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Open Wild Pokemon Life

Looks at Pichu questioningly but returns to her work then stops and sits up "I hope everyone's okay, I think its time i introduce myself, I'm Crystal nice to meet you all." She then carries all the berries to the middle of the group. "If you're hungry guys you can eat these berries."
Kai swam in the river, the blood washing off. He sighed, the cool water helping him regain his energy. He climbed back out and shook off the water. He trotted back over to the Eevee. "Thanks again." He pat the Eevee gently with his paw.
"I'm Kai, pleased to make your acquaintance." He showed Crystal his gray fur coat. "As you can see, I was born with quite a unique color instead of the usual orange or rare yellow."
"I don't know..." He glanced around. "I can go hunt the four of us some Magikarp." Kai suggested. He looked back at the river, remembering the feeling of fish Pokémon swimming by his sides. Quite a strange feeling indeed.
Kai had quickly lowered his head in and had nabbed three squirming Magikarp. They were useless in his jaws. He shook them until the Magikarp had stopped moving and trotted back to his friends. "Fwey gwuys I ghot fuud." Kai said, his jaw holding the three Magikarp. He gave one to Crystal, another to Flamzer and kept the third for himself. Using his paws, he skewered his meal onto a stick and fried it.
Once it had been fully cooked, Kai ate it, heavily enjoying the taste and crunch.
Crystal opens her eyes when she smells the food and takes a bite out of the Magikarp happily and says "Thanks Kai!" continuing to eating.
Kai nodded, his cheeks full of his prey. Once finished with his meal, Kai disposed of the bones and used them as fertilizer (After burying them, of course.). He went to the river and sat down, enjoying the night's coolness. A low purr rumbled in his throat when the wind ruffled his fur.
Crystal finishes her food and leaves the bones buried as well, she then gets up looking around the area "Well now what." She asked to Kai when the wind blew against her fur. "Do we just explore the forest?"
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Kai yawned. "Nah, we should get some sleep first. To regain our health and energy." He looked up at the moon, and back into the calm river. "I'm going back to the others, feel free to join us whenever." He gave a nod and padded back to where the Charizard and Ariados were and slept around the Charizards flaming tail.
flamzer woke up. he felt hungry. he went on a walk to find some food. he was gonna try to find as much as possible. he did succesfully killed some raticates and came back with them holding them in their tails so he could hold more raticates easier. he ate one himself, put one in front of the druddigon and the rest he put in a pile somewhere close. somewhere where only them could see it
(Ok, please make not of it the next time if that or something else happens. Thanks.) Kai stood guard over the other two Pokemon once he had woken up. Crystal was fine, so was the Ariados. He had noticed Flamzer had finished his meal and moved on with hunting for Raticate, which was normal since bigger Pokemon eat bigger meals. It was still dark out, except that the star-filled sky shone beautiful light upon them. "Were the legendary's congratulating us?" Kai thought. He gave Flamzer a glance. "Thanks for the help yesterday, if you weren't there we might as all be dead!" He chuckled.
(i'll make sure to do that) "thanks to you too. it was you who gave me the idea of attaking druddigon in the first place. i mean when he looked away, of course. otherwise i would definitely attack" flamzer answered as he finished a raticate
"well... it's really hard to say. i was caught when i was a charmander but was released for being weak. and when i had evolved and learnt how to fly i was immediately hurt on the wing and couldn't fly. now my wing has healed but i forgot how to fly during the time it healed. i train every day in flying though, and it wasn't long ago i actually lifted from the ground a bit" flamzer answered and looked up in the sky as he missed the time when he could fly. "what's it like being a growlithe? you seem pretty grown now, shouldn't you get a firestone and evolve soon?" flamzer asked
"Well, when I was younger I used to live in my fathers pack which is a long way from here. They were apparently known as 'The Pack of Gushing Lava' I think." I was the first to hatch then the four of my brothers, I think I had one sister too..." Kai looked up, thoughtful. "But, yeah. Some storm separated me from my pack, it was the biggest storm I've ever seen. I thought I saw some dark green Pokemon fly over me when I was flailing in the air, but that was probably my own imagination..." He yawned. "As a Growlithe, it is our goal to be strong enough to find our own Fire stone. That is why I'm here. I suspected this place might have a cave or two that just might have a shard or a fragment of the stone."
"well i haven't seen one but if you want any help just ask. but if you dont want to then i understand. i understand everything about goals. as a charizard i would like to be strong and only strong. i know it sounds weird wanting to be only strong but i dont really mean it that way. i mean i want to be the best charizard there is" flamzer said
Kai chuckled. "I see." He stood back up, his black stripes now glowing a radiant red from the fires heat. "I'll be exploring one of the nearby caves." He pointed in a westward direction. "If the others ask, just tell them I'll be back later. I'll be sure to look for a charcoal too. It'll raise your power." He started trotting toward the cave.
"See ya later." With a wave of his paw, Kai continued to the cave, hopeful to find what all Growlithes come to look for: The Fire stone. He slowly started to run, and then sprint, the dark cave looming into view.
Kai rushed into the cave, his battle instincts flaring to life. His bright blue eyes seemed to have glowed in the darkness of the cave. He searched through it, his clawed paws knocking over large rocks to see if anything were there. Venturing deeper into the cave, he found some metal and rock type Pokemon and had scorched them down with his mighty fire type attacks. Nothing was out of the ordinary, until he found a silver bell of some sort. He batted it around, a soothing chime coming from it. He brought it along with him, as a gift for his friends. He seemed to have reached the end of the cave when a found a pool of magma with a jagged rock pointing out of it, a single glowing stone on top: A Fire stone.
flamzer went to find a place to train to fly. he found a grove where he could train and started his training. after about three times of trying he actually made it. "I MADE IT!!!" he thought. "I FINALLY MADE IT!!!". now he could finally soar the skies. he did that for a moment and then he flew back down to the place all his new friends were in
Crystal stood up when Flamzer landed she then spoke "Well that must have been nice being in the sky like that." Her fur was ruffled up from her sleep and she looked around. "Wheres Kai?" she asked with a worried face (I gtg to school rip me bye)
(Lol, I have no school today :y) Kai being a fire type, gracefully swam through the magma and gripped the jagged stone with his powerful claws and pulled himself up. He was going to do it, he was going to evolve into the Legendary Arcanine. "Finally, after years of searching and training, I finally found it!" Kai thought gleefully. He snagged the Fire Stone and let himself fall back into the magma and sunk in. The magma sizzled and popped before a rumble was heard through-out the land.

