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Search results

  1. F

    DPPt/HGSS UC Needs Competitive Help.

    this all looks fine, as for pelipper, Ice beam,I dont think/recall if pelipper had high enough defences for roost or aqua ring, also, Exegutor could hold a shell bell, just to recover some HP.
  2. F

    The Chatlog Topic!

    NIGHT SEM! SWEET DREAMS! * MSDL hugs Sem ^^ FINE! >:0 DON'T say goodnight! * MSDL runs crying from teh room * SemSleepeh has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Figs Hugs MSDL, Cuz Sem is a jerk How rude, That is NOT how you treat a lady, Sem >=0
  3. F

    DPPt/HGSS How does my team look so far? Looking for suggestions.

    Ambipom; Technician [ Silk Scarf ] Double Hit/fake out U-Turn/return last resort Shadow Claw I've seen someone use a fake out/last resort combo, with nothing more than those moves..Im not to sure if there are rules for the amount of moves you have, but I wouldent suggest that either, as a ghost...
  4. F

    The Chatlog Topic!

    A convorsation between me and my friend Roy...this is basicly all we do while talking XP [4:42:13 PM] Roy says: getting high...:D [4:42:35 PM] David says: Im not sending you porn [4:42:41 PM] Roy says: what? [4:42:45 PM] David says: telling you in advance [4:42:56 PM] Roy says: huh? [4:43:22...
  5. F

    The Chatlog Topic!

    ....There is so much wrong with that statement, Sem, that I dont even wanna go into it XD
  6. F

    DPPt/HGSS Oh Dear...

    also, keep in mind, The Nature of a pokemon effect how much of the stat you want, for example, A Modest nature will get it to like Dry Taste, Modest is the only one im 100% sure of for dry, though.
  7. F

    Your Favourite Pokemon

    I also Always Liked Primape, To bad it isnt very good competetivly, Ingame I would always use the Pig-monkey...
  8. F

    DPPt/HGSS MSDL's trades and underground discussion

    I still have that charmander if you have that Piplup, I also have all the other Starters as well. (Except Treecko, and Piplup, But I think you knew I didnt have Piplup XD)
  9. F

    The Chatlog Topic!

    Agg.. MSDL, You totally beat me to it XD, I loved that little convorsation :D
  10. F

    DPPt/HGSS Figs' Trade Topic

    Sorry Emotrainer, I actually already got a Slowpoke, I forgot to update the topic, As of now, there is nothing I need, So, as ussuall, Topic Closed untill I can think of something.
  11. F

    DPPt/HGSS emotrainer's Trade Topic

    Any chance you have a Slowpoke? I'll trade you my calm natured Milotic for a Slowpoke, so that saves you the time/effort of breeding.
  12. F

    DPPt/HGSS A 3rd gen Hypno set...

    This is 3rd Gen? I would keep it the way you have it, Hypno doesent have much before the split in gen 4, So shadowball counts as a physical attack still.
  13. F

    DPPt/HGSS Snapdragon's Trade Requests (Eevees aplenty!)

    1st: I have the same timezone as you, if your profile is accurate. 2nd:I can be on at any time, as I lack what you humans call a life.
  14. F

    DPPt/HGSS Snapdragon's Trade Requests (Eevees aplenty!)

    Alright, Im gonna ask... Do you Have a Gligar/Gliscor? I woulde rather do the breeding myself, All I need is a male one, I could also use a Bagon. I have a Squirtle, a Spiritomb, and I can trade a shield fossil on one.
  15. F

    DPPt/HGSS kadelylath's Trade Topic

    you wouldent Happen to have a Gligar, would you? show me the recent list of things that you wanted, I'll see what can be done.
  16. F

    DPPt/HGSS Figs' Trade Topic

    Well, Im Looking for Slowpoke now (As stated on the Front Post) So, yeah.
  17. F

    DPPt/HGSS [Old] Standard Battle Rules - The Default for all battles on Pokecharms

    There's One thing I'm not Clear On... Now... My question is, How would they get frozen withought being hit with Ice Beam or Blizzard in the first place? the only way to freeze a pokemon is through random effects anyways, so this specific rule is Kinda pointless, Maybe??
  18. F

    DPPt/HGSS Figs' Trade Topic

    I can Do it right now, FC is Right under my Name. ^^ I Think you knew that, though.
  19. F

    DPPt/HGSS Figs' Trade Topic

    Well, I dont Have A Torchic/or its familly, available right now (when I have more pokemon in my sapphire, I can get it) And so thats a Ditto for a Ditto, and A Larvitar for a Mudkip, Sound good to you?
  20. F

    DPPt/HGSS Figs' Trade Topic

    Not currently looking for anything, will update later if I want/need something.