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Welcome to the Olympus Reigon!


Previously DripNinja
Ok..got the first legendary planned out

"The Angry Horns Pokemon"
Type: Rock
HP- 360
Attack- 240
Defense- 130
Sp. Atk- 255
Sp. Def- 240
Speed- 150

Head Smash
Rock Wrecker
Mirror Room
Stone Edge
Power Gem
Ancient Power
Rock Blast
Rock Slide
Rock Tomb
Defense Curl
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Previously DripNinja
"The Peaceful Attack Pokemon"
Type: Flying-Dragon
HP- 240
Attack- 220
Defense- 232
Sp. Atk- 245
Sp. Def- 249
Speed- 200

Soaring Rainstorm
Feather Dance
Sky Drop
Dual Wingbeat
Dragon Ascent
Brave Bird
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Previously DripNinja
"The Sky Drop Pokemon"
Type: Flying
HP- 230
Attack- 120
Defense- 230
Sp. Atk- 250
Sp. Def- 250
Speed- 150

Sky Drop
Dual Wingbeat
Brave Bird
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The highest a base stat can go on any given Pokemon is 255. There is no base total, but if we give 255 on each stat (255 x 6), we'd get a total of 1,530, but the two highest ones are 1,125 from Eternamax Eternatus (and we can't use that in combat) and then 780 from Mega Mewtwo X and Y and Mega Rayquaza.


Previously DripNinja
"The Sea Serpent Pokemon"
Type: Water-Dragon
HP- 250
Attack- 225
Defense- 150
Sp. Atk- 250
Sp. Def- 200
Speed- 240

Aqua Tail
Steam Eruption
Dynamax Cannon
Dragon Breath
Hydro Pump
Water Sprout
Dragon Tail
Flip Turn
Hydro Cannon
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse


Previously DripNinja
I made a new Pokemon it's not a legendary, though it's based on Medusa...

"The Stone Eyes Pokemon"
Type: Poison-Dark
HP- 30
Attack- 35
Defense- 55
Sp. Atk- 75
Sp. Def- 60
Speed- 75

Stone Sight
Beat Up
Dark Pulse

Evolve with High Friendship

"The Lying Eyes Pokemon"
Type: Poison-Dark
HP- 60
Attack- 75
Defense- 63
Sp. Atk- 108
Sp. Def- 92
Speed- 132

Stone Sight
Beat Up
Dark Pulse
Hone Claws
False Surrender
Toxic Spikes
Poison Tail
Poison Fang
Sucker Punch
Type: Fire
"The Fire Cub Pokemon. Cubburn are usually very timid and would likely run or hide at the first sign of trouble and leave the fighting to their parents. Should they find themselves in a hopeless situation, they make their bodies emit extremely hot heat waves of up to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit."
Take Down
Double Kick

Evolve at Level 31

Type: Fire
"The Insatiable Pokemon. Once a Cubburn evolves, they immediately leave the pack to fend for themselves, when they get their hands on enough food, they eat it all and don't leave a single trace behind. Trainers are usually advised to be careful of Combeast's eating habits."
Fire Fang
Double Edge
Shadow Claw
Dragon Breath

Evolve at 55 under Harsh sunlight

Type: Fire/Dragon
"The Manticore Pokemon. These Pokemon usually make their homes somewhere near active volcanos where they look after their Cubburn. While their tails are said to have venom strong enough to paralyze prey, their flames are said to be so hot that they can melt through metal."
Poison Tail (Learns this immediately after evolving.)
Heat Wave
Dragon Claw
Fire Blast
Dragon Pulse

I only did some moves.
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Previously DripNinja
Ok, here's the stats

HP: 35
Attack: 55
Defense: 40
Sp Atk: 60
Sp Def: 50
Speed: 65

HP: 75
Attack: 95
Defense: 86
Sp Atk: 135
Sp Def: 105
Speed: 95

HP: 135
Attack: 155
Defense: 125
Sp. Atk: 160
Sp. Def: 157
Speed: 190
The levels might be a bit too much, as Starters tend to evolve the first time around 14-18 and the last evolution between 30-38. Especially with the stats you gave it, I can see this being a Pseudolegendary.


Previously RubyGus
Name: Ventus

Title: The Flying Aurora

Age: 16

Personality: Smart, Sometimes Shy, Brave, and Funny

Trainer Class: Gym Leader

Info: Falkner is really smart because his great grandfather was really wise but died and that where he got his smartest from. Falkner jokes make everyone laugh he even made his own joke book

Clothes: White shirt, brown pants, white and black shoes.