In the mountain Kai was exploring, the volcano erupted.
flamzer heard a boom and looked in the direction of the sound. he saw the volcano erupted. "oh no" he thought. he grabbed eevee and put him on his back and then he grabbed the pichu and put on the back as well. then he grabbed the ariados and held in his arms. he had to go two turns if he was going to save all of them. he decided to save the druddigon later since it can take more heat than the other ones. he put eevee, pichu and ariados where he knew they would be safe and went after druddigon. druddigon was heavy, it was impossible for him to fly far with him. it also had rough skin which didn't do anything better. after a little while he took a break. he couldn't fly fast with druddigon either. the fireballs came close to hitting them. it was barely that flamzer could avoid them. if he got hit it would be over for druddigon since he couldn't fly and druddigons aren't very fast. the lava would catch up to him. charizard on the other hand is a fire type, he would take the heat. they were almost there! just a few more metres. and they made it! after that flamzer needed to rest. so he laid down and closed his eyes for a moment.
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Name: Kai
Species: Arcanine
Gender: Male
Friends: Flamzer, Crystal, and Lupin.
Moves: Crunch, Double-Kick, Flamethrower, Extreme Speed
History: Taken away from his family by a storm, Kai sought out on his own journey to find his own Fire Stone for it is every Growlithe's quest to find one. Kai has evolved now, and is about three times bigger than he was before. (Seeing how Arcanines height is apparently is 6'3.)
Personality: The same way as before, just more mature. Takes kindly to injured Pokemon, not as challenging as his younger self.
Other: Deep, charcoal gray fur. A few red swirls on his fur coat. (Ever since the volcano erupted.) A large scar running across the bridge of his muzzle. A mysterious blue silk scarf that appeared around his neck after evolving.

Kai shot out from the volcano and let out the legendary roar of the Arcanine. The instant he came out the lava had stopped. He landed on the ground, making a rather loud thud and a large dent in the ground. Kai opened his eyes and looked around, his bright blue eyes scanning the area around him. He had noticed he was bigger, a lot bigger too. He felt... Different. More mature, he thought. He took in a few deep sniffs before striding back to his friends.
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flamzer woke up of a roar. he knew who's roar it was. it was he's friends the growlithe's roar. he had evolved now. he heard it on the roar. he spread his wings and flew over to the place where he and the friends had been before hoping to find the arcanine there (the ariados name is lupin. you can edit that later).
Kai arrived at the place he and his friends were sleeping at, only to find that they were no longer there. "I'll just wait for them then..." Kai thought. He sat down, his hulking body cast a shadow on the ground. His mane seemed to have curled in various ways and directions and the red swirls appeared on his sides. He shut his eyes, still tired after spending all that energy to evolve.
when flamzer landed he saw that kai was asleep. then he decided to fly back again and pick up the others. everyone but druddigon. he didn't want druddigon to attack them again. it was to close last time.