like a movie villain.”


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“You think I told you my plan? Well you’re wrong! I’ve never told you my plan yet! Also I think you’re kinda right. I do sound like a villain.” Christian laughed as he threw some Razor Bubbles at the other rocks that would have been helpful to Maya, and later on, hitting the rock she was floating on again. “By the way,” he said, “I have a feeling you’re gonna try to beat me if I made rocks. So what I’m gonna do is not use that power. And that’s still not my plan.”
Maya whined softly. She’d known he’d restrict his geokenesis to deplete her resources, but deep down she’d kind of been hoping he’d forget. The crowd was beginning to thin out, apparently losing their interest in the fight. Not that it bothered her, of course- if anything, the stress was lessened and allowed her to think more properly.
She was able to dodge most of the bubbles, but a select few were able to strike the stone she stood on. Staggering, she attempted desperately to regain her balance, but the stone crumbled, sending her falling towards the ground.
“Levitate-!” She choked out, catching herself midair and floating there. An immediate wave of naseau washed over her, as well as a sharp headache. Bringing herself to the other side of the arena, she set herself down, exhaling softly and a bit raggedly.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian walked back to his side of the arena and squatted down, brushing some dirt off of his hat. “You done yet, Maya? Cuz I can keep goin. To be honest, you’re doin awesome. Sad to see the fun is ending, though.” He said to her.
Scoffing lightly, Maya merely shook her head.
“Actually, I don’t think I’m near done,” she stated simply. She was down to four very, very small rocks. In addition to those, there were several craters from where the pillars were sprouted. “You’re winning so far, but you’re cocky.”
The comment was rhetorical, and she didn’t seem to expect a reply, although she was sure he’d give one. Two more tricks up her sleeve, itching for use.
“Y’know, if I’m boring you, you could always give me something to work with. That’d be a real fight, but this?” She shook her head, chuckling sweetly. “Easy victory for you, but I highly doubt anyone will remember it. That’s no fun.” She flicked a pebble out from under her nail. “It’s risky, but you’re considering it.”

She moved forward, slowly, creeping forward on silent feet. The few stones she had left floated beside her, ready for use. She made a mental note of the craters, where they were.
“Well? I can take more. Come at me.”


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Oh? You can take more? That’s wonderful! Cuz ya might wanna take a look behind ya.” Christian said with a little smirk on his face as the bubble he made from before swallowed Maya. “Like I said before. I can control my bubbles.” He poined a finger at her, “Next, you are going to say: *whatever line Maya is going to say next*. Isn’t it?”

(I’m not gonna control what she is gonna say, so I just typed “*whatever line Maya is gonna say next*”
Plz, @wintersolstice , let Maya fall for it as a joke.)
Maya stiffened as the bubble swallowed her up, listening at Christian’s teasing voice. She swore loudly, unable to laugh at his joke. Whenever she pressed against it, a burning pain stung her skin.
Okay. Think, Maya, think! Can’t lose now... C’mon, c’mon! Focus. Stay calm.
By now, the crowd was stirring, voices blending together into a murmured blur. She screwed her eyes shut, before she formed an idea.
Using her power to lift the bubble, and herself, she slowly wobbled into the air. She’d have to fight him for control of the bubble, but she refused to go down without a struggle. Bringing herself and the bubble down with an intense speed, she forced towards the ground, cutting up chunks of rock and stone.

“Sawyer’s Memory- Dimension!” She shouted, and the entire field lifted into the air, herself and Christian included. She made sure to fight against the bubble, refusing to let him push her to the wall. Some of the crowd was even affected, some people floating momentarily before dropping back in their seats. With her and her opponent in the air, she picked up several stones and hurled them towards Christian. She was finally playing offensive, all the while trapped in his bubble confinement.
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“OKAY, THIS IS GETTING REAL!” Christian shouted as he protected himself with a bedrock layer as he got hit by some rocks. Some of the rocks cut his shirt, but he didn’t mind that. “You want a competition, then you got one!” He took off his unzipped jacket and hat and threw them to the side, showing that this is getting serious. He put his right hand out and tried to compete in controlling the bubble and tried moving it to the wall, while throwing Razor Bubbles through the bubble without breaking it with his other hand. Because Christian had the most control, the bubble got very close to the wall.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Few minutes later after Aclava said she thought the water rock kid was going to Asta made up his mind as to who he thought was going to win. "No." He said as firmly as possible. Everyone always like an underdog in these kinds of situations but this was different for him. The girl in the bubble seemed like she was struggling to make something right so he was definitely going to root for her. "I bet if should pull something like the gravitational AoE move she did back then. No not even that, she would probably just use a gravitational pull or push to knock him of the arena but then again... Considering the consequences that happened upon her last time. I'd say it's a 50/50"


