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Ask to Join Welcome Everyone, to Comet Trail High! (Superpower School)

Leo walked up to Allie,"Hey Allie I can sense you have potential but it double battle and you need a partner." He looked at Chris and the student with an immense energy. "If you don't decide, your gonna prove Chris right", he said calmly.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked around and stood on one end of the field "So is this a 2v2 or a 2v2v2 or what?" He looked around at everyone there waiting for his question to be answered


Previously EeviumZ
Allie nodded. "I'll go with Chris. And I'm not afraid, if that's what you're insinuating."
She sent a telepathic message to Chris, just to tell him the plan.
Raven may not look it, but she's a great fighter. Her best weapon is mental warfare. She can twist your mind and make you see things that aren't there. The second you fall for her illusion, you're dead. She can turn your greatest fears against you, and is a master manipulator. Then again, it's very difficult to tell her real attacks apart from her illusions. Just be careful.
She smirked. "I'm ready once everyone else is ready. This isn't my thing, but I kinda got dragged into it so I'll do it just this once."
Raven nodded solemnly. "I'm ready as well."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli walked up to Raven "I'll fight on your side" He turned around and looked at the other team "Do we get a minute to talk strategy, or do we just fight?"
Tara watched the battle with an intense stare, grinning. “Ah whatever Chrissy! I’m refereeing so nobody goes completely insane and ends up in the ER.” She put her hands on her knees and leaned forward.

Soul sighed and looked over at Aclava. “Well, I suppose I would if I wasn’t worried about screwing up for the principal. And I’m definitely still recovering. It’s hard not to... limp sometimes.” He showed his slightly scarred arms. “But hey. I'm quick to recover only with help and machinery, so I’ll be good!” He nodded


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Hah. The only thing I’m scared of is myself. And I’m being dead serious. Like hell I’m gonna die. Plus, I have a good way of telling what’s real or not. Chris thought as a reply to Allie. He started to give off a tremendous ocean blue aura. He was ready to go max power. But not yet. Listen up. I got a plan to keep Lucifer away from us for a little bit. The ground. I can flood the arena. When I do so, freeze the water so it’s like a ice rink. It’ll prolly take time for them to regain balance cuz of the friction. So...what I’m trying to say is strike from a distance, and skate. Got it?

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli whispered to Raven "How powerful is your ice friend over there? can she undo her own ice? what can we expect from her?" he started to prepare some energy in his body for his plans in battle
Leo nodded and understood Allie decision. He looked at Roy and shouted,"It seem like your my partner". He looked around and back to Roy and walked up to him. "We need a game plan because we don't know what kind potential our opponents might have.", he said as he warmed up.


Previously EeviumZ
Got it. I could freeze the ground regardless of whether you've got water down or not, but go ahead. Oh, and also, if I ask you to attack me, just do it. Trust me on this one. Allie smiled, not bothering to explain why.

Raven whispered quietly to Eli. "I haven't sparred with her for a while. From what I remember, she's ridiculously powerful. Not godlike, but powerful enough that she was actually banished from her birthplace for it. Don't tell her I told you that, though."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli bite his lip "I can copy one of their powers, only once though, so who should I go after?" He swept his eyes over his opponents "Also it will take a little while, so you will have to cover me a bit"


Previously EeviumZ
Raven was slightly interested in this. "Depends on the situation, really. However, be careful if you try to copy Allie's power. She'll find a way to turn it against you, I just know it. I can cover you by darkening the field, or putting up an energy barrier. By the way, what exactly can Chris do? He's obviously powerful, but I need to know so I can use it against him."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shrugged "I have no clue" He raised his hands and let some lightning jump up and down his arms "I can make a TON of this energy, but its utterly harmless, mostly for the copying, I can make them afraid of me as well, how much should I use do you think?"


