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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"No, I dont." Ironically he took out a sword from his book. With a grin growing at an alarming rate he couldn't hold in the excitement of someone finally asking about his power without being in a dangerous situation. Tipping his pine tree hat, he be began his explanation, "Alright so you see I got this book full of weapons," he said at fast pace "these weapons allow me to slice n dice or reflect other people's powers." At this point he was out of breath.

Regaining his composure he saw Maya standing by. She probably had already said Hi, Hello, or even hey but he didn't realize that due to being focused on his explanation. "Oh hey! You must be the species Maya the Witch! How ya doin?"
Leonardo couldn't hide his wide smile from Allie's words of praise. "Thank you, I've been practicing on making a detailed crystal humanoid for the past week. The detail I could always do, but getting the humanoid to move was another thing entirely." He said as he felt the room get a little bit colder, but thanks to his hoodie, he didn't really mind. "Oh don't worry about it, I think it's cool that you have control over ice... no pun intended." He said with a light smile as the crystal humanoid he made began to practice a few boxing punches.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Chris went over to the Mythos Section of the school and looked around, before walking over to Soul. He tapped his shoulder and pointed at Maya, jokingly saying, “Ey, Soul. I gotta ask you this. Is Halloween getting to sexy for kids? Thats a joke don’t fucking kill me cuz of that ok?Chris looked around some more and noticed a boy making a weapon from what appeared to be....crystals? “Yo...that Brando kid....his powers look similar to mine. We can prolly get along well. Hey, maybe I can teach him how to use his power really well.”
Soul released loud sigh, glad that she didn’t hear most of his comment. He looked at her trying to figure out who to talk to. He chuckled and shook his head, before hearing Christian’s comment. He instantly facepalmed and made a small blush. “Goddammit Christian.”

Tara grinned and looked at Raven. “Stuff on mythology and the origin of powers. The weird and the wild should leave you all beguiled.” She said with a grin.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Haha! Trust me, Soul, it’s a joke. Anyway I’m gonna go talk to the Brando kid for a se...........cond. Hold on a sec.” Chris said to Soul as he looked back at Brando and saw a crystallized version of The World (DIO’s stand in JoJo part 3). He quickly cuffed his hands around his mouth and shouted, “HEY, BRANDO! IS THAT A JOJO REFRENCE?!”
Leonardo was caught off guard when he heard someone shout at him and turned his eyes to find out where the annoying shouting came from. Although he smiled as somebody knew exactly the being he just sculpted and decided to 'reward him' for his knowledge. He put his hands on his hips and stood as if he tried to show off what he wore as if he was in a fashion show, the crystal being folded its arms behind him whilst Leonardo remained silent with a sly grin and began to materialize four crystals which clearly showed the word 'Yes!' followed by a much larger and capitalized version of said word.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sighed and sat down, having been ignored. He made a Dark blue ball of lightning in his hand and threw it up and down, waiting for something interesting to happen


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“HOLD THAT THOUGHT BRANDO!” Chris dashed off to his dorm and ran right back. Apparently he had a separate costume if someone dressed up as DIO. When he came back, he was wearing the other costume he had instead of using his Joseph Joestar costume. Chris’s other costume? Jotaro Kujo, JoJo’s 3rd protagonist in the series. He had the hat and everything. He slowly walked over to Leonardo to try to mimic the “Oh, you’re approaching me?” meme. Behind him, a bunch of sand flooded the room, before sticking together and forming a rock humanoid. The humanoid looked like another stand from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Star Platinum. Now he was ready to do the ultimate JoJo reference. “DIO!”
Last edited:


