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Your favourite Pokemon

Mine would have to be Pichu. It's so cute, and it's the baby form of my first ever favorite pokemon, Pikachu. But I have others, like Dragonite, Abra, and Mantine.
Blaziken. Need I say more?

No really he's awesome, although Charizard comes a close second with several others tying for third. The funny thing is I've never actually HAD a Blaziken, let alone train it.
How have I not posted here yet :o

Anyway, I was sorta dead set on Jolteon for a while, but now its hard to choose. I pretty much like all the eeveelutions, as they're my strong point, and I at least have one on my team.
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I'd have to say my fave pokemon is Gallade. The mix of Psychic and Fighting is interesting, and it's pretty strong. Some more of my fave pokes are Wailord, for its great HP stat, and Steelix for great defense. ;D


Former Moderator
Pokefan200, please don't double post and please supply us with more information regarding why it is your favourite pokemon.

Electivire3000, please supply us with more information regarding why it is your favourite pokemon; the post as it is is essentially spam.
Hmmm, I'd have to say my favorite is Charmander because I just think he's just downright adorable with a little tooth sticking out of his mouth! I also love his fire type attacks and that he turns into a fire-dragon when he evolves. My second favorite is probably Psyduck and third is Glaceon. Why Psyduck? In Pokemon Red Rescue team I retook the test three times because I kept getting Psyduck. Finally I accepted my fate and decided to play as Psyduck and I loved him ever since!
My favorite is Totodile. It's been my favorite forever, actually since I started playing the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.
When I was doing the test over and over trying to get Eevee I finally got tired and ended up with Totodile. I was like "Oh my God, this is SO hard!!"
After awhile Totodile became my favorite, and I wondered why I wanted Eevee, after seeing what moves it can learn.
When the next mystery dungeon game came out I was looking through Google, trying to find what answers got you Totodile.
Unfortanately my Totodile streak ended in Explorers of Sky. I got Skitty first and was like "Skitty's kinda rare, I'll keep it. I wish I got Totodile thoguh..."
Then when Heart Gold and Soul Silver came out I was like "I HAVE to get that! I NEED Totodile!" I eventually did and named my little Toto Croco, who is now a Feraligatr.
I'm definately looking forward to more Pokemon games, and more Totodile. That's my story of how Totodile became my favorite. ;D
Charizard. You don't mess with 'Zard, biatch! Seriously though, It was the first Pokemon I ever SAW, never mind trained. It was on my cousin's Red. I was 3. He's been my fave up to now, and my fave forever! I know it's cliche, but hey, I don't give two shits what other people think! ;D
My favourite used to be Zangoose, but now I know better. My favourite is Jumpluff! These are my favourite three:

#1 Jumpluff- Is so cute in shiny form, is my two favourite types, and it is made of freakin' cotton! (Best in shiny.)
#2 Gastrodon (The pink one) - I fell in love with this yesterday, it is so cute and is a blob! (Best in shiny.)
#3 Gardevior- Is psychic, my third favourite type, and I like the look of it. (Better in shiny)

Elbow Chicken!
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Gardevior is by far my favorite, any game where Ralts or Kirlia can be caught, I get them and evolve it into Gardevior (if Gallade is obtainable in the game I get another just to get him.) Anyway I just love Gardevior and have since I first had one in Ruby all those years ago though Training Ralts and Kirlia to get Gardevior was like getting bitten by a Cottonmouth Water Moccasin, really painful. Since they fainted so darn easily. But I just love using Gardevior and how she looks. (Yes I use "she" I view Gardevior has more of a female Pokemon, and more now since Gallade is in the picture.) Speaking of Gallade he is up there for me but Gardevior beats him out mostly because I like graceful and elegant Pokemon more.


bidoof because he has sticky out teeth like me! and rattata does too but I dont like him as much runner up is roserade because it looks really confident
Personally, I've made my way through loads of favourites, and have never rested on one.
When I was really small, naturally, I loved Pikachu.
But then, my opinions differed as I got the actual Pokemon games.

So, the order of my current favourites is:



Kasu-nyan xx
I would have to say Dusknoir is my favorite. Dusknoir seems like a lonely soul who desires some human contact instead of being viewed as something to be afraid of. It seems so sweet under that scary persona it has ;D . Also I just love ghost type pokemon XD.
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Mine would be Charizard because I remember the first episode of Pokemon I ever saw, I remember in the opening titles a Charmander gets licked on the face by a haunter? Anyway Charmander was my fave and the first pokemon I ever saw, but then I found his evolution charizard. Ever since that day I've been obsessed!
Grass: Bulbasuar
Fire: Arcanine
Water: Vaporeon
Normal: Ditto
Flying: Pidgeot
Dragon: Salamence
Ghost: Shuppet
Ground: Diglett
Rock: Onix
Dark: Mightyena
Psychic: Mr. Mime
Electric: Pikachu
Ice: Dewgong
Fighting: Medicham
Poison: Arbok
Steel: ?
Bug: Beedrill

Did i miss any ?
My favorites tend to change a lot. Some days it will be this 'mon, some days that 'mon, yadda, yadda, yadda.

But currently, here are my top favorites:

1: Staraptor - Currently my top because I'm using one in a Platinum playthrough and he just works wonders for me. Plus he has a good design.
2: Shiny Mightyena - I've always loved this guy, he'll always be top one or two. His overall design is epic, and his shiny coloration is really nice.
3: Rapidash - I love horses and fire types. 'nough said.

well..my favorite pokemons are mostly the grass types like Victreebel,Tangela,Hoppip,Lotad,Roselia
Cacnea,Tropius,Leafeon,Turtwig,and my all time favorite:Bulbasaur!!
I just love grass pokemon!their color really soothes my nerves:green!!
My favorite would have to be quilava..... Gold/Silver were the first games I played and since then Quilava has been my favorite. Charmander/Charizard would come in close second though.

Other Favorites include: Larvitar, Heracross, Entei, Umbreon, Wynaut, Absol
ummmmmmmmmmm... im new mi first post!
but fav. is typhlosion for unexplainable reasons!
others- darkrai,absol,gengar,riolu,and yes... i love...
MAGIKARP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


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Shadow000, you get a warning for smiley abuse and for butchering the English language.

Fix up your grammar and go easy on the smilies in the future.
My favourites are: Dragonite, Rayquaza, Umbreon, the grass type starter from pokemon black and all of its evolved forms. Oh, and chikorita/dialga/lugia.
My non-favourites are venusaur, darkrai, and chimchar/all it's evolved forms.
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Oh em gee. It's so hard to decide! They're all so cool.
My favorite though, would be Empoleon. Steel & Water. I was psyched when I first saw it. Before, It was...
Wartortle. It looks so Bad-***! (Censored on purpose)

Others are Lanturn, Altaria, Spheal, Flygon, Gallade, and many others =3
My all-time, uncontested favorite is Wartortle.
Who's going to mess with a turtle with cool ears and fangs?
I have multiple Lv. 100's but still need a shiny.

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