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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

When the bugs died from Asta's force of wind they fell to the ground as seeds. Only a second passed before the seeds transformed back into Insects and continued their march. The ones on the ground while advancing towards Asta began to dig at the ground making small mounds of dust. A few of them completely burrowed underground. Meanwhile, the Flying rainbow variety began to hiss and click with loud obtrusive noises. A few fireflies dived right toward his face their bulbs rapidly flashing. Aclava was still maintaining distance. Silent, with her eyes, closed as the fly on her forehead patiently observed him.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta being poisoned was moving slower but yet his body began to move faster than comprehended at the moment. He has activated Specialist. With his scythe it began to glow white with the left half of his body being white. This time he swung yet again causing AoE damage (including bugs in the ground) to be taken around to all bugs and causing a little damage to the arena. The poison was starting to slowly run through his system but this didnt stop him anymore. Now he pulled yet a another weapon out and put the scythe away. A hand gun had appeared.
He shot straight at Aclava through the crowd of bugs.
Maya leaned forward on her elbows, cupping her face in her hands. blinked at the battle with an air of curiosity before sitting up and getting to her feet. She crossed over to Soul, grabbing his hand and pulling him away without a word. She could basically feel Spirit’s grin burning into her back.
Having led Soul to the infirmary, she sat down, tugging at her sleeves and merely beginning to fix up her minor wounds.
“His name was Sawyer,” she started softly, staring at her leg as she applied astringent to her cuts. “My older brother, I mean. Actually, Spirit and Jean might’ve known him.”
She fell silent for a moment longer, swallowing past the lump in her throat, leaning sideways to grab a pack of band-aids. “He died around this time three years ago. And... and I wanted to win for him. Because he tried so hard to win. He ended up in fourth.”
She chuckled softly at the memory, wiping at her bleary eyes. Her voice went quiet.
“...but.. I didn’t.”
She blinked. “And I mean, that’s okay. Because Christian did really freaking well, and I’m glad to see him finally getting some recognition.”
She rolled her sleeves down, scrapes cleaned and cuts bandaged. She got to her feet, finally facing Soul and taking his hands in her own.

“Please win, Soul. I know I’m taking it too seriously, but...”
Her eyes started watering.
“But it meant a lot to Sawyer and it means so much more to me.”
She blinked away tiny tears, gripping his hands a bit harder.
“I can’t return your feelings. Not yet, at least. There’s so much I have to work on myself before I’m ready for... for..”
Her face went a gentle hue of pink. “For whatever that is, with anyone. I’m sorry. But please, please win this. For Sawyer... and for me. Because I couldn’t.”

And with that, the girl got on her toes, pressed a light kiss to his cheek, and left, closing the door behind her.
Once again like a deranged art of necromancy, the dead bugs reformed back into their onslaught. this time as forms of locust they picked up the now movable dirt and flung the dust towards his face. The rest turned back into the rainbow variety and dived towards his now vulnerable arms. Overhead a shining dragonfly was circling above the both of them. Out of range from any attacks.

Aclava was prepared. Using senses through her fly she could see the entire process of the gun shooting in slow motion. Before the first bullet came out. She moved her body so that the shot would not even touch her shoulder. The second shot Aclava prepared on her left arm an Ironclad beetle. With its tough shell, the beetle managed to tremendously slow down the bullet before dying, at its leftover speed the bullet managed only to lodge itself halfway into her forearm. Slightly wincing, she pulled the bullet out and a group of worms started to wrap thick strands of silk around the wound, quickly creating a makeshift bandage.
Soul looked down. “So that’s why...” he said, and then stood up. “Well, that settles it.” He said, and rubbed his cheek a bit, and then walked back to the room to watch the battle with a small bit of a grin, but his disposition seemed to be a mix of solemn and anticipation.

“So, Soul... what’d you two do over there?” Spirit and Tara said to him at the same time. Soul looked then in the eyes, and slight understanding passed between them, as it was something that was quite personal. “Oh. All right.” Tara said.