Level: 40
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Dragon Breath
Scary Face
Zen Headbutt

Level: 45
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Moves: Sky Attack
Heat Wave
Razor Wind
Mirror Move

Level: 44
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Air Cutter
Confuse Ray
Leech Life

Level: 50
Nature: Brave
Bug Bite
Storm Throw
Double Hit
Vise Grip

Level: 44
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Ice Fang
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Its up to MrNinja, but I'm not sure if having a Legendary for a Gym Leader is a good idea. I can't realistically see a 16-year-old with an Articuno, much less any Legendary or Mythical really.

And just because someone in your family is wise doesn't automatically make you smart. I also prefer the levels to be closer together. What position is your character at? 8th? 7th? 6th? I can't tell by Pokemon levels alone. Gyarados has 5 moves by the way, it needs 4.
Judging by the highest level of any Pokemon in the team being 50, your gym leader is placed 8th. Meaning that, while your Pokemon aren't as strong as the Elite Four members, they should be tougher than the other Gym Leaders before them. Meaning that natures and moves should correspond to their roles in a battle. While they may not have the best Pokemon, they should have competent movesets and natures to compliment their roles.

I also need Abilities on all of these Pokemon (including ones I have looked over). These are difficult to judge if there are no Abilities for me to gauge them on. Also, the weaker the gym leader is, the more lenient the attacks you can add to them are (just as long as the levels, forms, and lesser attacks make sense).

Level: 40
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Dragon Breath
Scary Face
Zen Headbutt

A Brave nature means Salamence has higher Attack and sacrifices his Speed. Scary Face can offset this. However, I'd like to know the Abilities. Nobody has really put Abilities on their Pokemon and it is really confusing. But if Salamence is probably supposed to be a physical fighter from what I can see, why do they know Dragon Breath over a much stronger Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw, Breaking Swipe, or Outrage, or even Dragon Tail? Dragon Claw might do more damage than Dragon Breath if Salamence's strength lies in its physical attack than its special. Fly is fine, as it is the only good STAB attack it can learn that isn't as weak as Aerial Ace or Dual Wingbeat.

Salamence is weak to Ice, Rock, Dragon, and Fairy. Dragon Breath (or any physical Dragon-Type attack you replace it with) can stop Dragon-Type Pokemon, Fly doesn't get rid of any weaknesses, and neither does Zen Headbutt. I would recommend letting it know Brick Break instead of Zen Headbutt, which can also get rid of any screens the challenger may use (which might be used), and helps get rid of Ice- and Rock-Types. Steel Wing is also great, and I might recommend getting rid of Scary Face just to have something to use against Fairy-Types.

Level: 45
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Moves: Sky Attack
Heat Wave
Razor Wind
Mirror Move

Again, another Brave natured bird, which is probably not a good idea. Pidgeot's speed is key to its usefulness and having a nature that can negatively affect it won't exactly be a good idea. I can't tell if you wanted it to be another Physical attacker due to the nature and the better Attack stat than Special Attack, but I assume you wanted them to be a mixture. But I feel like Pidgeot is not good enough with this moveset in the 8th gym. Razor Wind is a two-turn attack, the first turn being a charging turn. I wouldn't recommend any two-turn attacks that need the first turn to charge, and there are better Normal-Type attacks to use. Mirror Move is good, Heat Wave is a staple to get rid of Ice-Types, Rock-Types can be rid by Salamence or Gyarados, and Electric can be taken care of by another member of the team.

To replace Razor Wind, I would recommend Return (which is MUCH stronger and uses Pidgeot's better Attack stat). That's actually it. There are no other Normal-Type Special attacks that are a good idea on Pidgeot. I would also recommend making Pidgeot's nature be something else that doesn't impact Speed negatively. You never do this, but seeing that Speed, Special Attack, and Attack are needed, one of its defenses will have to be sacrificed, so it will have to be Defense for now. Lonely, Modest, or Timid would be good ideas.

Level: 44
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Air Cutter
Confuse Ray
Leech Life

Crobat is also a high Attack and Speed Pokemon, so Brave is not a good idea. I wouldn't even recommend its Special Attack stat. But let's have at it with both sets.

First Crobat is weak to Rock, Electric, Psychic, and Ice. Ice and Rock can be taken care of by Salamence, and Electric and Psychic by Pinsir. So Crobat is basically fine.

For a physical set, Leech Life is a given for much-needed health, Cross Poison as the strongest Poison-Type physical attack it can use, Sky Attack/Brave Bird/Fly for strong Flying-Type physical attacks, and Crunch to help get rid of Psychic-Types. Though, Crunch isn't the most ideal move, and Defog might be better to help get rid of screens and hazards (which are very annoying).

For a special set, Giga Drain is a given for health, Air Slash or Hurricane for strong Flying-Type special attacks, Sludge Bomb for a strong Poison-Type attack and a 30% chance to poison, which can either make its last move Hex (which doubles its damage if the opponent is poisoned), Dark Pulse, or Defog.

