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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
The fox began to split into different versions of size and speed. Eventually one at the top shot a giant tornado at Soul. 4 tails took Damage due to the lasers. The other foxes went back into the primary one and 4 tails raised it's arms up. The ground began to rumble as hands began to lift the ground up still enough to where there is a battle. 4 tails growled and flung giant bolder sized pieces at Soul. After that he made his tails go into the ground and sent up spikes toward soul. "You have been destroyed!" Marcel told Soul telepathically
Soul grinned. “Time for a super move!!!” He put both hands to the ground and his entire body glowed. “Double Cosmic Impact!!!” His hands glowed and a giant shockwave exploded out, tearing up the earth and blowing back the boulders twoard Marcel. “Marcel! Didn’t I tell you I wanted a REAL fight!?” He yelled.
(The reason Full Power Soul is very much overpowering Four Tails is Because I expect when you pull out Full Power Marcel that they’ll become matched in strength and speed.)

Tara watched in anticipation. “You guys seeing this? Soul’s going ham on his Four Tails form!!” He said, watching as Soul reverted back to normal, staring triumphantly as he stood in the field of rubble. “Take me to hell if I’m not watching.” Spirit said with a laugh.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Grrrrrrrr.....This isn't looking good." Marcel told himself before realizing 4 tails nor any of his tails would work. 4 tails stood up and began to evaporate from the feet up in White light. Marcel had emerged in his full powered form. "It is time we finish this Soul." Marcel told Soul determined to win. Porco and Alexis were stunned they didn't expect Marcel to go full power after 4 tails. "Soul.....I understand what you mean by honoring someone in a match. But! I will not fail!" Marcel told him determined by getting a energy around his hand. "Let's go!"
“I see I cannot continue with this switch strategy. It just won’t work.” He began to channel his emotions into one place. He’d been doing that to activate it, but he needed something stronger. He channeled his emotions into one singular feeling. His entire body would course with light. His body would glow with electricity, blood rushing through his veins.

“I never met this person. However, someone opened up to me. About this person. I have a promise to keep... and honor to keep as well.” He channeled all his energy into Honor, and his body burst out. He gathered a bunch of compressed blue fire, and then it exploded. The whole stadium was covered in a blue heat wave. This would definitely cause gradual damage to Marcel.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
"Fine!" Marcel shouted as he was ready for anything. What he didn't expect was the fire attack. "I can't lose here!" Marcel said determined and he knew that it would take a lot to bring him down. "I will be here to root you on Marcel." A ghost like voice said near him having a voice like a female. "Who are you?" Marcel asked because he wanted to know who it was. "Did you already forget your older sister Ymir?" Ymir told him and then came a flood of emotions. "Don't worry we are here as well!" The galliard family also had said being like phantoms around him.
*I have been waiting for this sequence!*
In a white room of Marcel's mind he saw his family including Ymir, His childhood bullies Jet and Isaac, Alexis, and his childhood friends all grown up all there. "Why are you all here?" Marcel asked confused as to why they were all here. "Even though we were bullies to you in the past...We wanted to help you." Jet and Isaac both stated. "We know the legendary Marcel Galliard can win this fight!" The group of friends stated. "We know as a galliard you are able to win!" The Galliards besides Ymir stated. "I know you can win Marcel! You took out 20 people in the tournament." Alexis told him trying to make it sound like an achievement. Ymir walked over to finish. "I know you can win little brother. I watched your fight and you did great against Tara." Ymir stated before everyone came together and shouted. "GO MARCEL!!! YOU CAN WIN!!!"
*Cut back to the fight*
"Everyone you are right...I can win....HRRRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!!!!" Marcel shouted after what he had said as a dark blue aura had surrounded him and it lit the arena in all of it.
The heat wave continued throughout the aura storm, and fire appeared Soul’s eyes. He walked slowly forward. Balls of energy appeared behind him and shot a barrage of lasers as he walked, his fists clenched. “Marcel. I’m not fighting like you. Your fighting for people close to you. I’m just upholding a promise. My want to win may seem trivial, greedy, and insignificant to yours, BUT I WILL WIN!!!” He yelled, and he released a Firestorm Of Burny Stuff Attacks, all making massive blue fire explosions.