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"C'mon! C'mon!" Marcel said as he knew that Christian would win due to the fact that he had control of the bubble. However Porco and Alexis thought otherwise they thought Maya would win due to the fact that she could easily use gravitational pulls and literally throw him off the map. "Why are you excited about Christian winning? Maya is obviously going to win due to the fact that she can use gravity to her advantage." Porco asked Marcel as he wanted to know the reason behind it. "Well think about it. Christian can quite literally control the earth and with that bubble it would be an RNG mess to be able to escape." Marcel explained but then Porco realized something important. "If you somehow win your match against soul and it is just you and Christian then you attack where you raise the hands out of the ground and control the earth will not work against him." Porco mentioned a flaw that Marcel will have if he were to go up against Christian in the final round.
Soul looked out upon the battle. The underdogs don’t always win. They usually don’t win at all, in fact. But... “MAYA!!” He yelled out, trying to get his voice over the crowd. “THERE’S A WAY OUT OF THAT! BECAUSE YOU RELY ON SOMETHING THAT’S MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY POWER!” He coughed after straining his voice, but yelled one final thing. “YOU HAVE INTELLIGENCE AND STRATEGY!!!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, and then went silent to rest his lungs.

Spirit and Tara covered their ears at the loud scream, but due to him leaning out the window, it wasn’t that bad.
Her and Christian were floating in the air, and Maya was probably 75% sure she was going to lose. As Christian threw bubbles into her own, she cringed, feeling them nip at her skin. Small, minor cuts showed on her arms and face, but she promptly ignored them. Sawyer’s Memory was a hard move to keep up, but the entirety of the stage still floated, as well as chunks of rock uplifted from the ground.

Huffing tiredly as Christian willed the bubble towards the wall, she wedged a stone between her and the wall, not technically hitting it. Focusing her energy on him, she forced the floating Christian closer and closer to the wall, stones raised and ready in case of a reciprocation.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Sh**. I guess this is where it ends, right?” Christian questioned Maya as they both got closer and closer to the walls. “But the thing is,” He took some extra rocks and made it into a small wall, “I am NOT going down without a fight!” He jumped of the small wall to Maya, throwing Razor Bubbles at the extra rocks she was going to use to attack Christian. He got slower and slower the more he was in midair, but he was able to reach her. He wound up and punched Maya.
Now, getting punched in the stomach wasn’t necessarily on the list of things she expected to happen. Swearing loudly, Maya clutched her stomach, floating off in the opposite direction. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t hurt like hell.
Rearing up, she regained her composure and pushed against him once more, bringing herself higher in the air.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Wow. I’m surprised you’re still surviving. But isn’t your stamina running low, my friend?” Christian asked Maya with a surprised look on his face. He tried to compete in controlling the bubble again. But this time, he was able to control it more than last time by using more of his energy. He tried using his strategy again, which was throwing more Razor Bubbles at Maya. His plan wasn’t shown off yet. Because he had more control, he managed to move the bubble as close to the wall as he possibly can.
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Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"GO GRAVITY GURLLLLL" Asta chanted. As this seemed the end of the battle of wits and bubbles. The battle was quite interesting seeing how a guy could turn into a evil dude in battle. Then again there's also gravity girl who is actually trying now. Now we shall wait and see the end.
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Soul yelled out to her one final time over the crowd. God hoped she would be able to hear it, but hey, he tried.
“MAYA! THIS IS IT! ONE FINAL PUSH AND HE’LL BE KO’ed!!!” He Yelled out, pumping his fist, his eyes lit up with a fiery blue hue.

Nero smiled. “Sawyer’s Memory, Huh.” He said, looking out at Maya. “Very interesting... how about seeing her win, huh? That would be very interesting... hah...” he laughed to himself.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Sh**. It’s only a matter of seconds till I hit the wall. It’s now or never. Christian thought to himself as a strand of blood came down his head. He added more force to the bubble as it moved closer to the wall. “50%, don’t fail me now please.”
Maya pushed him harder, gritting her teeth. Her body really couldn’t keep up with what she wanted to do for much longer, but she was so close! She couldn’t lose now!
She stopped pushing Christian for a split second, blasting herself as hard as she could away from the wall, although it wasn’t too much, before sending the same blast at Christian. It kicked up a significant amount of dust as well, before her body finally gave in and the bubble, along with her, hit the wall.