Soul shook his head now. “That’s all over. Now... I just need to do one thing.” He said, and Spirit raised an eyebrow. “What’s... that?” He asked. “Win.” Soul said flatly.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
All the bugs had started attacking before had time to react. He took a strat out of Marcel's book. "50%!" He yelled motivating himself and to trick her. He put his gun back then pulled out 2 swords. Almost dropping 1 from pain of the he thought up something. Each sword in hand in fighting position he got ready.... He went for the idea!
He cut himself. Seeing as the bugs and seeds were part of her power the poison is to, he got rid of it with the weapons abilities. Now he went for the attack. Each sword in hand he ran forward getting rid of bugs while getting closer to her
All insects Moved towards Aclava then pushed outward at Asta. The rainbow variety immediately lost their color and transformed into the whiteish-tan maggots. soon every flying bug, except the dragonfly, starting to drop like meteors towards both Aclava and Asta. The maggots closer to Aclava formed into different insects that began to spew a sticky liquid towards Asta's current path, making it a lot more difficult to run directly towards her. If close the dropping creatures formed into mosquitos and aimed at his back. The maggots that didn't fall directly onto Asta or were cut by his blades formed into mass amounts of tiny gnats and aimed for his self inflicted wound.

With Asta getting closer. Aclava took a formal martial arts stance. One that promoted nimbleness in her whole body. With her eyes still closed and the rest of her face still being a blank slate, Aclava held up one of her hands and made the OK hand gesture, as though she were signaling him.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(Wait Marcel's book? @Kyle From Hoenn What do you mean!!)
Marcel was interested about the fight at hand and realized that he was up against soul next round. 'Tch who cares! Me and soul will have a good fight anyways. I wonder.....4 Tails Vs. Full power soul.....What could happen?' Marcel thought to hiker about the fight between him and soul. Porco and Alexis both watched the fight unfold. "I still think Asta has this one in the bag because of how he is able do deflect attacks with his sword." Alexis told Porco as she wanted to get her point across. "Yes but then there is Aclava who looks like she just managed to get Asta down. Well somewhat." Porco disagreed with Alexis' idea. Marcel then noticed a certain book that looked like him. "What is that?" Marcel whispered to himself.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
All this happened so quickly Asta's brain couldn't comprehend but yet his body did. Few steps were made in the sticky liquid substance and some may gotten on his arm. Asta stopped put his hands up in a T pose position while holding his swords in hand then spun around as fast as he could in the sticky substance. With all this he created a mini tornado to get rid of the surrounding bugs and liquid but this was also made destroy a bit of the arena. Afterwards he threw his smaller sword at her while keeping the other sword in hand then jumping. This was all to try to mix up his motions to catch her off guard at least once. '75%' he thought in his mind as he was going upwards.
It was the jump she had at anticipated and hoped. She knew that once someone was in air and cant fly they would have their trajectory locked in place. The sword, however, was a surprise to her, still with her heightened senses, she ducked and rolled to the side leaving essentially an afterimage a multitude of gnats in her place. The roll was not as graceful as she hoped for and she landed with her foot damaged. As she did the sword caught into the middle of her duffel bag. She yanked the sword out making sure not to touch it and it flew off the stage.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Hitting the duffel bag was a bit of surprise seeing as it seemed like nothing important but yet she still tried to get the sword out. Still being within his moment in the air he threw his other sword which was massive. This sword meant for person who dodged out the way of the 1st sword thrown and he would go after the clone. Then again he was still coming down hard and and fast so the clone was used as a pillow for a very "elegant" landing.
Falling on the floor is one thing in the hallway but in battle was way different. Trying to get up immediately he went from a crawl to a slow walk to slow run hoping wouldn't use this opportunity.
While this was the perfect moment to continue her attack with gnats, Aclava was in a very dangerous situation. The Sword was too large and the strain from the last roll would slow her down. She was running out of options. within the very short time, the gnats sought refuge inside the openings of Asta clothing. Aclava reopened her eyes. with one hand pushed the oncoming blade to the side and with the other grabbed the handle. Instantly when she touched the handle every bug stopped moving, the remaining gnats flew at him as if desperately using the last move. all of her bugs reverted back into unusable seeds. She knew about the drawback of graabing the weopon and hoped she would not have to come to this. The momentum of the blade made her lose her balance and she had to use the bigger sword as a cane. Aclava had very minimal amounts of experience using any weopon so even her form wasnt as proper. Still she gripped the handle with both hands and braced herself from the slow oncoming warrior.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Within the time span it took him to get and start running to get to her he was starting to build up speed. He saw her pick up his weapons and bugs all over the place had fallen only few were still working. "Stop! Now you dont have to pick up my weapons to win" baring the emotion her slowly losing her powers. His new found ability Specialist started to react to his emotions increasing the amount of strength he was producing with each action. Asta's body began to produce massive amounts of air with each movement he made. Getting up close to her he used leg to trip her hoping the wind won't cause side effects to his action.
This was a scene that had played out before. Aclava was holding a strangers weapon, they were barreling towards her, and the gruesome outcome. At the moment she couldn't see Asta, just a nightmare. Her grip on the sword loosened as she was frozen with fear as her eyes widen with a horrified expression. it wasn't until she started falling that she snapped out of her trance. the sword was knocked out her hands and rolled to the side. it took a moment of panic to remind her where she was and what's happening. While there was a growing amount of wind surrounding him, she was sure there were usable seeds inside his clothing, she could feel the dormant seed in his sleeves and around his neck. if she could transform the ones near his neck she might be able to...............

