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Ask to Join Karma High (REBOOT)- Romantic Superpower High School RP (Open to new characters!)

I think in terms of ease, we’re just gonna have one homeroom for all the characters. We can start splitting characters for elective classes and stuff, but keeping everyone together gives more opportunities for more diverse roleplay pairings.

Bingo, was thinking the exact same thing. We can use seating plans to give characters who wouldn't normally cross paths a chance to interact (would love to see an interaction between Ralyegh and Isolde for example, though we'd probably need the nurse on speed dial)
I think in terms of ease, we’re just gonna have one homeroom for all the characters. We can start splitting characters for elective classes and stuff, but keeping everyone together gives more opportunities for more diverse roleplay pairings.
Yeah, I'd love to see Dean interact with anyone. And probably share ideas for a D&D campaign but that's not the point.
Bingo, was thinking the exact same thing. We can use seating plans to give characters who wouldn't normally cross paths a chance to interact (would love to see an interaction between Ralyegh and Isolde for example, though we'd probably need the nurse on speed dial)
They NEED to be next to each other on the seating chart. She can't hear or see hallucinations, and learning how to deal with him would be great for her. Who knows, If she learned how to sympathize with him they might even become good friends, which would be great for him too I'm sure.

However it'd go, the first interaction would be a mess for sure...
Oh! I thought it was a voluntary thing, is she actually physically incapable of experiencing hallucinations/mirages etc, things that aren't actually there?
No, she's just actually incapable. As long as her yellow eye is open, she won't see that sort of thing. The powers of either one of her eyes won't work upon being closed. That reminds me, I've been meaning to make Isolde's power more appropriate for being a hero or whatever. Maybe make her halo a healing related thing. Going to work on that now
Who cares about being a hero?? It's all about the Detective Isolde arc
It was one of those dark and dreary days; the kind where the wind and rain stirring outside stirs the weariness in your soul. Makes you think of the lives and loves you've lost while strolling through the crazy world. I was sitting in my office with only my assistant Mittens and my two holsters; one for my handgun and one for my flask. It was nice and quiet.
....Too quiet.
I knew something was going to happen today; call it my intuition if you want, but I think it was my constant anxiety coming back to have a word with me after I hid from it in the bottom of my cups.

Either way didn't matter, because I was right. I heard the click of high heels coming down to my hall, and before I knew it the door flung open to reveal a peculiar figure standing there.

She was the sort of one in a lifetime gal you'd see in a sleazy joint and say "I've got a snowball's chance in hell of getting with her". Her high heels and dress were a deep red; they matched the blood red pits that were her eyes, which had a deepness to them that made her seem like she could read your mind. The bombshell beauty seemed less than happy to be there, which was a woman's usual reaction to me. Based on the fact she was here, I could only assume she had a case for me.
And I didn't think it'd be as pretty as she was.
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I've been sitting on this for quite some time, but why not give it a try?

Name: Hamza Shah
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Height: 5'6
generated image
Hamza, a boy of a somewhat short stature, has an inherent air of timidness in his composure. His jet black hair, slightly cut short near the sides, is often tousled and messy through happenstance and his tendency to run his hands through his hair when anxious. Hamza additionally makes a habit of dressing formally, always wearing a buttoned shirt and dress pants throughout most of the year, although he might put a sweater vest over it in colder months. He also has a bit of a lean frame, which works to his advantage when training his speed.
Personality: As mentioned previously, Hamza is a bit of a creature of habit, enjoying life mainly when it is predictable. Consequently, he has a hard time coming out of his comfort zone, often putting him at odds with others, and especially his own ambition to hone his abilities. Nonetheless, when things go his way, he prefers to slip into the background, content not to speak or cause a scene for the most part. Despite all of this, he has been described as a social butterfly, even if he may lack the stereotypical gusto that might come with it. He almost never harbors resentment, though may initially put others on blast if they act in some egregious fashion.
Backstory/History: Hamza grew up with his grandparents in the area around Terassk, naturally dreaming to make it into the school in his formative years. He just barely got by the entrance exam however, as his academic slouch nearly got the best of him. His grandparents instilled within him a somewhat antiquated perspective on societal norms, but as he grew older, he's slowly learned to abandon most of them. He looks up to his elder sister, Aaliyah, who graduated top of her class, but is crushed by the ever-apparent reality that he will never achieve what she did. So far, getting used to the school has been a nightmare for him, but he knows deep down that, in the long run, he'll adapt.
Celestial Footfall - Hamza can stand, walk, or run on delicate terrain, such as water, thin ice, or any crumbling structure, without falling through, for about a couple of minutes or so. After using it, he often becomes sluggish and out of breath, which might cause him to pass out if he was carrying anything while using it.

Condor's Grace - Hamza can create temporary airstreams to propel himself or something nearby in any which direction, enabling anything from higher jumps, mid-air movement, or even controlled flight, for about 10 or so seconds. It works best outside on windy days, requiring far more effort in less ventilated or open areas. But, if the natural wind is already too strong, it often fails to work or backfires spectacularly, making him rather nervous about using it outside.
-Running, jogging, or really anything cardio
-Parkour, any sort of obstacle course
-Reading, introspection, literature
-Stargazing, astrology
-Confrontation, argument
-Attention-seeking behavior
-Confined spaces or windy places
-Drama, expectations
Relationships: Imran Shah (72, grandfather), Farida Shah (72, grandmother), Aaliyah Shah (18, sister)
Other: Sleeping Dog
: Pegasus (#1)
Fun but Sad fact about the Shieldson Twins: The Jōki no Akūma (Asuna's Hero Uncle) and his Daughter, Ryugetsu Akiko, attended The Funeral of Killian Shieldson. Akiko has both Shieldsons' numbers and texts occasionally, especially around The anniversary of Killian's death. Omar and Gina also have the rest of Akiko's band's numbers. Yokoyama Kenzo is closest with Omar, and Matsumoto Touji is closest with Gina. Funny thing, Omar actually Dated Akiko for a bit. This was the last relationship he had.
Fun but Sad fact about the Shieldson Twins: The Jōki no Akūma (Asuna's Hero Uncle) and his Daughter, Ryugetsu Akiko, attended The Funeral of Killian Shieldson. Akiko has both Shieldsons' numbers and texts occasionally, especially around The anniversary of Killian's death. Omar and Gina also have the rest of Akiko's band's numbers. Yokoyama Kenzo is closest with Omar, and Matsumoto Touji is closest with Gina. Funny thing, Omar actually Dated Akiko for a bit. This was the last relationship he had.
I can understand their pain. Losing family members is hard. I lost my own uncle 6 years back. He was awesome. To be honest I completely forgot about Killian's existence which is even sadder in my opinion.
I am Laughing as I read this
OH, no no no. YOU of all people shouldn't be laughing at that! Let's discuss every single one of your characters blushing at the drop of a hat, and one of them (Omar) crushing on some random girl he's never even met! Every last one of your characters are down SUPER BAD! It's even funnier to see Marcel reciprocate that xD

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