“Holy sh*t, he’s getting into it!!” Yelled Tara, and Spirit nodded. Due to nobody posting reactions, they seemed to be the only two invested in the fight. (XD)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
The figure in the Dark blue aura grinned. "Alright then. Time to show you my strength." The figure stated as he mad a Vegito-esc sword with his hand and cut through the objects from the Burny stuff attacks. Multiple phantoms began to appear around Marcel and the audience could see them as well. "Y-Ymir...." The Galliards all said. "Isaac? Jet?" Alexis asked confused but they got more confused when the phantoms of the other Galliards and Alexis appeared. The aura lifted away from the figure of Marcel. Marcel with his Dark blue hair was ready to fight. "I will never lose hope nor sight if my friends nor family again! They remain close to me always. They will be with me until the day I die!" Marcel spoke as he was ready for the fight. Marcel raised his hand and the phantoms prepared. But instead a brimstone beam sphere charged in his hands. Moving his hand to target Soul he got his bent spoon and prepared to release spoon bender. However it was different, Alexis and the Galliards put their hands on Marcel's hand. Jet and Isaac put their hand on Marcel's back. As for the group of friends they put their hands up in the air. "I put my friends and family first in this attack! ULTIMATE ALMIGHTY SPOON BENDER!!!!" Marcel shouted as he released the beam it grew bigger due to his friends and family being their it turned more Dark Blue to fit as well and it homed in on soul. The final hours of the fight were nearing.
(I wonder what would freezeflame's reaction he to seeing the spirit of Ymir due to the fact he knew Jean well.)
Soul’s eyes lit up in almighty rage. “FINAL BANG-BEAM!!!!!” He reared his arms back, gathering massive energy in both, and then shot it forward, beginning the beam struggle. Fire danced around his legs, and around the whole arena, his fire and plasma pushing against the dark brimstone. Tara Yelled out; “BRING IT, MATE!!! IM WITH YA’ BRINGIN’ A BURNING FIST TO YOUR ATTACK!!!” And Spirit joined in. “SHOW EM’ THE WRATH OF 1 TRILLION FLAMES!!! END! IT. HERE!!!” He yelled, and Soul’s blaster attack grew EXPONENTIALLY more powerful.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was slipping but the phantoms with encouragement continued to power him. "Right soul! It's not over till it's over!" Marcel agreed but his eyes began to shine a pale white. "IT IS TIME I END THIS RIGHT HERE AND NOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!" Marcel said showing a sneak peak ultra Marcel. The beam became even more powerful then it ever was and had even a bit of piercing to it. "MARCEL WE WILL HELP YOU ALL THE WAY THROUGH!!!" Phantoms of Jean, Ymir, Porco, and Alexis began to combine beams with his to make it more powerful. "Hey now don't for get about us!" Isaac and Jet began throwing metal blades into it. Powering it up with metal. "ALL OF OUR ENERGY IS YOURS!!!!"the phantom group of friends, Hange, and Christopher began to lend all of their strength and All together they shouted. "ULTIMATE METAL CYCLONE BEAM OF DEVASTION!!!!!"
Soul kept up his attack. He was keeping the Uber-Metal Cyclone at bay, but his energy was starting to fluctuate, and his Final Bang-Beam was beginning to fire less brightly. So...

Soul did something nobody, not even Marcel could expect.

He dropped out of the beam, leaped up over Marcel’s incoming blast, and jetted forward! He would go so fast that Marcel or his phantoms could barely comprehend that he’d just dropped out!! He trailed his hand along Marcel’s blast, his eyes a much much brighter color than before, shining like diamonds!! His hand trailed a silvery mist, and he reached Marcel!!!