Under the sleaves in his arms were an accumulating swarm of bullet ants. the most painful insect in existence. While still on the floor Aclava commanded the insects to start biting around his wrist.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta felt a burning sensation or maybe even a bullet going through him but a few seconds later he saw a figure of an ant. Seeing ants on him he shook himself like a dog to get the ants off but 1 or 2 stayed on the back of his neck, which wasn't as big of a problem as a whole swarm. After dealing with that he picked up what looked like a terrified girl. "This is the real end..." he said as he walked toward the walls of the arena.
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She could do worse, Aclava was aware of how vulnerable he was, but also how vulnerable she was. she took a deep breath and looked at him, thinking. Once they got near the wall she quickly put her hand on his self inflicted wound. A couple of maggots jumped at the wound and started squirming around. "This is not an attack." it was the first thing she said since the start of the match. "Maggots are known for being good healers" She quickly struggled out of his grip. when she landed her foot was still sore but she shrugged it off. "you don't need to carry me, I can walk myself" the ants left on his neck sprouted wings and flew away, safely disposing of themselves. Aclava very calmy limped and placed her palm on the wall. "End"


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Wow. I'm surprised." Marcel said see how Aclava had basically won her match. "See! I told you Alexis!" Porco told Alexis since he was correct about his theory. Marcel then realized that him and soul were next to fight to see who would continue to the next round. Alexis looked at Marcel who was worried about his match. Alexis walked over and kissed Marcel. "Don't worry you have this fight. If you don't win it is ok." Alexis told Marcel with a smile on her face. "Heh don't worry I will do my best in this fight." Marcel smiled at Alexis and was ready for his fight.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta stopped in place as she struggled out his grip and placed her hand on the wall. "You know I wasn't really trying to attack you right?" He said sympathetically. Still being injured from all the bugs he was still worried about her but also how to turn off this new found power. In the end Specialist turned off when he stopped thinking about it, when it did he walked towards her to see if he could help her in any way shape or form. "You look like your in pain with that one leg being in pain. Do you need a shoulder to lean on until the medical crew get here or naw?"
Still 1 thing didnt make sense. Why did she get up and lose the match on purpose?
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“The winner is Asta!!! And our next round fighters will be...”
“SOUL, MARCEL, CHRISTIAN, AND ASTA!!” Freezeflame boomed, and then yelled; “Let’s Hear a round of applause for these four!!”

The stadium erupted into applause, and cheering boomed out from all angles.

“Of course, let’s not forget the other four! Congratulations to Olliver, Tara, Maya and Aclava!!” He yelled, and the crowd cheered again.

“Next match; Soul versus Marcel...”

