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Open Wild Pokemon Life

((Please avoid using one-liners, it can be a hazard to this thread.))
Kai had just woken up and slipped outside the cave to enjoy the cool morning air. He enjoyed breathing in the damp air for it cooled his hot throat, always having to use a flamethrower every once in a while.
Charlotte was finnaly able to sleep, for at least 5 hours.
She groggingly got up, and stretched her legs.
She immediately looked through her backpack, and pulled out a Oran berry and ate it.
Kai sprawled himself on the moist rock, enjoying the coolness. "So nice..." Kai purred at the thought and stretched his hind legs. He got back up and took an empty glass jar to go collect some honey.
"...I guess Silver finnaly went to sleep..."
Charlotte said, as she looks over Silver, her body curled up as she was sleeping.
"She really needs to stop bursting out like that." Charlotte sighed.
Kai padded around until he had found a tree that was just practically dripping of honey. "Best be careful, or I just might get stung..." Kai winced at the thought or getting stung. Using his claws to keep himself to the tree he climbed up, careful not to slip. Once he had reached the quiet hive he stuck the empty jar in and carefuly gathered some honey, being sure not to wake up the sleeping combee inside. After he finished gathering the honey he had trotted back hom to present his friends the large jar of honey.
"Woah! Delicious honey!" Charlotte exclaimed, completely forgetting abou Silver.
She ran over to Kia."Can I have some?"She asked, exited.
Charlotte grabbed the bottle, and stuck her paw inside. She instantly started lapping up the honey.
"...I bet Silver would like this honey..." She looked at her again.
"...oh well, more for me!" She said,trying to get her mind of her.
Luke had been out gathering berries. When he thought he got enough he headed back to the cave. "Brought back some berries. Is that honey??" Seth placed the berries on the ground and walked over to the honey. "Can I have some?"
"Uh-huh" She replied, mouth full of honey.
When she handed the bottle over, she had a hard time separating it from her sticky paws.
When she finnaly gave it to Luke, it was almost empty.
Luke grabbed some berries and dipped them in the honey then ate them. "Oh delicious." Luke kept doing this process until there was no more honey. "Aww man it was so tasty."
Silver started to slowly get up.
"...What...happened last night..." Silver asked, while she was still waking up.
"You don't remember?" Charlotte questioned, giving her a disappointed look."You kept yelling st poor Luke over here, until you passed out from yelling so much..." She explained, crossing her arms.
"I'm going to get more honey." Luke grabbed the jar and ran back into the forest. He say the honey dripping so he climbed the tree. He didn't want to get stung so he moved quickly and quietly. Luke got the jar of honey and ran back. As he got down from the he broke a few twigs which caused everything around him buzz to life. "Uh oh." Luke just ran back to the cave as quick as he could to give the others the honey. "We may have a problem soon."
"What do you mean!?" Silver yelled."I don't have time to deal with this crap!" She said, walking out of the den. When she got out, she quickly saw what Luke was warning them about.
"That's alright." Kai said. "Practice makes perfect... But those stings are most certainly not perfect and I'm pulling up the boulder." Kai grabbed hold a a lone chain attatched to a boulder and pulled it up, sealing the cave from any harm.
"Sorry about that. It was my first time getting honey." Without the light from outside Luke started to get cold so he went near the fire. He started eating some honey and berries and passed it on to Kai. "Here you go."
"Hey wait...wasn't Silver out there?" Charlotte said.
Silver is currently running in circles for her life. She suddenly turns around, and uses Leaf storm on all of them, but it doesn't do very much.
Kai held up a paw, shaking his head. "I'm fine, I've had my fill." Kai lit up the fire once again, illuminating the dark cave. "So, once the angry Combee go away I'll knock the boulder back down." He used double-kick on the boulder, knocking it down. He used Flamethrower on the angry Combee, chasing them away.
"...I guess the Combee are her own problem..." Charlotte said to herself, as she sat down near the fire. I've seen her fight before...even though she is weak to bug and flying, I'm sure she will be able to defeat them... She thought, looking at the blazes of the fire.
Kai nodded. "Sorry about accidentally shutting off the cave without you." He said, and apologetic tone in his voice. Kai looked into the distance, making sure all the Combee had left.
"Heh..." She seemed to be holding in rage.
Charlotte saw this, and quickly came to her aid.
"Alright,Silver....I think you have to calm down now..." She said slowly walking up to her.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Several Out-of-character posts containing no RP content, unsourced art and other people's fanmade Pokemon used without permission by their creator or checked with the thread creator have been removed from this RP.
(OOC: There's quite a bit of chaos going on, so I'm going to be a little cautious here. As a result, that means I will most likely not be using my Fakemon here at the moment, as I would like to discuss that with the RP Creator first. Since the Aloha rule was recently lifted, I will be starting off with an Aloha Pokémon. As always, if there's any issues, please feel free to privately discuss it with me.)