“COMET!!!” He yelled, and drew back his hand. “IMMMMMMMPACT!!!!!!!!” He screamed, and shot his hand forward with the strongest power move he’d ever released, combined with Tara and Spirit’s words and power spiraling within it.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Stuff went south Fast. Comet impact hit and it wasn't nice. Marcel got hit and even though he got hit he still managed to recover it. "It's over soul! You wanted to see my truest power so here we go!" Marcel said even though it was his first time achieving Ultra he had white lightning strike him and everything went white. Until a speck of light aka Marcel was there his good eye shined of pure white. Meanwhile his other eye was black and pitch full of Darkness. Symbolizing the balance of good and evil. A white energy sword surrounded Marcel's hand once again. "It's over." Marcel said before kicking him into the Air and performing his version of Divine Lasso. After all the energy spikes stuck into Soul's body an explosion went off.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian just stood there in shock because of what he was seeing right now. He got sudden chills down his spine because he had to battle one of them if he won his next fight. Jesie looked over at Christian’s pale face, saying, “Let’s be honest, Chrissy. You’re kinda dead if you win the next match.”
“I mean. It’s not really a fight unless I try..........r-right?”
He replied. “B-both Soul and Marcel are obviously stronger than me. Like the main character of a story, sort of. And to top it all off, they prolly got stronger moves than I do. So, JoJo. You’re obviously right about me being dead.”
“But the question is, Chrissy.”
Jesie questioned Christian, “Can they withstand the tricks up your sleve?”
“.................You got a point, JoJo.”
Aclava had managed to return to the spectator's seat without much hassle. no one noted her continually strange behavior and this gave her a moment of brevity. she was sitting alone, aimlessly scrolling on her phone while checking for damages, every once in a while she would look up to see the fight between Marcel and Soul but the intensity of that light was bothering her eyes. She had no investment in this fight, it was a match of raw power and nothing else, she couldn't help but think of two growing sumos trying to throw the other and smirked. As she continued fiddling a text message popped up. It was from her sister that said: "you could have won". Somewhere she watch the fight whether she snuck in or showed up as her regular self, Tensa saw the match. While still being a little surprised by that Aclava texted back " I didn't want to". There was no response after. she looked over again at the ongoing light show. "If only they played good music this would be worthwhile," she said to herself.
Soul, reaching his limit, pulled out his last stand. He was surrounded in blinding light, and said light zipped out of the way of the spikes and right into Marcel. Two glowing arms reared up from the glow, and thrust forward. A massve Beam Of energy shot out, spiraling in blue and white energy.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel knew that the match was over. He lifted his hands into the air and let the beam hit him. Marcel went flying back hitting the wall. After he hit the wall he jumped up into the air and floated down slowly. "Don't expect me to go easy next time soul!" Marcel said already excited for whenever their next battle will be. The phantoms helped Marcel out after the match. A phantom if his friend Joe used his persona and healed up Marcel and The Galliard family members besides Ymir and Alexis' phantoms vanished as he walked back toward the stands. "Well that was fun while it lasted." Marcel said sitting next to Alexis as he waited to see the next match between Asta and Christian
Soul didn’t look so hot. He stood in the middle of what was left of the arena, his head down. You couldn’t see his expression. Tara looked kind of worried. “Uh-Um... Soul..?” She looked out as he slowly raised his right arm. Like his entire body, it was Burnt, cut up, and bruised.

Spirit grimaced. “What is he doing?” He said, and Nero looked out, and smiled. With his fist in the air, he extended his thumb.

“He’s giving a thumbs up, you imbecile.” Nero said, and Soul’s Head rose. His eyes shined, and there was a grin on his face. “I... won...” he said slowly.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta was shaken by the arena that furiously screamed Soul's name. This victory carried across the hill to which he was sleeping on which was a sign. There all a thump's up sign he made like a hero who used all his might to defeat a villain. In all seriousness though Asta got up then going as fast as he could to the area.
Making his way through the crowd he tried to find Chris, his opponent to wish him luck before Freezeflame announced their fight. When he finally found he said: "Good luck, we're both gonna need it if one us wins."


