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Your favourite Pokemon

I have quite a few favorites but my number one is gunna have to be Charizard i mean he just looks cool and on top of that he can use a wide variety of moves and carry you from place to place ive always had a love for fire types though. My other favorites are basicaly the rest of my party that i use most often Riolu, Bayleef, Arcanine, Leafeon, Glaceon ^_^ i love these guys!!
the top reasons why Lucario is my Favorite pokemon

he is two of my fav types fighting and steel.

he can learn alot of awsome moves.

is a charicter on super smash bros brawl(i mean he is one of the many pokemon that could have bin picked put they choose him.
Mismagiuuus, definitely. Despite my overarching fear of ghosts/the dark/death/scrambled eggs, I really like a lot of ghost Pokemon (Misdreavus line, Drifloon line, Haunter and Gengar, Hitomoshi line, Pururiru, and maybe Froslass).

I recall training a Misdreavus in Crystal, which was rather odd for me as I usually stuck with my five main team members and didn't train anything else back then. So it was a bit of nostalgia, along with the fact that it was purple, from my favorite region, and had a witch hat, that really made me like Mismagius. Not to mention that it has pretty good Sp. Atk and Speed - and I do like fast Pokemon.

Sneasel, then, is probably my second favorite Pokemon.
Either Skarmory or Magmar. Skarmory because it looks cool and is great for setting up entry hazards. Magmar because I like fire types regardless of the weaknesses.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I see this topic is as deep as ever. ;p

Anyways, I guess I never did give a proper reply here. I have a lot of favourites and can't list them all in order, but I'll do my best to give some sort of hierachy. Note that I am not going to list any Gen 5 Pokemon yet (even though I adore Futachimaru).

Top of the top
Raichu: The obvious pick. :p I have adored that thing since I first saw it, before the actual games were released in Canada. It's just adorable, plain and simple. I love its ears, big feet, and that tail. Plus, it's a rodent and rodents are awesome. Raichu is ♥ and I'll probably always love the thing to pieces.

Top favourites after Raichu *These guys are all really special to me, almost as much as Raichu. Listed in no particular order*
- Charizard
- Snorlax
- Vaporeon
- Heracross
- Growlithe & Arcanine
- Flygon
- Buizel
- Marowak
- Bulbasaur
- Riolu & Lucario
- Pidgeot
- Zangoose
- Steelix
- Porygon2

Favourites after those favourites *Pokemon I really love, but not to the same extent as the others. Again, in not listed in order*
- Scyther
- Armaldo
- Onix
- Rhyhorn
- Aerodactyl
- Metagross
- Slowking
- Turtwig & Torterra
- Chimchar, Monferno & Infernape
- Empoleon
- Blaziken
- Camerupt
- Breloom
- Absol
- Drifblim
- Nidoking
- Lapras
- Togekiss
- Muk
- Treecko & Grovyle
- Ivysaur
- Charmeleon
- Wartortle & Blastoise
- Quilava
- Electrike & Manectric
- Electabuzz
- Magmar
- Ampharos
- Houndoom
- Abomasnow
- Sandslash
- Lugia
- Latios
- Suicune
- Giratina
- Mew

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few key Pokemon. I'll remember them later and feel ashamed of myself. Either way, these are some of my top favourite Pokemon. While I do have two sets of favourites after Raichu, I adore them all above all other Pokemon. Just... yeah. XD
My fave pokemon is.... no longer Ampharos. Got you didn't I? Oh well ill try harder next time :( my fave is ampharos because it's not fancy like the gen V pokes it's simple and thats the way (uhauha) I like it! (song reference clearly intended)
Favorite pokemon? Oh what a grand topic!!!! :D:D:D:D:D

1. Charizard
2. Snorlax
3. Dragonite
4. Feraligator
5. Umbreon
6. Smeargle

Charizard was my first grown child and I have fond memories of him. Snorlax, well, I basically mastered his battle style, plus I would love to bounce on his stomach. Ya know, til he used belly drum. Dragonite is my first and favorite dragon type so he makes the top. My Feraligator was my first pokemon that i legit raised to 100 and my favorite Starter of them all is Totodile. Umbreon....well.... I actually don't know why I love him, but I just do! Smeargle just kinda reminds makes me think of what pokemon I would be if I was one. Second being a Nuzleaf, but I don't like him that much.
My favorite pokemon?
I'd have to say my top favorite is Lugia. Behind it?
2. Sableye
3. Riolu
4. Vulpix
5. Blaziken

Lugia has been my top favorite for years; it's majestic appearance, it's intelligance, but mostly for what role it plays. I love water, and Lugia having be the guardian of the seas makes it a top favorite. I also love it for it's role in the second movie.
Sableye's design, origin, and mostly it's behavior makes it my second favorite. They are devious little pokemon, with sharp teeth to crush rocks, and playing tricks on hikers (Although it considered because they feel lonely). Sableye isn't one of my favorites because it is the first of the only two pokemon without a weakness, but more because of the way it is. It also caught my attention because it was based off the Hopkinsville Goblin
Riolu makes it as third. I love Riolu a lot, and it's evolution Lucario used to be my favorite until I regained my affection for Lugia again. I love the Riolu call! X3 It sounds slightly like a monkey, but it's so adorable X3 I love Riolu's ability to share it's emotions telepathically with loved ones to let them know how it feels :3
Okay I changed it to chatot! The reason why is I am a DJ and I love music and copying things that is why I could easily compare myself to it more than any other pokemon! (Chatot was an ass in PMD but meh who cares?)
I used to have only one favorite Pokemon, but then I realized the awesomeness of some of the other ones and now I have four. Wish I could have just one though, it kinda proves how much you love that one and think it's special.