If she had successfully pushed him to the wall before she’d hit it, she’d still be in.
They just needed the dust to settle, and the outcome would be clear.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta felt a bit of wind come his way from the battle. "Is it over? Who won?" He said while squinting. By the overall look it seemed that there was dust every where. "Hurry up and clear up dust!"


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Ugh....c’mon. Why is there so much dust? I can’t see for sh**.” Christian mumbled to himself as some dust got into his eyes from Maya kicking it up from the ground with her power. He made another bubble so he can trap the dust that was scattered everyhere. He got rid of the dust, and wouldn’t you know it, Maya was on the wall, still inside the bubble. ....Did I do it? Christian thought to himself as he gritted his teeth. He wanted to check to see if she was okay, but he didn’t know when to go.
Aclava had seen everything she needed. She stood up from her spot, and without saying a word headed towards the side of the arena. Specifically, the side that Maya took. Aclava was stone-faced and completely mute as she crossed her arms and waited. It was a waste of time that the principal had to announce the next part. Everyone knew who lost the round. at her new vantage point, she could see the damaged female still in her aquatic prison. a feeling of slight sympathy was given without any sign as Aclava waited for Maya and the victor to leave.
Freezeflame looked over the footage, and nodded. “Many other times the outcome could be different, but here, Christian has won!!” He yelled.

Soul snapped. “Aw, shit!” He yelled, gritting his teeth. Tara giggled. “Y’mad that ya’ girl lost?” She asked, and he took a deep breath. “Heh, nah. She fought well, I’d say. Most fun match I’ve seen all day!” He said, laughing, and remembering the note he had clutched in his hand.

“Oh. Right.” He looked down, and Spirit made a triumphant grin once again.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian got to the ground and walked over to the other side of the arena, slowly lowering the bubble with Maya inside it. “You okay, lass? I hope I didn’t hurt you or anythin.” he said to her. He facepalmed himself as he used Heal Up on Maya, “Oh, who am I kiddin. Of course I hurt ya. I just hope you don’t have any broken bones, that’s all.” When he finished, Christian walked over and grabbed his hat and jacket. “If you need me, I’ll be in the room with the others. Okay?” He put his hat and jacket back on as he started walking away. He tilted his hat down a little bit and thought, Oh, good grief. Let’s just hope my next opponent isn’t a girl too. I don’t wanna give girls like Maya a thrashing. Unless if they’re difficult to beat.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta got up from his seat and walked to Chris's end of the arena. He straightened his coat and patted his. Everything was there, he was ready. "Ready when you are :p"
Damn it.
Damn it!
A massive feeling of frustration washed over her as she dug her nails into her palm, leaving tiny red crescents where they left. She sighed softly, wobbling up on unsteady legs with the help of the wall supporting her.
Her skin was littered with numerous scrapes, cuts, and tiny bruises, and as her adrenaline ebbed away, the tired ache of overexerting herself set in. She nodded numbly at Christian as he spoke to her, muttering a silent “thanks” as he floated a healing bubble in her direction. She looked up at Aclava, who was waiting for her to leave. There was a tiny hint of emotion in the other girl’s face, but it was gone as soon as it came. She offered a small smile to her, walking off the field, and slowly made her way to the room where everyone spectated, making eye contact with her friends.
Still, no words passed as Maya walked away. At the moment Aclava's interest in the psychic girl was postponed for the selfishness of the upcoming match. There was a solemn look upon the girl's faces as she stepped onto the arena. The earth was completely uneven and damaged from the last round. Aclava had to carefully tread the place to not fall into a dirt mound or or hole. The dust settled but a bit of shifting her feet revealed it was still easy to remake it if need. The ground was soft and displacable. All these things were duly noted in Aclava's mind. her head was racing at each potential situation and was considering new ideas she had in mind while discarding those ideas at an equal rate. She stood motionless in the deformed arena as she waited for her opponent to enter their starting position.
The arena repaired itself almost instantaneously, remaking itself to look brand new.