Soul gulped. “Ohhhh, boy. We get 30 minutes to break before but... ohhhhh man is this gonna be a spectacular display.” He said, his frown wiping into a grin. “By the way, Marcel. Don’t think you have victory. It’s already gone to me!” He joked and winked.
"Asta, I never want to hear that 'I don't have powers' crap ever again," she said huffing. "You beat me, I lost because I ran out of options"therer was an odd strain in her voice. Aclava was not used to bold-faced lies, but telling the truth was a bit painful. "There was nothing left I could do. I gave 100% the moment the match started and you still beat me. You have power. don't ever cut yourself short again." it was almost as if she was scolding Asta just for being concerned. "Now get patched, even if my bugs fall the posion will still linger, And don't even think about cutting yourself again."

she made a very slow trot and picked up her torn bag, luckily besides a crack on the screen, her phone wasn't all that damaged. She continued limping towards the exit, past cheers and classmates celebrating. For a brief moment, she stopped and turned around. "If anyone asks I'll be in the bathroom. Again" and then quietly left.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta was scared, surprised, yet also happy. She cared for him and his emotional state of well being, maybe she was a bit blunt about it though the truth hurts. This may be a sign that she'e warming up to Asta. Quickly Asta snapped out of Lala land and made a quick response. "Yes ma'am. I can't promise I won't cut myself though but I will for now on stay positive!" He replied with.
It is all over now, the war was on. Still he felt empty and somehow wrong though he went to medical crew to get his mind off it and focus on his injuries.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Alright!" Marcel said in excitement for a 30 minute break. "I must congratulate you on your match Marcel, However...be careful with you tailed powers ok?" Porco said as he began to have vivid flashbacks to after Silverscythe took their personas. "Eh? Why are you so worried little bro?" Jean asked as to why Porco was getting worried about Marcel and his tails. "Well whatever Porco at least Marcel out his best foot toward in the match and pulled through. 6 Tailed master!" Alexis said still excited about why she got into the school. Porco shrugged off what everyone ha said and walked towards Tara. "Hey! At least you put you best foot forward in the match. You did great Tara!" Porco said followed up by a surprise hug catching Tara off guard a bit.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta poked around after the nurses healing his injuries to find Marcel hanging out with his friends and family. "Yo gl against Soul, your gonna need it with him being wild fire." Chuckling at his own joke. Slowly patting his book to if it's their then going back into the conversation he started.
Soul held up a ball of fire and put it to the sky. He squinted, and the ball grew to a bigger size. He closed his palm, and it was extinguished. “Tssssss...” he made the same sound of it fizzling out with his tongue. He laughed a bit, and grabbed his phone.

Tara grinned. “Hey, at least gimme a warning before you hug me like that!!” She said with a laugh, patting Porco on the back.

Nero looked up. “Only me and Soul know now it seems... let’s just hope that soon I’ll be able to...” he clenched his fist and his red eyes glistened with hatred. “...make Him pay for what he’s done, before he can...” he grimaced.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing

Christian and Jesie watched the rest of the fight between Asta and Aclava, with Christian memorizing both of their powers. Asta’s especially. “Yo, Asta! Nice job out there! Looks like you’re gonna be facing me next in this tourney. Don’t expect me to hold back, ya got that?” Christian walked over to Asta and congratulated him with a soft smile to make himself seem nice to Asta. Christian rubbed his cheek where the imprint of the brown star that was forming as he turned to Soul, “Hey, Soul. Good luck out there. Marcel is gonna be a tough obstacle to pass, so be careful.”


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Oh Hey, I won't hold back that much for ya!" He said. Christian seemed like a kind person, even warning him before their fight. Maybe it's because he knew Asta was gonna lose. Whatever it was it seemed nice and a bit off.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Well that's the point Tara. You are supposed to be on guard the whole time even letting your guard down once could be a serious flaw." Porco said before letting her go and walking towards Nero. "I can tell who you want to get your vengeance on Nero. That Silverscythe bastard....Trust me I want to get revenge as well. He took mine and Marcel's Personas and I need to get it back for me to be powerful again." Porco commented to Nero hoping to start a conversation with him. Marcel look at Christian with a determined face. "Well expect the fight to be one of the biggest fights here." Marcel said to Christian as he prepared a plan for the fight against Soul.
Nero shook his head. “No. Not him. He’s just a small morsel of the meal I forbode comes ahead. Metaphors aside, I really don’t like any of you. I mildly respect some of you, and I can tolerate you, Maya, Soul, and Christian, but im really not feelin’ It right now.” He said, yawning.