Well, my top favorites are; Scizor, Swampert, Zangoose, Sceptile, Sneasel.

Scizor was my sole favorite Pokemon for a long time. I remember seeing it's sprite somewhere and wondering how the heck you were supposed to get one in Gold (I was only seven back then, so I couldn't have known). I also remember seeing the fourth Pokemon movie, the one with Celebi and Suicune (the name escapes me), and Scizor was pretty awesome in that one. I love(d) the scene where it was battling Ash's Bayleef.

Swampert and Sceptile came relatively at the same time. We lived in the states before Ruby and Sapphire were released, meaning I had access to Nintendo Power. I remember seeing images of the three starters, and I was instantly in love with the Treecko line. So when I finally got Sapphire I was itching to get my hands on one of those awesomesauce geckos. Then I came to Brawly, and for whatever reason I simply couldn't beat him (still have trouble with him D:<). So my friend, being the second graders we were, told me that the only way to defeat him is to start with one of the other two starters. I restarted with Mudkip, and this time I actually managed to beat him. I stuck with Mudkip, and he evolved into Swampert. He was my first and only Pokemon so far to reach level 100. Then I started a new game and he was lost in the depths of cyberspace ♥

Sneasel came relatively at the same time as Scizor. In fact, I think it was the same movie that made me like this little bugger as Scizor. If I remember correctly that hunter guy had both in his team. I didn't think of Sneasel as anything special until recently though. Maybe a year ago or so, I started a MD RP where my two main characters were a Scyther and a Sneasel. I think the point was that I wanted two fast, stealthy Pokemon. Anyway, after this I really warmed up to Sneasels. Weavile is cool as well, and I really think Sneasel deserved an evolution, but I still think the original form is best. [/rant]
Oh gosh, why haven't I posted in here before~? |D

Anyone who knows me knows that I am in looooooooooove with Drifloons <333 Drifblims are awesome, too, but yeah :'D
I have a new favourite after tirelessly searching through the unexplored realms of the gen V dex... thingy for many painful hours a few seconds.

My all new favourite is... drum roll... Dasutodasu! Have you seen that things sprite!? It's the gen V version of Skuntank, with added pwnage. How could anyone not love that thing!?
If it wasn't obvious, hands down, it's Flareon. I thought I'd go around on some of the old topics I posted on to let people know that I'm back. This seemed like an appropriate place to start.
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I have a ton of faves. :o
Gen 1: Charizard, Golduck, Arcanine, Gengar, Alakazam, Nidoking, Magneton Slowpoke Magmar. 'Nuff said
Gen 2: Typhloision, Murkrow, Tediursa, Ursaring, Larvitar and family, Mareep, Ampharos, Espeon, Houndoom.
Gen 3: Mudkip and family, Mighteyena, Zigzagoon, Gardevoir, Vigaroth, Aron and family, Manectric, Torkoal, Flygon, Cacnea and family, Zangoose, Absol, Bagon and family.
Gen 4: Turtwig and family, Staraptor, Shinx and family, Rampardos, Buizel, Honchkrow, Magnezone, Magmortar, Glaceon, Porygon-Z, Azelf, Darkrai.
Too much?
My fav is Typhlosion hands down. To me no other one even compares to him by looks. Also, he is very powerful in meta game despite popular belief. The only pokemon that comes almost close to him is Denchura. I just dont see how sum1 cud not luv a flaming badger thing...
My new favourite is Tangrowth because it is so cute and it's anime voice is awesome "Tang Tang~!" Not to mention that it's a complete powerhouse in every way! If only I could draw it...
Hmmm my fav. is either Kabutops ♥, or ............. that new grass steel one ... starts with an N? :3

behind it ummm

-flygon (although iv never accually had one)
-and last but not least ...... GALLADE!!!


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epicman878 said:
Lugia is da bomb. :) he is 1 of the best legendaries evar!
Agree. My favourite also is Lugia. It was the first legendary pokémon I ever caught myself (it was on Pokémon Silver). Later when I got Crystal, I traded it before knowing that you also could catch Lugia on Crystal, so I named the other one "Lugia-II". When I got to see the second movie, it definetly became my favourite.
Other pokémon I really like are Gallade, Salamence (Salami), Jolteon, and Celebi.