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Oh. Thanks. Rest assured either it’s gonna be a tie, I win, or you win. We’ll never know what will happen until it happens. See ya in the arena.” Christian looked over at Asta and smiled. He then turned away and walked to the arena where Soul was standing. He put a hand on his shoulder and used Heal Up, saying, “Listen here, Soul. I’m only gonna say this once and once only: Don’t hurt yourself. I’m only healing you for now because of how bad you’re lookin. Capiche? Aight. I’m outa here. Wish me luck.” When he finished healing Soul’s wounds, he walked over to his side of the arena, fixing the messed up ground behind him from the fight between Soul and Marcel.

(The video I posted in the discussion represents Chris’ small conversation with Soul)


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta had walked to Marcel's side of the arena. A completely shattered end, rubble everywhere which Chris was fixing. Walking Marcel's end felt the enforced struggle that Marcel had felt to win for reasons of his own. Asta had his own reason to win, to prove, to show, to make a fact. After getting there he took off his little jacket, but still wearing his white shirt because ya know clothes cost money. Pulling out a gun though he also pulled out a shortsword. "Listen, I dont wanna win, but I also don't wanna lose. So let's get this over with." He said as grinned mischievously.
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Soul walked out of the arena from the people chanting his name and holding up thumbs ups, Tara and Spirit included. When he exited Christian gave him a heal up. “Thanks. I’m gonna go to the nurse’s office. I think I might’ve pulled a Deku and broke my middle and pointer fingers. Nothing serious. It doesn’t feel that bad at least for now.” He said, and walked off to the office.

Freezeflame was kinda shocked at that last battle, but he finally yelled as Soul walked out; “AND THE WINNER IS SOUL! THE NEXT BATTLE WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER WE FIX THE BATTLEFIELD!!”


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian gave a thumbs up to Freezeflame after he fixed the battlefield. He looked over at Asta and froze. “YO YO YO YO YO HOLD UP! Are you being serious right now? You can’t just pull out a glock and go BAM BAM on me. You can’t shoot me, cuz I GOT THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE!” Christian said as he joked around.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"You right, you right. Can't just bring in weapons randomly. Whenever your ready kind sir!" Asta bowed as he said all this just to play along. He put these accessible, painful, rude things away. Those his book started floating so he pushed it to the right of himself but still open for easy accessibility but also just to look... 'Cool'.
While arena was being tended to he felt the need to warn Chris for fun and just to be nice. "Ya know, I won't go easy on you. There's still a chance to back out now." He said jokingly but also trembling in his own shoes. Fear was the one thing slowing him down here and now but yet the adrenaline was still going through. Few people were right about coming to this school. Sometimes your goals are unbelievable and unachievable... if you don't believe in yourself.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian thought about his plan, until he had a good idea. “You know what, kid? Let’s have a little fun.” He said to Asta as he raised his hand up as a huge boulder came out of the ground. He put his hand in a fist and the boulder was broken down into a pile of hard sand, which started flowing around Christian’s left hand, which was in a finger gun position. “I’ve been practicin a special move, and I want to try it out. Wanna have an old fashion gun fight?”


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Sure, but we need the fight to start according to Freezeflame." Asta said as he pulled a gun from his book. This wasn't as he planned he didn't know how strong or fast the sand was. One uncalled for move he could be hurt major or minorly. Think about all this he readied his to fire to bullets instead of one.
But for a good cause.
Slowly he thought about what he said. New move... 'It could still fail but I need a back up plane just in case.' He thought. Everything in his head was working over time. "Yo Mr.Freeze can ya call the fight on?"
The new encroaching battle was seeming to be slightly less boring. enough so that she figured to do something while the two were going at it. She scanned the area and found her target. First, she released a single blue and red butterfly that hovered safely above the arena and out of the two foghter's reach. Aclava gathered her things, walked over and sat right next to Maya. "Place your bets now," she spoke casually as if practiced. "What's your thoughts about this matchup?"


