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Open Wild Pokemon Life

Adam couldn't help but chuckle "No no it's fine nobody's ever done that before , feels nice to be loved for a change." he said "I didn't mind at all."
"Ya know....If you feel like it,You could join our journey together"When Fairi heard this,her pupils were star-shaped"OMG!YESH THAT WOULD BE A GREAT IDEA!Besides the more the merrier!"She said with a Smile.
"How about we go and find some shelter,Its gonna get dark soon"said Fairu,"Yeah!I Agree with my twinsy!"Fairi said while eating another Oran Berry.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Just a friendly reminder that posts should be paragraphs, not single sentences. One-Liners are highly frowned upon. Put some descriptions into your posts. And mind your grammar - you keep shifting from past to present and that really should not be happening.
(OOC: Hopefully this isn't too late)
Name: Theraxx
Species: Feraligatr
Gender: Male
Friends: Likes people who don't annoy him to death or care about him too much
Moves: Hydro Pump, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, Aqua Tail
History: Both parents died when he was 1, fought in many battles for territory back at his home
Personality: Prefers being alone if possible, a bit rough on Pokemon he doesn't know
Other: A battle scar running through his left eye

Theraxx trekked through the forest until he noticed a drop of rain splash onto his hand. The water restored a glimmer of vitality in his heart, giving him the energy to keep moving. His muscles were sore, and his bones felt weak. It was bad enough that he had been driven from his home; now he had to walk through this forest. Alone. Which was what he wanted, but he longed to find someone who could sympathize with him and know what he felt. Theraxx slumped against a tree and drifted off to sleep.
"Eek!It's Raining!!"Fairi said while using her Ribbon as an Umbrella.
"We better hurry and find some shelter!"said Fairu as she begin running,before she got any furter she saw a Feraligatr under a tree.
She looked at the Feraligatr Sadly,'Poor Thing,He must be tired and hungry'.
She pulled out a mini bag from her bag and stuff some berries in there,most of them were Oran Berries.
"Hope thats enough"she whispered,After that she went back to her group.
She looked at the shelter he built,it was quite beautiful.
"Thank you!This is more then enough!"she gave Adam a friendly nuzzle.
"Come now Fairi,Time to sleep!","Coming Twinsy!"They went inside and sat.
Fairu took out one mini pillow,while Fairi took out two mini pillows.
She putted the second mini pillow beside her,she then tapped the mini pillow,"This pilow is for you Adam"She gave him a Smile and went to Sleep.
(i guess so) Adam woke up and silently laughed , he put an arm around Fairi and decided to sleep like that but he couldn't help but wonder what Fairus reaction to seeing the two like this would be.
Soon it was morning and Fairu was always the first to wake up.
She was about to go out and prepare food when she saw the two snuggling each other her fangirl mode was on.
"OMG!SO KAWAII!!!!"she whipered screamed.
She took out a Camera,She stole from a trainer and took a picture.
She smiled and went outside to make breakfast.
(The Breakfast is Oran Berry Pancakes.
She them by making a fire and used some stuff she stole to cook it (Flour,Sugar and a frying pan XD))
Adam woke up and realized the two were still how they were so he , being careful not to wake Fairi up , got up and pet her head before going outside and immediately seeing Fairu "Morning" He said "sleep well?"
Adam took the leaf gladly "Thanks , and you saw huh? Well she pulled me towards her so i just went along with it you know? also this smells amazing by the way." He smiled.
"She just LOVES hugging people,and people like hugging her because of her fluffy fur!"Soon then Fairi came out Yawning while brushing her.
"*Yawn*Good morning Sissy and Pikaboy"
she sat down and ate some Pancakes.
(OOC: I'd like to privately talk with @SongFlake here about something concerning.)


Jill had been knocked out during the rainy weather, as she woke up near the shelter that Adam had built. She quickly shook her body to get rid of the water on her, as she fluffed her wings to dry them as quickly as she could. She went over to him while resisting the urge to move towards the scent that hugged her beak. She felt weak from the rainy weather that drove her body temperature down significantly, as she shivered while attempting to not look weak in front of him. She was oblivious to the other Pokémon that were with him, as she quietly fluffed her left wing again.
"You're not wrong with the fluffy fur". Adam laughed . He took a bite out of his pancake and spoke after he swallowed. "Oh my word this is amazing!" He seemed overjoyed.
Theraxx woke up to an extraordinary smell; something like cooking pancakes. He got up and headed to where the aroma was strongest and noticed a pair of Sylveon chatting with a Pikachu happily. Ugh, they seemed so friendly around each other. Theraxx turned around, but then all of the fatigue he had been feeling crashed on him with one fell swoop, and Theraxx fainted at the spot, knowing nothing more.
Fairu then heard a thud as well as Fairi,"What was that?"said Fairi as she dashed off to the sound,"FAIRI COME BACK!"Fairu yelled at her curious twin.
Adam started running after Fairi and quickly turned to look at Fairu. "i'll catch up to her , pikachus are fast , oh and don't worry i'll keep her safe." He ran off after Fairi.
Fairu sighed and noticed a small bird,"Hello there!Would you like some Pancakes?"she said with a smile and gave a piece of the pancake to Jill.

Meanwhile at Fairi

She stopped when she saw a BIG figure laying down.'It seems to be fainting',she pokes him to make sure he is alive.
"Ummm....Mister Giant are you alive?"She asked with a worried tone.
Adam finally catches up to Fairi "Fairi!" He sounds relieved. "Don't just run off like that ok? and be careful with big pokemon". He said in a tone that sounded like he was trying to be protective.
Adam smiled at her and pet her head like he did when he woke up. "Hey it's ok , that's very kind to try and help a fainted pokemon , it's amazing but next time please tell either me or Fairu that you're going and let one of us follow you so you're not going alone ok?" He said , being as nice as he could.
Jill slowly ate the pancake, while she wondered how the maker even made it. She didn't seem to question about it too much, as she stayed completely slient, while she looked up at Fairu. She looked at the morning sky, while the sun glanced at her. She neatly folded her wings in while the gentle breeze brushed against her tiny body.
Adam laughed. "Come on let's go and tell Fairu about this Feraligatr , she was starting to get worried when you just bolted off." He told her.