Tara frowned. “Well, at least then, it’ll be a a stab in the back and not a hug, mate. I’m pretty sure I’ll tell the difference preemptively.” She frowned and Soul made a few stretches, being investigated his arms up, and down.
After returning from her heart-to-heart with Soul, Maya focused her attention on the battle, tears dried and eyes puffy. She seemed much better off now that she’d spoken to someone, other than Nero unintentionally seeing those twisted memories. In fact, she seemed fairly back to normal as she watched the two former teammates plot against each other.

The longer she watched, the more she became intrigued by Aclava. She was fierce, no doubt, and was logical, albeit a bit tempered at times. However... even after leaving Asta with a swarm of angry bullet ants, she was still sympathetic enough to mend the wound to the best of her abilities. Maya highly suspected this was the same hidden gentleness she’d seen in the girl’s gaze after her own fight. She seemed to always shove it down, though... maybe she feared softness was weak?

Being one of many who congratulated the pair as they shuffled off the field, she watched as Aclava disappeared into the restroom once more. She purses her lip into a tiny frown, wishing she was bold enough to follow her like last time, but she stayed rooted. She didn’t want to seem annoying, after all...
Aclava gently tapped the bathroom door. No response. With no one near she put a wet floor sign she got from a nearby janitor's closet and walked away. She did not care if someone found out she wasnt in the bathroom but getting her package before anyone could see was her top priority. As she was walking she ordered a couple of silkworms and termites to patch the large holes in her bag. While it was sloppy, the bag would probably not rip open. After a bit of walking, she made it all the way to Comet Trail High's entrance. There in the very outskirts was a tiny brown, badly tapped package with a dirty note on top. She reached forward and grabbed the note. It read: Termite, I got my pal to make the cuffs you wanted, he's happy how it came out and is planning to make more, its a prototype so don't break it. Be responsible, and by responsible I mean not a F#$@&ng idiot. No news reports on this. Okay? Signed Tensa. After she was done reading it Aclava tore the note to fine shreds and stuffed it into an outdoor trashcan. the package she unwrapped and out came a pair of handcuffs. it was a deep black with neon green line patterns. Just holding them felt odd to her, similar as to when she held Asta's sword. She brushed it off as it working properly and stuffed it into her patched up bag. the box was also trashed just like the note. Now she needed her tickets and would have been set, She browsed her phone, scoffed at finding out there would be a delay of the arrival and went back into the school. As she walked back in she made sure to take the less common route, hoping that no one would see her until she got back...


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta walked away from the conversations he started with other people. These people weren't paying attention to him and he had "better things to do". As he walked away he T - posed to assert dominance then actually left. After leaving he went on to doing his normal carefree actions. At this time he chose to take a walk around the area to see what's going on within the region.
Some time passed before the announcement was made. “Soul... Marcel... it’s time. Make your way to the stadium.” Freezeflame’s voice called out.

Soul gulped. Unlike Marcel, who was uselessly conversating and making meaningful relationships, he was busy stretching and being productive!!
(That paragraph was fun to make.)

“All right. Let’s do this.” He concience has been cleared. His mind raced twoard one end goal; Victory. He nodded and then went down, enetering the battlefield. Tara and Spirit watched in anticipation. “Here we go...”

(By the way. If y’all haven’t guessed, these stadiums basically look like the MHA Tournamnet stadium. Like, exactly. So... that should give some of you a vision.)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
(Sorry I was gone all day! I had a choir festival early in the morning)
Marcel was ready for this he knew that he was ready by stretching. Marcel followed up his stretches by popping his knuckles. After he popped them his first tail form immediately immerged. "Don't expect me to go easy on you soul." Marcel said with his fangs bearing. "You can do this brother!" Jean shouted as he knew what Marcel was capable of after his match with Tara. 'I can't afford to make any wrong moves against soul...Hopefully I can get him in a beam struggle moment.' Marcel thought himself and was ready for his match to begin and see which one of the two were stronger.
“Ready...” Freezeflame said slowly.