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian placed his right hand on his left wrist, as if he was sort of holding it the way a police officer held it, and pointed the finger gun at Asta. “Yes, that would be very much appreciated, Mr. Freezeflame.” He said as he looked over at Freezeflame and waited for the match to start. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling Asta’s gonna shoot more than just one bullet. I gotta be cautious for now. Christian thought to himself.

Jesie crossed his arms and smirked, “Huh. So he’s finally using Sandblast in a real fight now. This is gonna be fun and I know it.”
“Now for the matchup between Christian and Asta!!!!! READY..? BEGIN!!!!” Freezeflame yelled, and the match had begun.

Soul walked into the watching room with a cast on his middle and pointer fingers. He wasn’t immediately greeted by Tara and Spirit tackle hugging him, quickly followed by his mom. “Whoa- Hey!!” He exclaimed, stumbling back. “How’d I do everyone!?” He asked, a grin on his face. “You did great, Soul!!” The three said, and Soul grinned.

“Heh, thanks! I really appreciate you all cheering for me. I guess the raised thumbs up is m’ signature now, what are the odds!?” He said, a massive smile crossing his face.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Hey, Soul. Good job out there! Now hurry up cuz the match between Chrissy and Asta just started. They gon be shooting eachother with guns.” Jesie said to Soul as he ran over to him. Christian, on the other hand, was waiting for Asta to shoot the first shot so his plan could go well in the end.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta finally pulled the trigger as fast and skillfully as he could to fire to bullet which he did successfully. These bullets were meant to hit his hand that was firing the sand. Though if that didnt go as planned and he needed to resort to close combat he would pull out his scythe. "Take this mate, hope ya keep it well." He said.
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
(You should probably step up your english. I couldn’t really read it well.)

“Called it!” Christian shouted to Asta as he quickly shot two strands of sand at the bullets. The sand quickly split in half, making four strands. Two of them stopped Asta’s bullets, as the other two quickly hit Asta’s legs with a hard force before he could move. “Don’t forget this, kid: I can control rocks. Sand is just broken down rocks. So I can also control sand as well.”


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta fell back due to the sand hitting with great force in the legs. Getting up while grabbing the gun that also fallen out his hand when he fell he constructed an idea. He pulled a long sword out of his book and went on the offensive. Getting up his face with 1 swift jump he tried slashing his hands directly. Hoping this would cause him to back up a distance for him to shoot at him again but this time with a different strategy.
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Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Christian quickly went in defensive mode and covered himself in a bedrock layer before Asta hit him. When Asta hit him, he countered with a bedrock fist uppercutting Asta’s gut, then shooting some more sand at him in the chest. This time, the sand hit harder. “Be careful when attacking. The best defence is a good offense. Remember that.” Christian shouted at him. He began to think, So this kid can change weapons on the fly. What is this, GTA? Maybe the book is like Robin’s books in Smash. Maybe when he uses enough power, he has to let the book recharge before using it again, like what Robin does. I’m gonna have to find out soon to see if I’m right.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel walked up to Soul and stared at him. "I'm not angry about the match. I was actually happy we got to show off our powers. You were super tough tho. But I know one day we will become equals." Marcel told soul to prepare himself for the next time they fight. Jean looked at spirit. "Well I'll be damned if I said I was wrong pal!" Jean told Spirit as he knew he was correct about the outcome of the fight about Marcel and Soul. Alexis was chilling with the phantom group of friends. "I know! He has gotten so much powerful!" The phantom of joe told Alexis. The phantoms of Isaac and Jet were chilling with Soul and the others in their little group. "Heya there good lookin!" Isaac told Tara trying to flirt with her. Porco put his hand on his shoulder. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Porco told the two but the two asked "why?" Porco explained that they were dating and even kissed her to show it. Marcel face palmed when he saw his brother's actions.
Soul grinned. “Thanks y’all! I really do appreciate it! And Marcel, we already WERE equal! It would’ve been a tie if I hadn’t performed that Comet Impact!” He said, a slightly sheepish grin on his face. “B-by th’ way, where’s Maya?” He asked, looking around the room.

