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Open Wild Pokemon Life

(Right.) Kai dreamed of finally becoming one with his fathers back again, but he knew deep inside that that'll never happen. He knew he had to live with his friends and protect the forest he called his own.
(IM ALIVE AND HAD 4 FRIGGING TESTS TODAY.) Crystal stood up tired and hungry. Crystal saw that Kai had evolved and her eyes shined at how big he is and whispered to herself "I wonder when i'll evolve." She then laid down unable to sleep staring at the sky.
"See ya later, Flamzer." Kai waved the Charizard goodbye and returned to the Eevee. "So, Crystal. How are you?" Kai asked, pleased to talk to his friend again. He curled his large tail around his paws.
Crystals eyes shined "I'm great! But your huge! It must have been really exciting to have evolved~!" She exclaimed with her tail high in excitement.
Keoni purred gleefully. "It was very exciting indeed." He looked back at the volcano. "... The volcano erupted while I evolved. It was quite spectacular." He layed down, his hulking body dark.
(My friend just said she thought Crystals voice was British for her help me) Crystal stared at the sky then looked at Kai "Iv'e always thought of evolving someday but I have no idea what i'd evolve into i mean Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon and so many others!" she said as she laid down next to him.
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Kai put a paw under his chin, pondering for a moment. "What would she be..?" Kai thought. His claws clicked together when he finally thought of something. "... You seem a bit like a Sylveon." His mane curled a few times. "You just seem so happy all the time, so that's why you remind me of one." Kai remarked.
Crystal looked at Kai with a HUUUUGE smile "EEEEE ITS PERFECT!!!" she exclaimed loudly then covered her mouth in a whisper "Oops sorry for being so loud!"
Kai gave Crystal a warm smile. "It's alright." He purred. "It's not good to bottle up emotions.. It can cause quite the problems." Kais fur coat grew warmer. "I've seen Sylveons before. They look quite pretty." He let his blue eyes settle back on Crystal. "I've even seen a blue one before."
Crystal tilted her head to the side "Blue Sylveon? Iv'e seen a silver Eevee before but never a blue sylveon." She said questioningly.
"Well, that's the thing." Kai looked back into the distance. "If a silver Eevee were to evolve into a Slyveon it'll be blue instead of pink." Kai explained. He rested his head on his large paws. "The ribbons the Slyveon have are absolutely fascinating too." He purred at the thought.
OCC (( Iwas bored, so why not join this?))
Freinds:She knows a couple of Pokémon, but she doesn't use the term freinds....more like...items for use.
Moves:LeafBlade,Aqua Tail,LeafStorm,Growth.
History:She has lost touch with her parents. There isn't that much to say about her history. Besides, shouldn't it be a surprise?
Personality:She isn't the kindest person. When ever a person confronts her, she will argue until the very end.She is very violent. Selfish. Doesn't care about other Pokémon feelings that much.
Other:The Leaf on her tail is longer and more slender than other Snivy tail.

She has finnaly reached her mangrove, which she calls home.
"...good hunt today..." She said to herself, sitting down on a rock in the dirt patch.
"...well..guess it's back to counting rocks..."
She said reluctantly. That is the only thing he could think to do.
((Yeah, if others where online right now that'll be great.))
Kai soon fell alseep, his black stripes giving off a soft red hue. He snored softly and his mane uncurled, now finally relaxed. Kai seemed to be having a good dream according to the smile on his muzzle.
((I'll try to make my Silver run into your charecter ok?))
"...counting rocks....counting rocks..." She sang, while, obviously, counting rocks.
"That's it!" She yelled angrily, throwing the rocks everywhere."Ugh....I need something to do..."
She starts climbing the side of the mangrove, to a weeping willow tree.
Species:albino guardevior
Freinds: only her little sister whom is a kairla
Moves:LeafBlade,pycho cut, blizzard, heal bell.
History:She has lost touch with her parents. There isn't that much to say about her history.
Personality:She isn't the kindest person when ever a person confronts her that she doesn't know .She can be very violent. And angry. She care about other Pokémon feelings.
Other:is pure white only her horn is blue wears a black cloak to hid herself if needed
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Kai sprawled himself out, his fluffy fur coating his entire body. He knew Crystal was there, since he knew that the small thing wouldn't leave a Pokemon that was literately six times bigger than her.
Silver swept passed the tree, and slipped on some slippery substance."What the heck is that-" she started to say, before she slides right into a Arcinine.
"....Hey! Stop touching me!" She yells,getting off of him immediately.
Kai woke up, startled. "Hm?" He stood up, his hulking body towering over the Snivy. "... Oh, my bad." Kai picked up the sleeping Eevee and stepped out of the way for the Snivy.
Winter walked through the forest wondering what to do she knew it was going to start storming badly soon and needed to find shelter and fast as the clouds started to form
"Sometimes...the nerve of some Pokémon..." She mutters under her breath, as she starts to storm away. She continued ranting on as she started to walk away.
Kais eyes lowered to a half-lidded gaze. "... Rude." He muttered, laying back down with the sleeping Eevee on his back. "... Some Pokemon haven't been enlightened yet, eh?" He looked at the stars above.
"..." Silver scanned the Arcanine. "...I know you said something about me...."
((Look out new charecter except to koishi because he knows about her.))
Freinds: She has a lot of freinds, too many to list. But she sometimes likes to follow Silver around,making sure she stays out of trouble.
Moves: Ice Punch,Blaze Kick,ForcePalm,Counter
Personality:Outgoing and likes too meet new people. She is very adventurous. She can get pretty mad when someone steals her Poképuffs.
Other:She wears a blue backpack she stole from a trainer.

"...Silver..." Charlotte said, coming up behind her.
Charlotte then noticed the Gardavoir, and completely forgot about Silver.
Winter stood there still soaking wet from the rain "do you by chance have somewhere I can stay or get warm?" The kirala asked bitting her lip as she sivered her cloak not helping
"Psh....like I'd let you into my shelter..." Silver scoffed.
"Silver! She needs help! Don't be like that!" Charlotte yelled."I have a place for you to stay, Gardavoir!"
Kai nodded. "The cave I live in is nearby. You may use that if you'll like." Kai offered, his blue eyes scanning the Gardevoir. "I can even make a small fire to keep ye' warm if you'll like."