“You know...” Soul said, looking down with a grin. “I’ve always had extremely limited vision. My hairstyle isn’t that practical. I don’t plan to get into a Beam struggle when I can’t even see 2 feet in front of me.” He laughed.

“Marcel, I’ll let you in on something...” he said, his grin widening, his eyes hidden. “I made a promise to someone who’s very important to me. To honor someone’s memory for them. That promise...”


He flipped the hair out of his eyes. His eyes shone in the afternoon sun. The irises were surprisingly bright for what you’d think of Soul. “Was to not loose!!”


He took a Not-Soul approach. He created a ring of fire around himself and shot lasers from his hands a distance. This was a defensive strategy not normal for Soul.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Heh fine! I'll honor Ymir in this match then!" Marcel said as he dodged the beams by doing the mega man slide. "WTF! What is he doing?" Alexis asked Porco as she was confused as to what Marcel's plan was. "IDK." Porco responded interested mostly in the fight. 'Damn! The only way that I will win this is by getting close!' Marcel said to himself as he knew what to do in order for it to work. His chakra ears and tail began to grow longer and eventually another tail appeared just as the same length as the first one had grown to. "Ten tails! Rain of punches!" Marcel whispered as all of a sudden a bunch of chakra hands began to form and charge toward soul. Some hands formed a barrier around Marcel.
Soul laughed, and his eyes and hair lit up for a second, and he sent a kick at the punches, sending them back in a wave of fire. He kept up and then jetted at Marcel with his fire, but not too close. He shot two lasers, switching back to Full Power in between. He seemed to be switching in and out to get the most damage out of every attack.

“Okay, Soul usually never plays this strategically. Or... puts any thought into any movements he does at all.” Tara said, squinting. “Also wait, did he brush the hair out of his face!?” Spirit said, looking down at his younger brother.

‘Focus... Focus... Keep your eyes alert, and your body 5 steps ahead.’


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Damn it!" Marcel told as he took damage and knew it was time for Mayhem to begin. All the tails and the fox ears went back to normal...however another tails had emerged and he was ready for a true show of chaos. Red chakra began to swirl and curve in every which direction out of the sides of his mouth making sharp winds appear even some hands got destroyed. "Let's go!" Marcel said as he charged at soul and performed third tails main move. "Slash wheel!" As he shouted he curled into a ball and begun to spin at high speeds deflecting anything that came towards it. He began to slash Soul with the claws due to the fact that his claws were like knives.
Soul kept leaping backwards as the claws just barely scraped his arms as he guarded. Just before he reached the arena’s edge, his eyes made a glare and he shot up a pillar of fire to block the slashing attack and hopefully do some damage. He then jetted to the other side again to distance himself. He then grinned, raised his hand to the sky, and gathered a bunch of compressed fire into some kind of Mortar Shell. “Burny Stuff!!!” He Yelled, and launched it at the right trajectory to do some damage, due to it having a large ‘splash’ range.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Damn you. Fine soul! You wanted to see my powers! So here you go!" Marcel said sounding like Akechi from Persona 5. Porco and Alexis both knew that it was time for his transformation into the Almighty 4 tails. Marcel knew he was ready for it. But fist had to dodge all the schmeat that soul threw on to him in which he did by performing "Metal Blade hurricane." He got in a position to where it was safe for him to transform and then it begun.
(Captain Yamato I think will be soul's reaction to his transformation. Also when the red flame shaped thing appears a blast goes off knocking anyone away.)
Soul gritted his teeth. “This damned thing again...” he clenched his fists and watched till the transformation ended. “I’m a polite boy, so I’ll wait... but... now that you’re done...” he switched to full power again and shot a barrage of lasers at hims, grinning furiously. “Beam Barrage!!!” He kepts hooting them like crazy. Even a 4-Tails would be halted by a barrage like this, especially when it has an uncontrollable rage!