Tara ran up to Maya. “You did amazing!!! Do did Christian, but agh, you were sooo close!!!!” She said, smiling at her. “You May not have won, but y’all did amazing!!” Spirit said with a peace sign. Soul walked up behind him, stuffing the note in his pocket.

He smiled softly. “You did do really great. Christian’s tough, so it’s amazing you did so well against him! I’m really proud of you, Maya.” Soul said, scratching the back of his head.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Before he walked into the room with the others, Christian looked back at the arena and fixed it just by looking at it. He walked away to the spectators room with the others. He opened the door, “Hey. Sorry about earlier. I didn’t want to hit a girl, but I guess I had to.” Christian said to the others in a serious manner. Jesie quickly barged into the room ant snatched his hat. “That’s my boy! You did awesome out there, Chrissy!”
“....Thanks? I thought you were gonna get all mad and slap me across the face cuz I hit a girl.”
Christian replied as he took the hat away from Jesie and put it back on his head. It was that moment that Jesie felt like something was wrong with him.
“Ey. Has that star always been on the side of your face?” Jesie asked
“What are you talkin about, JoJo? I don’t feel anythin.” He replied, feeling the sides of his face.
Jesie took out his phone and switched to the camera, giving the phone to Christian so he knows what he’s talking about.
“Wha....! HOW DID THAT GET THERE?!” Christian shouted as he saw a brown star imprinted on his left cheek.
“I think it’s because you’re halfway there to max power, Chris.”
“I just hope this isn’t permanent. But hey, at least we get a sneak peak on what I might look like when I reach max power.”
Maya stopped momentarily, stunned at everhone’s compliments and praise. She blushed slightly, ducking her head and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Thank you, really,” she gushed to everyone. “But I mean.. you gotta hand it to Christian. You did really well out there,” she mused softly, offering him a gentle smile, quickly shaking her head at his apologies, brushing them aside. “It’s okay! Don’t apologize.”
Soul laughed. “Trust me, you did really good!” He said with an obvious grin. Tara nodded. “I mean, Going up against someone like Christian with a flashy power like that is no small feat!” She said with a giggle. Soul nodded. “For once in her life, she’s right.” He said, and revived a pinch on the cheek from Tara.

Spirit laughed. “Something tells me that part of that... never mind.” He hesitated, oddly. He turned around and saw that Nero was looking at him. The expression he had told; ‘No need to torment him any longer, you already f*cking told her.’
Her breath was slow and deep. The repair of the arena forced her to scratch some ideas and at the moment she was easily aggravated. She spat the two seeds that were in her mouth and replaced them with two new ones. She licked one extra seed and stuck it on the middle of her forehead. she took out more and placed them near openings in her clothing. with each passing second, she was in some way preparing for the feet. at last, she held out a duffel bag. the sleave in one hand, the bag in the other, and continued her wait. From the distance, she carefully examined Asta's clothing. Blue. In her mind, she repeated the color over and over again. All she need was a signal and she would begin her assault.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta ran after her just too push her off stage. While running he pulled out his little book and put it in his mouth just in case. While running he ran in different direction to catch her off guard. "Get ready... I'm gonna end this!"
“BATTLE, BEGIN!!!” Freezeflame yelled, and the battle officially started up.

Tara looked over the rail at the battle. “Okay, this will be interesting. I’m betting on Asta, but it will be a pleasing surprise if Aclava wins...” she said, and Soul sighed.

“I’m going back to the corner.” He said, and walked back into the corner of the room and looked at his phone. “Pppbbbbtttt...”
With the sound of the match starting Aclava's bag violently erupted as though it were a volcano. From it was a multitude of rainbow-colored insects. Pink moths, bright green wasp, white caterpillars and a horde of other bugs that shined and glimmered with a variety of colors. the seed on her forehead morphed into a housefly, staying on her head and staring directly at Asta. Aclava started off by first walking, keeping a distance from Asta while positioning herself away from the stage edges. The rainbow collection of bugs dispersed frantically to random parts of the stage. As they spread on air and by ground, a foul smell was beginning to arise everyone. It started off as bitter but soon became much worse. The smell was the growing poisonous gases of the rainbow insects. Luckily for her, Aclava built an immunity to the miasma but soon Asta would feel the nauseating effects.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Of all things it had to be her bugs. Asta stopped in his tracks then pulled a huge scythe. With one slash he made enough wind force to kill the bugs around and some close by. As for the poison it slowly made it's way to him. "I see you acting all smart, which you are but I'll find a way..." he said as he started coughing.