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Open Wild Pokemon Life

Seeing as though he had managed to paralyze them, Reaper sought to take advantage of the opportunity by going on the attack. His claws glew with blue energy, and it rushed forth toward the Growlithe and its ally, looking to slash through the two of them with its Dragon Claw.

(Black Charizard TV, what species is your Pokemon? Your Pokémon is the one I'm also trying to attack, lol)
Lupin twitched for a couple seconds, and lunged at the Druddigon, and hit him with a toxious jab, sending a vile poison through his body, Lupin backed away waiting for anyone else to do something, if they even could.

(Does the druddigon have rough skin? I need to know if lupin had cut himself :I)
Lupin twitched for a couple seconds, and lunged at the Druddigon, and hit him with a toxious jab, sending a vile poison through his body, Lupin backed away waiting for anyone else to do something, if they even could.

(Does the druddigon have rough skin? I need to know if lupin had cut himself :I)
(You cannot auto attack. But nevertheless, yes, Reaper does have Rough Skin. Also you need to respond to my glare from before. Is Lupin paralyzed?)
flamzer got an idea. he only needed to think to use rock tomb and the brain can't be paralyzed. so he used rock tomb and saved himself and the growlithe. he was still paralyzed though
flamzer got an idea. he only needed to think to use rock tomb and the brain can't be paralyzed. so he used rock tomb and saved himself and the growlithe. he was still paralyzed though
(Umm, what just happened? The brain can be paralyzed... and if he's paralyzed, how is he moving? Finally, is rock tomb even mentioned in your Pokémon's move set?)
(1, yes it is. 2, if the brain can be paralyzed then he dies for a moment and as we have seen in the anime that's not how it is+ the pokemon that's paralyzed still has a chance of attacking)
(You cannot auto attack. But nevertheless, yes, Reaper does have Rough Skin. Also you need to respond to my glare from before. Is Lupin paralyzed?)
(Yes, thats why he was almost reluctant to move)

Lupin looked at his arm, a pale blue fluid leaked from it a bit. "I guess its going to be hard to get that druddigon down if even making contact hurts..." he mumbled. Lupin attempted Venoshock, but his body refused to move. "Something has to be around here... a berry... an item..." laid there, paralyzed for now like the others.

(Did @black charizard tv even post a charactor forum? Also specific parts of the brain that control certain muscles can be paralyzed, and you arent a psychic type, you cant just hurl rocks with your brain.
I also realised i was making small sentences since my window was smaller)
(Thanks for rewording your post, Meepy, I really appreciate it. Also, I agree; @black charizard tv , you can't just mentally control rocks like that, especially if your character is a Charizard. Since the two of you are confirmed to be paralyzed by the way, let's wait for Growlithe to respond, since they won't be able to intervene.)
Realizing that the Druddigon had stopped looking at him, Kai had felt the paralysis wearing off. "Now's my chance!" Kai shook himself, his bright blue eyes glaring at the Druddigon. Kai's jaw hung open as he let a powerful flamethrower escape his throat, hitting the Druddigon directly in the side.
(if i can't mentally control rocks to fall from the sky then the attack should'nt even exist+ i can still post my reply's even if growlithe is'nt here. you did the same thing with me. the world's not waiting for any of us)
Glancing nearly everywhere, Kai found a Cheri Berry bush and had stretched his neck as far as it could go and finally snag one in his jaws. Kai chewed and swallowed it, feeling the juices working it's magic and the paralysis finally leaving him. He quickly took another one and had quickly trotted over to the paralyzed Ariados and had nudged over the berry. "C'mon... Eat it if you want to stay alive!" Kai nudged it closer, now turning around to face the Druddigon that wasn't too far back.
Lupin slowly stabbed the berry with one of his claws, and rolled it into his mouth. He chewed slowly, and got up slowly. Lupin turned to the pokemon that gave him the berry and nodded a silent thank you. He looked at the druddigon, distracted with one of the other pokemon. Now was their chance.
Kai glared at the Druddigon, his Intimidate ability flourishing. His eyes burned into the Druddigons head, his legs stiffened now ready to strike the beast once more. He would not allow this Pokemon to hurt his friends.
Name: Crystal
Species: Eevee
Gender: Female
Friends: No friends likes Nice and energetic like people
Moves: Last Resort, Take Down, Trump card, and Bite
History: Blinded by an unknown light in the forest (Family members and parents unknown)
Personality: Energetic, quirky, Weak,
Other: a raggedy black scarf tied around her neck