Level: 50
Nature: Brave
Bug Bite
Storm Throw
Double Hit
Vise Grip

I assume Pinsir has a Pinsirite to become a Bug/Flying-Type Mega Pinsir with Aerilate. Pinsir is much better as a physical attacker and it needs its speed, so Brave needs to be changed for Adamant. Flying, Rock, and Fire (and then after Mega Evolving, Electric and Ice) are its weaknesses. Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, or Stone Edge are much better options than Double Hit, allowing it to knock out Flying, Fire, and Ice Pokemon with ease. Earthquake is also much needed to get rid of Rock, Fire, and Electric Pokemon, making it a beast and that can be replaced for Vise Grip. A Bug-Type attack can be X-Scissor, which is much better for an 8th gym leader. Instead of Storm Throw, which forces the Pokemon to go last, I would suggest either Body Slam, a strong Normal-Type attack that can become Flying and has a chance to Paralyze, or Feint to smash through Protect and Detect. Or even Thrash, or Double-Edge, or even Giga Impact if you feel inclined to go that route.

Level: 44
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Ice Fang

Gyarados is a better Physical attacker than Special attacker, so Brave or Adamant is better. Rock and Electric can be practically destroyed by Pinsir's Earthquake, but letting Gyarados have Earthquake is much better. Aqua Tail is the strongest Water-Type attack it can use, and Bounce is the strongest Flying-Type attack it can use. Unless you are planning on using Normalium-Z for Splash and get an added +3 in Attack, I would recommend Power Whip to get rid of Rock, Ground, and other Water-Types.

The problem with that is this entire team is a physically hyper offensive team. There are no walls, no Special Attackers, and no set-ups. With the composition of this team, I don't think this can be an 8th gym leader. Maybe 7th. You'll need Pokemon like Mandibuzz (or any other tanky Flying-Type) as a wall and Sigilyph (or any other powerful special attacking Flying-Type) to be a Special Attacker in order to be considered for an 8th position. That will literally be it though. And those are just my thoughts. If MrNinja says otherwise, then I guess it's fine, but a better made Gym Leader before this one can beat this one with ease.


Previously DripNinja
New Fakemon

"The Eye Pokemon"
Type: Fighting- Steel
HP- 70
Attack- 80
Defense- 50
Sp. Atk- 35
Sp. Def- 35
Speed- 35

Body Press
Bullet Punch
Cross Chop
Gyro Ball

Evolve at Level. 25
“The Hammer Arm Pokémon”
Type: Fighting - Steel
HP: 130
Attack: 110
Defense: 180
Sp. Atk: 60
Sp. Def: 60
Speed: 50

Bullet Punch
Cross Chop
Gyro Ball
Heavy Slam
Flash Cannon
Brick Break
Hammer Arm
Iron Defense
Drain Punch
Close Combat


Previously DripNinja
"The Relic Pokemon"
Type: Ghost-Ground
HP- 85
Attack- 52
Defense- 120
Sp. Atk- 50
Sp. Def- 50
Speed- 25

Confuse Ray
Sand Attack

What types are available for Elite Four again? My character sheet is going to be fairly long and detailed XD And I can make the first gym leader. In the middle of a story I'm making and the character sheet for the Elite Four member.

Also, @Ghostryder30, I noticed you aren't contributing. Do you still want to contribute to this? It's fine if you don't. I understand I was quite harsh with your Pokemon team and their movesets, but I won't apologize for it. An Elite Four member has to have better movesets, as getting to that state is a competition. Their teams are better than all the other Gym Leaders and their supped up teams, and they should be able to go toe-to-toe with the champion and the rest of the Elite Four members. If they can't, then they shouldn't be eligible for consideration to become a member. I'm making a trainer who is a veteran (in their 30s-40s) and have gone through quite a bit of trouble in their journey to achieve a competent team. If your team can't hold up to mine, or Red Gallade's character, or the champion, then they won't be able to become an Elite Four member. Not with the movesets you have, at least. But everything else, like your choice in Pokemon, I was fine with.

Plus, Elite Four Pokemon cannot be higher than 70 (but you likely didn't see that as it was added on as MrNinja made their champion. I understand you were excited to show off your character, but they have to follow some semblance of reality in the Pokemon World and what MrNinja expects, or else it would just look contrived and the only way that person can win is with Deus Ex Machina stuff. A Kangaskhan with Scrappy and a Dark-Type attack can rip through that entire team and, if we are using stats and levels like in the games, I'm going to end up using Smogon and Showdown's Damage Calculator to determine the capabilities of everyone's teams. Luckily, Gym Leaders don't get the same kind of scrutiny (unless you are 7th or 8th), but they still have to follow the difficulty curve.

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