Species: Pikipek
Gender: Female
Friends: She has no friends at the moment, though she may become friends with Kai, the Growlithe and some other Pokémon that she may meet. (Once she meets him though.)
Moves: She knows Peck, Growl, Pluck, and Roost.
History: She was an only child, as her mother was an Oricorio, while her father was a Toucannon. She had been harassed endlessly by other Pokémon in her early life, as she turned to her imaginary friends for love and support after her psychosis started to kick in. She quickly became obsessed with it soon after, as she had named one of them Chris. They all spend their time together, as she had often refused to go out and meet other Pokémon, due to her psychotic nature against them. For unknown reasons, she chose to communicate only with the help of sign language and her pecking.
Personality: Her personality remains mostly unknown, as she doesn't speak at all. As stated in her history, she suffers from psychosis and is also a sociopath, as she occasionally communicates with her imaginary friends, while she does it a lot more if she is alone.
Other: She wears a black scarf around her neck.

Jill sat down on a branch, as she was slightly high up on a tree. She quietly pecked at the tree, drilling tiny holes in it, as she swiftly flew up after and grabbed what appeared to be a bluish, almost round berry. She held onto the berry with a rather tight grip, as she flew down and noticed a cave in the distance. She quietly flew over to the cave, while making sure that her wings flapped as silently as they could, afraid that they may attract other Pokémon. She noticed a boulder that had appeared to be knocked down by some force, as she was oblivious to the other Pokémon in the area.
History:Fairu Saw her parents in front of her with her sister by Houndooms and Mightyenas when she was an eevee,They thought they could use them and evolve them into Umbreons,But before they could get them,her sister stood in front of her and evolved into a Shiny Sylveon and ran with her sister.They then went Traveling,Fairi soon became a Sylveon as well and mey many friends.
Friends:Fairu(More like my Twinsy)
Moves:Fairy Wind,Moon Blast,Swift,Quick Attack
Personality: Playful,Friendly,Childlish,
Clumsy and Serious at Sometimes
Others:A Bag with colorful pins,An Eevee Tail Necklace

Species:Shiny Sylveon
History:Fairu promised her parents that if anything happens to them she would protect her twin from danger,that is why she stood up to protect her even if she couldn't defeat the pack of houndooms and mightyenas,she evolved into a sylveon and ran away with her twin,now they went traveling together.
Moves: Disarming Voice,Draining Kiss,Attract,Tackle
Kind and Can be Childish
Others:A Bag with a big shiny sylveon ribbon on the middle,A shiny eevee tail necklace

Fairi walked quietly to find her hiding sister,since they were playing hide and seek,she kept walking quietly until she found a cave,'She might be in there!'she thought,she went inside the cave without a sound then saw a shadow,'AHAH!Found you now!',she got ready to pounce then when she was ready,she jumped at the figure,"FOUND YOU TWINSY!!"she noticed it was hot, she jumped off the furry figure with hot paws with a yelp,"Sissy why were you so hot-"she went speechless when she saw how HUGE the figure was,that was NOT here sister.She sat there staring at the Arcanine not knowing what to do.
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Name: Adam
Species: Pikachu
Gender: Boy
Friends: no friends , wants to be friends with someone nice but has never had any friends before
Moves: Thunderbolt , Tackle , Volt switch , Leer
History: He grew up without parents since they died after he was born. He traveled around hoping to find friends but everyone he met seemed to wanted to fight him which he didn't like so he just went in hiding until now
Personality: Friendly , Alone , doesn't like fighting and only does so in self defense
Other: Missing an ear and his tail has a cut on it
Adam walked around trying to avoid any pokemon or trainer he came across in fear of battling. "got to get away , got to get away" he kept telling himself while quickly walking
Fairu felt that Fairi might be in trouble,because she hasn't found her yet.She went outside her hiding spot,which was behind the big rock.She went to find her,While searching for her she found a Pikachu with a missing ear and a cut on his tail quickly walking.She decided to ask him,She walked to him and said,"Ummm.. Hi,Can i ask you have you seen my twin?She is a normal Sylveon"
"Why should i hurt you?There no reason to do it,I was only asking you if you seen my twin Fairi,I'm Fairu,What's your name?"She asked the Worried Pikachu.
The pikachu seemed to be a little calmer "What? but everyone i've ever met has wanted to hurt and kill me and no i haven't seen your twin , sorry" he said "I'm Adam"
"Nice to meet you Adam"She gave a Smile at him,But then turned into a worried frown,"*Sigh*I Hope she doesn't get into trouble"The Shiny Sylveon said.
Adam sighed as well "If she's out there she might be i mean just look at me , everyone i ever meet , pokemon or human , has tried to kill me" he said almost crying "I've never had any friends, so if your twin is out there she could be in lots of trouble." he admitted.
She looked at the Pikachu with a Sad Look,She felt bad for the Pikachu,"You know.....I am your friend for now on Ok?"She Smiled,"And Besides my twin is always getting into trouble and somehow got out of it,In someway-"She was cut off by a certain Sylveon tackling her,"THERE YOU ARE TWINSY!"She said with tears"I WAS SO SCARED THAT I MIGHT NOT FIND YOU-....Oooh!Who's the new PikaBoy?"Fairu Rolled her Twin's Behaviour.
Adam slightly smiled and waved and the newly entered sylveon "H...hi i'm Adam or as my parents actually called me Adam the Unloved" he nervously said.
The Sylveon jumped infront of Adam,took his hand/paw and shook it"Howdy Adam!Call me Fairi!and why would you parents call your Adam the Unloved?You Should be Called Adam The Cutie!BECUZ YOU ARE TOO CUTE!!!!"She said and Hugged/Glomped the Pikachu,But then her Twin pulled her away with her Riboons,"Sorry about my Twin.....She is a bit.....HyperActive"