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Your favourite Pokemon


You have a good opinion.
My favorite pokemon is Arcanine because it is very strong and its a fire type! One of my favorite things about Arcanine is that it can learn Ice fang, Fire fang, and thunder fang and those three moves are different types!

I also like eevee because eevee Is ADORABLE!!! ♥
Poochyena! He was my baby during ORAS and I fell I love with him by the end of it. I had two on my team, one named Potchy and a shiny one named Patchy. They have a stunning move set and are just so damn cute!
Poochyena! He was my baby during ORAS and I fell I love with him by the end of it. I had two on my team, one named Potchy and a shiny one named Patchy. They have a stunning move set and are just so damn cute!
Shiny Poochyena was my first shiny ever :) I was so shocked at that time (I didn't know what shines were so I caught it just to have it). Second was shiny Rayquaza... Yup. FIRST RAYQUAZA EVER AND SHINY 8)

About the topic - Raichu, isn't it obvious? <.>
raichu (1).gif

My favorite has to be Crustle. It has pretty good defense to be able to tank most blows to a degree and an attack stat that lets it hit like a truck.
It's typing is wonky enough that most people don't know what to do against it, so in most battles, you aren't likely to see someone land a super-effective hit against it, which helps it's role of tanking.
It has access to both Shell Smash and Rock Wrecker which can be fun to just make things drop with it.
But my favorite aspect about this crustacean is that unlike most pokemon it has eyes set up on stalks, like real hermit crabs do, which is just something you don't see often in pokemon and it's something that I appreciate.
Unsurprisingly, Venomoth. Venomoth is adorable and a fantastic battler. It's a shame it hasn't had too many anime appearances.
Victini, Gastly, Uxie, and Tentacruel are up in the top 5 as well.


I absolutely adore Shroomish. Though, that's mainly because I love Grass Types and this little guy just so happens to be a Grass Type. That, and I adore the little grumpy face it has. What mainly had me approach the creature was the fact that it made the same grumpy face that I was infamous for in my family. I would make this awful, scrunched up grumpy face that looked similar to Shroomish.
HOO BOY. (blows on hands) Here I go. (rubs hands together) Hoo. (jog in place) Okay let's go.

FIRST OF ALL my motherhecking SPIRIT POKÉMON as I'm probably going to make very clear over the time that I am part of this community is Lopunny, especially Mega Lopunny but basically the whole line through. I especially like the way the line's shiny palette looks, and it's the only time where I've ever hacked my game to make a pokémon shiny. I usually don't care about shinies enough to obtain them through illegitimate means but I NEED to be pink okay.

BUT, I..................... also have a whole list of my favorite pokémon for each type so I'm just gonna put that here.


Grass is like my favorite type okay that's why I have so many flower babies

ADDENDUM: Garchomp is also a favorite of mine mostly because my girlfriend associates with that pokémon. Did you know Garchomp and Mega Lopunny make terrific partners in the OU metagame?