Previously EeviumZ
Allie tilted her head in confusion, as she didn’t understand the reference.
“I can sometimes make my ice objects somewhat sentient, but it’s very hit or miss. I did it once, and scared the heck out of Raven with it.” She chuckled, remembering the moment.
Raven’s eyes lit up with interest. “Sounds like my kind of library. I don’t feel like checking it out right now, but I’ll probably fly by later. Thanks for filling me in.” She smiled.
Leonardo's grin grew wider as Chris went to grab a costume that he knew all too well alongside a sand sculpture begin to resemble a figure with admittedly amazing hair. He decided to indulge in the reenact that was about to occur... but not before he decided to give Allie a friendly wink before he turned to Chris with open arms and cleared his throat. "Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Even though your grandfather, Joseph, told you the secret of The World, like an exam student scrambling to the finish the last problems on an exam until the last moments before the chime?" He said, unable to hide how much fun it was to act as one of his favorite anime characters.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Chris was in his serious mood. No jokes, no funnies, nothing. He kept walking closer and closer to Leo. “I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.” He said, menacingly and intimidatingly (idk if thats even a word. Intimidatingly). When he got close enough, Chris threw a punch with the humanoid, letting out a loud “ORA!”
"Oh? Then please, come as close as you like." Leonardo replied as he began to slowly look forward with his crystal creation behind him, once close enough, his crystal creation dashed past him and attempted to punch Chris' sand sculpture. He remained silent as his creation's fist attempted to collide with Chris' fist. "I think I might like this guy." He thought as his eyes began to turn to Allie once more. "And maybe that girl too." he added in thought with a faint blush.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Man we are gonna be good pals. I know it and I can already tell. Chris thought to himself as the rock mannequin of Star Platinum collided punches with the crystallized The World. There was a small pause, but Chris kept a straight face as he let out more ora’s when the mannequin started punching at blinding speeds so he can compare the speed of the attack rushes of both stands.
Leo completed the book and sudden heard a loud voice. "What the heck is going on", he mumbled and decided to see what is the commotion. He followed the noises and see two student with humanoid crystal and rock punching at each blankly. Leo face went blank and looked at the other student with the same face expression.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie freaked out. She didn’t quite get the situation, even though it probably wasn’t serious, but it was things like these that made her lose control.
No, Allie... just remain calm... don’t do it...
Finally reaching her breaking point, she screamed and an icy storm began to swirl around her. A powerful ice projectile shot between them, as her eyes began to glow.
“BOTH OF YOU STOP FIGHTING, BEFORE I MAKE YOU!” she shouted, her eyes burning bright, as a sphere of blue energy formed in her extended palms.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli sat up and let his ball of energy disappear "What is going on?" he looked around, trying to figure out what was going on, when Allie intervened, he got up and walked besides her "I have to say I agree, no good can come of this fighting!"
While she was deeply engrossed in a book about eastern philosophy, Aclava couldn't help but hear the obnoxious shouts of more hot heads attempting to create a ruckus once again. Upon seeing the two dudebros showing off along with an overly sensitive girl who seemed ready to unleash hell. Needless to say, Aclava was not pleased.

"Do I really need to tell you no fighting? In the Library of all places?! Honestly, I'm just trying to do a job but it feels like I'm herding cats. look the breaks almost over so can you kids try not to screw around and destroy stuff?" the sternness in her voice was unwavering. Two tiny flies stealthy moved in the background, keeping their eyes on Leo and Christian. With that, she turned to the cold and unstable Allie. "And you. get yourself in check before I get the teachers involved." she shooed away other students ogling the spectacle and walked back downstairs.
Leonardo's crystal creation instantly vanished like mist in the wind upon hearing Allie's outburst. "Hey, hey!" He shouted to get her attention. "Take it easy, I'm sorry for scaring you like that, I just wanted to test out how well my creation moved... and with my results, I admit that I got carried away. So please, calm down." He said in an attempt to comfort Allie, although he lightly shivered at the cold, he paid little to no attention to it.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Listen, gal, I just wanted to have fun and do a JoJo reference with this kid. Even if either of us got hurt, I can just heal ourselves.” Chris facepalmed as he tried to keep his temper under control. His sculpture broke down into a pile of sand, traveling up his arm so there wasn’t a mess on the floor. He looked over at Brando, “Wanna take this outside? Or was the mood already killed?”


Previously EeviumZ
Allie flushed and her icy storm instantly faded. “I’m so sorry! I just sometimes lose control of my power when I get stressed out... I didn’t mean to almost attack you guys.”
Turning to Aclava, she paled. “Ah- no, please don’t - my bad...”
She watched her leave, relaxing slightly.
Leo snapped back to reality and saw a frightened student be scold. After the scolding, Leo decided to check on her if she is ok. He walked up to and her and said,"hey are ok". Giving her smile to warm up the situation.
As the chaos unfolded and then just stopped, Roy became a little confused. He thought:
What the hell is going on? What just happened? Am I supposed to be showing off my power too? Well....I guess it can't hurt to let loose a little bit.

Roy took off his spiderman mask, afraid it would be damaged, and stowed it in his pocket. He then ran up to the kids who were just trading blows and said eagerly: "Wait up! You guys fight great! You wanna go a few rounds with me?"
Leonardo folded his arms and shook his head lightly. "Nah, moment's gone..." He said toward both Chris and a newcomer (Roy) before he turned his eyes to Aclava with clear annoyance at the fact she told him off, although he was aware that he broke the rules, he always found a reason to give a certain look to someone who spoke against him. He walked up to Allie with clear concern. "You okay now?" He asked.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Aight, Brando. We can always do the same thing later anyway.” Chris looked over at Leonardo and then to Roy. “You sure, kid? It’ll be kinda dangerous if you fight me.” He wasn’t really in the mood for fighting now, but he didn’t want to hurt Roy’s feelings. So basically what Chris said, meant “yeah”


Previously EeviumZ
"Ah... I'm fine. I'm really sorry..."
She perked up at the thought of a fight. "Fight? In here, no. Somewhere else, maybe..." she said thoughtfully, with a hint of a challenge in her voice.
Raven stepped into the Mythos Section. "Allie, don't be silly. You couldn't beat a mosquito in a duel."
Allie glared at her. "Raven, would you like me to explain to these people about the incident?
Raven gulped. "No."
Allie whispered to them, "I'll explain later. When Raven's out of earshot."
"I'm not the fighting type, but if you guys are fighting, I'll join in." She was mainly trying to fit in and impress these people.
Raven scoffed. "When you get beaten, don't come to me with your tail between your legs."