Previously EeviumZ
"Again, depends on the situation. I can use really interesting scare tactics but I can't do anything once they see it's harmless."
Duly noted, Allie's voice rang out cheerfully in their minds.
Shut up and keep to yourself, Raven thought.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli glared at Allie "Cheap" he looked back at Raven "I think I should observe for a bit before jumping into action, to see what would best suite us, just tell me if you get an inspiration, otherwise, let's say we are ready"


Previously EeviumZ
Allie shrugged. "What am I supposed to do, not be an ice fairy with out of control powers? I already know everything that Raven can do, anyway..."

Raven gulped. "She didn't need to use telepathy to know that one. She's playing mind games. Buuut, I don't feel like waiting, so I'm just going to go ahead and say WE'RE READY." She shouted the last two words.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Awesome. I’m ready as well.” Chris said with with a little smirk on his face. The aura around him increased in size, adding a hue of brown into the mix. He crouched down and placed his hands on the ground so as soon as the match starts, he can flood the arena so Allie can freeze it. He looked over at Allie and whispered, “When you want me to hit you, do you want me to hit you with water?”


Previously EeviumZ
Allie shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me. Don't knock me out but don't be shy either." A cold aura surrounded her and her eyes glowed a radiant blue. The tactics she had planned were extremely risky, but in the end she didn't care much about winning. "I'm ready too," she proclaimed.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Trust me, gal. Even if I knock you out, I can get ya to regain conscience just like that.” Chris smiled as he snapped his finger when he said “just like that”. He took his hand and picked up some dirt and rocks, clenching them. “You may now know it, but besides water, there is another element I possess. You’ll find out later.” Chris said to Allie as he placed the pile of dirt and rocks to the side of him, so he can place both hands on the ground again. Upon closer inspection, the dirt pile looked very muddy. Was that pile a part of his plan?
Roy turned to Leo and said:
"Ok, I say we observe everyone during the first few minutes of fighting and rush whoever looks like the biggest threat. That way, we can focus on eliminating them quickly. If things get dicey, I have a few tricks that could help."

Roy faced the other 4 people and called out:


Previously EeviumZ
Allie nodded. "Battle... begin!" she cried, because no one else did.
Chris, flood the arena. Quickly. Let me know if you're slipping on the ice too much.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
“Trust me. I’m way ahead of ya, gal.” Chris said to Allie as waves upon waves of water started to gush out of his hands and flood the arena. He quickly took the dirt he was holding and placed them on the bottom of his shoes. The muddy mold made from the dirt resembled ice skating blades. He quickly ran and jumped into the air, “Allie! Now!”

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli stared at the opposing team and smiled, crossing his arms and lighting himself up with a full coat of his dark blue lightning, eyeing everyone to see who he should target. as the water flooded in he got confused quick, but when he heard chris shout, he put two and two together and jumped as well
Leo quickly jumped to not get caught in Chris's wave. He spotted what Chris was doing and shout at him. "Hey, you dont mind to borrow your powers quickly.", he said. Leo quickly dived down, grabbed mud and rise back up. He puts the mud on the sole of his shoes and formed blade for ice skating.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie immediately froze the water, as it was a very simple skill of hers. It took hardly any energy at all to do, and she smiled.

Raven wasn't ready for Allie and Chris's strategy, and her feet were frozen in the ice. She cursed quietly, and set a small fire to melt away the ice near her feet.
She decided to tap into her illusionary power. She summoned the illusion of a massive black dragon, the size of the entire arena. It looked startlingly real.

Allie flinched slightly at the dragon, but quickly realized that it was all one of Raven's illusions.
It's not real, Chris. Just attack it and it'll go away.
She raised her arms and large icy daggers fell from the sky. They were all glowing a cool blue, charged with Allie's energy.
Roy stood there as the wave approached. He thrusted out both hands and yelled: "SHIELD!"
The purple energy swirled around him, forming a barrier. Around him, the wave diverged and Roy stood his ground, pushing back at the torrent

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli landed on the ground and wobbled a bit, he pulled out his sword and pushed himself to Raven and started to smash the ice at her feet, making sure to keep an eye on everyone "This got off to a good start"