Take exact coordinates with a telescope and remember with precision sagacious my astronomy classes are nothing compared to this question: What is your favorite Pokémon and why? Always it costs me pick one between the first 2 generations, now 7 I can not imagine, but I am faithful to the logic Pokémon to worship whoever gets in my heart coach, and if I have to pick just one, then let's begin. I have a full team as a coach Pokémon, name them in the order they caught him and added to my party of 6, I do not rely on the initial as they are obliged nor Sentret or Zigzagoon that trap just to use the MO jje well, my team leader is Sceptile, because in principle it is the only starter Pokémon that love me, of course Squirtle loved but not enough to fill this important position in my team Pokémon. The reason why Sceptile leadership ranks
is simple sense of value and grapefruits have to cope with any Pokémon no matter if it is stronger than him.
Continuing and hoping're delighted and gladly read my answer that very important volume as if it were something special, even more important to answer
to my girl if I want to be her boyfriend. Now, the second in my group is occupied by someone who has given me so many victories from the start and if not as a leader is very little, I mean Gengar, my favorite ghost, learned to use the technique with this Pokémon, with he knew that the mind overcomes the force and my strategy rival sleep and eat their dreams to regain health points while
giving them nightmares made me win the Pokémon League for the first time. In third place is the first and only dragon that has given me to catch, by the fact
that its design and quality are spectacular, I mean Flygon, not to mention detailing the melodies that emits
its flapping are beautiful. The fourth place is occupied my favorite hellhound, Houndoom, I have no words to describe such a beautiful design and courage, and
his mega evolution is like to shout to heaven: "Thank you!". Because they sweetest honey. The fifth Pokémon is special and even capture would be cruel I just keep it, Mew is supreme, being the second most powerful Pokémon of all the Pokémon universe and be at once so playful and delicate, no words. And last but not least
his other friends, Glaceon, sincere tell you that none of the first evolutions of Eevee liked to add it to my team, there Umbreon pleased me but nothing like Glaceon, even love more than Gardevoir by being as it is. But then came the moment of truth, choose my favorite, and for the love and respect I have for each and every one of the Pokémon that make my team of 6 and all existing, discovered and undiscovered Pokémon, I choose to my
favorite. Among my favorites are three: Gengar, Houndoom and Glaceon among my top 2 favorites are: Gengar and Glaceon. And the best of my favorites, I
would choose to start a super adventure and face all the coaches in the world and more than anything with my heart, is Gengar. Why? Because so far they have
failed me deal with him next to me, because I apply intelligence and an effective strategy with its capabilities, I know there are better and more
powerful, but not the strongest or the champion of champions or a gym million medals or competitions won all Pokémon can beat my Gengar within my heart.
Good evening and thank you all.


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Meant to post this yesterday, but my memory is made of fail. It's a familiar topic that should be revived after all. The title pretty much speaks for itself: what Pokemon is your absolute favourite and why?

As regulars here will know, my favourite is Manectric. Not quite sure why. I just came across one after rediscovering Pokemon and I was instantly drawn to him. He became my Thunderdog and he's been my firm favourite since. He has a weird design, and we can all agree that loads of other Pokemon look much cooler/better, but I just love him and he's a solid member of my competitive battle team. I've never even seen him in the anime, and I'm not sure what he sounds like. But I loves him ♥

Other favourites include: Sceptile, Murkrow and Munchlax ♥

So, what about you?
I don't remember Ampharos ever being anything less than my favorite. Ever since I first saw it in that one episode from the original anime with the lighthouse and heard it's cry, I instantly fell in love with it. With it's new mega evolution, it's become even better, and the shiny form is PURPLE. I like purple. :p So my favorite Pokemon will probably forever be shiny mega Ampharos.
Alright, I thought this would be a good idea for a thread. (Mainly just because I've been waiting to tell my story) Title sums it up, so let's go!

I've got a semi long story about my love for Mewtwo, here goes. I watched some guy's top 100 favorite Pokémon list, Darkrai was number one. His reasoning is because Darkrai risked his life to save a town in which every one hated him. I thought this was an awesome reason for likeing a Pokémon, so I thought of the only other legendary I knew at the time, Mewtwo. So I went out and told everyone who hadn't seen rise of Darkrai that Mewtwo had did all of that stuff. Over time, that story faded and my love of Mewtwo grew. But then, I saw Genesect and the Legend Awakened. This is my favorite movie of all time, because it was set Mewtwo in stone. When I saw this movie, I remembered my love for Mewtwo. And this Mewtwo was amazing, not the destructive evil clone like everybody said, she was nice. And with these two factors combined, you have my favorite Pokémon of all time. Now, what's yours and why?
Gallade is definitely my all-time fave! He is a psychic/fighting type Pokémon, which are 2 of my favourite types, his design is epic and he can learn some pretty neat moves :D

My other faves are Weavile, Lucario, Chikorita, Clefairy and Grovyle
I have lots of favourites, but I've narrowed it down to too. It was a difficult decision, but I've chosen. Drumroll please...alright then, who needs drumrolls, when you have Gardevoirs. Gardevoir has always been one of my favourite Pokemon, and NOT BECAUSE OF THE FANART. It's a magical fairy monster that can create black holes to defend its trainer. If that doesn't seem awesome I don't know what is. Emerald was my first Pokemon game and I loved every minute of it. Once I encountered a Ralts, I wanted to catch it. But when it evolved into Gardevoir, I was amazed. It was a power house. I used it in Emerald and in Omega Ruby. I also have a competitive one and I'm breeding for a shiny Ralts...yeah, I like Gardevoir. It's a great Pokemon, and did I mention it's mega? Well now I did.