Crystal watched the growlithe from far away new to her surroundings and very conscious about them too she was examining the battle very carefully half of her knowing she would be terribly injured if she stepped from her hiding place to protect them and not wanting to help them, but the other half of her boiled like hot water on a stove hardly fighting back the itch to run out there and fight, she waited patiently.
Name: Mel
Species: Lopunny
Gender: Female
Friends: N/A, She enjoys people who care about others and arent selfish and malelovent.
Moves: Sweet kiss,Focus Punch, Dizzy Punch,After You
History: Mel was originally a lopunny bred for competition, as she was specially cared for and forced to train hard. Years later, her trainer had replaced her with another pokemon, and had released her, as he didnt believe in shoving pokemon in a PC.
Personality: Selfless, Quiet, Joyful, Neat,Careful.
Other: Cute charm ability, she has no idea she has it.

Mel sat on the bank of the river, her feet sat in the warm water, nibbling on a pecha berry. She heard a small conversation, And then fighting, It wasn't very far, so she walked silently through the forestry and saw what seemed to be 4 or so pokemon staring at eachother, a bit of the battlefield was scorched, too.
Crystal stayed still ready to make a move into the battlefield. She stared at all the Pokemon and stood up from her hiding spot thinking in her mind that she would be terribly hurt by the consequences but she did it anyways. Crystal ran out into the battle field using Take Down on the Druddigon and skidded across the ground after her attack. She may be blind but she still somehow managed to hit the Druddigon with full force. She was dizzy after the hit though and sat as the world in her eyes spun around her.
"I think so but the thing we should be worrying about is this Druddigon." Crystal said as she got up still dizzy from the hit. Getting ready to attack again.
(:T Pokemon Academy trainer it is said in the rules you have to make a form for the character when you enter I think.) Crystal smelled the air smelling some blood and the scent of the injured pichu. "What in the name of Arceus is that smell?"
(cerstan, it's also said that you can get kicked from the roleplay if you doublepost. instead of that try to edit your old message first if no one has already posted before you can edit)
(me and PAT no joke posted our thing at the same time it just says i did it first so i kind of didn't but ill make sure to keep that in mind!)
Crystal bolts towards the Pichu leaving the battle behind helping it onto its feet turning towards the rest of them and said "Sorry to leave so quickly but i gotta heal this Pichu somehow." Then Crystal bolted behind a bush trying to find a way to heal him.
Kai looked at the now un-moving Druddigon. "... Lets leave him, he's not moving." Kai stood over the fallen Druddigon. It was still breathing, but it wasn't moving. Kai quickly jabbed the Druddigon in the side, seeing that the Druddigon gave no response. He sighed, knowing he was safe again. "Are the rest of you alright?" He looked at the other Pokemon: A Pichu, Charizard, Ariados, and a Eevee. A fresh wound on his side slowly oozed of blood.
Crystal stares at the growlithe then quickly says "You're bleeding." returning to trying to heal the pichu. "Anyone have an oran berry? Two oran berries? One for this pichu and one to heal the growlithe." (goodnight!)
Kai glanced around before his eyes landed on a Oran berry tree. "Over there is a Oran bush." He lifted his paw, pointing at the bush of bright, blue berries known as "Oran" Berries.
Crystal looks up at the bush."Thanks." she responds then retrieves the Oran berries from the bush. Crystal walks towards the Pichu first mashing the oran berries up and feeding them to him, she then does the same thing to Kai, she then mixes up the rest of the Oran berries on two leaves and says "This might sting but it should heal your wounds a little." she pressed the leaf onto both of their wounds then went back to mixing up berries.
Kai winced, his wound stung. He stood still, letting the berries healing properties take place. Eventually the pain melted away, and his wound was shut by a thin layer of flesh and fur. The blood stained his fur. "Thank you." He glanced around. "I'll be washing the blood off over there."