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Chris landed on the ice and started to skate around. He made a finger gun motion with his left hand, as sand started to flow around it. “Huh. So this is Lucifer’s illusionary power. Pretty neat, I must say.” Chris said to himself as he shot a sand blast at the dragon illusion. He kept skating around some more near his side of the arena, eying the rest of the teams carefully. “Got anymore stuff ya want me to do, gal?” Chris said over to Allie.
Roy released his protective energy as the water froze over. Suddenly a shadow fell over him. He looked up and saw a massive dragon, the size of the entire arena! Roy stared in disbelief:

Roy held his hand over his head desperately, muttering:
He shot out a desperate stream of energy at the dragon, just hoping it would leave him alone


Previously EeviumZ
Raven smirked. Roy had fallen for the illusion, making him an easy target.
She darkened the arena in his general area, and shot multiple slashes of red energy at him.

"Nothing yet. Just prepare to attack me. I'm not in need of it yet, I actually need to be physically injured before I can try my.. tactic. Which I am not going to explain at this moment." She winked, and turned to Eli. She shot three spheres of icy energy that spiraled around him, making an icy vortex.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli scowled as he looked at the vortex before raising his hand and firing a beam of his lightning like energy strait at Allie after he let it run for a few seconds he pulled out his sword and held it in front of him as he waited for any assault to come his way "Raven, a bit of help?"
Leo quickly skated toward Roy. Unfortunately he got caught in Raven attack. "Guh", he shouted and lost balance and fell off. "Roy it's an illusion just ignore it and focus.", he said.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
(Last post, then I’m heading offline)

Chris noticed that Eli started firing a lightning-like beam at Allie, so he quickly skated in front of her, holding his arms out as a wall of rock formed in front of him so the lightning beam can hit it. “Be careful.” Chris said to Allie, “From what these kids are doing now, they prolly ranged attackers. Be cautious, no matter what.”

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli frowned at his attacked being blocked, he spotted a big piece of ice in the vertex and used it to launch himself on top of the wall. he let himself charge with energy and let his eye glow, bringing the energy to his hand, he fired a big beam of it at the people below


Previously EeviumZ
Allie wasn't fazed by anything thrown at her. The air temperature suddenly dropped, as she summoned two icy golems. The golems were about double her height, and equipped with icy swords. They roared at the other fighters, and decided to rush Roy.

Raven created bubble-like red shields around herself and her partner. She began firing red energy orbs in Chris's general direction.
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Leo got backed up on his feet. He noticed the beams coming down, and quickly activated a shield. "Roy it will be nice to help me.. Like now",he said trying to keep force field active."come on, it not gonna last.", he said.


Previously ChristianTheDoggoKing
Chris took notice of Allie’s golems and kind of smiled, while raising his blood temperature so he doesn’t get cold. Damn. She got style. Chris thought to himself as he quickly noticed the energy orbs being shot at him. He quickly fired a couple of Razor Bubbles at them before it hit him. He looked over at Raven, forming another Sandblast in his hand in case he was going to be attack from somewhere else. “Hey, what’s the greatest magnitude you’ve experienced by an earthquake?”
Roy was still in a panicked state from the dragon. He heard Leo's call for help and thought to himself:
Suddenly, an idea sprung up. Roy smiled mischievously and said:
"If you can't beat 'em.......bomb 'em. Hey Leo, you might want to move back a bit." (TFS reference?!!)

Last time I did this, I was knocked out for days on end. Ah who cares. WORTH IT

Roy closed his eyes and concentrated all his energy into his chest. He took a deep breath and yelled at the top of his lungs something along the lines of:
Roy began to glow brighter and brighter and brighter until........


Roy had turned himself into an energy bomb and had just detonated in the middle of the arena. Roy was instantly knocked unconscious, still bearing that goofy smile.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli smiled when he saw his lightning hit "Now I just need to wait" he jumped down and felt a wave from Roy, sliding him over to Raven he adopted a very confused look "What was the point in that?" he shook his head "anyway, I got Allie, we just need to wait for my energy to do its work"