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Chris got a little bit tired of Raven being so pessimistic about Allie, so he decided to call out Raven so he can stand up for Allie. He used the sand he used for the sculpture and made a sandblast with his fingers and pointed it at Raven “Okay. You know what, Lucifer? If yer so smart, then why don’t you fight to prove that you can’t even beat a mosquito. I bet Allie over ‘ere can beat ya without any problems.” He said with a serious tone of voice.


Previously EeviumZ
With a dark smile on her face, Raven responded. "Certainly. Heck, I could probably vaporize any one of you with no problem."
Allie turned to Chris. "Thanks. I appreciate that." Turning back to Raven, she glared at her. "I dislike fighting, but I'll take you on."
Raven was slightly surprised that Allie had the guts to accept her challenge.
Allie smiled. "Surprised, are you?" She turned to the group. "Don't mind her, we're best friends but we hate each other at the same time."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at Raven "Vaporize? What makes you think that?" He sat back on the chair "If you were that powerful, I doubt you would be here" He smiled "Besides, I like to think myself hard to vaporize"


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“OHHHHHH REALLY?! I am sooooooo scared right now. Get that weak shit outta here, fool. You can’t vaporize anyone here!” It was time that Chris finally snapped. He didn’t want to cause trouble, but he has to because of Raven getting so cocky. “You know what? Let’s settle this right now, Satan.”


Previously EeviumZ
Allie turned to Eli. "Like I said, don't mind her. She is of the mentality that just because her dad is basically a demon king that she's royalty too. Sure, she's not to be messed with, but she's not godly either."

Raven was slightly put off by the challenge. "Where's the nearest arena, or something of that sort? You know, so the teachers don't kick us all out."


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Oh so you ARE accepting the challenge. Well then. Follow me.” Chris left the room and went over to the training grounds. At this point, he was really pissed. Really? Vaporize? You can’t vaporize a kid that can literally become super saiyan and control two of the most important elements on Earth. He walked over to his side and sat down, waiting for Raven.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli followed, a little worried "Don't hurt each other to badly" he sat down on the sidelines, letting his arms light up with his Dark blue lightning, getting ready to stop it if it went to far
Roy grinned and said:
"I can't let you guys have all the fun!! I haven't had a good workout in forever!"

Without second thought, Roy engulfed himself in his violet Rush Mode and sprinted to the training grounds, leaving a trail of purple flames behind him.

"All right! Full Power!!"
Roy's purple aura tripled in size, making his already messed up hair fly around violently. He did a couple of stretches and threw a couple of test punches. Looking fairly satisfied, he turned to his classmates and beamed:
Leo followed them to the arena. "Hey let do a two vs two.", he said stretching. "You guys are alright with it.", he asked. He kept his eyes toward the student with the purple aura.
Soul grimaced harshly at the immaturity of Christian and some of the Newbies. However, he soon let out a large sigh. “Y’know What? Fine. One of our leaders, Chrissy, has taken us to An unscheduled, unplanned event. Aight everyone watch them fight...” he spat out, and then calmed himself, and said in a nicer voice; “ehem- Sorry. Everyone follow Christian.” He sighed and sat down.



Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Chris looked over at Tara and calmed down a bit. “Look. I’m sorry, but a certain someone needs to learn a lesson about not gettin cocky. And plus we get to know the new kids’ powers.” He stood up and looked over at Leo, saying, “Ya know what? Yeah, let’s do doubles.” Somehow, Chris’s pissy attitude started to fade away into the dark abyss of his mind. Guess he probably has mood swings. He started to act more nicer to everyone now, including Raven. “So. Who’s gon be paired with who?”

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli stood up "I'm with whoever needs me" He shrugged "or if no one needs me I can just stay over here" He yawned "Whatever floats ya'lls boat" he stretched and let some lightning course over his body


Previously EeviumZ
“I’ll be with whoever wants a person who can create live, sentient beings out of ice given the right circumstances,” Allie stated.
“Admittedly, that one’s true...” Raven muttered.
Allie looked slightly confused, why was Raven advocating for her?


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“I think you got yourself a deal, Allie! I can basically do the same thing, but more dangerous!” Chris shouted over to her, smiling. He thought to himself, If we’re doubles partners, then it won’t take me a longer time to take care of Lucifer over there. And plus, I can heal her wounds. Even if she gets knocked out, then I can still go max power. It’s basically a win win situation. He sat back down and waited for the match to start.
While the flies traveled to the training grounds to keep watch, Aclava stayed in the library. She opened a book about spiders and placed a seed in front of her. she decided to sit down next to Soul for a quick chat.

"I'm not responsible for anything they do. If the teachers ask, blame it on Christian." she flipped through different pages, speed reading different parts of spider anatomy. "I'm surprised you didn't go with them. You seem like the guy who would gladly show off. Speaking of which, how're your injuries? You fully recovered?"