This one was obvious. My other favourite is Shaymin. First things first, Giratina and the Sky Warrior was my favourite Pokemon movie, besides Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction. Shaymin's Land form is adorable in design. In the movie, I loved it how Shaymin didn't even care. Gratitude Pokemon? Ha. Shaymin doesn't care. It's Sky form is awesome. I have a competitive one, and serene grace is a life saver. With seed flare and energy ball, you can bet your special defense will be horrible by the end of the battle. Air slash will flinch all day, and if there's any status condition, aromatherapy is there. I can rely on my Shaymin any day.

Honourable mentions: Mightyena, Mawile, Giratina, Jirachi, Meowstic, Lucario, Eevee, Scizor, Garchomp, Ninetales, and many others...

To anyone that made it this far, have an Internet waffle.
What a question! I've got too many too list, but I'll pick. Um, probably Lucario. His design is very cool and his powers are cooler. I like the ability to communicate with humans. Other favoriteds include Luxray, Raichu, Darkrai, Cresselia, Froslass and Gengar.
Swalot, for SURE. Just the entire concept of it is freaking awesome, the only thing it can't digest is it's own stomach. I wonder if it became an alcoholic, how would that effect it's liver? xD
Ok that is random.
Joltik would be my number one favorite Pokemon if I had to choose. I just really love how cute and adorable Joltik is. I do have a favorite top six on my trainer card that are a close second to Joltik.


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Gen 1 is dragonite
Gen 2 is Umbreon
Gen 3 is Salamanca
Gen 4 is lucario and garchomp
Gen 5 Zekrom
Gen 6 Goodra or malamar
Gen 7 (for now) UB-02 The buff one.
Well that's a very hard choice but I just got to say Persian and no duh it also is wel Snorlax just becuase well snorlax so ya


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My favorite Pokemon has been Drapion for a long time now. The main reason is that I actually own a pet scorpion (among other arachnids and a few insects) named Serket.
My favorite Pokemon is Bulbasaur, for some reason. I'm not really sure why. When they put the gen 1 games on the Nintendo eShop, I decided to choose Bulbasaur when I played Pokemon Blue because I had never picked him before and I've loved him since.
I have trouble listing a Pokemon as my absolute #1 favorite because I like a lot of different Pokemon for varying reasons (although I guess I can technically call Manectric my favorite because Electric is also my favorite type) . But what I can do is list a favorite Pokemon from each type...although there might be a few ties. And since Sun and Moon are out in about a months time, this list may be subject to future changes.

  • Normal: Porygon-Z/ Zangoose
  • Grass: Torterra/ Venusaur
  • Fire: Darmanitan
  • Water: Azumarill/ Empoleon
  • Electric: Manectric
  • Fighting: Breloom
  • Flying: Chatot/ Staraptor / Talonflame
  • Poison: Nidoking
  • Psychic: Meowstic (specifically Female Meowstic)
  • Ground: Sandslash
  • Rock: Rampardos
  • Ice: Weavile/ Glaceon
  • Bug: Heracross/ Galvantula
  • Dragon: Flygon (no contest)
  • Ghost: Mismagius/ Golurk
  • Dark: Absol
  • Steel: Metagross
  • Fairy: Clefable
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My top favourite has always been Arcanine, that loveable fluffy tiger dog! As well as growlithe by default.
I recently got my hands on a Pokecenter Arcanine plush and a Growlithe, they are insanely soft and adorable.
The detail in them are great too and I tend to be very picky with plushies, but the Pokecenter ones are amazing.

My favourite electric is Raichu and Vaporeon is my favourite of the eeveelutions. I've always been a huge lover of dogs so I always grab them to train up, sometimes I even put together a dog team.
My favourite Pokemon is Gallade, I really like him for his design - its simple but cool and oh boy that Mega. When I saw Mega Gallade for the first time was extremely excited. He also have a great stats and move set that makes him a complete monster and when he use a swords dance oh boy... Be ready for a bad time
Other favourites: Rayquaza(no need to explain), Metagross (very good tank attacker), Gardevoir (not waifu, good pokemon and good design)