Tara blushed, which was definitely a first. “Ahehe~! Yeah, I’m with Porco!! And i don’t think I’d feel comfortable dating a dead guy anyway, no offense~!” She giggled and turned her head.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Isaac and Jet looked at Tara confused about what she meant by dead people. "My phantoms are just memories of people that I remembered for example Isaac and Jet. None of them are dead......except Ymir......." Marcel explained to Tara as he knew it would be tough to talk about Ymir. Ymir clearly standing there knew who did it exactly. "The person who ended my time.....Edgar Munsen. Close friends to Silverscythe......" Ymir began as she knew it would now break to be a civil war if powers. "Anyways. Hey Spirit long time no see." Ymir told spirit as it had been a while since her, Jean, and Spirit all were together at this school. Porco smiled at Tara's blush. "It's ok to feel embarrassed like that. Me and Marcel are used to it." Porco told Tara as he went in for a hug.
“Ohhh... that makes more sense~!” She smiled, now getting why supposedly alive people where there. It made a lot more sense. “And hey, I’m not one to get embarrassed that often... hehe~ not like Soul.” She giggled, giving Porco a hug back. “So yah, I’m taken.” She winked at the phantom.

Nero has watched the end of the fight, and looked... sort of relived. “Good. If he hadn’t gotten to the finals, I would’ve been even more disappointed in me loosing to him.” He said, sitting around bored in the corner. It wasn’t usual for people to talk to him.
The fight had been intense, and Maya had been on the edge of her seat.
Literally. Poor girl was jumping up from her chair at every second before opting to stand. The scene gave her goosebumps and shivers throughout its entirety, and she found herself anxious when Soul wound up in a tough spot. Admittedly, she felt rather guilty. Not only could she not return his feelings, but what if he pushed himself too hard to win because she asked him to..?
She let out a relieved sigh as Soul was declared the winner, but she really didn’t enjoy seeing him so beat up.

Watching as a phantom flirted with Tara, she highly suspected he’d come over and try the same thing with her. Not that it concerned her too much, where was Soul..? He really deserved a congratulation..


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Flying back while the hitting the ground hard was not something he felt like doing but it was enforced by Chris. Getting up again he realized something. He CONTROLS ROCKS, he therefore controls the whole arena. Critical thinking wasn't his go to in a fight like this but now was the time to do it. While getting up he thought how his arsenal deflect, reflects, slice, and dices the gifts of other kids here but would sticking a weapon into the ground stop Chris from using earth bending.
Yet again his book flew infront of him for the exchange of his longsword for a greatsword. Upon this exchange Asta took the greatsword by its handle then firmly put into the ground like it was the master sword. Also while his was infront of he exchanged his pistol for a compound bow.
Trading his pistol for a bow may have been a bad idea on his part but if there's no water near by and no rocks to use his started to ponder. Quickly he filled his bow with 2 arrows at a time firing a set of 2 arrows twice. The first aimed for his arms specifically but the next set went his legs. "Try this rock boy. I finally thought things through!"
Soul glanced around, and finally saw Maya. He smiled and walked over, shoving his left hand in his pocket to hide the cast around his middle and pointer fingers. “H-Hey, Maya! How’d I do?” He asked, scratching the back of his head with a hint of blush.

Nero watched the new fight. It hadn’t gotten interesting yet, but it was definitely a good fight to get interested in.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Oh really? You thought things through? Well try again.” Christian grinned at Asta as he put his hand up and a rock wall bursted out of the ground, stopping the arrows from hitting him. He walked around the wall and grabbed an arrow, inspecting it for some reason. “Nice bows ya got here, kid. Sharp, fast, nice lookin, these are cool. I’m just gonna be using this for a bit, thank you.” Christian placed the arrow in front of his finger gun, and the sand wrapped around it. He smiled as he aimed shot the arrow at Asta’s left shoulder. “Listen. I don’t know how, but I can somehow shoot other objects with my Sandblast move.”